
Duration: 1hr 2min
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Address—R. Bauman
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We'll start the meeting by reading a verse. It's going to be in First Peter.
First Epistle of Peter and Chapter One.
And verse three I'm going to read.
Four and five as well. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Which, according to his abundant mercy, has begotten us again.
Unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
To an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled. And that fate is not away reserved in heaven for you who are kept by the power of God through faith under salvation, ready to be revealed in the last time.
Going to be talking about our inheritance because it's so important we ought to be occupied with it. We're at the beginning.
Of a three day feeding. Well, really, we could say a feast.
When you open the word of God and allow the spirit to have his way, yeah, in fact, a banquet. According to the Bride, in the Song of Songs, it's a banquet. You know, the main course is Christ.
The salad is more of Christ.
The dessert? What else? Christ, no. Wonderful. That's our inheritance.
So we're going to sing a hymn #93 #93.
Trembling, we had hope.
For mercy.
Some lone place within his door, but the crown.
The throne, the mansion, all were ready long before.
Ere we were, was he rejoicing all he wants with us to share 93?
From the flowers of his.
From the whole of joy and love.
Came by warrior himself to the sea.
We'll look to God and seek help for this time, our gracious, loving God and Father we can.
Looking for the water? Boy will turn to Genesis.
Chapter 25, Genesis.
Chapter 25.
Verse 5.
And Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac.
You know, Abraham and Isaac typically are John 316.
The father sent the son to be the savior of the world. That's the type of Abraham and Isaac. But we go a little further. Everything Abraham had, he gave to Isaac. Isn't that precious? Well, that's the 4th. You know, Jesus said in John 16, we were reading in it. We didn't read that verse. I think it's verse 15. All things that my father has are mine. I just want to add 1 point.
In Romans, we are joint heirs with Christ, not heirs in common. That wouldn't satisfy me.
Joint air.
That's our inheritance, brethren. We were reading in First Peter. Now we read on.
Verse 21 And Isaac entreated the Lord for his wife.
Because she was bearer, that was a problem.
That's a problem, especially in the children of Israel.
It's Old Testament importance because children were very important to continue.
The father's name and the inheritance in the family the birthright.
To the first born.
But to be barren.
Was really a reproach in a sense, to a woman of Israel. And and and Rebecca was Barry had no problem with God, no problem at all. Lovely, isn't it? You know, the mother of Samson, the Nazarite, was buried.
Oh, it's here. Thank you.
The mother of Samuel the prophet was barren, the mother of John the Baptist.
Was Barrett. I could go on. That's enough. No problem here.
And 21 And the Lord was entreated. And Rebecca his wife conceived verse 24 And when her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb, And the first came out red all over, like a hairy garment. And they called his name Esau, Shaggy, or Rough. That's what it means. And after that came his brother out, and his hand took hold on Esau's heel. His name was called Jacob.
As the planter.
And Isaac was 3 score years old when she bear them, and boys grew. And Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field, and Jacob was a plain man dwelling in tents. And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison. But Rebecca loved Jacob and Jacob sod pottage, and Esau came from the field. He was faint, and he saw said to Jacob feed me, I pray thee with that same red pottage, for I'm faint.
Therefore, was his name called Edom.
And Jacob said.
Sell me this date like birthright. And Esau said, behold, I'm at the point to die. What prophet shall this birthright do to me? And Jacob said, swear to me this day, and he swear unto him, And he sold his birthright under Jacob. Then Jacob gave Esau bread and potty to lentils, and he did eat and drink, and rose up and went his way. Thus he saw.
Despised his birthright.
You can turn to Hebrews chapter 12, Hebrews chapter 12 and verse 16 I think and 17. Hebrews 12 and verse 16 and 17.
Lest there be any fornicator or profane person as Esau, who for one morsel of bread sold his birthright, for ye know how that afterwards, when he would or wish to have inherited the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
Back-to-back to Genesis 25 at the end.
Two things about Esau. One in Psalms 10, Four God.
Was not in all his thoughts.
That's a problem, the real problem, and, as it says in the 14th chapter of Psalms.
He said For me, no God.
That's the fool for me. No God.
Esau never mentioned the name of God. He just cried out to Isaac.
No thought of God, only earthly thoughts. And his repentance he sought was not through repentance, it was the repentance such as.
The one who betrayed the Lord Isn't that terrible?
