
Duration: 35min
Talk—Tim Blake
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Let's look to the Lord for help.
Our God no Father.
We thank you for thy Son, the Lord Jesus.
And truly we can say Hallelujah, what a Savior. And so we just pray for each one in this room here this evening. I don't know, it's the heart. I don't know how to touch each heart. We just pray that our hearts will be drawn to this blessed Savior that is ours. And so we just cast ourselves upon them and pray for our help.
And encouragement, Thank you and the Lord Jesus precious means, Amen.
We could turn to Matthew.
Chapter 13.
Matthew, Chapter 13.
Been asked to keep it a little short so.
I have to kind of pick and choose what I want to share.
Customer would have.
Matthew 13.
Verse 52.
Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed into the Kingdom of heaven is like unto a man, that is a householder which bringeth forth out of his treasure.
Things new and old.
Well, you can look at this first and we can.
Really see that the Lord?
As it were to be that householder.
And without, he's got treasures.
Possesses and when he came, you not only helped us and helped those in Israel to understand that which was old, the Old Testament.
But he also had.
So much that he wanted to share. That was new.
And we know they weren't able really to take it in because they weren't dwelt with the Spirit of God.
And so you see how the Lord expounded things that were new and old.
But I also like to think of each one of us.
In your life, householders.
And we all possess treasures.
Treasures that we've been given by the Lord.
Things that we've enjoyed in our lives that are very valuable.
And so I'd like to.
Give you something that's new.
What I mean by new, it's fresh with me.
Let the Lord give me.
But then at the end, I'd like to share something that's old that I got when I was about 19 years old, and I treasure it to this day. And so there are things in your life as you get older, the treasures increase. We trust if you're walking with the Lord, your treasures are going to increase and you'll be able to share one with another these treasures that are dear to you.
What might be dear to me may not be as dear to you, but it depends on what the Lord passes us through.
To give us these treasures and so we could turn to.
2nd Corinthians.
Chapter One.
2nd Corinthians, chapter one.
It was about a week ago.
My brother Mark called me.
And asked me I could share something with the young people.
I didn't know if I could.
You know, I want to give something.
I would like to give something not just old, that's that can be very precious, something that I enjoyed years ago maybe or a year ago, but I wanted to give something that was fresh, something that the Lord has given me.
But at this time.
I was struggling with a disappointment in my life.
And I wondered the Lord.
I really did. I told them I would have to pray about it. The Lord could give me something fresh during this time of the disappointment in my life.
And he did.
The ones. Every single one in this room.
Struggled with disappointments from the younger.
What are we doing?
Where do we find hope?
How do we get out of that disappointment?
Can we get out of a disappointment?
And so I thought of these verses in First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, chapter one.
Verse 3.
Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father have mercies.
And the God of all comfort.
I met him.
All of us, I trust, have met a God of ours.
The Father of all mercies, the God of all country.
Verse four. Who comforted us in all our tribulation, in all our tribulations?
That we may be able to comfort them which are in trouble by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted, God.
I'm sure each one of here there could be some disappointments that you're struggling with right now.
And I'd like to.
Share with you.
How he comforted me.
You notice it says.
The end of verse three it says the God of.
He is the God of Hawker.
No true comfort comes.
Apart from him.
He is the God of all comfortable.
True comfort comes from God.
We're passing through a period that is regulated by time. We call it time.
And the difficulty of going through this period of time.
Is that things change.
Things are temporal.
Disappointments come.
And so how does the Lord, how can he comfort us in a time we're passing through time We can't escape that, as it were. How does he comfort us?
When things are constantly changing, disappointments come day by day. The disappointment might last for two hours and it might last for two years.
How do we find country?
True comfort.
By giving us that which is eternal.
I don't know if I can make it clear.
Everything here is temporal.
The only true security we have in this life is that which is eternal.
He wants us, He weans us from those things that are temporal.
That we might lay hold on that which is eternal.
And who is that eternal 1?
It's the Lord itself.
In Hebrews.
It says Jesus Christ.
The same.
It also says.
I worked the same since Holmes.
Malachi says he changes Mark.
That's the only place he removes us, as it were, from time.
And places this.
It gives us that which is the guitar, that which changes not.
That's our true comment.
That's our only true country. We're not going to find it.
No, I.
The Lord gave me.
What he gave me, I will forever treasure.
You know.
At night.
Went to bed exhausted, tired.
And I woke at 1:00 in the morning.
I pray the Lord that He put me back to sleep.
Because that disappointment came pretty heavy on you.
And I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to deal with it.
I just wanted to go back to sleep.
Well, I do.
At 3:30 in the morning.
You know, I think of Jacob.
When did the Lord wrestle with you?
It's at night.
Have we ever wrestled?
What's the Lord?
The disappointment that's happened.
He's the one to go to.
And the Lord won.
But you know what I learned is disappointment.
Are his divine appointments.
Are his divine targets.
And it can be a very special time.
Nebuchadnezzar could say none can stay his hand.
And so if we can take it from his hand and realize.
But these disappointments that come into life.
Are his divine.
He wants to meet with each one of us in our disappointment.
And so.
