Energy and Help in Service

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There is certainly progress and blessing here, though perhaps there needs some one of energy to pursue and instrumentally give tone to the work. But the Lord will do it in His mercy. He has blessed and been with the brethren, and works in these countries, and the testimony they bear in weakness is telling in a general consciousness that the church belongs to Christ, not to the world, and must lean on Him and wait for Him. There is on the whole very definite progress, and the Lord has been with the brethren—as I said, a little energy called for, but what there is for good has been with the brethren, and people's consciences have been acted on. I have had persona to hear me who never came near before, and many desirous though fearing to break with the world.
It is very doubtful if I should be allowed in Switzerland, that is Vaud. I have my heart quite towards working in England, but feel I was led of the Lord here, and owed it to them. The Lord enable me to fill up my service. I fear I do not make full proof of my ministry. Love to all the saints.
Your affectionate brother in Christ.
April 3rd, 1847.