Class Judith, like Judas, repented.
Not because of his sin, but because of a bad bargain he made. That's not repentance, that's remorse. And so he he sought it, but with tears. But it wasn't right.
Esau's repentance was not for forgiveness.
It was for restitution. Now you exist by the grace of God. Everyone of us exists by the grace of God, and every Sinner is the object of God's love and bounty. You've got a wonderful thought, every Sinner.
But some despise that inherited. Some despise that birthright, like Esau.
Esau despised it.
You know what he settled for but a morsel?
A morsel? What's a morsel?
The dictionary says a morsel is a little bit of something.
But in context here in the things of God, a morsel.
Is a little bit of nothing. Esau found that up absolutely.
He sold his birthright for a morsel. You know, the natural heart raises no value at all on the things of God.
Because God is not known, that's why. Thus the natural man to him present is only is everything, Present is everything.
Without faith, sight governs now, Esau said. What prophet? This birthright, I'll say it. What about you?
What's life to you, young people? What's life to you? Is it like Esau? You know what he did? He ate and drank, rose up and he went his way. Is that life to you? That was life to Esau, because he despised the inheritance that God had for him. But, you know, it wasn't just Esau. Let's remember that.
The children of Israel despise the Promised Land, they believe, not God.
They didn't go in. They didn't go in. They died in the wilderness. They despised the inheritance that God had for them. It's a solemn thing, you know. The 2 1/2 tribes also despise the inheritance that God had for them.
They wanted a place that was just suitable for their cattle, their cattle. And so they said to Moses, bring us not under the promised land. Think about that. Well, you know, there's a lot of them that did that.
The Jews despised their Messiah Christ.
Why was that?
They didn't know him. That's why they didn't know him. Turn to Johnny John chapter eight. I think I'll give you a verse on that instead of just saying it. John chapter 8 and verse.
43 the Lord speaking.
Why do you not understand my speech? Because you cannot hear.
My word, verse 47 He that is of God, heareth God's words. Ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God. That's the juice when the Lord was here, and they crucified the Lord of glory.
You know, God is not in all man's plans, thoughts or purposes and feet, Esau preferred. A mess of bodies. Just a a morsel of nothing, bit of nothing to the title, to the promised Land. So that's the first thought I have Some despise it, you know, God's offering this to every Sinner, and they're wonderful to every Sinner in this world.
You can accept it, and I trust everybody here has accepted it.
You can neglect it, you can reject it, or you can despise it like Esau.
There are some I know I've met them, that despise it. Well, what's the what's the result of this?
Hatred and murder is the result of that they crucified the Lord, the glory. But look at chapter 27. Look at chapter 27 here in the Genesis and verse 41 he saw painted Jacob at the end and said I will slay my brother Jacob hatred and murder.
That's the result of despising the things of God and himself. Well, now I'm going to turn to another I'm going to look at several ways to treat this inheritance. Present Nehemiah, chapter seven, I think. Nehemiah.
Chapter 7.
Verse 61.
And these were they which went up.
Now what it means is they were in Babylonian captivity and when they had the opportunity.
They went up to Judah, to the promised Land.
To Jerusalem.
Desire. Wonderful thing, wasn't it? These are they that went up.
And at the end, but they could not show their father's house, nor their seed.
Whether they were of Israel.
Verse 64.
These thought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy, but it was not.
Found therefore, were they as polluted put from the priesthood.
And the tirshatha, which is the governor, said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things.
Till there stood up a priest with Urim and Thummim.
Is very important.
These were careless about their inheritance, not despising us like Esau, just terrorists about it. Oh, that's prevalent today. That is so prevalent today. It's truly a woeful group. They could not show their father's house or seat as a pedigree that they belong, you know?
There was included priests in this group.
And during their exile, they became careless about what was real, about what was their inheritance, their birthright. And so they could not show their pedigree. They could not take part in the work of the Lord, which they had been called. In the case of the priest, the consequences were even greater, it says, as polluted they were put out of the priesthood. Rather, that's the same today.
That's the same today.
And it ought to be, you know, criticism in the United States and Canada of this continent.
Started in a type, as a type in babylonish captivity. That's the way Christmas came over here. They were already in it. But then God in his grace and goodness gave light. They're wonderful Gave light. And the Lord's table was spread in this continent. What a wonderful thing. A Lord's table was spread in this continent. But then they found themselves in the exact situation as these in Nehemiah.
