Ecclesiastes Nothing New Under The Sun

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Address—R.F. Bauman
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We're gonna turn to Ecclesiastes.
Written by the wisest man that ever lived in this world, apart from Christ. That's where he got his wisdom. You know, it's wonderful, but Solomon can warn you, young people.
He wrote 3000 Proverbs, 1005 songs, and one faithful servant. That's this one faithful servant. Sermons are for men today in the world. In criticism we had a lot of sermons, I know.
God doesn't need a sermon. God needs worship.
He wants his son offered up.
He doesn't need a servant. We need the servant. That's the faithful sermon right here in the heart of the Word of God. Young people, this world is going to take your heart and not leave any room for Christ. That's the sermon we're going to have.
Solomon wrote three books and their perfect order in the perfect place in the heart of the Word of God.
Proverbs, That's the heavenly wisdom for an earthly pathway right down here.
If you're saved or lost, you read and follow Proverbs. You're going to have some blessing in your life that hasn't taken care of eternity, of course, but you have some blessing.
And then Ecclesiastes empties one of self. That's what we need. Empties one of self. So that's a Song of Solomon can fill that empty self with Christ. That's what we want. Lovely is it? Our brother yesterday was bringing it to us that we must grow as Saints, as children of God, or we go backwards, no standing still.
No standing still.
He said grow up, but to do that you got to go down. I like that you got to go down. That's that's what we had in the second chapter of Philippians. We had a brother in Toledo who said, would thou be great then, lowly Sir, which thou go up, then go down.
But go as low as low thou will the lowest. The greatest has gone lower still. The greatest has gone lower still. You can't get down that far.
For young people, you've got to go down. You need the emptying out process. You need to be warned about this world and yourself. Then you could be a testimony for Christ. There isn't much time left. You can do what I should have done and didn't. What a privilege you've got. What a privilege.
If we had more.
Double D's, we'd have more double OS and less double HS. You say he's speaking pigeon English of the Carabs. No, that's just initials double DS down in the dust. That's where Jill was. It took 42 Chapters to get him down, but he got down. And then God blessed his latter end more than his beginning. And that's what I'm concerned about with you young people. Your ladder ends, not the beginning.
Now the rest of your time.
Rest your time. You have your double D if you're down the dust, if you've emptied yourself and realize what you are.
Then you can be a double O, out and out, out and out for Christ. Wonderful to be a double O. We'll have less double HS, half and half and half and half is nothing. Half of this world and half of the assembly is nothing, because the world crowds in. Satan will make sure of it. Now let's look at Ecclesiastes.
This man was equipped to do everything, and he did it.
Yeah, let's turn to, I want to show you this. Let's turn to Kings. We'll look at the first Kings chapter 4. I'll just read a few verses. Time goes.
Time goes first Kings chapter 4.
Verse 20 Judah and Israel were many as the sand which is by the sea, and multitude eating, drinking and making merry, and Solomon reigned over all Kingdom.
Verse 22. Solomon's provision for one day was 30 measures of fine flour, 3 score measures of meal, 10 fat oxen, 20 oxen out of the pastures, 100 sheep, besides hearts, robots, fallow deer, and fatted fowl. He had dominion over all the region on the side of the river.
Verse 26 Solomon had 40,000 stalls of horses for his Chariots and 12,000 horsemen and those officers. His chefs provided victual for King Solomon. For all that came under King Solomon's table, every man had a month. They lacked nothing. 29 God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding, exceeding much larger of heart, even as a sand that's on the seashore.
Solomon's wisdom exceeded the wisdom of all the children of the East and all the wisdom of Egypt. He was wiser than all men.
Now turn to Second Chronicles Chapter 9. Second Chronicles Chapter 9.
Verse 13 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year, 603 score, and 10 talents of gold, beside that which Chapman and merchants brought, and all the kings of Arabian governors of the country, brought gold and silver to Solomon.
