Dreams and Visions in Scripture

In considering the subject of dreams and visions from a scriptural point of view, we know that for thousands of years men have been fascinated by such things. Dreams, for example, are common in all of our lives, and while we normally do not attach much significance to them, people have, for many years, been tempted to attach a meaning to at least some of their dreams. As we all know, dreams are often associated with what we already know or have experienced in the past, but these experiences and knowledge are often jumbled together in a somewhat chaotic manner. We know too that dreams are sometimes pleasant, but can also be frightening. This fear is, of course, exaggerated by the darkness that is usually present when we are dreaming.
Visions too have been a common subject among men for thousands of years. A vision generally describes that which is seen at any time while one is awake or asleep, in contrast to a dream, which occurs during sleep. Visions have been common in human history, and many have claimed that such visions were divine and had a significant meaning, at least for the one who saw it. Of course, there were those who claimed to have seen a vision when the account was merely the result of an overactive imagination in the mind of an individual.
Dreams in the Past and Present
Where then does this leave us, first of all, in the history of dreams and visions, and, second, in our present world? Did the Lord speak to man in dreams and visions in the past, and does He still do so today?
As to the first question, yes, it is very clear that God spoke to man through dreams and visions, and especially at a time when the Word of God was not complete, and before the full light of Christianity had dawned on this world. In the Old Testament, God often spoke to man directly, in a voice that could be heard, while at other times He chose to speak in dreams and visions. This latter way is referred to in Job 33:14-17,14For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. 15In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 16Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, 17That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. (Job 33:14‑17) in Elihu’s speech to Job:
“God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; then He openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, that He may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man.”
There are multiple examples of both dreams and visions in the Word of God, some of which are mentioned in other articles in this issue of The Christian. What is most important to realize is that God has a way of making it clear to the individual that a particular dream or vision that comes from Him is of divine significance and that the person involved should pay attention to it. For example, it is certain that the chief butler and the chief baker of Pharaoh, king of Egypt (in Genesis 40), must have had dreams of various kinds during their lives, yet they realized that the dreams they had while they were in prison with Joseph had a meaning to them. Likewise two years later, when Pharaoh, king of Egypt had two dreams, he knew that those dreams had an importance to them that needed to be searched out. God can show those involved that He is the author of a particular dream or vision.
The Early Days of Christianity
The Role of Satan
However, when we speak of dreams and visions, we must recognize that Satan, who is a great imitator, can also be involved in these things. Under his influence, Satan is capable of bringing people into a disordered mental state, where they see visions and then attribute them to divine power. In this way, Satan has used his power for thousands of years to masquerade as God Himself, deceiving man into worshipping him instead of the true God. For this reason, the Lord warned the people of Israel in Jeremiah’s time, telling them, “Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord” (Jer. 23:1616Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the Lord. (Jeremiah 23:16)). Although it does not seem that Satan can know our actual thoughts as God can, yet he has had tremendous experience in deceiving man over thousands of years. He knows how the mind of man works, and he knows our particular weaknesses too. He is able even to present himself as “an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:1414And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)) and to present himself in so-called “white magic,” which further deceives man into thinking he is a divine power rather than being the devil. (“White magic” usually refers to bodily healing, which Satan sometimes uses initially as a “false front” to deceive people: The sting comes later.)
Accounts abound in which Satan has been involved in the dreams of those who are somehow connected with the occult. In one well-documented account, a single girl had an affair with a married man who was involved in occult practices. Even after he moved away from the area, he reminded the girl that he would continue to visit her at night, in her dreams. He did “visit” her repeatedly and she felt his presence very clearly during many nights. She was disgusted and distressed by these “virtual” visits, but was powerless to prevent them. In situations like this, only the power of Christ can deliver a soul, for Satan’s ability to use dreams and visions to his advantage is very real and very strong.
The Lord Is Not Restricted Today
Finally, what about today? Does the Lord still speak in dreams and visions? Yes, He does, and especially in places in this world where His Word is not readily available. In parts of the world where the Word of God can be easily obtained and where the gospel is generally presented without restrictions, most of the time God uses His Word. Of course, we cannot restrict the Lord, and at times He may use dreams and visions even in countries where the Word of God is easily accessible. However, there are areas of the world today where those who are seeking real light as to who God is and who want to know Him might have a very difficult time obtaining a Bible or contacting someone who can help them. In such places there are many documented accounts of how the Lord revealed Himself in a dream or a vision in such a way that the person involved knew that the revelation came directly from God. Often they are directed to a certain place to meet someone or to a certain person whom they might already know. In other cases, they do not know the person they are to meet, but are rather directed to go to a certain place at a certain time, and they may even see in their dream the exact person whom they are to meet. In this way many have been brought to Christ, although in some cases the persons who were brought to Christ in this way suffered persecution and even martyrdom later.
In summary, then, we may say that the Lord is not restricted in the way He can reveal Himself to man. He still uses dreams and visions, but we must be on our guard against Satan’s wiles. Again, the Lord is able to make it clear what is of Him and what is of the devil. God wants man’s blessing and is willing to make Himself known.
W. J. Prost