In Ezra's Day in Nehemiah's day, a question arose as title to break bread at the Lord's table.
That came up right away.
Everyone before the truth was restored. Who was a good person?
Was allowed, even invited, Encouraged. Anyone before who said I'm a Christian was allowed and invited, even if their walk did not uphold go up with their profession. That doesn't make any difference then. But now we have a problem. What did they do? They followed the principles in the word of God. Principles never change. They're lovely. It was already for them to do.
Only those that could show their father's house, Only those that could find the register, their genealogy.
Could be at the Lord's table. That's it. That's the way it ought to be. Peace with God.
And clear knowledge of our standing in Christ.
Our pedigree really, in our genealogy.
If not, they were like those of the of my time.
They had to wait for a priest to arise with Urim and Thummim.
Excluded from the Lord's state. Now I want to mention something you know.
For those that want to be at the Lord's table, the burden is upon them. The burden never shifts, it's upon them.
To establish their right to be at the Lord's table. Why? It's not our table breath.
It is not table, it's the Lord's table. It's just like Nehemiah state. It's no different.
At first it wasn't so difficult because at first they merely when they saw what the Lord brought of truth to their hearts, left what they were in and were gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus. At first it wasn't so difficult, but now it is very difficult. It is very hard, but just because something's difficult doesn't take away our responsibility to the Lord.
That's it. Our responsibility is to see that they control.
The pedigree that they can show their genealogy that they have a right to be at the Lord's table.
Today, we must insist on their genealogy. It has to be. It's not our table now. One who has no certainty of his salvation. Think about there's a lot says they're Christians. One who is feathered by systematized air in Christendom.
One who believes he can be saved and another day lost.
One who has or denies the eternal sonship of Christ.
And I could go on. All of these, all of these have no right.
At the Lord's tape they can't show the pedigree, but this.
Until the pedigree, but also anyone who's connected.
With any table of man that has these errors.
Is also excluded.
Why is the Lord's table? That's the only answer. It's the Lord's table and brethren. Let's don't get careless like these did about this matter.
Know your pedigree. Know why you're there.
That's so important.
And any that want to come to the Lord's table, don't reduce or deny your responsibility.
Well, there are those that were careless in Nehemiah's day. There are those that are careless today, and I'll go to judges.
After first no chapter one of judges, I think.
Won. What is that water?
Judges one verse 8. Now the children of Judah had fought against Jerusalem.
Had taken it and smitten it with the edge of the sword, and set the city on fire.
And afterward, the children of Judah went down to fight against the Canaanites.
And dwelt in the mountain, and in the South, and in the valley Lebanon. And from thence he that Judah went against the inhabitants of Deaver. And the name of Deber before was Keir Jazz Steffer.
I'll care, Jeff Seifer. I think it is means the city of the book, The city of the book.
There's only one book. Rather, and there's none other This is the book.
They named it Deaver. What's deeper? Mean the word of God. That lovely.
The word of God, well that's the side bone. The side goes here. And Caleb said he's a smideth pure Jeff Seifert and taketh it to him. Will I give AXA my daughter to wife and off? Neil the son of Kinaz Caleb younger brother, took it and he gave him AXA his daughter the wife. And it came to pass when she came to him that she moved him to ask of her father a field and she lighted off from off her *** and Caleb said under her What wilt thou?
And she said unto him, Give me a blessing, for thou has given me a Southland.
Give me also springs of water. And Caleb gave her the upper springs and the nether springs. Now we had one who despised the inheritance of birthright, and we had one who were careless about it. Now we have one who valued it.
How much do you value it?
Acts of valued it. I think it's the most beautiful portion right here, don't you? Right in the middle of judges. Of the beginning of judges. What Zach so mean, Anklet.
Anklet refers to a godly walk for a sister. Tonight she had a godly walk.
Tauna Songs, Chapter 7, verse one. I think it's How beautiful are thy feet with shoes. O Princess daughter. Who said that? The bridegroom. Who do you say it to? The bride? What's she talking about? She's in the royal family.
She has shoes on.
Got a godly walk that appeals to the bridegroom? That's AXA.
That's what we have here, AXA.
Orcible means strength of God. He was the first Deliverer.
Of Israel in Judges. The first one he was a judge. Now Aksar typifies the believer who has absolute confidence is a blessing from God.
