Gospel—Richard Mackewich
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As has been said many times, can you hear me? I asked him brother if he had any advice and he said yeah, talk a little louder. So if you can't hear me, raise your left hand. If you can hear me, raise your right hand.
All right, let's open tonight by singing #10 want to welcome everybody. That's been typical of each needing to welcome you. A lot of people in this world feel unwelcome.
They feel no one cares, no one's interested, but the brethren here in Saint Thomas are interested in you. They have an invitation that was sent out. Some came yesterday evening. There's an invitation at the front of the school here, and it's an invitation to come, come. Have you ever heard that word before?
You realize that word, Tom? COME.
Is mentioned in the Bible 1972. Does anybody born in 1972 here?
Come as two definitions to the same word. One is an invitation, one is the arrival of an event or at an event. Jesus said I am calm that you might have life. The invitation tonight, hymn #10 come now, that's an invitation. Come now to Jesus. And again, if it gets to the point you can't hear me, raise your hand.
I don't want you to miss anything.
It's important. Maybe the last message.
You'll ever hear. And I want to present it to you tonight in such a way that I present to you the heart of God. God is light and God is love. We're going to sing #10 just the first and third verse if someone would start it, please.
I save your heart in December all and thank you laughing.
Let's just ask the Lord's help.
His word, it will not return unto him void, but as the seed is found tonight, we pray that it will fall on good ground, good ground. So the desire of the brethren here for you. Oh, come now to Jesus, said dear loving Savior.
Our Father, our God, we just pray tonight and by the Spirit that will take the word of God, we thank you that is living, it's quick, it's powerful. We pray tonight that they're one who would see their need come to the Savior. They would have peace. They asked for thy help. We thank thee that we have this privilege of showing forth.
Thy heart of love, so give grace to help and time of need. Father in Jesus name, Amen.
One of the songs we sang Friday night, You're Here, was number 100. How many of you remember what 100 is if you were here for Friday night?
You remember what it is.
Low in the grave he lay.
But the next three words are so important.
Jesus, my Savior.
Waiting the coming day. That's what we're waiting for, our brethren. The coming day.
Jesus is coming.
Jesus my Lord, vainly they watched his bed. Jesus my Savior, vainly they steal the dead. Jesus, my Lord, death cannot keep his prey. Jesus my Savior, he tore the bars away. Jesus my Lord. I wonder if many of you here know the chorus.
If we could sing the chorus and realize the truth of it, and that, we would be really thrilled in our souls to know that he's alive, he's alive, he's risen, he's risen, he's alive. My sins are gone.
The thrill of it all. So let's see if we can sing it together. This is the chorus. Up from the grave he arose with a mighty triumph. Or suppose he arose at Victor from the dark domain He lives forever with his thanks To reign he arose.
He arose, Hallelujah, Christ arose. Let's try to sing that together up from the grave.
And he lives forever, every day to rest.
Some of you perhaps have a copy or seen it. It's the come and dine invite and there's a verse on it, Isaiah 55 one it says who everyone that thirsteth.
Come ye to the water, he that hath no money. Come ye buy, eat. Ye come by wine and milk, without money, without price.
How many times was the word come mentioned in that verse?
You remember 3 and I believe you can find in this verse.
That the entire Godhead is for you.
Want you to come, God?
Supplies the water, the Lord Jesus.
No money come by and eat.
And then buy wine and milk and it's the Spirit of God. Tonight we're going to look a few minutes and realization.
But first of all, there is a living God.
Then we're going to see that because he is risen from the dead, there is a living Savior. Let's turn to Genesis chapter one.
Genesis 1 and verse one. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Verse 3.
God said, let there be light, there was light.
God saw the light that it was good.
Think of it. The very first thing that's brought before you and me is the fact that here is a God who can speak and a God who can see.
I like the gods of Egypt.
But here is a living God, right at the very beginning of the scriptures. A God who can speak.
And a God who can see, and he can see right down into your heart.
He looks down into this room and he knows his sheep by name, and he speaks. Sometimes he takes the earth, but he speaks in love.
God who is a living God. There are countless number of dear people in this world.
Who bow down to a God that can't see, can't hear?
And talk and feel. But tonight you stand in the presence or sit in the presence of a living God.
In the beginning God John's Gospel chapter one.
Verse one In the beginning was the Word. The word was with God. The word was God. The same was in the beginning with God.
Hebrews chapter one.