I started and that's why it's so good when you're young to take up with the scriptures, read the scriptures, know the scriptures.
And there might be times where you can't pick up the Word of God and you can go back to things that you've enjoyed in the past.
And they can be a refreshment to you.
And so I thought of those in scripture.
Who had disappointments?
I almost want to say, do you know of anyone in scripture that didn't have disappointment?
We could turn to 1St Kings.
Chapter 19.
First Kings 19. I don't have time to go through it at all. I just want to read the first part. I think we should all know the story very well, but this man had a great disappointment in life.
And we see, we'll see how he tried to overcome that disappointment.
It was a failure in his life.
But I find very interesting is I don't think there was anyone else that knew about his disappointment.
It was between him and her.
First Kings, chapter 19.
And they have told Jezebel all, all that Elijah had done, and with all how he had slain all the prophets with the sword. Then Jezebel sent a message her unto Elijah, saying, So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I make not thy life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time. And when he saw that, he arose and went for his life.
And came to Beersheba, which belonged to Judah.
Left a servant there, but he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree. And he requested for himself that he might die, and said.
It is enough.
Oh Lord, is he left now? Oh Lord, take away my life, for I'm not better.
And my father.
There have been a great victory. The Lord had used Elijah and a great victory.
In this land of Israel.
And it was an outward show, you might say.
What the great, the great work the Lord is doing?
But then we see Elijah. It seems he thought that there was going to be a great, as it were, a great revival in the land. There was the work the Lord was doing a mighty work.
Seems as what we'd like to expect.
He was disappointed.
Wasn't the case.
Jezebel wanted to take his life here. It seemed his life was going to end. Here was just the beginning of this great work of God.
And its life is going to be taken by this woman he fought.
What did he do? What did he do in the time of disappointment?
Did you seek the Lord?
You seek the Lord time of disappointment.
You cry out to the Lord.
Give you what's needed to go through it.
You may not seem fit to see fit to deliver us.
You like to agree, and he ran.
Says he journeyed for 40 days.
We're, as far as you go, the other end of the land of Israel.
He was running away from the situation.
You can't run away from the situation.
Because it's his divine appointment.
He is the one that allowed that disappointment in your life.
Are you going to take it from his hand? Are you going to laugh lightly? There's a great man of God.
Maybe you're here, but in heart you're a.
You're headed the wrong way.
What is the Lord saying? Oh.
He says I will never leave you nor forsake me. Did he say OK Elijah, that's it?
I'm done with you. No intent.
But I think what Elijah needed.
He was in the midst of a lot of commotion, and the Lord was using him for that.
It was a great blessing to the people of Israel.
But you need to hear something.
And that's what we need to hear.
Later on in the chapter.
I just, I want to look at this and then move right on because we don't have time.
Verse 12.
And after the earthquake?
Of fire. Well, maybe I should be in verse 11.
And he said, Go for it, and stand upon them out before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and break in pieces the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake, and after the earthquake a fire, that the Lord was not in the fire.
Elijah knew something of these things and how the Lord had moved in these things.
But that's not how the Lord is going to speak to Him now.
But Elijah needed.
Wants to hear.
It's still small. We needed to get away from all the commotion.
And he might hear a still, small voice. So it is with each one of us. Sometimes we want to ground things out with whatever it might be. I don't have to mean it.
So that we don't, we just want to cover it up as it were and move on. Just I want to go to sleep. I don't want to deal with this.
But it's that very hour.
He wants to speak to you.
But it was a still small voice. Everything else needs to be shut off, everything else put away.
In your disappointment.
It's his appointment.
And Elijah?
He said Elijah.
I had called him twice.
What are you doing here?
Oh, Elijah was consuming himself.
And the failure of the people.
And not his own.
Well, the Lord told him to go back, and he was obedient to what the Lord said. He'd heard that still small voice and it moved him back into the path of obedience and faith.
He got what he needed.
And there's much more, but that's probably as far as I should go.
So he wants to hear. He wants us to hear. That's still a small voice, but we need to be quiet. We need to be in a state that we can hear.
Want to look at one more really quick? It's probably.
I appreciate it very much. And John, it's chapter 20.
Another disappointment, another one I thought of.
That night, that's 3 1/2 hours.
My treasure now.
Another one I thought of.
It's Mary Magdalene.
We know Mary Magdalene was the one in whom the Lord had cast out.
Seven demons.
The Lord healed that woman.
And she was attached to him.
But here comes a time of incredible disappointment. For for all those who had their trust and followed him, disappointment was great.
What did Mary do?
In this great time of disappointment.
Everybody else went to their own homes. They're just.
What were they supposed to do? What did Mary do?
What did Mary do? That's what we need to do.
What made you?
Verse 11. Chapter 20. Verse 11.
But Mary stood without at the sepulchre, weeping.
And as she went, she stooped down, and looked into the sepulchre, and seized 2 angels and white sitting in one at the head and the other at the feet. Or the body of Jesus had lain. And they say unto her, Woman, Why we this thou?
She sat under them.
Because they have taken away my Lord.
And I know now.
Where they have to leave him.
She valued his dead body.
