Ephesians 1:1-3

Duration: 1hr 15min
Ephesians 1:1‑3
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All the past the same birthday running by.
God and I feel like.
I'm on the road all the way to the end of the road, around the world and crowd, with days, all my joy and my joy and all my joy and the joy of the connection, all of my heart.
I will be praying to the deputy of town. If not, let's go on this time and leave our lives. I love my father and his children. We must breathe, That's all. That's all. That's all that wild.
Yes, you're afraid it's just crazy. Let's praise the praise we found him.
And we also bring, uh #36 we go to meet the Savior, glorious space to see a manner of behavior jumped to, which is over here.
That's hard to increase the price. I'm a 36 five.
We are tracking our loving God and our Father. We thank Thee for these couple of hymns of being able to sing together. We think of how we're just about to see Thy face, blessed Savior, and we think of how this team has such a dulling effect upon us.
Instead of the excitement that UH could be building in our hearts.
In anticipation of scenery, in all thy glory.
Be with the like, the morally and physically, just like the savior.
We seem to be dulled in our senses and so we just ask you that our hearts might be refreshed and that's outside is by thy spirit to a portion or portions of the word of God that would be suitable for us in the state that we find ourselves in and to our God, our Father, that we might be built up in our most holy faith. We thank thee for the work of production. Blessed Savior, we thank thee that were set free from the power of sin and sin.
Our hearts and conscience set free to be able to sit in My presence, and the reeds thy word.
And then being part of like Spirit, so we asked me to minister those things of Christ that are necessary for us this day in these meetings, in this these couple of reading meetings, we asked by blessing our God and our Father, thank you for being together again in the precious theme of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
I'd like to just make a suggestion, perhaps 2 verse 10 verses of the season, chapter one.
I have on my heart just to suggest that portion. I know we only have a couple of reading meetings, but another part is called doctrine that is of interest and it's a real import in the day that we live in. It's the First Thessalonians chapter 4. But maybe in the first reading meeting particularly, we could just look at these first 10 verses because we are heavenly citizens.
We don't belong here and umm, these Saints of God in Ephesus have been saved out of idolatry and great wickedness, witchcraft and their brother speaking a little earlier about, umm, uh, we were speaking the whole way about how the Ephesians burned their books, 50,000 pieces of silver, the valuable books, witchcraft and all kinds of darkness. While it's coming back into the Western Christian world, this kind of darkness.
But what they have been called into was the life of the truth, the heavenly proof of being heavenly citizens. I suggest these verses, brethren.
Ephesians chapter one were the 1St 10 verses particularly.
We could read the 1St 14 versions. That's really a paragraph.
Ephesians one versus 1 to 14 all an apostle of Jesus Christ. By the will of God to the Saints which are in Ephesus and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, please speak to you in peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. What should be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who is blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
According as He has chosen us in him.
For the foundation of the world that we should.
Should be holy and without flaming before Him is lust having precaulated us under the adoption of Christ, by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, to the praise of the glory of His grace, when He has made us accepted in the life in whom we have retention through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace.
Grinny is about us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will. According to His good pleasure which He has purposed in himself, and in the dispensation of the 400 times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth within Him.
Whom also we have extended inheritance, being predestinated, according to the purpose of Him to work all things after the council of His own will, we should be to the praise of his Lord, who first trusted in Christ, whom He also trusted. After that He heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and whom also after that ye believe.
You were sealed with the Holy Spirit's love, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of His Lord.
Might just turn to the book of the Acts and read that portion that I mentioned in connection with the those in Ephesus.
Acts Chapter 19.
And, uh, first 17.
This was known to all the Jews, and reached also dwelling an emphasis, and here fell on them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified. And many that believed came and confessed, and showed their deeds. Many of them also would use curious art, brought their books together, and burned them before all men. And they counted the price of them, and found it 50,000 pieces of silver, so mightily through the word of God.
And prevail.
So there was darkness, this, uh, province of Asia, Asia Minor was the really, uh, emphasis with the capitalist city of that part of the world, uh, the civilized world, you might say. What characterized it was spiritual darkness. And so they had occult books, darkness and God intervened and in that city and brought forth the light of Christianity.
And so those young men, those young people took those books. Perhaps there were older ones among them as well. They took those books and they burned them publicly. And that's what's necessary in our lives if we're going to enjoy the heavenly truth that are given to us in the Word of God in the New Testament. We're going to need to judge those things that this world goes on with, be able to walk and fellowship with Christ, the risen head and glory.