Verse 1920. And all the drinking vessels of King Solomon were gold, and all the vessels of the House of the forest of Lebanon were pure gold, none silver. It was not anything accounted of in the days of Solomon, for the kingships went to Tarshish with the servants of Herman every three years. Once came the ships of Tarsus, bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and Peacocks, and King Solomon passed.
Kings of the earth in riches and wisdom. I could go on, You could read on. None like him in wealth and power, in the ability to do anything he wanted. Now, Ecclesiastes, this is a warning, and young people take it. You don't have to learn, you don't have to have loss. You can have all blessing.
All gain all advantage in your life.
All glory and Christ as well. Wonderful.
You see the Song of Solomon first. I mean, the Ecclesiastes views death on this side of the grave, and it views death not as the result of sin or the wages of it, but a few deaths, sort of as a worm eating away at the root of life and finally taking it. Taking it.
There are seven times Solomon speaks to the dearest one he knew. He took him as his companion. I communed with my own heart seven times and seven times we have this expression. Pursuit of the wind. That's it, pursuit of the wind.
Chapter One.
Nothing new under the sun. That's what I call it. Nothing new under the sun.
It's the one grand circuit. That's what it is. Chapter one, he gives the conclusion. First verse two vanities of vanity, says the preacher, vanities of vanities, all is vanity. And he comes to his conclusion after doing everything. That would be chapter 12, verse 18, vanity or verse 8, vanity of vanity, says the preacher, all is vanity. Vanity is the same word here as idol, nothing.
Nothing. Nothing.
Pursuit of the wind, that's what it is. Now let's look one Grand Circuit. That's chapter one. There's nothing new. Nothing new under the sun. You'll find 28 times in Ecclesiastes, because that's where we're talking about.
If you're lost, this is what you're gonna have. Nothing.
And if you're saved, this is going to be the result of your life. Shipwreck worse than nothing. Not your soul, your life here.
What prophet has a man of all his labor which he takes under the sun? There's the question.
One generation passes away, another generation is common, and the generations just keep going. One grand circuit. This earth is in a circuit. All the heavenly bodies are in a circuit. Everything is going in a circuit.
The sun, it rises, the sun is set to rise again, and so it goes, a grand circuit.
I have some long trips. My longest is Houston to Phoenix. I don't like motels and so I try to make it. It's a long one.
Last time I left about four.
I watch the sun come up beautiful. I love that. And I watch the sun go down.
And after dark I pulled into a rest area and in the rest area I pulled right up behind a beat up old van. Mexican plates. But I saw something on the bumper. I can't speak Spanish, but I know Christo.
I saw three girls coming out of the building for the van. So I went out and gave him something that speaks of Christ and three scripture balloons. They thanked me and I went in. When I came out to my car, they came running over from the van. Mr. Everybody in there are Christians too. Oh, I said, all right, let's go see about this. So I went over, opened the van. It was like sardines back through. They were all smiling and grinning from ear to ear.
Why says praise the Lord, Christ is everything. Amen, Amen. That lovely fellowship right away, the old man at the wheel, I said, after we talked a while, I said, how do you like Texas? He says, how do you get out?
How do you get out? He said the sun she rise, the sun she said, I'm in Texas here. You know what I said? I said the day she come, the day she go. Me too, amigo. And they all laughed at the van because somebody pulled one. Little greater than no granddad. Well, that's what we have here. You see, it just never ends.
I bet it down. I suppose they did, because the next day I watched the sun come up again and they passed to me with their horn blasting and everybody hanging out and the arms flying. That's fellowship. You know what that is? That's the fellowship. I love it. All right, Luin. It goes towards the South, it goes towards the north it world, and then it returns and starts the circuit again. That's the grand circuit of this world in life.
All rivers run into the sea, but the seas never full.
To the place from whence the rivers came, they returned, and I'll tell you something.
The waters that were enjoying now the farmers and everyone else is the same waters that came down on Noah. It's a circuit now, one grand circuit.
