Stand up for Jesus!

STAND up for Jesus! spread abroad His fame,
Publish the wonders of His matchless name;
Tell of the riches of His gracious word,
Point to His precious sin atoning blood.
CHORUS―Stand up for Jesus!
Work now for Jesus! work for Him alone,
Bought with a price, and therefore not your own,
Pray, work, and watch, constrained by His love,
And soon a crown you’ll wear in courts above.
Stand up for Jesus!
Fight now for Jesus! taking up the Cross,
Counting the world, and all its charms but dross:
Pursue the conflict, looking to your Lord,
In faith and prayer be strong, armed with His word.
Stand up for Jesus!
Wait still for Jesus! in “a little while”
He shall descend, and greet us with a smile,
Then all in Christ shall meet Him in the air,
With triumph to the Father’s house repair.
Stand up for Jesus!
H.H. S.