
Duration: 49min
Children—T. Blake
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Are there 64 children to sit up front?
Well, I want to go ahead and get started because if things go as normal.
I'm going to run right to the end and hopefully not over, but that's pretty common. There was a brother that spoke yesterday and I saw he went two to three minutes over, so I'm OK to do that too. I think so.
Before we pray, I want to ask a few questions because I'd like to get to know your children. And maybe when I get to know you, you'll kind of get to know me and we'll kind of feel comfortable together. And I think children are very brave because when I was at your age.
I would have been in the back row.
Maybe wanting to hide under the chair. I was very shy and the Lord's helping me to overcome that.
I'm still a little bit shy also.
The first question I'd like to ask is.
Did your father or did your mother wake you up this morning? I'm asking the children in the front row who whose father or mother woke them up this morning.
Very good, very good.
When they woke you up.
Who got up the first time they called you?
Not the first time, second time.
Second time, you know, sometimes in Sunday school and it's good. There's a boy in the Bible that we have that he the first time he was called, he got up. The second time he was called, he got up. The third time he was called, he got up. I think we know who that is. But who was that Samuel?
But, you know, sometimes I see children come into Sunday school late, their parents and I sometimes wonder.
Whose fault is it?
Did the children get up when they were supposed to and get dressed? You know, it's good to get right up because we have some important things to talk about Sunday school, right? It's good to get our hair cooled, maybe eat a little breakfast and brush your teeth, make sure our shoes are on the right feet, things like that, so there's time. It's good to get up and have plenty of time. Sunday mornings. We're not rushed to run into Sunday school.
It's important.
Another question.
Who likes to take naps?
Good job. Not very many, but you know, if I asked everybody else in the room, you know what would happen.
All their hands are gone.
I love naps. I look forward to a nap every day and if I can, I take a nap. And you know, there was about a week ago on Saturday, I was, I had a good breakfast. I had puff pancakes, Maple syrup and peanut butter and, and strawberries and blueberry topping and bacon and.
I was tired, kind of had a long week. We stayed up late some of the nights helping with some things, some friends houses and.
I was tired at 11:00 and I just, I went over on the couch and I was about to sleep. And you know, these things that you have in your pockets, I hope none of you have them, but they're called cell phones. And it vibrated when I was trying to go to sleep. And I was like, this happens all the time. And so I just went to sleep. But then as soon as I woke up.
I better check and see what that was all about and I woke right up.
And there was also a voicemail.
And guess who it was?
It was Tim Newton back there.
And guess what he asked me to do?
Something I really like to do. He asked me to speak to the children. You know why I like to speak to the children?
Because I was a child once, I know what it's like to be a child and.
I used to have a Sunday school class.
So it's kind of fun working with children. You know, what's the hardest thing about speaking to children is?
Some adults, too.
So they don't have a very long attention span. Pretty soon you're looking over here and you're looking at your friend's shoes and you're fiddling with the mic. And I was a child once too. And, you know, I, I could tell you how many lights were in the meeting.
And I could tell you how many windows were in the meeting room and I could even tell you how many tiles were in the ceiling. You know, it was like about 52 * 25. And I learned to do multiplication too, because it was pretty hard to, they all kind of look the same. And as your accountant, you lose track. So that kind of forced me to do some multiplication too. And so I, I know what, what it's kind of like to.
Have your attention.
So who likes pizza?
Do you like pizza?
Not sure.
I think everybody likes pizza. You don't like pizza? Wow, that's amazing. OK, who likes salad?
Not quite so many hands, but.
You like salad? That's good.
Very good. You know, people always told me, you know, maybe when you grow up you'll like solid. I'm kind of afraid when I'm going to grow up. I just don't know when I'm going to grow up. But it's good that you like salad.
What else might we like?
Who likes spaghetti?
My grandkids love spaghetti. That's a meal that you don't have to feed them, they just eat it right down. Who likes?
I didn't think I'd have any. Do you have liver before?
Does your dad like liver?
Wow, your dad likes liver. That's amazing. You know, Saturdays we worked pretty hard and we'd come into the house.
After working hard.
And, you know, we, I grew up in a large family, there was 6 1/2 dozen in our family and we had to work pretty hard to, you know, keep food on the table and we come into the house and.
The house was just fragrant with the smell of liver and my heart would just sink.
Liver and onions.
Sometimes even better than that. Who's had kowtow? Do you have kowtow? It just kind of slips right down, yeah.
Yeah, it's actually pretty good. You just don't think about it much. It's pretty good, but you know, we didn't let much go to waste. And your children, when you eat your food, sometimes I'm really sad to see children throat. There's people starving all over the world and you don't finish your food and you throw it in the garbage. The Lord never did that. He picked up all the little bits of bread that were left 12 baskets full. He didn't waste anything.