The thing that has been verse nine, it is that which shall be, and that which is done is that which shall be done. There's no new thing under the sun, and that's chapter one.
Young people don't expect to find anything in this world. It isn't there. That's what he's saying already.
Satan has his baubles, but they burst and there's nothing there.
In Ireland, on a mountainside was a huge boulder.
Young man found it a little village.
And there was an inscription, barely visible, ancient looking.
Turn me over, I'll tell you more. He was so excited he couldn't understand. Get back to the village. Quietly, secretly gathered together his closest friends. This is going to be great, probably a treasure.
They went up there and with great effort they turned that boulder over and another inscription of the bottom put me back where I was before.
That's what you've got in this world. There isn't anything new. There's no remembrance of former things, neither shall there be remembrance of things that are to come or with those things that come after. Why? Because man can't learn from experience, that's why. Alexander the Great wasn't the 1St to try to conquer this world, and Hitler won't be the last.
I gave my heart to search out and to seek everything. The rest of this says this. I communed with my own heart. Verse 16, I've come to great estate. We've seen that estate. I'm going to do everything and he did. Now I'm going to tell you young people, he did everything. I mean everything.
I made a list. I'll give it to you. Don't try and copy it. If you want it, I'll give it later. But I made a list. I may be wrong. If I'm wrong I'll send corrected. But here it is and I'll give you just quickly the chapter and verse. I'll just say the chapter and verse. You know, science and knowledge was the first thing. Chapter one, verse 4 to 16, Pleasures and mirth 21 to two, Wine and strong drink 2, verse 3.
Construction and Building Trade 2, verse 4.
Agriculture and Farming 2. Verse 5. Reservoir and Irrigation projects 2 Verse 6. Great possessions 2 Verse 7. Wealth and treasures. Two were the Music and entertainment 2 Verse 8. Lust and Gluttony, Chapter 210. Misanthropy, 217 to 22. Materialism, 224 to 25. Fatalism.
3-1 to 15 Z ISM 316 to 22. Natural Religion.
516 Philanthropy 5 verse eight children 63 Morality 7 One to six nostalgia 710 Philosophy 816 to 17 Marriage, Family and Planned Retirement 9 verse 9 to 12 Youthful Pleasures 11/9 and Writing a book 1212 Education and Learning 12 verse 12 In those 24 categories, you're going to put everything.
Everything. Everything.
Vanity of vanities. All is vanity and vexation of spirit. Take it from the wisest man that ever lived who could do it.
That's what I'm telling you. Let's go on. I would like to say something though. Science and knowledge. The first one he tried, Timothy, it tells us.
Avoid, avoid the profane. I'm trying to get there without turning a proven and vain babblings and oppositions of science falsely so-called. That's what he tells you now.
Any science book, any book that contradicts this book is science falsely so-called. That's it. Because this is true. That's an easy test. Is it? This is true. He tried it. I could tell you this. The largest library collection in the world is in France. All scientific books copies, if not the originals, ever written. Not one has lasted 50 years without being disproved and discredited and shelved.
All right, we go on. I just want to mention what other pleasures at birth.
11 Says this pleasures of sin. God's honest there is pleasure of sin for a season.
That's the bad part for season. You reap what you sow. Wine and strong drink. I think that was mentioned yesterday. Let's turn to a chapter Proverbs. Proverbs. He tried it, by the way. Proverbs, Chapter 20, verse one. Wine is a mocker. Strong drink is raging. Whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. Chapter 23, Chapter 23, Proverbs.
Verse 30 they well. Verse 29 Who hath woe? Who has sorrow?
Who has contentions, Who has babbling, Who hath wounds without a cause? Who has redness of the ice? They that tarry long at the wine, They that go to seek mixed drink, mix wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it's red, when it giveth this color in the cup, when it moves itself a right at the last, it biteth like a surf, and its stingers like an adder.
