Address—Michel Payette
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Let's start our meeting by singing together #212.
212 calls from above.
And heavenly men by birth.
Who once were but the citizens of earth? As pilgrims here we seek a heavenly home, our portion in the ages yet to come #212.
I go away.
Everything and.
Everything in the heart, pray.
Let's pray together.
Our God and our Father, we lift up our voices to do this afternoon, and we would thank Thee for the liberty. Let us give us to be thus gathered to have Thy word open before us and to have Thy Spirit dwelling in us too. And we would count on denial to help us that that would dispose our thoughts and our words, that we would be helped each one and encouraged in the we know Thy councils of love to us, Father, and the Lord Jesus and the gift.
Of Thy Son on the cross, and of ascending him from heaven to fetch those that He redeemed. Such a costume. And we count on my love this afternoon too, to come in for our needs. Let us know them. And we pray that Thou would help us this afternoon. Father the speaker and hears. We ask it with confidence. Father, in the name of the Lord Jesus we ask, Amen.
Any of you folks ever play Scrabble?
Nice game, Scrabble.
But, you know, if you play Scrabble in French.
The letter said is different.
In the print set of Scrabble, there's only one West.
I don't believe there's one word in the French dictionary starting with W that is French.
You know that the word W it actually comes from the French when they invaded England. Please don't get upset.
The Normans who ran up with that sound of W, they didn't have it in their alphabets where they added a letter after EU and the V and they called it W and Francis Dublin V because you run across it so often.
So this afternoon I'd like to talk about the letter W that we find in so many scriptures.
And I will talk about for a little while.
Let's look first of all at Ephesians chapter 6.
We run into a few WS here.
Verse 11.
Put on the whole armor of God, that we may be able to stand against the Wiles of the devil.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Already we've run into quite a few, but like to draw our attention on on wild that's suggest compare all there.
And wickedness? That's bad. Something we need to lookout for.
And so we find as we read in the book of Ephesians, we started Chapter 4 in our reading and Heavenly men by birth, that was our hymn. And this is something to suggest to us that there's going to be conflict and being in that privileged position, and there will be opposition to those who claim.
To thee a heavenly people, and there are two.
And so we're warned against the wealth of the devil and that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but spiritual wickedness in high places. And you know, I've often thought perhaps as I considered this passage, that what the apostle was referring to, since it was the high places and heavenly places, that all this conflict was about spiritual matters, doctrine. And, and perhaps it is, but.
I suggest to you and I that the devil will come in where he can.
And you'll take any opportunity.
To come and harm you, and harm us, and harm the testimony of the Lord.
And he's pretty wise, let me tell you.
More intelligent than you and I. He has tricks and he has ways of coming in that we haven't figured out yet.
So I'd like to talk first of all about Second Corinthians 2.
And verse 11.
I'm using it out of context, but I trust you'll allow me to do that a little bit.
2nd Corinthians 2 verse 11 Satan should get an advantage of us.
To take that in a general way.
For we are not ignorant, ignorant of his devices.
You know one of his device I believe I know is to use devices.
His device is to use devices.
You know, if you're taking the plane and please going to take off, they say please turn off all the electronic devices.
Do you want to have a clear takeoff turn on all electronic devices?
What if I said turn off all satanic devices?
What would you take of turning off?
Well, actually I have a mobile phones really handy and I just got an intelligent one. I think it's smarter than I am, I mean.
But you have iPads and you have computers and you have all sorts of devices that are really, really.
Useful and handy and I appreciate them.
But I do believe that one of Satan's devices is to come through those devices.
Wouldn't you agree?
Well, we're going to talk about the letter W.
How about W?
Which is.
The World Wide Web Boy, that would make a lot of points in.
French Scrabble.
Ten points to West, the worldwide web. You have the world, and it's wide.
In fact, you can access the world through the Internet.
But it's a web.
What's the word web referred to? Wait, I know spiders?
They web webs, right? All these little, teeny weeny little things that you walk in the woods sometimes and you feel it on your cheek, you know?
You know, Spider just works at it works at it and then this, this flying creature.
Gets caught up in the web.
Heavenly creature fly or something that's caught up in the web. The key is trying to get out. As soon as you know it, the spider comes along and you starts wrapping it.
And then he becomes all wrapped up, can't move anymore, and that's it.
Remember Lazarus? He came out of the grave. He was all wrapped up.