Who at sundry times and the divers manner spake in time passed under the Fathers by the prophets, after these last days spoken unto us by his Son?
And I trust I have the liberty and the gospel to kind of rearrange the first verse and ask this question. God, who at sundry times and in divers manner.
Spake unto you, how many times has God spoken to you?
And you didn't listen. Perhaps you weren't aware that he was speaking to you.
That God speaks, man doesn't listen. He speaks once, twice, but he spoke in time past and you can be thankful tonight that He is speaking now through His son, through his son.
That was brought out this morning, this afternoon, Jesus Christ is God's Son. Call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins. But you know his people in Wantham, they cast it out of the vineyard, nail them to a cross.
Paul tells us because the Jews didn't want them, God has leveled the playing field and commendeth now all men.
So the gospel message goes to all whosoever will may come.
First it was quoted this afternoon.
That you might know how to behave yourself.
In the Church of God, Church of the living God, that's what I'm trying to emphasize the 1St 5 minutes. It is a living God that you have to do with tonight. He's alive.
The verse I really want to talk about.
John or is Matthew 11 verse 28?
This first was mentioned during the meeting.
That I would like to look at in the Gospel context, if I might, the invitation from the brethren in Saint Thomas's to Caval.
Come, come to the meetings, get a free dinner. Last night we were in Montreal and all they gave you is free coffee. But here you come to Saint Thomas, you get a free Turkey dinner. What a deal.
How many came? I understand thousands of those things went out, but we can be thankful some did come. And tonight the Gospel message goes out. Tonight you can receive the message. Matthew 1128.
Here is one of the invite words. Come unto me.
All you that labor.
And our heavy laden.
I will give you rest.
These dear souls were under the ******* the yoke of the Romans. They were under the ******* and yoke of the law. They were frustrated. They were at within, They had the Pharisees and Sadducees, and that yoke that was upon them was unbearable.
And Jesus is telling them in love, come unto me, come unto me, all you that labor, and they're heavy laden. How about to me it's a person, Jesus.
The Lord Jesus is standing right here, and he says, Come unto me.
So if we get out of our chairs and run and grab them.
Hard Savior who loves us, gave his life that we might live, and he stands with open arms the gospel of the grace of God. And he says, come unto me, the precious thing about the verse.
Says, Take my yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I make lowly in heart you should find rest unto your souls. There are many in this world who feel that God is against them.
That God is a hard God, that God has a non merciful God and the Lord Jesus I believe is trying to teach and reach their heart. Come unto me, I love you. I'm meek and lowly. I'm not going to run you down. I'm not going to put more stuff on you you can't handle. I know you've gone through nothing in your life already, but you left me out of your life. So he says come unto me.
I meet and lowly.
You ever meet somebody first time perhaps, or they stick out your hand and shake your hand and you kind of hesitant. You don't know that person. There's a little feeling there.
Called body space too. I think we have a good sport here. You look like you're a good sport. Stand up.
Yeah, very good. You're wearing blue heavenly color right now. We're perfect, aren't we? There's no problem, no difficulties. I step closer.
Same thing but closer. I get there's an invisible wall here and he starts to get uncomfortable.
Why is that? He doesn't know me. And I believe that you can sit down. Thank you. But I believe that's how people view God. They're afraid of them.
They're afraid of them. And that's what he's telling in this verse. I'm making lowly You don't have to be afraid of me. You don't have to be afraid of me. I love you. I came just for you. You're my people.
Remember Moses, when he's out there in the desert, he sees this burning Bush.
And gods in the Bush. God doesn't say anything until he sees Moses.
Stopping and looked.
Have you ever turned and stopped in your path and looked to God?
And Moses comes into the presence of God, and God says.
I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
And Moses perhaps said in his mind, You're real.
You're real. We've heard this for 400 years, and you actually are real.
How many of you like that in this room, Young people, You've heard it from your youth now your mid teens and early 20s. It's real. He's real. Jesus lives. He lives.
Invention that God raised him from the dead. What a marvelous salvation. We have a living God, a living Savior, and the Spirit of God to take the Word of God.
And apply it to our lives. He loves you, He wants you. He died to redeem you. Only believe His word. I will give you rest.
Of any people in this world working, trying to get to heaven.
Some people have to do 5 things in order to get into what they feel is heaven.
You and my friend don't have to do anything but simply come as a lost Sinner. Jesus did all the work.
How many of you like weekends?
You know, weekends are cool.
You worked all week. You're tired. You come home Friday nights, you pack.