That's exactly. That's who she absolute competence, no question In that clause, Art and AXA look for good. And she received it, and she had been given the Southland wasn't that wonderful. But she wanted springs of water.
A continual flow of the word of God. That's what you wanted. That's what we need. Southlands is nice.
But we need springs of water.
Continual flow of the Word of God.
How different was she from those who saw only difficulties?
At Katie's Barnier, the entrance to the promised land. Only difficulties. They searched it out. We can't take it. We are like grasshoppers and they're like giants. 38 more years in the wilderness. Well, that's not Axon. She values it. She really did. She wanted the springs and she got the upper and the nether. Now the upper springs can speak of the higher truth.
Like Ephesians 1/3.
And the Nether Springs can speak of practical truth like Ephesians 4 to 6.
We need them both for a godly walk. That's what she wanted and that's what she got. I hope you want it. Both are important. The Upper Springs and the Nether Springs. We needed both.
What I mentioned I read some health.
And two of them said AXA was a covetous woman.
Not in my book. Not in this book. She's not a covetous woman.
You know, covetousness as the heart of natural man is not actor.
The Lord says to us that we should covet. We've got it in the portion we're reading. Covet the best gift. Covet the things of the Lord. Covet to help the Lord's people.
She wasn't coveting, you know, Solomon reminds us in Proverbs of the horse Leech.
That great Leech has two daughters. Their names are gives, it gives. That's the heart of man. Covetousness. Nothing. That's all it is. But not excellent. No. You know, she wanted things of God. She wanted the inherited that is hers and her husband's.
Upper Springs, I think it could also speak of heavenly blessings and provision from God heavenly things. We need the upper supremacy. Another springs could speak of what we need down here. My God shall supply all your needs according to His.
Wait a minute, my God shall supply all your needs according to.
To his riches and joy, by Christ Jesus, thank you. I should turn to him, and you should never get it wrong. And I was getting it wrong anyway. That's the thought of another spring. Anything that we need will be provided. Not that we want. Anyway. I don't want to get off on a tangent. Now we'll look at another.
Will go to Joshua Chapter 7. We've seen those who despised it, those who were careless about that inheritance and one that cherished it and valued it. But now in Joshua Chapter 7.
I think that's what I said. Well, Joshua, maybe it's chapter.
I've been sick. No wonder. Top of the page, maybe it is 7/21.
Hold it.
OK, 17.
There was also a lot for the tribe of Manasseh.
For he was the first born of Joseph, to wit, for make her the first born of Manasseh.
The father of Gilead, because he was a man of war. Therefore he had Gilead and fashion. There was also a lot for the rest of the children of Manasseh, by their families, for the children of Ibiza, and for the children of Helak, and for the children as real, and for the children of Shechem, and for the children of Heifer, and for the children of Shemaida. These were the male children.
A Manasseh, the son of Joseph by their families. And that's the way it was distributed.
But verse 3 But the Lopah had had the son of Heifer. The son of Gilead is the son of Maker. The son of Manasseh had no signs but daughters. And these are the names of his daughters Mala, Noah, Hogla, Milka, Tirzah. And they came near before Eliezer the priest, and before Joshua the son of Nun and before the Princess Saints.
The Lord commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brethren. Therefore, according to the commandment of the Lord, he gave them an inheritance among the brethren of their father. And there fell 10 portions to Manasseh beside the land of Gilead and Bastion, which are on the other side Jordan, because the daughters of Manasseh had an inheritance among his sons.
And we're going to look at some who highly valued.
The inheritance, the birthright, not just felt highly valued, but turned to numbers. Numbers 26, numbers 26.
And verse 52 This is when the Lord commanded Moses what we just read about by Joshua. Verse 52 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, under these the land shall be divided for an inheritance according to the number of names. To many thou shalt give the more inheritance, and to few thou shalt give the less inheritance. To everyone shall his inheritance be given.
According to those that were numbered of him, notwithstanding the land shall be divided by lot. According to the names of the tribes of their fathers, they shall inherit according to the lot shall the possession thereof be divided between the many and few. Now from verse 63 down to 65 it tells us.
That there was a better reader? No, I won't read it. Take too long. It tells us that many.
Fell in the wilderness because they would not go in when they had an opportunity to take the inheritance. Now only Caleb and and Joshua.
