Compare 14:15 with 15:6, and see the awful treachery of the Philistines. If you are wondering how God could put up with all this wickedness and moral corruption, remember that it is only a picture of what God sees and puts up with in the world today. But believers who go on carelessly are warned in 1 Corinthians 11:30. Let us not think for a moment that there is going to be any peace or joy in the heart of the believer today who lives just to please himself (or herself).
V.9-20 The people of Israel are so afraid of their enemy that they blame Samson for their troubles! God gives him strength to overcome his enemies once more.
V.12 What shame on the tribe of Judah! The tribe into which King David and the Lord Jesus would be born.
V.18-20 Even in his victory, his faith is small. But see how faithful God is!