Don't waste your food. So I grew up that we ate everything in our plate and we ate about everything.
Else too.
We were well fed, We were.
Who likes?
That's a little better than liver. Good. There's a few.
That's good. That's good. I won't say anything bad about that. That's good. Who likes Sunday school?
Sunday School? Do you like Sunday School? We all like Sunday school, right? We do.
That's very good.
Why do we have Sunday school?
To learn about Jesus. To learn about Jesus. Someone else have a can tell me why? That's a very good answer.
Do you know about Jesus?
Is there anything else that we're going to learn? Is there anything better we can learn?
Memorize verses, memorize verses. You know, there's a man, just a second. There's a man, he's 53 years old and he's never opened his Bible. I told him to read, start reading in John's Gospel. He's like, where's that? I was like, well, it's in the New Testament. What's the New Testament? He's never opened a Bible and he's 53 years old. Children, you've been able to learn verses.
Your mommy and your dad.
Have want you to get the word of God in your hearts.
Learn about the salvation of God.
Learn about the salvation of God through the Lord Jesus, right.
To sing songs about him.
Who likes to sing?
I like to sing. And you know what? There was going to be a surprise this morning, but they surprised me and I was going to make sure we had little hymn books for you. Because this is all about the children. We're kind of acting like the adults aren't here. And we're we're, we're just having a nice time up front. OK, then we're not so nervous.
To learn about how God and Jesus loved you.
But does God love us too? How do we know that God loves us? Because he sent His.
Son. Who was his son?
Who's this? Who's God's son? God? Who is his son Jesus?
The Lord Jesus.
And what do you think the Lord Jesus would do if he were here?
Diana crossover, since that's what he did when the Lord Jesus came here, He died on the cross for our sins.
Forgive us.
If he was here, he would want to forgive you of your sins.
But you know, there's the verse I'm going to read in Mark chapter 10.
And it's going to show you we have Sunday school because we want you to know, like the children said, that Jesus loves you. We want you to know the Father's part.
And how much he loves you. He loves you very much.
And maybe somebody that has a Bible in the front row could read. Do you have that there, Mark? Chapter 10.
Read Verse.
13 through verse 16.
And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them, And his disciples rebuked those that brought him. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such.
Is the Kingdom of God rarely? I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein. And he took them up, and his arms, put his hands upon them, and blessed them.
What did he do?
He took the children up into his arms as though he would sit down on the chair and he'd just put you on his lap. And you know none of you, some of you, If I did to that, to you, would you be a little scared?
A little uncomfortable. Do you think if the Lord Jesus did that to you that you would be uncomfortable?
No, you wouldn't be afraid of him at all, but that's what he did with the children. He took him up into his arms and he blessed them. And so we want you to understand how much the Lord Jesus loves you.
We're going to pray.
Then we're going to sing a few songs.
Very few. And if there's time at the end, we can sing some more. But I want whoever has a verse to say. I want you to be able to say a verse. We're here to hear you too, but we're going to pray. And you think that when we pray.
Do we should we close our eyes? What do you think? Yes. Yes.
Most people are nodding yes. Do you think we should always close our eyes when we pray, even when I'm driving a car?
No. So there's sometimes.
That's a good as a driver. Maybe you shouldn't. That would be very good advice might be in the drivers Ed book. So when I'm driving, I can pray. You know, there's some people I talk to and I I don't know what to say and I'll just ask the Lord with my eyes open. I'll pray and say, Lord, show me.
What I should tell them? What should I say? Nehemiah did that. Others did it in Scripture, right? But when we're sitting up here.
Why do we close our eyes?
It would be good to close our eyes.
So you don't get distracted, Exactly what were you going to say? Someone over here, I was going to say, say don't get distracted.
I don't need to say anything they told you, right?
To give respect.
Very good to have respect, you know, I think.
They said it right.
And I think when you close your eyes, it's kind of like a little silent. Amen.
Right, OK.
We're going to pray and if we can remember to close our eyes and we're not distracted and we can hear what's being said and it's like we're saying the same thing to the Lord Jesus, OK, let's pray.
Where, Jesus, we give thee thanks for these dear children.
We would just pray for help that we could in some measure manifest thy love to these dear children. We pray that they would hear thy voice, Lord Jesus, and we pray for the salvation of each one. McGee thanks, Lord Jesus, for thy great love. We thank thee and the Lord Jesus. Precious name, Amen.
Long time, somebody have a number?