We're able to come in now. 27 Then came The daughters of the loafers have the son of He Fur, the son of Gilead, the son of Maker, the son of Manasseh, of the family of Manasseh, the son of Joseph. These are the names of his daughters. You know, the Lord just loves to do this. He loves to record the names of those of faith who truly believe and cherish the things of the Lord. He just loves to do that.
This second time, you know these are the names of the daughters. Mala, Noah, Hogler, Milka, Tearsa. And they stood. And they stood.
Now these are five young women.
Five young women.
And they stood before Moses.
Five young, determined women. I call that a formidable force.
Five young, determined women. All this pleased the Lord. They stood before Moses. They stood before Eliezer the priest. They stood before the Princess or rulers, and all the congregation by the door of the Tabernacle 3.
They made their plea. Our father died in the wilderness. He was not in the company of them that gathered themselves together against the Lord in the company of Korah. He died in his own sin. He had no son. That's their plea.
Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family? Because.
He hath no son.
Now their request give us, Give unto us therefore a possession among the brethren of our fathers. You know, that took a lot of courage to stand before Moses.
An Eleazar and all the rulers and the whole congregation.
At the House of God and demand this. That took a lot of courage.
To faith. To faith. They really wanted the inheritance. They really wanted it. Now notice the answer.
And Moses brought their cause before the Lord. Why did he do that? This was a case of first instance.
Like the one with the man picking up stones on the Sabbath day first instance.
Takes it to the Lord rather than. There's times when it may be first instance, but that doesn't mean there's no answer.
You know, if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of me. Give liberally, I won't afraid you.
We have the We have the power, the Spirit of God. We have prayer.
We have a promise. No, that doesn't hurt. So Moses knew where to go, and so do we. So he says, Lord spake unto Moses, 7 The daughters of the local had Speak right, that a wonderful message from God. The daughters of Lofa had speak right. Thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father's brethren, And thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them. And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have no son.
Then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter, and if he have no daughter.
Then he shall cause his inheritance unto his, give his inheritance unto his brethren.
And if you have no brethren, and on and on, you know what we have here in the ninth verse and on.
The statute of dissent and distribution throughout the whole world.
Is that wonderful? If you die intestate, that's how it's going to go.
Some small variation in different places because of adoptions and because of things like that, but this is really the basis of the law of dissent and distribution in the law today. All right, now I want to turn to chapter.
And we'll look once more at their names. Yeah, let's look at their names. Verse one of Chapter 27, you know, the faith of these five daughters of the Zopa had to claim the inheritance for themselves was so wonderful, how little the children of Israel ever thought of their inheritance when they died in that wilderness, they had the opportunity to go in.
But now the inheritance according to the families of the fathers they can inherit.
You know names are meaningful in the word of God. So Zalofa had. That's the first the Lofa had. What does it mean?
A shadow of fear because of First War. That's what it means.
All five of his children were daughters.
The Lofa had that's the problem, no son. Thus there's a shadow of fear on that family who shall inherit.
No, stop.
His five daughters stood bold. Now their names may like sickness or great disease, you know, may love brings to mind these five daughters. They had a real disability they couldn't inherit, pass through sons as a real problem.
Noah means agitation or commotion, fear.
The hindrance that they have in Mala cause of great anguish and anxiety, great concern for their future. They wanted the inheritance. Hogela means the feast has languished.
They were without any power to help themselves to obtain the inheritance, the feast.
As language.
Milka means a woman of consul.
They sought the console of the man of God, Moses.
That beautiful they sought the council of the Vanagon. Tirzah means his delight and well pleasing. Oh, how it is pleasing to the Lord when you look to him for counsel.
Look to God through Christ for counsel. That's what they did. So they stood before Moses and Eliezer the priest and before the Princess, the rulers and all the congregation and the door of the Tabernacle. And they got the word of God. They shall inherit. They shall inherit. Isn't that lovely?
Now we go to Chapter 35, Chapter 35.
I didn't know if I'd do this, but we have a couple more thoughts here to go to. I'll go fast. Chapter 35. Now this was the fathers of the family, of the children of Gilead, the son of Maker, the son of Manasseh, and of the families of the sons of Joseph. Now they came near to the whole congregation of Moses Neely either. And they said, if these daughters.
Maybe I should say verse 3. If they be married to any of the sons of the other tribes of the children of Israel, then shall their inheritance be taken from the inheritance of our fathers, and shall be put to the inheritance of the tribe where unto they are received, so it shall be taken from the lot of our own inheritance. And when the Jubilee comes, it's all mixed up. You know what Moses said or the Lord said to Moses? Let's see if I can find.