He's alive today. Do we value?
A living.
Lord and glory.
She valued his dead body. What did she want to do?
Verse 14.
And when she had thus said, she turned herself back and saw Jesus standing.
And knew not that it was Jesus.
This was a divine appointment, wasn't?
Jesus said unto her woman whitely pistol, Whom seekest thou?
Did You Know?
He's drawing that hard. He wants to drive her heart.
Who are we seeking after? What are we seeking?
Who seek us now?
What does she say? She's supposing him to be the gardener. Secondary, Sir, thou hast borne him hits. Tell me where thou hast slayed him.
And I will take them away.
You want to take.
That's how much she was attached to him.
He had won her action.
Has he won your affections?
He wants to win elections.
And it's often through disappointment.
If he wins our affections.
Doing this on.
And so there he is. He knew Mary was going to be there.
And he met her where she was.
She wasn't like Elijah or like the two emails. Were they disappointed? Yes, they were.
But he had a divine appointment with him. He met them where they were.
Verse 16.
Jesus said unto her name.
Just like Elijah, he said he liked you.
What is Mary say?
She turned herself, and said unto him.
The bone, which is to say.
Because we've heard it said.
The bone I.
To say master of my heart's affection, that's what he wants.
That's what he got from Mary.
In her disappointment.
She found the one.
Who was the master of protections?
What are our affections drawn after?
Scripture tells us what the center affections are. It's nothing temporal.
Set your affections on things above.
Those things that are eternal, those things that are lasting, those things are going to last for all eternity. Everything here is going to be wiped away.
So I enjoyed that.
That these two.
Found they were disappointed.
And we have disappointments in life.
But the Lord met them where they were.
One may be headed off in a path not in accordance with the Lords will. The other one found herself wanted to be as close as she could be to the Lord.
And so that's something that I enjoyed the Lord gave me.
That was.
Helped me and helped to.
Relieve my disappointment.
But then something that was all came to me. I want to share that with you.
That has been a stay in my life.
Since I was your age.
I had a disappointment my life that lasted for five to six years.
And this is what kept me.
I was young, I didn't know much.
But this was something that.
As I thought of these other ones, this first came to me.
And I wept.
I treasure very highly in Psalms 18.
That's all I could do.
Is to quote this first over and over to myself.
And so it's something that I I continually have to go back to. I hadn't thought of this earlier as I was really in under this disappointment.
The Lord gave it to you.
If I rest.
Psalm 18.
And verse 30.
As for God.
His way.
Is perfect. The word of the Lord is tried. He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him.
We don't always know the way that he leaves us.
The dear ones you have to trust.
What does sex and you'll have blessing in your life.
As for God.
Let him lead you in the way.
And it'll be a great blessing, you know, I think of that.
At first.
In Psalms it says.
When passing through the valley of Baca.
It says. I think it might be in the Darbus translation. It says they make it. They make it.
The Valley backers might say it's the Valley of Weeping, the Valley of Disappointment trial. It says they make it a wellspring. What does that mean?
I've enjoyed it in this way.
To dig well.
It takes a lot of strength. It takes exercise.
To dig a whale, it takes a lot of work to dig away.
But at the end.
There's repression.
There's water that will refresh you.
And so in the midst of a trial or difficulty.
If we're an exercise about it.
The Lord's going to bring in repression.
The Lord's going to refresh us.
And then it says.
Make it a, well, spring.
What I enjoyed with that is once you've dug that well, that water is there.
And all you have to do is go back and dip the water. There's no more exercise or as it were, strength. You don't have to re dig that well. It becomes, as it were, a spring to you. And you can always go back and dip from that well again.
And so the Lord causes disappointments and trials in her life.
And through those we might, as it work, dig a well.
And that leader in life?
Those things.
That we gleaned in the presence of the Lord.
We'll come back to us and refresh us.
When we.
This little verse has forgotten ways. Perfect is a spring to me. I don't need to read. Dig it as it were. It's there for me.
And so I just.
Wanted to share that with you.
But yes, we're going to have disappointments in this life.
But always remember.
That they are His divine appointments.
He wants to come and make himself known to you in a way you've maybe never known.
You can go through different ones in scripture.
And see where the Lord brought in disappointments, trials in their life.
And where the Lord looked and refreshed them, and brought them, drew him to himself.
And there was growth for each one. And so no doubt you've experienced disappointments, but we're left here.
Will continue to come because the Lord wants to meet with you.
Sometimes it's only through disappointments that he can get our attention.
Because it might just be a still small voice that you want.
He wants us, He wants himself to be master of our actions.
Let's think.
The gardener Father.
We just thank you for that. Tender mercies to us.
Thank you each one here it's very dear to be I don't know us which.
Each one here is passing through. What's the common if we're left here, Lord?
Thank you. They were able to meet each one in their circumstance and their disappointment.
And refresh them and give them that which is needed to sustain them to go on in the path of faith.
So we thank you, Lord.
Thank you. The disappointment stops alone in our lives.
You take them from my hand.
Sick like grace to go on.
In the path. Let's see.
So we just give you thanks, Lord Jesus, my precious name, Amen.