It moves itself a right when it's moving itself a right insight, it moves itself to out of sight right there. And when mine moves, the 1St place it moves through is your mind and your brain.
And it takes over.
Satan captives, captivates your brain, Then you're no longer your own in control at all. Nothing. Solemn thought.
I was walking early this morning. I got near a park. It was dark and I heard voices. Maniacal voices. One sounded like Tarzan the man, the other like a cow in travail.
I knew what it was. The wine was moving all right inside. Taking over their minds. Solemn, isn't it? It's taken over their minds. They were going to hurt themselves or hurt some innocent person, maybe me. I prayed I didn't take 20 steps. I saw two lights coming. God's wonderful. And I saw on the top of that car some colored glass.
And I stopped it. I said, officers, there's some men in this park.
And they're not in control of themselves. They're going to hurt themselves with some innocent party. I suggest you give them free lodging and board until they're all right. They thanked me and went, and I went. This is what we're talking about. Solomon tried it. Don't you try it. You lose control. Satan takes over, and the devil makes your mind his placing, and he loves to do that. Well, let's go on. I just want to mention a couple others. Maybe I shouldn't take this time.
Children, that was my 17th. He tried it.
I don't know how many.
Children could be a disappointment.
When they receive Christ we rejoice, but when they go on with Christ we rejoice more, but they can be a disappointment.
Luke, 15. The man had two sons. They both wanted his money. That's really what's in the heart of children. They want that they covered.
Gave it to him ahead of time, the younger son said the first recorded words. Father give me.
In Proverbs 30 it says the Leech has two daughters. What's the names of the two daughters? Give me a Give me both the same.
You know, that's it, children. That could be disappointment, too. He tried this.
But today, the parents are just as bad that way as the children. I see bumper stickers. We're out spending our children's inheritance. That's great too, isn't it? That this is bad? That's the heart. That's this world. All right, we go on. Let's see.
Mirth, he tried it. Mirth. Just pleasure and mirth, you know, that's something that really gives away fast.
There was some men who were followers of Rousseau.
And he's one who said there is no God, just have a ball. And they were either exhausting or atheist, but it didn't matter. They were mockers. And they decided to go into catacombs just to have some fun. Ridicule, really, I'll say it. And as they're in the catacombs, embarrassing all the ones that were there among those bones of the martyrs, Christian martyrs.
One of them got lost.
Wasn't long till the light went out. There he was in darkness.
Total darkness, groping around among the decaying bones of the martyrs.
And the hidden tombs and vaults.
And it wasn't very long till he cried out to God, the one he didn't believe in the.
The search party found him the next day and they led one out of there. No longer a scoffer, but a fate. You see, mirth gives way in darkness. Mirth gives way a death. Mirth is nothing. He tried it. He tried everything. I better not go on in there. Let's go on. Chapter 2. Chapter 2. No advantage, I call it. It's no profit under the sun, no prophet under the sun.
He gave himself to do all these things and what he say.
Notice verse 11. I looked at all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labor that I labored, and behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit. There was no prophet under the sun, no prophet. Prophet here means advantage, something that you have more than what you had when you began.
None. None.
You know Jonah went the wrong way.
He went towards Tarshish, the world destruction, but he paid the fare all the way. He paid the fare all the way down.
He's not called a prophet in the Old Testament. He's not worthy of it. He was unwilling.
And I would suggest for young people, if any of you are paying the fare and going into this world after a time like we've just had, turn in your badge, your ambassadors badge, you're not worthy of it. We're ambassadors of Christ. What all the grace of God. Jonas called a prophet in the New Testament. That's grace. That's the way the Lord is. That's grace. He gives you credit for anything you do, whether you deserve it or not. He's just that way.
But how sad he went down. He paid the fare. No profit, no advantage. Just look at it.
There's no prophet under the sun.
Notice verse 12. What can a man do that comes after the king? Young people, take that from Solomon.
He had everything, he could try anything and he did.
What can you do in this world after him but gain loss? That's all loss.