Number 88. Number 88. The Donkey song.
Everybody have a handbook?
There are once once a while.
Went just the way that he struck me, said wake up. He made some by God like Son of God.
And Jesus is able to make you.
#47 #47.
Into a tent whereas.
Salvation. Sorry.
Nobody. Ever.
Again, salvation. So really make me.
Tell what you can say. I'm the children of men.
Nobody ever has told me people.
Bending, we caught the last words up.
Just as he and turned up.
God sent his Son.
To you.
And I'm sure that he sent him for me.
Tell me again, tell me salvation story, reaping all the land of the end of the world.
Who has heard?
About the love of the Lord Jesus more than once.
How many times do you think this little boy heard the.
Gospel that the Lord Jesus loved him.
I think it was only one time. And why did he only hear it once? We don't know. But you know what was happening to this little boy. He was dying. Are we ready to die? I told the man yesterday or a few days ago. I said I don't fear death. I'm not afraid to die because I know where I'm going. I'm going to go.
To be with the Lord Jesus. Are you ready to die?
He said I am hopefully going. I said no, you need to know.
You know, growing up, we used to sit under Uncle Oscar Frazier. He was our Sunday school teacher in the Sunday school, and he would always say there's two reasons why we need to accept the Lord Jesus when we're young.
One is we might die.
Another one is that the Lord might come, and there's another one.
Today, if you will hear his voice, harden, not your.
What's the rest of that verse?
Hearts. Oh, we don't want you to get a hard heart.
We're going to sing one more.
What #49.
#49 see if we know this one by heart.
Jesus gave her water.
Lord, he can't salvation, and he's from sin and stride.
To me.
Hunger shall be bringing.
To the Lord and Savior, you can't save your life.
That song was about a lady.
Who heard about the Lord Jesus? The Lord Jesus spoke to her and she went and she told others about the Lord. Have we told anybody about the Lord Jesus?
We've been given life if you know the Lord Jesus your Savior.
Shouldn't we be telling others? Shouldn't we have a love for lost souls?
Yeah, that's why we're telling you this morning we want to make sure each one of you, you know, the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, that you realize that you're a Sinner.
Yes, you've sinned, but you need to realize that you are a Sinner.
And that the Lord Jesus came to save you.
And there was a great price paid, and that price was he died for you.
We are going to start down here.
Who would like to say their verse?
It may be so that everyone else can follow along. It's nice when kids you say your verse if everybody else opens up their Bible and follows along. Can you tell me the reference of your diversity You're going to say if any man be in cries, he is a new creature also are passed away beyond all things become new 2nd Corinthians 517. Good job you know what when she started to say the verse.
That's part of the reason why somebody said that we know the Bible. She started to say the verse and there was an older brother.
And he just started turning right to it. He didn't even have to know what the reference was. Isn't that nice?
Was very nice, thank you. You did a good job. Who else would like to say your verse?
For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son. Thy whosoever should believe in him should not perish, whatever lasting life. John 316.
If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things become new. 2nd Corinthians 517 Good job, thank you.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517.
Good job you want to try, you can do it.
If any amount being clay sees a new quiz, you're asking the best way. You're asking to become the Sacred 517. Good job, that was excellent. Anyone else?
Any man being Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517 Very good, excellent.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things have passed away. Behold all things. Are you second Corinthians?
Any man, if anyone being Christ used a new creature. Old things are passed away before all things have become sick and Corinthians fast 17 good job.
If any man, if any man, be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things have become new.
2nd Corinthians 517. Very nice, a good job. Anyone else?
They may be in Christ. He is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are becoming. 2nd Corinthians 517 Thanks. God told the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in him should not perish, but shall have everlasting life. John 316 Thank you, good job.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517 Thanks anyone over here?
If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature, old things are passed away, and behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517 If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature, all things are passed away, behold, all things become known. 2nd Corinthians 517. Thank you.
You want to try.
If any man, if any man, be in Christ.
He is a new creature. He's a new creature. Old things are passed away.
All things come new.
Corinthians. Second Gruffians.
517 Good job, very brave. If any man be in Christ, he's a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are becoming. 2nd Corinthians 517 If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new for 2nd Corinthians 517 Thank you, Good job.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold all things are become new. Two Corinthians 5/17 Thank you very much. Very good. If any man being Christy is a new creature opens are passed away, behold all things are become new. Second Corinthians 5/17 Thank you very much.
If any man being taxi is a new creature.
What things?
The whole.
All things are becoming 2nd Corinthians 5 seventh control.
If I remember being crushed, here's a little creature. Old days are passed away. Hold all things are recorded as far as limited.
Creature old.