I was trying to go fast here.
Well, I I I.
Well, I don't see it. 5 Moses commanded the children of Israel, according to the word of the Lord saved the tribe of the sons of Joseph has said, well, well, that's what I wanted. The tribe of the sons of Joseph have said well, the five daughters spoke well, said the Lord. Now the five sons who are complaining about the five daughters or the sons of Joseph, they speak well. How can it be well, He says this.
This is 6. This is a thing which the Lord does command concerning the daughters of.
Let them marry to whom they think best. Only to the family of the tribe of their father shall they marry. So shall not the inheritance the children of Israel removed from tribe to tribe. For every one of the children of Israel shall keep himself to the inheritance of the tribe of his father. And every daughter that possesses an inheritance in any tribe of the children of Israel shall be wife under one of the family of the tribe of her father, That the children of Israel may enjoy every man the inheritance of his father's, and neither shall the inheritance remove from one tribe to another.
But everyone of the tribe of the children of Israel shall keep himself to his own inheritance. Even as the Lord commanded Moses, so did the daughters of the Lofa have so did the daughters of the Lofa have you know, to marry just. Any Israelite was not right for the daughters of Zelophehen.
Today, to marry just any Christian isn't right for one gathered to the Lord.
At the table of the Lord. That's the thought. It isn't right. Well, that sort of narrows it down, doesn't it, For the daughters of the Lopez? Sure.
All things, though, are possible with God. Don't forget that these daughters had faith. These daughters had great faith. You know, if one, it goes farther than that. If one is gathered and marries one who's not gathered, how can two walk together except they be agreed?
This is God's principle. Principles never change, brethren. He's always right. You can't change these thoughts.
Verse 11 for Mala, Tirza and Hogla and Milka and Noah third time I think God's so wonderful. The daughters of the opah had were married under their fathers, brothers son and they were married into the family of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph. And their inherited remained in the tribe of the family of their fathers.
Isn't that beautiful?
It's one thing, brethren, to be saved. It's quite another thing to come into the knowledge of the truth and walk in it.
That's the thought here. In this 35th chapter, our fellowship is outside.
Of the camp Christendom.
You know, there's no blessing.
Very outside. Oh, the Lord's gracious. I watched it. I marvel at it. He brings blessing in spite of ourselves sometimes. But you're very dangerous ground disease would have been. They would have lost their inheritance. And you may have. You may lose all the joy of the truth that you cherish. Now that's the thought.
One of husbands for them the same faith that gave them the inheritance.
Provide his husband.
The Lord took care of that.
If your young sisters think that could happen, Lord takes care of that.
All right, another one. These are those that highly value the inheritance brethren. Now, Jeremiah, chapter 3. I'm going to go a little different slant here. Jeremiah, chapter 3.
Verse one We've had those who despise their birthright.
We had one who was careless about the birthright and many others. We had one who valued that inheritance. We had one who highly valued that inheritance. Now we got some who lost sight of it.
Lost sight of them.
They say, if a man put away his wife, and she'd go from him another and and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? Shall not that land be greatly polluted? But thou hast played the harlot with many lovers, yet return again to me, says the Lord, verse 12.
Go and proclaim these words and say, Return Thou backsliding Israel, says the Lord, and I will not cause mine anger to fall upon you. For I am merciful, says the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever. Verse 14.
Turn or backsliding children, says the Lord. For I am married unto you, and I will take you one of a city, two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion.
The Lord is married to the backslider.
I think that's a wonderful word, don't you? I am married to you, backslider. The Lord does not believe in divorce.
That's what he's bringing out here. He does not believe in divorce. You get that in Malachi. I won't turn to it.
You know, in the Song of Songs I'm going to flip to a chapter five. Song of Songs, Chapter 5. I'll go quickly. If you get there, fine. Verse two open to me. My sister, My love, My dove, My undefiled. Why did he say that to her? I should say. When did he say that to the Bride? The time, The second time She failed and got away.
Notice the words my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled. The word undefiled in the song of song is reserved for when she faked.
He still sees her in all the perfection of what he made her the bride. He sees us in all the perfection. Isn't that wonderful? Even though we failed?
Then he says, return backslider. I'm married to you. I'm married to you.