Go up the Hammer Bay and you enjoy the cottage and you're there all day Saturday, enjoying yourself, doing whatever you do up there. Sunday comes around afternoon. Oh, bummer. I got to go to work tomorrow. There's no rest. You have a little bit of a reprieve, just for a couple of hours perhaps. We're going to go back.
In our mind, in the scriptures to a weekend.
That was bad, this individual I want to speak reverently the yet so we can understand.
How many have ever had a bad weekend? No matter what you did, things just fell apart.
You're getting already thirsty.
Car breaks down flat tires, whatever it might be.
You are ready to go Friday. Things go wrong. Kids are late getting ready.
Got a big train to come in front of you or the ferry's already gone and you missed it? The whole weekend just seems to be bad.
That you know, my friend, your weekend means absolutely nothing to the people in China.
Your weekend, no matter how good or how bad, means nothing to those people in Hong Kong.
Your weekend revolves around you, but we're going to go back in time through the scriptures to a weekend.
That has affected every person in the face of this earth.
At some weekend, but it was a sad weekend.
Things went bad on Thursday. Things went terrible on Friday.
Was so terrible, from man's perspective at least.
The poor man died.
He died.
You know what I'm referring to.
The Lord Jesus Christ. His weekend was horrible.
And yet, on large day morning, marvelous thing.
Rose from the grave, Marvelous. He's alive. He's alive. You get thrilled about that. What thrills him? Maybe nothing thrills you. I don't know, maybe a Dairy Queen or something. But you get thrilled to realize that he lives. He lives.
Let's look at.
What we're going to do is we're going to go back to that day.
Many, many years ago.
And we're going to seek to learn from it.
Matthew 28.
The end of the Sabbath of the Saturday.
And they were supposed to rest all day Saturday.
Saturday was coming to a close.
And these dear people were.
Spirit they were down past. We know that by Luke 24, the two on the way to Emmaus, the lurks of Why are you sad?
You ever asked that question? Sometimes you get sad. Your husband is sad. Your wife is sad.
Why are you sad?
He would switch our hearts, but here in Matthew.
First day of the week began to dawn. Toward the first day of the week came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary the see the sepulchre. Behold, there was a great earthquake, for the Angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning in his reign and whitest snow. For fear of him the keepers did shake, and became his dead men. The Angel answered, and said unto the women.
Hear not I know that you think Jesus which is crucified.
He is not here, for he is risen, as he said.
There is our invite.
Come Tom, see the place.
For the Lord lay scripture shows in this chapter, they never actually went in.
They were so excited, they believed the message of the Angel, and they ran back to the disciples. But the message was come, come, see the place where the Lord lay.
It's gone.
It's gone. Why didn't they go in?
Why didn't they go in? And Matthew?
I believe because as a principle in the Old Testament carried forward, Matthew presents the Lord Jesus as a king.
King. You remember the kings of the Old Testament? You couldn't go into their presence unless the king.
Invited you.
And here they look inside.
What does it take for you, my friend?
Is it simply just to look at the cross, see the Lord Jesus there for you? And so they were on.
Go quickly and tell those disciples that He has risen from the dead.
They departed quickly. That's another good reason young girls to learn how to run is sometimes the Lord will give you a message and you have to run to your brethren. Turn over to marks gospel, marks the servant. Let's see what happens there.
Mark 16 and they were questioning.
Who's going to roll away the stone? We've got a problem here.
That's a big stone. So he says early in the morning, the first day of the week. They came in verse 3.
They said among themselves, Who shall roll us away, The stone from the sepulchre, And when they looked, they saw that the stone was rolled away, for it was very great.
Have you ever been in fear, my friend, where there was actually No Fear? We worry about things. We get so upset with it, we get so anxious. And when the event comes?
There's No Fear at all. It was all in your head. It's all in your head.
What are you afraid of tonight?
You have fear the world calls it phobia is now.
What's your phobia? Oh, they'll never be afraid of coming to Jesus. He's meek and lowly.
He wants you to understand that right at the very start of this meeting, He's for you. He's for you to that extent that Father sent the Son, the Savior of the world, and He wants you to put us at your faith and trust in Him. The resurrection is vital. It was quoted today. If thou shalt confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in your heart that God raised him.
From the dead, thou shalt be saved. Are you safe tonight?
How many here last night heard the Gospel message?
What did you do about it?
What did you do with it?
Did you receive it by faith? It's talking to me.
