V.1-10 Each enemy is, for us, a type of our spiritual enemies today. The Midianites are a picture of earthly things — they could be our house, car, garden, job or even our children. The first 13 words tell us the reason for what happened in this chapter.
V.6 They did not realize that their own disobedience was the real reason. Disobedience so often is the reason for our trials and troubles. The Amalekites a picture of the flesh or the old nature in us. Keep a note of these enemies and what each one means — instructive for your life.
In the first verse, the Lord sent the Midianites because Israel did not drive them out of the land. In the 8th verse, the Lord sent a prophet to stir up their conscience. In the 11th verse, the Lord sent an angel to raise up a deliverer. The Lord loves to take us out of our misery, but only when we turn to Him.