One event happened to a wall. The end of verse 14, and here it comes.
DEATH that's continually knowing away in this world that all the lives.
Verse 16 at the end, how does a wise man die? He dies as a fool.
And so we get down to the end of this second chapter when we find out. I'm not going to read the verses, but here's what he says. If all there is is in this life, then you might as well eat, drink and spend your earnings. That's it. It's terrible. Chapter 3, Responsibility. I call it responsibility.
And chapter 3, I'm going to skip verse 13, Verse 15, I better get on at the end. God requires that which is passed. God requires that which is passed. He's bringing God into it. Now all this is just lost. But more than that, you're going to count to your Creator.
God requires what's passed.
And he says in verse 20, we all go to one place, we are all dusted, we all turn to dust again. Now apart from something after death, man is no different than a beast.
That's what he says, except this verse 21. The spirit of man goes up and the spirit of peace goes down.
The spirit of man returns to the God who gave it. The spirit of beat the beast goes down. The spirit of man is going to have to go on forever and ever. A man has a life that never ends. And Solomon is getting at it right here. Responsibility.
Chapter 4 we'll go quick because we got some thoughts here. I want to get out.
I call this more than conquerors. You know, I told you, you find Christ anywhere in the in the word of God, Old Testament to now he starts out with there's no comforter for those that are oppressed. That's what we need. We need a comforter and Christ is the comforter and he said another one, the Holy Spirit, but we'll go on. He said, if there's nothing else but this.
Then verse 13 or two, I praise the dead, which are already dead, more than the living which are alive, and yet better is he than both of them.
Which has not yet been. Who has not seen all this evil under the sun?
The dead are better than the living, and better he that hasn't even been born than he that's already lived and gone through the evil that's this world.
Now verse nine, I'm not going to read the whole verse 9:00 to 12:00, but you know the verse it's twos, twos and all of a sudden a three fold cord is not quickly broken and that is Christ, not beautiful Christ.
Chosen before the foundations of the world in Christ there's three chords, the Father, Son, the Holy Spirit. There's the three chords. You can use it, husband and wife and Christ in the marriage. Three courts. Christ is brought in quickly here in how beautiful it is.
Chapter 5.
Five, of course, is the.
Human number, number of man, there's no difference is what I titled it the king or the beggar? It's all the same. It's all the same. I'll go down to verse 9. The prophet of the earth is for all. The king himself is served by the field. The king eats the same bread from the same field that a beggar does on. Its wrapped a little nicer. It's all.
The king enjoys the same warmth of the sun that the beggar does, only he sits in the palace.
Lawn or in the palace patio in a nice chair, and the beggar sits on the ground, leaning against the wall. But they both enjoy the same heat, Solomon says. What's the difference?
Moreover, verse 9, The prophet of the earth is for all. The king himself is served by the field. But he that loveth silver shall never be satisfied with silver. He that loveth abundance never with increase. This is vanity. When goods increased, they are increased that eat them, And what good is they are they save beholding them with their eyes.
When good and goods are increased, they're increased. They got to have more. I just mentioned this young people, a double income family can't cut back to one.
We've increased with the goods.
The sleep of the laboratory band is sweet, but the abundance of the rich does not suffer him to sleep. And there's a sore evil. Verse 13. Riches kept for the owners thereof to the earth. It isn't the money that's the root of all evil, it's the heart, the love of it. It's the heart, the love of it.
I don't have to tell you the stories about the millionaires now, billionaires that leave everything behind. They came in with nothing, they go out with nothing and they don't even know who's going to enjoy it.
But I was called to a hospital once. It doesn't have to be a billionaire to have this problem.
As called to a hospital by a daughter, her father, mother dead, her father was dying. He was in intensive care when I got there. He had tubes in him every place and needles, nose and mouth. Couldn't say a word, all the noises of the machines. At the foot of his bed was a man with a long black robe and on either side.
Were some women in in habits?