How beautiful that is. Well, how many who were once?
In the full enjoyment of all the Lord's heart of love.
For his old children.
Have left it for the beggarly elements of this world.
Forgetting, now, forgetting.
That he is the same capital F.
They're wonderful. That's his name. I love that name. I love wonderful. I love all the names. There's 700 of them. Same as a beautiful word for Jesus. He never changes.
He changes not. His love continues, and he's anxiously waiting for any to come back.
Come back back sliding the children. I'm married to you. I think that's the most beautiful thought. Now turn to Lamentations, chapter four. I think of Lamentations because.
Because my heart's heavy for those that have gotten away like these backsliders, we were reading them.
And the heart of the Lord is heavier still. Verse one of Chapter 4, Lambeth. How is the goal become dim? How is the most fine gold changed? The stones of the Sanctuary are poured out in the top of every street. The precious sons of Zion comparable to find gold. How they are esteemed as earthen pitchers.
Isn't that a solemn? Aren't those solemn thoughts?
They were once a demonstration of the righteousness of God gold.
Most fine gold. That's changed now.
They were once precious stones in the sanctuary, living stones in the body of Christ where it could show, and now they're poured out upon the top of every street.
I think it was Carrie, John Kerry.
We had a prayer meeting, he said. Brethren, please pray for my son.
They said is he sick although?
You have a problem? An accident? No. What should we pray for?
He's degenerated into an ambassador for the Queen.
What He degenerated into an ambassador for the Queen. He was once at the Lord's table.
Down to verse 7. Her Nazarites were purer than snow. They were whiter than milk. They were more Ruddy in body than rubies. They're polishing was of the sapphires. These are the ones who really gave themselves to the Lord Nazarite ship. We ought to have it right now. Nazarite ship, the character of a Nazarite. There were those who are gone.
What do they like now?
Verse 8 Their visit is blacker than darkness.
JND their village is blacker than darkness.
You know these are these are solid thoughts to me. Consider Demas.
Who walked with Paul? Think about that. Who's the disciple of the Lord?
Paul called him. My fellow laborer. My fellow laborer Demon.
Who, just a few years after that, forsook the apostle Paul and his doctrine.
Having loved the present world.
The stones of the sanctuary poured out on the top of every street.
Demas lost his life for Christ.
He can't lose his soul. I'll see him in glory. He lost his life for Christ. Oh brethren, how much do you cherish the heritage?
And the inheritance that's yours.
Dimas lost sight of his inheritance, turned to Jeremiah 6. Got tightened for one more, I guess maybe Jeremiah 6. You just. This is worse than we do our reading. Can anything be worse than we were reading? Yes, this is worse than we were reading. Last verse reprobate silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them. Who are they? Those are those that were professing.
That didn't even possess any vitality of Christ at all.
Reprobate silver? That's worse. They're rejected. They're castaway. They're refuge.
You know what Paul said in Two Corinthians. I'll turn to it. Second Corinthians. I know the times about a chapter 13, Second Corinthians 13, verse five. Examine yourselves whether you be in the faith. Prove your own self, though you're not your own selves. How that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobate.
You know Paul did not call the Corinthians Reprophy.
I'm glad he didn't, but he's issuing A solemn warning. It's an awful thing to have been where the word of God and the truth is proclaimed, and to have experienced the leading of the Holy Spirit, and to have escaped the pollutions of this world for a time, and then to return to the filth of corruption of this evil world. The end is worse.
Than if they had never known.
The knowledge of the truth.
We must not deny their profession, Brethren. Paul didn't. He was very careful, just as Job, when Job's wife said Job cursed, God had died.
He didn't consider her a foolish woman. He knew her, he said. They'll speak as one of the foolish women that's like Paul, except to be reprobate.
That each of us rather cherish and rejoice in this inheritance.
Which is reserved in heaven for us and which the Lord wants us to enjoy right now.
Like the daughters of the loaf I have. Let's see.
70 in the back, 70 in the back.
We sing all the realms of the blouse.
That country so bright and so fair.
Love glorious birth.
But what must it be to be?
Shall of this surplus of love.
The rule which the glory thy word.
Of all.
We got all this freedom from sin.
From God.
I feel.
From God.
What it is to be proud.
Caution 3 One, since ye then be risen with Christ.
Seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affections, your heartstrings, on things above, not on things on the earth. Let's pray our gracious, loving God and Father.