Well, this is what happened in Mark verse 5. Entering into this Trump ****** they saw a young man sitting on the right side clothes and long white garments, and they were frightened. And he said unto them, Be not frightened.
Matthews, be not afraid.
There it's be not a frightened the Lord Jesus was born, the angels told the shepherds.
Fair enough.
The biggest enemy or biggest tool that Satan has.
As a destructive tool, my friends, fear. And you can get just one little ounce of fear started in you. A lot of fearful people, a lot of fearful people, and God is saying fear not, fear not.
You know, I think in honestly we got to be realistic too if we were there.
And our loved one was in a tomb and we looked in and it was gone. That would shake us to the core. But let's not be too critical on these individuals.
But they loved this man Jesus. Do you love Jesus tonight?
You love him, he loves you, he loves you.
Her specs again.
Which was crucified. He is risen, He is not here the old Laplace, for they laid him.
Again they look in. Behold the place.
But they haven't actually gone in yet.
And you may know the place. Judas knew the place.
There was a place for either young people brought up in the Christian home.
Are you really the Lord? Do you really know the Lord Jesus as your Savior?
These are vital questions, The real.
The Lord knoweth them that are His. Let's see what Luke has to say.
Luke 24.
Verse 2.
They found the stone rolled away from the supple cur and they entered it. Wow. They entered in. And tonight, my friend, we want you to enter into the truth, the fact, the reality of the heart of God, that he's for you. He's not against you. He loves you, he cares for you. He wants you to find rest. There's no rest in this world. There's no rest outside of the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior. I am Tom that you might have life.
But it's a life based on rest and peace. You have peace in your soul tonight. Here are they actually go in, they enter in and found not the body. Oh it's changed the Lord Jesus.
Brother Frost is bringing before us.
The Lord Jesus thou shalt confess with thy mouth, the Lord Jesus.
Have you ever done that?
Years ago and brother Barry was in the Maritimes, We were there visiting.
And he just simply said, Who in this room would like to stand up and confess Jesus as Lord?
Who in this room would like to confess with their mouth Jesus?
As Lord.
And to my amazement, there was about five or six boys.
Stood up.
Jesus is Lord, just confess with your mouth. Jesus is Lord, believe in your heart. God raised him from the dead. Thou shalt be saved.
But there again they look, and it gets a little more perplexed. And it came to pass, as they were much perplexed about.
Behold, 2 men stood by them in shining garments, and they were afraid. You know, sometimes we get so stressed out, so perplexed, so distressed. The Lord has to send to two angels, two brethren, two sisters, two to kind of stable us, to kind of get us to cool it. You know, the world says chill. You ever hear that word chill?
They were perplexed. I saw two angels. Wow. How many in this room? Ever seen an Angel besides your wife? Anybody see an Angel?
Think of it, They saw this mighty creation of God there perhaps.
And verse five, as they were afraid, bow down their faces to the earth, they said unto them, I seek you, the living among the dead.
Driving into Saint Thomas, unless Saint Thomas is really cool place. I love truffles to come up through that road there this massive trestle in the river and yet as you come into the town to the left.
There's a cemetery. You go a little further and there's another little tiny cemetery.
And then there's another one on the right.
Death marks this town.
And here was a man who was buried. He died, and he's risen. And the angels say fear not.
Fear not.
Verse six. He is not here, but is risen. Remember how we speak unto you, and so forth.
Verse 9 Then he returned to the sepulchre. Turn over to John.
John 20.
Verse 4.
So they ran both together The other disciples did outrun Peter and came first to the Supple care, and he stooping down, looked in.
Saw the linen clothes lying yet when he nod in then come of Simon Peter following him. They went into the sepulchre and see if the linen clothes lie here. They actually went right into it. They looked and they saw.
How many times have you looked into the Word of God?
And you don't see anything there.
They didn't see anything in Mark.
Here they see the body.
Where it should have been.
And they leave.
Yeah, it's gone.
What kind of attitude do you have with regards to the large things?
Is it a? Yep. Oh well, that's it.
Theodore and John, they left, they went back, but there was a dear soul that long.
For her savior.
And so he appears to her, and the message is clear.
Four times this evening we've read he is risen.
He is not here.
Come, behold the place for the Lord laid him, and so the Lord Jesus says, Come unto me, all he that labor nor heavy laden I will give you rest. Last chapter of Revelation The Spirit of God comes on the steam, and it says the Spirit and the brides that come.
Friend time is running out.
This is the last meeting of the conference.