Lose him and let him go.
You shouldn't be wrapped up again, should he? Right?
But I think it's possible for believers.
We're unwise on how to use the devices.
To get caught up on the web.
And maybe get wrapped up on your way and become victims.
Of that wicked one. We're not ignorant of his devices, you know. What he wants is to destroy you and destroy your testimony. Destroy your family and destroy your assembly. That's what he wants to do.
So we need to be wise starts with W be wise.
And how we handle devices.
It's called the Internet.
What about the net? We use net support. You use net to cash fish. You use net to cash birds.
I use, I remember hearing a commentator, sports commentator, who's referring to what he'd done in the morning. He said he was surfing on the net.
It's good, got also some information.
I'm not a very good swimmer, so if I fall off my board when I'm surfing, I'm gonna drown.
You know, some people search on the net and they drop.
I want to talk about social networking.
This isn't for me.
Because I don't have a social network. Not that I don't have any friends, but.
When you entertain social networking.
You should remember.
That the net is working.
I don't know who you have on your friend list. People come in and suggest they'd like to be your friend. Who's that that wants to be your friend? You know, a lot of abductions and criminal things that have been performed through the net have been done through what looked like innocent means people coming in and introducing themselves and then doing harm to others. So.
I'd just like to warn you, perhaps you've been warned on reality. I'm sure it's been, I'm sure brought up on many occasions.
About the devices that we use.
I was in a meeting recently and I was after the meeting and then I heard this.
Maybe you have one of those, I don't know.
My son had one, I was in his garage one late and he was working late and every 4 minutes.
Somebody wanted his attention, you got an e-mail or something or text and so.
I have the Internet at home and sometimes I'm praying or reading my Bible and I hear.
I just got an e-mail.
As you confess, sometimes I give up what I'm doing. I'm praying, disturbed me, I want to accept.
I'm reading my Bible being I got two. I wonder where that is go over and I look there's steers they're offering mattresses and.
Just a waste of time.
Just a way of disturbing, distracting.
There's a time to turn these things off.
I'm not saying this in any legal way, I just have this thought myself because I've had people in our home who had their Bible on their electronic device. I don't have a problem with that, but if I have my Bible on my lap, it never goes big.
And never disturbs me. It never distracts me. But if I had my iPhone or any other device on my lap and I was reading through that, there are many other little things all around. And even if the thing itself did not distract me, my feeble mind.
My human weakness, my distracted spirit might just.
Go to something.
Some of you young people, sometimes you send each other text during meetings.
Used to send notes, they write those notes you pass notes around. I'd rather see you at meeting than not and if it's the only way going to be in meeting but I I just want to warn you that the devices that the enemy is to deprive us of something that belongs to us.
That is ours.
Let's look at Iliverse here in.
Proverbs, chapter one.
Verse 17.
Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird, if you look in the margin there in the eyes of everything that had a wing or wings.
Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.
There's one up there.
And he wants to catch you, want to get you caught up in his web. He wants to get you confined to his net. He's out there to get you.
So I have a question for you.
You have wings.
You have wings.
That's what faith does. Faith gives us wings.
The one who you've trusted as your Savior, he's going to come from heaven and you're going to rise up from the earth and you're going to go and meet the Lord in the air. That's going to happen momentarily, maybe today.
And before that happened, you and I, we have the wings of faith, we have the liberty, the privilege, as we have this morning, of coming into the Lord's presence in prayer to find help in time of need.
Let's see the verse in Isaiah chapter 40.
Isaiah 40, verse 31.
They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength.
They shall mount up with wings as Eagles. They shall run and not be weary, and they shall walk and not think. There's waiting and wings and weary and walking. All these beautiful WS in there for us.
They shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as Eagles, you know, if you try and catch a bird.
To the net.
He's going to fly off. We're going to fly up. That's what he's going to do. He's going to fly up beyond your reach. You can't reach him. He's too high up there. And those birds that fly at the top of the flying height are the Eagles, because they fly above their prey. So the other birds are lower and they can see from a higher point of view. They shall run up with wings as Eagles.
So if we're just careful ourselves with the devices that we use.
And we're wise for the Wiles of the devil.
We will know when to turn them off. We will know when to ignore.
Pages and suggestions. We will know when to not go.
To certain places with them we will know who to not allow to be.
In our social network.
We will be wise.
If somebody was preaching.