Be able to enjoy those heavenly things.
And so This is why if if fiscal opens this way that fall, right, doesn't apostle authority a messenger from God? That's what an apostle is. He was a messenger. He was commissioned of the Lord to go out to the Gentiles. We know that Peter went to the UMM.
Circumcision. But he was an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. He didn't make himself that. He was called of God being apostle. He was delivered the message and he delivered it to the Saints.
And the things really are those that are called out ones, holy ones.
God sees you as a St.
Thank you, God, you stand in the full favor and blessing of God as one. We read a little bit later on as the Son of God, but he, he doesn't look at you and say there's a Sinner or a saved Sinner that's beneath your dignity, beneath the dignity of the position that you have given you. He calls you a holy one, the Saint of God. And so he wrote to the Saints and all Christians are Saints, but he also wrote.
And he's very exercising those that are emphasis into the faithful.
In price, please. So it's possible to be the same as possible. Not on Facebook, but he wrote all of the things and particularly to those that were exercised in spiritual things. And it's a good thing for us to ask ourselves, are we exercise about the spiritual matter now we exercise about walking in obedience to the will of God and the word of God individually.
Over faith of God. But who ought to be faithful faith of God?
There's an expression here in this verse which appears at least a couple more times and maybe more.
Uh, the expression is in Christ Jesus.
You notice that there at the end of the first one and then at the end of first straight we're blessed spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ and then in chapter 2.
It says we are raised up together and they sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus Christ. I think that's a wonderful expression because.
If they're seeing ourselves, we look within and we see all kinds of of privilege and all those things, but the God looks upon us as in Christ Jesus. Perfect.
And umm, it also made, umm, makes our hope short.
Because where is the Lord Jesus now?
And so we will be there.
And, uh, it's almost as if to say we're all missing here.
That's needed.
That little expression is really, you might say, a little definition of that expression is to be in price place of acceptance.
Before God, you and I are seen in such a nearness of relationship to Christ as members of His body and as part of the bride of Christ, that we're seeing as already seated in the heavenly, in Christ, in Christ place of favor and blessing before God, God has given you and I individually now a place of acceptance before Himself.
And a favor, that is.
Equivalent to the favor that he shows to his Son will never have been. Jesus is God, but you and I have accepted before God you can go to the Father. You're brought into a relationship with the Father and your blessings right now.
Are you have them and you're brought into that place of favor and blessings. Paul uses this expression all throughout his physical So at this point you know in second Timothy there's other places we can turn but second Timothy chapter one he speaks of in verse one Paul and apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus. You have divine light.
You have the very life of Christ. You accept this Christ as your Savior. You're involved with the Spirit of God.
You have divine light, light which is in Christ. You had a light that was corrupt, a nature that was corrupted.
That was an entity that enmity with God in opposition to him. But now you have divine life. You have the capability of enjoying divine relationships, your relationship with the Lord Jesus, the Son of God and the Father. It's a wonderful thing he goes on even in this. You can make a list of these things it says in verse 13. Let me just look at this, it says.
Hold fast the form of sound words without heard of me in faith and love, which is in Christ Jesus.
So you have faith and you have an outline of Scripture, and you have it in the knowledge of the full blessings of that relationship in Christ.
So God wants us to know these things.
Well, we wrote to these things and episodes.
That they might have. I believe it was a circular letter that he wrote. And so it was all of the things, and he wrote to them that they might understand and know these things.
Remember, Paul was under house arrest in Acts chapter 28. I think it's pretty close to the end of the chapter. He was there for two years. He was in prison throughout the two years before that, and then two years under house arrest. And he had liberty to write. And so he wrote the epistles to the Ephesians, and he might say the companion of this over the Ephesians. He wrote all options. And then he wrote Philemon and he wrote the Lithium.
So we have those personal pistols.
Let's go.
The first, uh, 30 creation that we, uh, we have from God and Genesis.
We read there in Genesis three that UH-22.
The Red Wings The Lord is not a payment man, maybe a woman.
And brought her onto the man. And Adam said, This is now bone in my bone, and the flesh of my flesh. Ye shall be called woman, because she was taken a man. Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall plead on his wife.
And they shall be one flesh that was.
The Adam creation.
So I joined together, Adam and Eve become one flesh. We are now, you and I, in a spiritual creation under Christ.