May be the last one. We hear about all kinds of things that happened in the world, Mud slides, ferries tipping over, people losing their lives. But here was the man who came just for you, just for you, and he died. You were the only one in this world. He died. But on that cross, for three hours the judgment of God fell upon him.
Very solemn verse in Genesis one that says, let all the waters of the earth be gathered together unto one place. Isaiah 40 tells us what that is. Who can measure the water in the hollow of his hand?
It's a precious thing, and yet it's a humbling thing to realize.
Son of God.
Died for me. I can be ever so thankful that I am. Are you thankful that he died for you and he lives now? God was so vindicated, has been brought out before us at the conference. God raised him from the dead.
Sat him in his own right hand. I like the verse in Hebrews. I mean it has such a regal sound. Sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.
That is the most awesome sight. He sat down the right hand of the majesty on high. And yet it's the very God who sent him that you would have rest, peace. Just take my yoke and learn of me. Why? Because the previous verses he's talking about, no man knows the sun but the Father, and no man knows the Father save the Son. And he to whom he to whom? The Son.
Will reveal Him. God wants to reveal to you the Son. The Son wants to reveal to you. The Father is for you. The Godhead is for you. The only thing that's against you tonight, my friend, is a clock. Is this only 45 minutes? And yet have you embraced the Savior?
Let me go out on a limb here.
How many in this room have never ever heard the gospel?
Don't be embarrassed to raise your hand if you've never ever heard the gospel.
That's something.
In the sub.
How many in this room know the Lord Jesus Christ?
As your savior.
Was marvelous.
But you know, there are a lot of empty chairs here.
I remember when I was a young person.
You look at pictures, they're gone, They're gone, they're gone. Where'd they go?
Some are taking home. Some died in Vietnam.
But they heard.
You're responsible for what you hear.
And here is the Lord Jesus, now ascended on high, and he simply tells us again.
Come on to me.
Come on to me.
All in the labor.
Stop laboring, stop working. It's all finished. Jesus died. Christ died first Sins. According to the scriptures encoded today, the blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sins.
But you know the heart of God also. God is light, for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
And as the heart of the dear brethren here in Saint Thomas.
And it's the heart of God.
Nobody in this room will walk through those doors.
Still in your sense?
There is no need to everything has been accomplished for your blessing. All you need to do is come, come tis Jesus gently calling, want him right or put it Oh that my Savior, where your savior too.
But you know, before the Lord Jesus quoted that verse, he pronounced judgment on a few cities.
Judgment is coming, my friend, but he wants you to be saved. He wants you to have rest, want you to have peace.
Do you have that today?
We do trust you do. We were singing up from the grave, hero.
So here's the verse that was on our brethren. Oh, everyone that thirsteth.
Are you thirsty? Your need you need.
Tommy to the waters.
The Lord Jesus water life.
By heat, yeah, Come by lime, milk. Without money, without price. Often wondered about that because if they didn't have any money, how could I actually buy anything? But that's what he's saying.
It's free. It's free. Everything in the heart of God that He has for you is free.
Free versus mentioned in Ephesians one, it's free.
All you have to do is receive it. All you have to do is receive it before we close in prayer. Just a little interesting illustration. We're in Bermuda.
And taking the Sunday school there. And I asked the children how many in this room collect pictures of dead presidents.
And nobody raised their hands.
How many of you collect pictures of dead presidents? Nobody raised their hand.
So then I brought out Lincoln Jackson. Everybody's hand went up.
Everybody's hand went up. They wanted the picture of the dead president.
Do you want not just the picture, but do you want the living president, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, He wants you to come. And as we pray after someone in this room come, what does come mean? Man was taking the Sunday school class. I heard and daughter was there and says what does it mean to come?
Comma and.
He was getting flustered because you know, you're standing in front of lots of people and daughters just sits there.
Come. Couldn't explain what the word was. You know what you did?
Got out of the chair.
Walk through his father, Tom, just simply come. Come as you are. Let's just pray, Father, if there's one in this room tonight still lost in their sins, may they come just as they are, without one plea. But that thy blood was shed for them. We just earnestly pray. No one, our father or God would leave this room still lost in their sins, but they would embrace the invitation. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden. And I will, I will give them rest.
Left thy precious word and as thy people journey home, may there be blessing and encouragement and may we not be sad as we journey. May the love of Christ truly constrain us and may it be shed abroad in our hearts. We thank Thee, our Father for this time in Jesus name, Amen.