And I went to that man. I know he didn't have much time.
And he had something clutched in his right hand. It was a book.
They couldn't get it away.
And I preached Christ to him. I told him, you receive Jesus now as your Savior. You go directly to glory. You'll be absent for the body and present with the Lord. And that's so wonderful. I can't tell you how wonderful it is. I gave him Christ. He didn't need rights, he need Christ. What are last rites when you don't have Christ?
I saw tear from his eye. I was holding his hand. I felt a squeeze.
I left after prayer.
He died shortly after.
And the coroner said he had a long time.
Releasing that grip from the book, It was a bank book. That bank book ended on my desk. And his daughter said that's all dad had. Everything he had right there is something.
What are we going to do? I opened it up, $123.47.
I said we're not going to do anything. It costs more to release it than to let the state have it. That's it. That's what he had it it. It tore him. It grabbed him. He had it. He clung to it.
She said one of those women in black told me about the tear.
I told her about the hand squeeze. We leave it with the Lord. We leave it with the Lord. Let's go on. Riches kept for their hurt. Young people don't get into it.
A lot of my brethren are in jobs in which they can get rich. If the Lord wants to, as a good steward, he'll do it.
I had a prayer, I prayed every day. I give it to you, Lord, keep me from riches and keep me from poverty. I wanted to pay my bills and he helped me.
As he came forth out of his mother's womb naked, he shall return to go as he came, and to think nothing of his labor, He shall carry nothing away. At the end of 16. He labored for the wind. He labored for the wind. The expression the pursuit of the wind is 7 times, though in this in this book. The pursuit of the wind. Young People. Chapter 6.
He'll leave all behind.
Six is the number of incompleteness, 1 short.
And I'm not going to go into all this, but that second verse says if you have wealth without health, you have nothing.
If a man began 100 children verse three and leave many and live many years, so the days of his years be many, but his soul is in full, it's empty, he has nothing.
The last Verse. For who knoweth what is good for man in this life? All the taste of his vain life, which he spends as a shadow? Who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun? Chapter 7.
None good.
None. Good. I'll just read the verse. I'm not going to take time to get into all this because I can't. I wish you would. Let's see.
Verse 20 There is not a just man upon earth that doeth goodness, and it's not. Notice verse 29. Although this only have I found, God hath made man upright.
But they've sought out many inventions.
Earth dwellers invent Children of God discover there's a difference in there.
We were discovering for two days.
And will discover the rest of our time here until he comes and the discoveries are so precious.
And they get better and better. We discover Man invents many inventions. That's all he does. Inventions keep his mind occupied. Inventions try to cover up his problems.
Religion is an invention of man king.
But the first invention was Adam.
Mother, they say is necessity is the mother of all invention. I suppose that's what the world says. Adam and Eve had a need. They sinned, they were naked, and they knew it.
What's that first adventure? They sold fig leaves together, Made an apron.
I suppose if it worked and anybody else to buy it, the Taiwanese would have mass produced it. But it didn't work. It didn't work. That was the first invention. He's been inventing ever since. Man invents. That's all he can do.
I've often thought when we go, we may go through this gold ceiling. Beautiful. Won't keep me when the show comes. Won't keep you when the chow comes.
But there may be astronauts up there, or the Russians too, in all their grand inventions. And won't we pass them fast?
Won't we pass them fast?
New beginning There's no power in the day of death.
Verse eight, There is no man that has power over his spirit to retain the spirit, neither has he power. The day is death. There's no discharge in that war, no discharge in that war. Verse 16 I plied my heart to know wisdom and to see the business that's done under the earth. For there also there is that neither day nor night see asleep with his eyes. And then I beheld all the work of God.
Man cannot find out the work that's done under the sun because though a man labor to seek it out.
He cannot find it.
We know things and are discovering things and are learning things that the wisest in this world can know.
First Corinthians second chapter. They can't know spiritually discerned. We know the deep things of God and praise the Lord for it. That's what he's saying. Man can't find out the things of God.
