"Mother, I'm Lost!"

“I DESIRE to thank you from my inmost soul for the trouble you have taken with me. But what shall I say to the Lord? Where shall I begin? I’m lost in wonder at the mercy God hath shown me―I who was so wicked―I the vilest of sinners, that at one time would rather have met the devil than you! How many times have I seen you coming, and have jumped over the hedge to escape from you? and not I only: there are many who were like me. But, with me, they can now no longer run away from you. I did so, for I could not bear to hear the words of Jesus; not that they were words of fear. But, somehow, those loving words did not just suit my wicked heart. The devil told me it was not for me. But I have since learned, ‘tis a lie. It was for me, though I did not deserve anything but hell. The hottest hell was my right, for I was ready to knock down anybody who told me about my soul.
My poor mother, after she was converted to God, spoke to me about it; but I told her, if she did not stop, I would floor her; and so I would have done to you, if I could, only I was afraid of you. I knew you were speaking the truth. I knew that it was all true, for the words went right into my soul, and I was wicked. I knew then that if I went right down to hell, it would be better than to have to look God in the face, after He had sent the Lord Jesus to save me.
But, at last, the word came that broke me down. I went home. For three days I was almost mad. I told my mother that I was lost. She fell on her knees and began to praise God for it, for she said, “Harry, you shall be saved. The devil shan’t have you, for Jesus came to save the lost.” So I got up. I took courage and went back to the meeting in the evening, and heard you preach again; and then, on the spot, I found Jesus; and though the devil roared and told me, ‘twas not for me, that I was lost; yet I stuck to the words, Jesus came “to seek and to save the lost.” I believed it then. I believe it now; and, by the help of the Lord, I’ll believe it for evermore. I know ‘tis true, and I am saved―yes, I believe it, saved through the blood of the Lamb. I’ll shout louder than any when I get home, for what Jesus has done for my soul. Hallelujah to Jesus! Praise God for so loving a poor hell-deserving sinner like me! Yes, I can sing―
‘The Lord has pardoned all my sin,
And now to praise Him I’ll begin,
And I’ll not stop forever.’
Yes, bless the Lord, I know I’m converted. I was converted 24th November, 1864. I’ll never forget that day, ―
‘When Jesus wash’d my sins away,
And sent me on rejoicing.’
Yes, I know I’m saved; and my master knows it. My horses and bullocks know it too, for they don’t get any kicks and curses now I give them kind, loving words. Jesus taught me how to love, by loving me, a poor hell-deserving sinner. So ‘tis no trouble for me to love now. I love every one now but the devil; and he knows I’m saved too, for he won’t let me alone. But, thanks be to God, Jesus delivered me from his power; and I hope I shall never wander away from Jesus. I hope to live for Jesus, that I may praise Jesus now and forever.”