But not touching devices will free to preach that if you'd like. I think they're very useful tools. They can be used for the Lord and for fellowship. And I get pictures of my grandchildren that are far away and the beautiful things that can be done. It's a way of communicating.
Lots of pluses.
And the Newman. The Newman, he can use tools.
Because it's a tool. Nothing wrong with a screwdriver. You can fix something with a screwdriver.
You can stab some women at school ever too. Problem with the tool, it's who's using it.
And the ones using the devices.
We're W's.
Yeah, you're in West. We're W's too. There's an old U.
And there's a new unit that's AW, right?
But I suggest a new letter.
Because you know the French back in England, they suggested a new letter W.
It's in the alphabet now. There's 26 letters.
And we've got one.
So I'm gonna give you a 27th letter. It just lasts this meeting triple you. How's that?
How about a triple use?
27th letter of the alphabet we all knew.
God has done away with him forever, crucified with Christ 2000 years ago. He looks at you, He can't see anything left of that old you.
He has put you before himself.
As he knew you.
And that new you is perfectly identical to His Son. He has brought you to perfection forever by 1 Sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus.
There's the old you and the new you. Wonderful.
And then there's a you, You.
The UU is what you are practically now in this life.
Hold you done away with new you. That's what you are before God and you're you. You Excuse me personally on words, but you're you you.
It can be by the resources of God exactly like they knew you.
It doesn't depend on God. He's given you His Word, His Spirit, the life of Christ. He can make you perfectly like your new you.
And that's what we need Exhortation. We need correction. We need encouragement. We need admonishment.
We need meetings. So are you. You. It's like I know you.
Let's look at a little verse in Psalm 124.
Psalm 124.
Verse 7.
Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the Fowlers.
The snare is broken.
And we are escaped.
Thank you.
You know.
I have an opportunity every week with different men and women.
Wonderful opportunity to tell them about the Lord, and I thank the Lord for this open door.
And most of these women and men are have a problem called addiction, addiction to alcohol or drugs or gambling.
And it just seems that they haven't been able to handle that themselves and they need help and so.
And sometimes they're they have enough courage or resolution to.
Take that way of therapy themselves, and sometimes they're forced by the courts to be in therapy rather than be in jail. But you know, there are other addictions that you don't go to jail for.
Or you can go into a therapy house for but therapies that are destructive to our spiritual life.
And I mentioned this because we can outline a problem and we can suggest what the snares are and what the problems could be and talk about these things.
But what we'd like to find, too, is a solution for one who has become a prisoner, who's been entangled in that web, or caught in that net and struggling with how to get out of it.
But one thing I'd like to say to everyone here, to myself.
There is not one human deprivation on the on the face of the earth which I couldn't be involved in and which you couldn't be involved in. Because the ones caught up in that are humans like you and I, and they have histories and weaknesses and traits of characters which make them more liable to this or that or living experiences in life of discouragement or disappointment or whatever.
That has LED them to do this or doing that. But the people doing this or doing that are just like me and you. And so I often say for the men in therapy, the only difference between you and me is the chair was sitting in. Because if I had been you brought up in your environment, being a human being like I am, I'd be doing or having I would have done the things that you've done. So it's important for us to realize that that we don't have judgment, judgmental spirit of persons.
But one of the things.
And I mentioned this because in this verse, this soul here is escaped out of the snare of the fallers. And I'd like to speak to anyone here who's still entangled or has difficulties he's having a hard time with.
First of all, I would like to say this and as I speak in it, the Lord touched me with that just before the meeting and.
You know, if you see somebody working on this papers there, he's got math problems and he's working there and he's carrying these sheets apart and he's really working hard on a problem and he doesn't seem to be able to.
Overcome the difficulty in his math problem and here's the math teacher.
Maybe he's a mean math teacher, you know? We're talking to the real hard one, you know?
But maybe it's a sympathetic math teacher, Is it? Let me help you with that.
And sure enough, in a moment of time things occurred. Let me help you with that.
And the Lord is saying unto us this afternoon.
To anyone here.
That is heavy laden with things like that.
Of another nature. Also, he's better than any math teacher, any psychiatrist, any doctor, anybody else.
Any brother or sister? Anything to you this afternoon?
Let me help you with that.
Revelation chapter 4.
At the little gospel meeting a few weeks ago and I enjoyed very much a picture.
From the Old Testament.
And from the Book of Numbers, where there were two silver trumpets.