Chapter 99 is the number of judgment.
C7 is a heavenly number.
We're heavenly people. 8 is a new beginning. That's the shot.
But nine, the judgment comes after the shout. That's nine. And it is an interesting 9 brings out Christ fully. Oh, you got to have the Spirit of God, but he's there Christ fully. That lovely. Why 9? Why judgment? Because it's a judgment of Christ, just like we were singing that has given us everything in him.
O cross of Christ, who wonders 3 What place could be compared with thee?
God's own Son was crucified for our sins. A ransom died judgment, I read.
14 There was a little city, that's the Garden of Eden first place. This earth is a little speck in the dust in the in the universe. But a lot of people think there could be men on other planets or life. But look at Psalm 115, verse 16. Psalm 115, verse 16.
The heaven, even the heavens are the Lords. But the earth, he's given to the children of men. All the rest of the Lords, all the rest of the Lords, This little earth, all right. There was a little city, the Garden of Eden, and few within it, Adam and Eve. And there came a great king against it, Satan.
He's got power.
He's powerful, but God's all powerful. Greater is he that said you, that he is in the world and he besieged it.
That's what he deceived Adam and Eve with a lie. He's a father of the lie and he got him that way to sin. And that was it. He besieged it and broke right in and built great ball works against it. And what a ball works for a continual bombardment and he's continually bombarding everyone in that city, this world, earth.
Now there was founded a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city poor. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, he became poor, but through his poverty you might be rich. Poor, How poor? First verse Psalm 22 My God, by God, why hast thou forsaken me? You'll never know how poor.
The way the brass can't be found out.
Man, a poor wise man. Wise. He's wisdom personified.
Proverbs 8 read it. He's wisdom himself in person. Solomon got everything he knew from him, all the wisdom.
Man, poor wise man, that's Christ. One God, one millionaire between man and God, the man Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all.
There it is, Christ 9 Judgment. Beautiful, isn't it? No man remembered that same poor man.
His words are not heard. The end of verse 16. That's what you got today. That's what you got today in prison. His words aren't heard.
They like to have their ears tickled to get it. But his words aren't heard. They don't care about that same format. Chapter 10. I'd better move on. Chapter 10 is the number of responsibility of man towards God. And I would title this man's his own worst enemy. It's self harm. I won't go into too much averse aid. You could read it. He's a ticket. The pit shall fall into it. He break into the heads of serpent shall bite him.
Young people.
The assembly's the hedge, the word of God, your Garrison.
Have him guarantee you about and don't break their heads down the serpent bikes. That's what Solomon saying.
Self destruction, how solemn. Shipwreck, how solemn.
Demus has forsaken me, says Paul, having loved his present world. He's out there, we're safe, and Serpent can bite him.
Let's go on. I gotta get done. Chapter 11, Finality of Death.
Chapter 11 Finality of death Verse three The tree fall toward the South, fall toward the north. The place where the tree falls, there it shall be. It's all over there forever.
Verse 8 But if a man lived many years, rejoices the mall, let him remember the days of darkness. They shall be many. In verse seven it says light is sweet. Light will never be so sweet as it hell blackness of darkness forever. One glimpse of the light will be so sweet they'll never have it. One drop of water will be so precious they'll never get it.
Will be in the presence of light forever. Presence of light forever. All the contrast, all that cometh is vanity. It's vanity. Chapter 12 I'm I'm there. I'm a clock racer. I'm there. Time for hear death for eternity and judgment. That's what he's saying. Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth, young people, The wisest man that ever lived, who tried everything.
Says don't try it.
Remember the Lord while you are young, take the blessing, get full with Christ, be happy, let the dew come down, let the blessings flow, have the goodwill of him that dwells in the Bush. He says oh how wonderful to get this with the wisest man that ever lived. Now notice he brings in the fact that youth goes pretty quick. I can say Amen.
It's fair so fast.
