A YOUNG woman was admitted to one of our London hospitals suffering from an internal complaint, and, after several methods of treatment had proved ineffectual to remove the mischief; the physicians decided upon another measure. The house-surgeon informed the girl that starvation, in the ordinary sense, was the only hope they had, and time was given for her to consult her friends, and to say "yea" or " nay." In a few days the process was commenced, with her acquiescence. At first a lozenge was allowed, in order to stay the cravings of thirst, but after two days this was stopped, and day by day the patient grew weaker and thinner, until it seemed that life could not much longer be sustained. To starve, within reach of plenty, was indeed terrible, but the brave patient persevered, until the doctors considered the treatment had succeeded.
Then the nurse was bidden to take three tiny squares of bread and offer them to the sufferer. The plate containing these was held up before the helpless creature, in the presence of many interested spectators. When she opened her eyes she asked, faintly, “What is that?" The nurse replied, “Your first meal."
The girl gazed at the bread, as if in a dream, and when at length it dawned upon her that the time to eat had indeed arrived, she burst into tears and exclaimed, “Oh, they are beautiful, too beautiful; place them in front of me, that I may keep looking at them."
The nurse urged her to eat them, but she replied, " They are too beautiful, and will be gone so soon, let me look at them always "; and it was not until the promise of a further supply had been repeated again and again, that the starving girl consented to eat; and when the dainty morsels had disappeared, she fell back, and was soon in a peaceful sleep.
Perchance the reader is a poor sinner, starving for lack of “that bread which came down from heaven." A glorious feast is provided in Jesus Christ for every hungry soul, who will take with the hand of faith the bounties of divine grace.
“Come, ye needy, come and welcome, God's free bounty glorify; True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh, Without money, Come to Jesus Christ and buy."
Will you only look at the good things God brings to you? Alas, how many are content with merely looking at them, and do not make them their own. You need to have Christ for your very self. “Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you." He is the "Bread of Life," and "If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever." (John vi. 51, 53.) Oh! take and eat this Bread, and calm and peace and rest shall be yours. F. H. F.