That land people of Israel had for the congregation and.
And I've enjoyed the thought of silver in connection with redemption. We had a lot of redemption in our hymns this morning.
To silver trumpets 2 trumpets connected with redemption and.
The first trumpet I see as the Lord saying, Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy. There's my message of call from the Lord to come to him to be saved.
Then there's the redemption of our body and I've used this verse in chapter 4 of Revelation chapter one, and there was a door open in heaven. And the first voice relation, chapter 4, verse one, which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me coming, saying come up, hit her and I was told you things which must be hereafter.
And I've enjoyed the thought of the 2nd trumpet, the Lord calling us to go and to meet the Lord in the air with the voice of the Archangel, the trumpet of God. We're going to be called to find the redemption of our body, rather all of a sudden, redemption of our soul, redemption of our body.
One is past, one is future. What about today?
The redemption of my life.
Lord says, let me help you with that.
What does he say? Come up, Hit her.
Come back, Hitler.
Are you using your wings?
Sometimes we might be too ashamed to come to the principle. Come. That's what you need. You need to come in the presence of the Lord. He's not going to turn you aside. You came as a Sinner, He received you. You come as a failing St. He's going to receive you.
Find Mercy not going to be pointing fingers hitting you on their knuckles. He's not going to do that. Let me help you with that.
Will you let him help you?
Hilbert in Galatians.
Chapter 6.
Galatians chapter 6, verse one.
If he managed to be overtaken in the fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself less thought also be tempted. Bear ye one another's burden and soul fulfill the law of Christ.
Roy says let me help you with that.
Come up, hit her.
I wonder, brethren, if we ask ourselves a question each one.
Those that are beside us, those that we are in communion with, fellowship with it.
Are around us.
Would they feel from you? Would they feel from me?
That's King, spirit of meekness. Can I help you with that?
You know we need each other.
When Lord got up from the table in John 13, he went around and he washed the disciples feet.
12 disciples. He washed all their feet.
We need to wash one another's feet.
I've mentioned this before, but I've often just. That's the way it came into my mind.
Washing other brothers feet, you know, watching washing the others feet and be careful you wash them, don't use too much hot water and don't burn their feet. Make sure they're comfortable. And it's always me washing the other guys teeth about my teeth. You always think of doing that to the others, but it's to wash one anothers feet. It's it's mutual as reciprocal, not in a judgmental spirit. We need to help each other, not judge each other. Point the finger at each other.
I've had occasions where some have mentioned to me.
Similar problems. You'll never know who they are.
That's something that needs to be in our minds if we find out.
Somebody doesn't come here, but you find out.
Keep it to yourself or go see the person, help them.
This is the spirit of meekness we have here.
Being careful, considering myself, lest thou also be tempted. Remember, young man, he told me. I said, you be careful. That's quite a few years ago. On the Internet. There's all these pop-ups, you know, get involved.
Never had a problem with that.
Well, I'm older, I have a family, I have children. I talk about the Lord.
I might have a problem with that myself if I looked. What about you brothers? Would you have a public eye if you look?
Maybe you would because we have a fallen nature and the Lord has allowed us to carry it with us.
To keep us humble. So let's myself also be tempted.
Now let's go to.
Ephesians chapter 4.
I hope you're a brother or sister one could come to and find help.
And I hope that if your brother or sister have difficulties of that or similar nature, you would have brothers around, sisters around you could go to to find help. But there's one you can always go to to find help. He's willing to help. He's saying to you today, let me help you with that. Ephesians chapter 4.
Verse 21.
If so, be that you've heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off concerning the farmer conversation the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lust, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
There's my two use the old you, the new you.
And righteousness. And true holiness. Wow.
That's Christ, that's him that's living in you and that's the life that you have a collect that I have and we want to be concerned exercise that our.
New you is manifest in our daily life.
So that's what you are before God. You're a Newman. I'm a Newman.
But then when we.
We have a new menu. Look in the mirror and say, oh, what am I going to wear today? We're going to dress up. Let's go to Colossians Chapter 3.
Verse 8 speaks before of mortifying the members which are the on the earth.
Verse five, I believe it refers to the actions of the old man in your body. And so there's things that can happen in your body.
To the effect of the old man and a believer could be caught doing these things. But verse 8 says now ye also put off all these two paths are closed.