I'll just go quickly when the sun and the light shall not be darkened. That's what you've got now.
Nor the clouds return after the rain. You've got that young people in the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble. That's the hands they start to shake. The strong men shall bow themselves. That's the knees they begin to give out. The grinder cease because they're few. That's the teeth.
And those who lookout of windows, it darkens. That's the eyes. This comes quick, and the doors shall be shut. In the streets you don't go out much anymore. And when the sound of the grinding is low, you don't even hear a mill anymore. A factory.
And he shall rise up at the voice of the bird. But you can't sleep, even the bird gets you up. And all the daughters of music are brought low, 'cause you're not interested in that anymore.
And when they shall be afraid, fear comes in. And the almond tree flourish. There's white hairs now, And the grasshopper shall be a burden. I know my dear old mother was burdened by a cricket for a long time. I couldn't find it in the basement. The desire shall fail because man goes to his long hole. I'm going. I'm going to my long home. And I'm looking forward to it.
I don't want anything to do with this world anymore. All I want to do with this world is given what I got.
I got what they need. That's the thought. And thus shall return to dust. 7 And the spirit returns to God. Vanity of vanity says the speech is all vanity and vexation of the Spirit. If you're not going on with Christ. Oh, I hope you take this to heart. I had a poem. I heard it was sung. Really it's sort of worldly, but that poem.
Reminded me of verse three to seven. Yeah, three to seven.
Read it. I added one verse at the end.
The snows fall a bit deeper these days, and they're building stairs a bit steeper these days. And the town really changed in so many ways. Time, time, time. Young folks are grown exceptionally tall, and a newspaper print is becoming unusually small.
And folks speak so softly you can hardly hear them at all. Time, time, time. The jokes don't seem as witty as old jokes were. And girls aren't half as pretty as I remember her. And a day in the park. A man even called me Sir. Time, time, time. I breathe very heavy when I climb up the hill. What of it? My life is really much more fulfilled.
But they're tearing down buildings I watched them build.
Time, time, time. I can't seem to remember what, where or why, yet I recall so much.
Of the days long gone by and this morning a mother told her boy, let that old man by time, time, time. I'm unable to brittle her even too gum. What's steak tastes like I just imagine for fun. I sit on the bench, I bask in the sun time.
Time, time, but I'm not idle, I'm not bored with my lot. I'm waiting and I'm watching and I worry not because my Lord soon coming and they'll just say and he's not then no time but eternity my lot, eternity my life. Young people, you haven't reached that yet, comes fast.
You know, we're filled up. I hope you're filled up. A good portion press down, shaken together and overflowing. But if you go back in this world, Solomon tells you what's going to happen. There's loss.
The bride and the Song of Solomon went into the city at night on the Broadway.
Lost loss. She was hurt too the second time. Not only lost, but she lost her dignity as a child of God, the Bride.
You can't take Christ to this world and go with the world. You can't do it.
If Lee.
May you didn't really think about that trip all the time. He couldn't have told me like he did. He had no words, but he did. All right. I want to go. I hope you're able to do it. I'll just end up without turning to it, The bride when she came back.
She said I'm sick of love. That's Paul. We just had it. I'm sick of love. What does that mean? I got such a long thing for him. There's an age here. I want to be with Christ, that's all. That's his ministry. That's what demons forsook.
And they said, Who is he that thou I so so moved?
And she said.
He's the chiefest upon 10,000. There's none like him. He's altogether lovely. Isn't that lovely? That's what that's what you said. He's all together lovely.
To me, he's precious and he gets better every day.
I just can't wait to get out tomorrow and tell somebody you feel that way. Can't wait. We've got what they need and it's so wonderful.
Young people, don't let this world take away what the Lord's given you in the last three days.
Get that banner up, it's love, but keep it there.
And empty yourself. Go on down, join job in the dust. Hit it.
That's where you're blessed.
Consider the end of job.
We end the job. Oh, how wonderful.