A dreadful description of the religions of the western world in that time. Many people might say, “Surely not the churches in the world today.” Well, you read this chapter slowly and carefully. Every unsaved person who is living when the Lord Jesus comes, will be left behind for these days. The religions of the unsaved will go on as they go on today. What does Scripture say to us today? (Read 2 Cor. 6:14-18). Do not forget that every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ will be caught away from this earth when He comes the first time. Most people know which city is built on seven hills (v. 9).
V.7 The religious power shall control the political power.
V.13-18 Western Europe will fight against God.
V.16 The beast is the head of the political power the revived Roman Empire. The “great whore” is the religious organization.