Anger. I'm not going to wear that rap. Not going to wear that either. Malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of our mouth. No lies. I put out the old man in his feet.
Parable tools? Not going to wear those anymore.
What am I going to wear?
Verse 12 put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on that's that's what you put on bowels of mercy, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another and forgiving one another. If any man have a call against any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things put on charity, which is a bond of perfect perfectness or perfection.
There's a Newman.
You should not be wearing a scarf of anger.
Or a jacket of rats doesn't go along with what you are, but he should be wearing is meekness, kindness, bowels of mercy, humbleness of mind, long-suffering.
That's how we recognize the new youth.
Before God, everything is perfect when the Lord Jesus comes.
You're going to be perfectly like him.
All the processes that are working now and you're engaged in and being transformed and that twinkling of an eye, you're going to be perfectly like the Lord Jesus. There's nothing to prevent you if you belong to Him, to be perfectly like him.
And when you stand there before God in the perfection of Christ.
You'll be so thankful. We should be thankful right now, but you're going to be thankful then for sure.
So we have year ones.
We don't have so many W's in French. We couldn't preach this message in French, it wouldn't work.
But you haven't. You have wonderful double use and a lot of double S.
You know, I was thinking at what we have on the Internet.
Internet uses links. What it does is it. It can be looking at something and then it suggests something else. You can be looking at something and it can suggest something about the something and then you can just start going from one thing to another and pretty soon.
If not right away, you will run into something uncommon.
That shouldn't be there. As for the links work, they use it in publicity all the time. They carry you from one thought to another and then you're only going to be happy if you drive this kind of car.
And I'd be happy if you drink beer. All the people drinking beer, having a good time, they're just, wow, that's funny because in the therapy houses, they don't look like that. They look pretty messed up. You ask me, you know, But in the advertising looks so much fun.
Well, what I want to suggest with links is that saving works on our minds too, and he just delights to.
Have a slip slip into the thoughts that he's left out there in the world.
Happens all the time, every day.
In my mind, anyway. Maybe in yours too.
If I said to you, I'm going to show you.
My fingers 1 by 1.
Maybe you'd have a problem?
Why would you have a problem? I'll tell you why we have a problem.
Because there's leaks from Satan in the minds of men.
That fingers mean something. Isn't that true? Why would that be? That's the way it is.
I say 4 letter word voices, full four letter words in here. Why did the wicked thought connected with four letter words? That's the world of the devil. That's what he does. He works with links and suggestions. And then there's words you can't use and because they've got double meanings and fingers you can't use anymore.
Well, let's start something new. We're going to use three fingers. We're going to say W.
The Word of God W The Word of God.
The work of Christ. I'm going to wait for him. I'm going to walk for him.
I'm going to warn others because he loves them.
I'm going to watch out for my new you. That my you. You is like my new you.
Would you like to do that? Show me your W.
Can you show me? AW, show me, AW, let's show Miss World a W. We belong to somebody else, to the Lord Jesus. We know his word. We're going to tell him about the Lord in his word.
Forget about the three years the triple U doesn't exist. That old view is gone.
All that left is the new you and the you. You. And let's make our you You just like the new you. Let's pray.
My father.
We come before the.
And we owned before the.
How weak we are. How fragile.
With only 42 The devices of the enemy, how he is so subtle?
And we pray for any in this room. Father, please anyone defiled that he would come to the Lord Jesus to find help. You will help him with that. I'm sure that we will help each other with that to be transparent, be concerned for one another.
We thank you that we are heavenly men by birth. We were once the citizens of earth. Not anymore, we sang. We're strangers here. And though we don't always behave as strangers and sometimes get caught up in the web and in the tanglings of those things and the net and everything that I would give deliverance.
And give us to have our eyes fixed upon Thee, Lord Jesus, as we wait for thee from heaven to make us those that are watching and waiting and walking for thy glory and warning others to that. We thank you for the simplicity which which thy Spirit brings things before us, helps us to understand them, to recognize them too. And we pray that we would be real. We know in our prayers this morning we we spoke of that's great weakness which is ours.
But we count on ice strength, we track, deploy faithfulness. We thank you for Thy word in my spirit, and above all for the Lord Jesus, for the hope of life of Our Calling, which is himself coming from heaven to see that One who loved us so much and died for us and lives for us and is coming for us and help us Father to live for Him. We ask it with Thanksgiving in the name of the Lord Jesus, Amen.