All things are best way. Behold all things.
Are we going 2nd Corinthians 5? Something very good?
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517.
I'm wondering if the one that's translating is translating all these verses as we go down the road.
I hope he is because that will help some of you remember what this first, memorize it better.
If any man be in Christ.
He is a new creature, old things are passed away and behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517 Very good, nice, anyone else?
Any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. 2nd Corinthians 517.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. Second Corinthians 5/17 Thank you very much. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He made his need to lie down in green pastures. He leaves me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul. He leaves me in paths of righteousness for his namesake. Yeah, though I walk through the valley of Sharon. Jessel, fear no evil, for thou art with me.
Thy rotten thyself. They come for me though.
Thou preparest the table before me in the presence of mine enemies. Thou unwantest mehevest oil. My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I'll dwell in the house Lord forever. Psalms 23. She learned a whole chapter. Have you ever done that?
It's pretty good if anyone be encouraged to use a new creature old things the best way Behold all things will become a new Second Corinthians 517 very good. If any man be in Christ he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold all things are become new Second Christians 5/17 Thank you Jackson.
OK, you want to try.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away. Behold, all things are becoming new. 2nd Corinthians 517.
If any man be encouraged to use a new creature, old things are passed away. Behold, all things are become new. Second Corinthians 5/17 Thank you very much. Children needed a very very good job.
I wasn't planning on speaking about this first and our time is running out.
I was going to say something, but I don't know if I should except it says you're new creatures or a new creation. So if you want to know what that new creation is, listen again to the meeting Bruce had yesterday and you'll know what that new creation is. You think you can do that?
If we remember what he spoke about, we'll know what that new creation is. But there was a man. I don't know if I anyways.
He just got saved and, you know, he was kind of a hard man and he was in business. He wanted to make a lot of money and he was kind of, his language wasn't always very good. And he got saved. He was 5051 years old and he got saved. And then he comes over to my house and and he wants to visit and I call him Brother Terry. Before we weren't friends really. We dealt with each other in business. But he got saved and he came and he's a whole new man.
There's he's like Jim. I lost all my friends.
He made new friends. He's like, I don't know why I need all these guns and ammunition anymore. Says we're not to kill people. We're to say people are to get saved. We want people to get saved. And he's like Tim. I thought I was really living the life, but he's like Tim. I really have life now. And he wants to please the Lord Jesus. He's a part of that new creation. He's a whole new man.
The Lord gave him new life. New life.
Can anyone guess there's something that I really like? I really enjoy it's under here.
It's something the Lord created, but it's something that women really like. I'm a little strange because I like it too, but I really like.
Flowers, flowers, flowers.
Flowers. I like flowers.
And, you know, at home, some people get my age and a little older, they feel like they need another house. You know, the kids start moving out and they kind of get itchy and they want another house. And my son was moving out, and I kind of felt like I could use another house. And so I raised my family in a little brown house. We had a little brown house. And I decided I was going to build another house and this house.
Was going to be a greenhouse. Not a brown house, but a greenhouse.
It's on the same property, just a little ways away, and this house is kind of like an orphanage.
Can someone tell me what an orphanage is?
Something that takes care of children who don't have parents.
Did we hear that? I think so.
So in this House.
There are 24,000 no 26,442 babies. Can you imagine all in one house over 26,000 babies. Have you ever seen that?
No. And they came, my four daughters, they took him and they put him into a four inch little bed, little pot. And then my daughter Johanna, she's kind of like a nurse and and she goes around and she makes sure they get enough water. She makes sure they're not too hot and they're not too cold. And she makes sure that they're all healthy. And if they're not healthy, she tells Andrew he's kind of like a doctor and he comes and he gives him medicine.
And in about two months, I'm going to put him up for adoption.
And they're going to go live at someone else's house.
And that's where they're going to live the rest of their life. Is that someone else's house? And So what I have here.
We have to be kind of fast.
I'm going to put these up for adoption. We've kind of learned about adoption, didn't we yesterday a little bit.
This is a little different. This is how they've come into maybe your family. Adoption is kind of what happens within the family. So I would like, if you would like to adopt A flower, I'd like you to come up here and take one. Everyone, there's enough for all of you to take a while. Take whichever one you would like. Oops, sorry.
And when you're all done, I have bags that we can put them in.
And so you can take him safely to your home. Be very careful. They're babies.
Act like they're your little brother or your little sister.
Just take one, they're all pretty.
And then go sit down again.
Because we're running out of time, but I have about 9 minutes.
So I'm going to read a verse to hold them very carefully. Remember their babies.