Adam has been removed and a new headship has been brought in under Christ and God sees us connected to that new hit and glory. And in being in Christ is our standing that we have before God.
Right, that's a relationship that you and I have before God is he sees us in Christ Jesus and Ephesians chapter 6 we have there.
In uh.
Verse 28 will be from there. So what did your loving wives is her own bodies. He the love of his wife loves himself, for no man ever yet hated his own blood.
The nourishes the cherries of it, even as the Lord the Church.
To see the church brought in here. But we are members of His body and on His flesh and of oath. So just as Adam and Eve remember one another, of Adam flashing of his bones we gave one, so are we spiritually in this new creation in Christ Jesus. We are part of Him.
I'll I'll more connected to the board yet than being part of the flesh.
And so we are in a place of endearment to God and Christ because he is done to work. He has brought us into this favorite place and now we destroy because we're God's children in Christ. But not just children, it says we have our sons in him, that is.
We have, uh, inheritance before God and Christ, and so everything that Christ has inherited, we are part of that. So we're going to enjoy that inheritance through all eternity because we're enjoying the Christ and we're in him.
It might be of interest to know that the city of Ephesus was quite a tourist place, you might say, in the Roman world, because there, there was this large temple to Diana. And as I understand it, the, umm, story went that umm, Diana fell down from, from heaven, uh, because she had been connected with Jupiter.
The king of the gods. But the wonderful thing is.
But the same synthesis learned that it wasn't someone on earth they were connected to, it was to Christ and with glory. And I think it's interesting to see that in this epistle we get the expression heavenly places. I understand it really should be in the heavenlies. And it's the only epistle where you get that expression because the assembly nor the church is seen in Christ.
In the heavens, in the heavens, in the book of Colossians, the church is seen on earth but connected to our heads in heaven. So I think it's interesting to see the contrast between those two books that you mentioned in Brotherhood.
I was going to see to that in Ephesians. Umm.
Hey, this is it's all of God the Father.
The you and I are not active in the first chapter at all or after the bond. It's all that God is doing and as done has blessed us through the Lord Jesus Christ. That's how he has worked at work and we are now found in Him. So this is every verse breaks down through where we read.
As not the practical side of you and I that's later on in the patients, but it's what God has done what he has done and it's we are not as I say in the active place whatsoever we're active on and this is what he has done his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
And blessed us with everything in Christ in the in the airlines.
Good to notice too that there is a division in Paul's epistle.
The doctrine, the doctrines of Christianity are in the first couple of chapters, and then in the last part of the Epistle, the practical Application of those doctrines. So the first three chapters of Ephesians we have the doctor, the teachings of Christianity that Paul was particularly bringing out to the Saints in connection with their heavenly calling. And then in the last three chapters we have the practical Application. So most of the pistols.
Follow that thing, umm, division you might say, but here he brings in this, uh.
Relationship that we have in Christianity the Jews never knew God as their father. They never knew they They knew what it was to have the Spirit come upon them and David had the spirit of God come upon him when he was anointed the king over Israel and I don't believe the spirit ever left him but.
It was haunted. He wasn't his wealth. He appeared as God. You and I are unwell with the Spirit of God.
And we're brought into relationship. We addressed God as father. We have holy boldness to do this. We're not, we don't do it in ignorance or in umm, uh, with license. We do it with reverence. And so he addresses it says grace be unto you, to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ given this full title, the Lord.
Jesus Christ.
Paul tells us in this system, you know, I, I enjoy it in the 20 he says giving thanks always for all things under God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. And so we address God as our Father and we do so and he is thorn, even the natives of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we're brought into relationship with the Son of God.
They brought a new relationship with the Father. We're indwelled with the spirit we have a little later on. I don't know how.
That's Kristen Brown could have divine light and I believe his brother just mentioned that genus mentioned that we have new life. We're part of a new creation race, remember?
That when God created this earth and umm, he created man.
God was head overall. And then we have the game, the angelic creation.
We're already created, but they were an intelligent creation. And then we had a lower creation than the angels, man, natural man. And then we have the lower creation of the animal. But when Christ came into the world, He was the head of a new creation race of man.
He was the head of a race of men that do not sin, cannot sin, never will sin. And so you and I have new life. We have new nature and those lives are connected with Christ. We have the very light and nature of Christ, you might say in that way. And so we have God is head over all and Christ raised from the dead as the as one who is a glorified head of that new racist men. So we have a new race of men.
