David did not have the ark with him in his new capital. He could not have real rest without the Lord’s Presence. Neither can we believers have true heart-rest until we are living close to the conscious presence of the Lord.
V.1-3 But not a word about their asking how this was to be done. They acted by their own thoughts!
V.4-7 Sad results. We often ask the Lord’s help about problems, yet think that we can decide how and where we are going to worship the Lord. What a sad situation exists today among the believers. So many trying to act for the Lord’s glory without asking Him the question Peter and John asked the Lord in Luke 22:99And they said unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare? (Luke 22:9), “where wilt thou”? Nowhere do we need more direct guidance froth the Lord than in the question of the worship of God. Where did they get the idea of a new cart? From the heathen Philistines we read of in 1 Samuel 6:7. Where do we get many of the religious customs of today? From a mixture of paganism and Old Testament ritual.
V.6 Did this man do the right thing in steadying the ark? But God tells us the answer. He had said that no one but a priest could touch the ark. So the whole thing was wrong.