Divine Teaching.

JEWELL observes― “As the Scriptures were written by the Spirit of God, so must they be expounded by the same; for without the Spirit we have neither ears to hear, nor eyes to see. It is the Spirit that opens, and no man shuts; the same shuts, and no man opens. The same Spirit prepared and opened the heart of Lydia, that she should give ear to and consider the things that were spoken by Paul. In respect of the Spirit, the prophet Isaiah says, ‘They shall be all taught of God.’”
“How is it,” says Mr. Cecil, “that some men labor in divine things night and day, but labor in vain? How is it that men can turn over the Bible from end to end, to support errors and heresies, absurdities and blasphemies? They take not the Spirit with the Word. A spiritual understanding must be given—a gracious perception―a right taste.”
If we are true to God, the world will be sure to cast us out.