I am going to read a verse. I don't have time to do quite what I wanted to do. I wanted to go around and find out all of your names. I don't know your names.
But I could tell you all the names of these flowers. I left some tags in them because some of them are red. They're all. There might be 7 different platoons, but some are pink, some are red, some are striped.
Some grow fat, some grow tall. They're all different sizes. And so I put the names on it. I was going to go through and tell you all the names, but you can read them. Some of them don't have names. There was one in here that had a question mark. Did anyone get the question mark All right here. Is there anyone here that doesn't have a name?
Do you all have names? OK, well we don't know what this one is for sure.
OK Isaiah chapter 43.
Isaiah chapter 43 and I'm just going to read it, OK.
And I want your children to listen because we only have a few more minutes, OK?
Isaiah 43 we heard yesterday, this is the 5th gospel, right? Isaiah is like the 5th gospel. That's what I heard.
First one, but now set the Lord.
That created the O Jacob, and he that formed the O Israel. Fear not, for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by thy name. Thou art mine. Who knows your name?
Liam, that's your name, but who knows it? I don't know who else knows it.
What were you going to say, Israel? Very nice name. I wanted to hear all your names, but we're out of time, so the Lord Jesus knows your name, children.
Have you heard the Lord Jesus? Have you heard the Lord Jesus call your name?
He says.
I have called thee.
Thy name can you say, as he says here Thou art mine. Are you the Lord Jesus?
Are you saved? Can he say I have redeemed thee? He died that he might save you, that he might redeem you?
Are you saved?
And your children.
When does the Lord Jesus often call children?
What time of day does the Lord Jesus often call children is when you're playing ball, playing with your dolls, or eating a meal?
When does the Lord Jesus often speak to children?
In Sunday school. Sunday school, very nice. Where else? Just think about it, children, because all four of my children had it at this time.
In the Bible, in the Bible, that's very good. He speaks to us through the word of God. But where do we hear a little voice sometimes that's calling us?
In our bedroom.
You got it is when we're trying to go to sleep. Who was called when they were laid down to sleep and they heard somebody called him and he called their name twice.
Samuel. Samuel.
Have you heard?
The Lord Jesus call you. He is, and he knows your name.
And we want to make sure we read yesterday and I think Luke chapter 10 that the Lord that your name is written in heaven. Once you come to the Lord Jesus and believe on him, your name is written in heaven. And also we want your name to be written in the book of life.
You know, there was one time growing up we had a large garden. We needed a lot of food and we had a garden on one side of the driveway and then we had a garden on the other side of the driveway. And then we had a garden in the orchard. And so, you know, as soon as we could walk, we learned how to use a hoe because you have to weed, keep the weeds out of the garden, right? And one time I was out there with my brother Rodney, and I asked Rodney. Rodney.
I could hear somebody was calling me and it was the Lord Jesus and I asked my brother how can I get saved?
I want to be saved. You know what he told me? He's like, you just go over there to that pear tree. How big is a pear tree? Does anyone know about how big a trunk is on a pear tree?
It's not very big. It's probably about about that big around, He said, just go behind that pear tree and ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart that you're a Sinner and that you want him to save you. And you know what I did? I was about your age. I was 567 years old. I went over to that pear tree. I got down on my knees. That pear tree is still there. I got down on my knees.
And the Lord Jesus saved them.
There's coming a day that says in Luke.
Chapter 13 maybe?
That the door.
There's a door, you might say into heaven. The Lord Jesus is the door. That door is going to be shut.
And it's going to be shut forever. We don't know when that's going to be shut. And the Lord Jesus, there's going to be those knocking on the door of wanting in. And you know what the Lord Jesus is going to say.
I never knew you.
That would be a terrible thing. The Lord Jesus were to say to you, I never knew you. Does he know you?
Have you come to him?
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ that thou shalt be saved.
Don't wait, dear children.
So when you look at this flower, it's going to grow, it's going to start to bloom, and so are you. But are you going to shine for the Lord Jesus? Are you going to live for the Lord Jesus? You want to do it now? I'm dealing with some men that are in their 50s. They're not saved.
They have to come as a child.
Just like you.
So we're going to pray.
Or Jesus.
We just, we look to these for these dear children.
We thank Thee for Thy faithfulness that Thou dost call us by our name. We just pray that their hearts would be open to Thy call.
And that they would receive thee as the Savior of sinners. We thank thee for this little time. Lord Jesus, thank Thee for thy faithfulness.
Cast yourselves upon thee and give you thanks and the Lord Jesus name, Amen.
So I have brown bags here. Slip them into that bag and then they'll be safe. OK, You want to. It's kind of like a car seat.
You want to help me pass them out?