NOTE— In our January number we made an appeal for the lepers of India, who are under the care of Mr. Bailey. We are glad to say we have received sufficient in small gifts, and also through the promised help of a Sunday School, to send out four pounds. This will maintain one poor leper child for one year. The smallest contribution was one penny, sent by a poor child, whose mother found the cost of a penny postage on the letter which contained the humble donation rather a tax upon her. We trust our young readers may be stirred up to a little self-denial in regard to pennies, and that they may be found giving, as they are able, to help the suffering.
Mr. Parrott, whose papers on China, which appeared in FAITHFUL WORDS a few years ago, having become qualified to practice as a doctor has sailed for China. He promises to send us tidings of the work in which, if God will, he will be shortly engaged.