In general I have had very good meetings in Switzerland; there is plenty of need; where there have been difficulties, God is, I hope, working, and His good hand is over the brethren. Everywhere the manifest work of the Spirit of God is seen, and the violent efforts of the enemy. What we have to do is to persevere quietly, but with redoubled devotedness, in the Lord's work. This is a time in which faith is manifested by that quietness of soul which flows from confidence in God, and that devotedness which shows that one has the consciousness that everything traditional, everything external (evil excepted) is crumbling to pieces. The way is a very simple one, if the heart is simple; a very peaceful one, if the heart enjoys communion with God; happy there, we peacefully discern what will be most to His glory. I think that what has been a real subject of grief here will certainly be the means of blessing....
Peace be with you, dear brother.
Your very affectionate brother.
February 7th, 1864.