Dwight L. Moody was born at Northfield, Massachusetts in 1837. After attending school until thirteen, Moody went to work and, at the age of seventeen, moved to Boston to work in a shoe store. Whilst in Boston, he attended a congregational church where, through the influence of his Sunday school teacher, Moody was converted to Christ. Moody later left for Chicago where, he became a successful traveling salesman. In 1860 he gave it up to spend his full time in Sunday school and YMCA work.
During the American Civil War, Moody worked among soldiers whilst continuing his involvement with Sunday schools, establishing a Street church and participating in national Sunday school conventions. It was at one of these conventions that he met Ira D. Sankey, who he enlisted as his musical associate.
In 1873, Moody sailed to the British Isles for a two-year tour, which was destined to make him a national figure. They visited York, Glasgow, Edinburgh and London for a four-month stay where attendance at their meetings reached more that 2.5 million.
Moody preached to millions in his lifetime but always had a deep interest and loving concern in bringing the gospel to children.