Perfect instructions for a happy family.
V.4 Fathers are not to tease or irritate their children so that they get angry. But they are to bring them up tenderly, pointing them to Christ.
V.5-9 Servants, slaves in those days, are to be obedient to their masters, as if doing all for the Lord. Masters are to return the kindness in the same way.
V.10 Instruction for perfect protection, by putting on God’s armor.
V.11-19 It protects us from Satan’s schemes to deceive us. He even deceives us into thinking we don’t need it. Our struggle is against spiritual wickedness of many kinds. We’ll be able to STAND if we use it!
V.14 A good conscience.
V.15 Our walk will prepare us to speak to those who are lost.
V.16 Confidence in the favor of God in which every believer stands.
V.17 Using God’s Word to protect our thinking. The sword is like the Word of God. This is for offense as well as defense.
V.23-24 Peace, love and grace — the believer’s possessions!