And then we have the following, the angelic creation, and then we have a fallen race of men, and then we have the lower creation animals. So God, when he looks at you and I, he sees this as a part of that new creation of race. He no longer recognizes us as a part of the fallen race of Adam. And so that's why we're instructed to.
But, uh, we no longer are a part of that race and to live consistent with the truth that we are members of the body of Christ and in Christ and to live in the dignity of that position and following that we have so those of the relationships that we have divine relationships, Father, Son, and in 12 years of God.
Other Derek was pointing out what we have in this chapter is God's work and it's a finished work. And I think it's interesting to note how precise Scripture is in terms of having us recognize that finished work and earning her salvation. We can't, we don't earn the blessings that we get all that God is done for us in this chapter in the past tense. So verse three half questions, first floor, half jurors, first five having predestinals and so on. It's it's all past tense. It gets accomplished.
And if you get into the rest of the book, you get practical service. We don't get the practical service 1St and then we're not hurting those who are practical Peppers Berg is recognized when God's half time for us and then we can walk in the light of that. And I think of.
Back in, uh, Joshua.
It is actually opposed to my person to run it, but we haven't Joshua chapter one and verse 3.
And it says speak is on the visual. It says there's every place like the sole of your foot shall tread upon.
That have been given on you.
So the first part of the nurse has Rascal walk, which is something that we need to do.
God's responses and contingent on what we do, He has given to us. So every place that the soldiers wouldn't shelter it, that that might be given, on that I will give it. God's worth is finished, not for us to recognize that and walk in the light of that.
I was thinking how, oh, there's a teaching around Christendom, how that, uh, Israel and the church are connected in some way. And, uh, so there's a delving into the Old Testament and, uh, claiming some of the things that are written there and mixing it up with Christianity, which is a Pure great. And, uh, there are a number of things that we can talk about just to, uh, uh, few examples. What was just.
Uh, so true. Uh, the work has been completed in this man will be by Christ and, uh, we should live in the good of what we've been given as opposed to.
What they received as blessing was so.
Uh, just to show that going to do Veronica 28.
Now these are blessings in the land of Israel and we live there and you'll notice in verse one it says shall come to pass. If thou shalt hearken, I'll interface unto the voice of the Lord thy God throughout her and to do all his moments.
So I command you this day, that the Lord thy God will set you on high above all nations of the earth, and them to speak to her who restless Sidney and feel.
With their bodies and a little bit of ground. And there's more, the cattle kanji, there's baskets, they're stores, there's eight. It's about store houses and everything else.
I wouldn't.
Talk to many nations and the Lord the 1St 13 makes me the head and Undertale. These are all based upon you know demons of people and if they were to continue we would see that if they were disobedient and then the curses we had on but in Christianity.
Doing fine a lot of contrast to that first of all in our verse three it says that our blessings are in heaven. We face the door in the heavenly Sir God of earth. Their lives are rain you're in heaven. So we're in heavenly people out of here people and we can be given to these things free of charge as well. It's not dependent upon.
Our obedience. It depends wholly on our faith and priceless work.
And so these are hours now, as you mentioned, uh, later on in the epistle, then there's a lot which should go with that particular position that we have. But whether we are faithful or not, we still have these blessings.
And so it is such a contrast, uh, to what was given to give you the promise of this one, that there is absolutely no correspondence.
Because, uh, it's like that. It's a word put it put a new line in other bodies. And that's happening when Kristen comes here. And so we have a mixture of huge because.
The word of God is not working right.
And so we stand on Christian grounds as you can. So many things have been brought in already. For example, we've brought in the Spirit of God, which is not true, but it's just me in some of them. So we have a wonderful position in Christ to have these things and.
I think it's it's true and maybe I could do it correctly, but to read these this passage and to enjoy it is like entering the land of pain.
You know, it's often considered that, uh, across the Georgia, that's why we have been going to heaven. But really, I think the proper thought is, uh, entering the land is to enjoy the wonderful things that we already have. Because when they got into canals, the battle did fix.
No, I don't ever get you up there.
Anyway, just a few comments to, to realize that, uh, what was promised to Israel and what is true of Christianity is really a contrast, not a comparison, not a Configuration. And, uh, I believe that's, uh, Loblaw area, so.
We have a.
Earning Vegas and who has what we have that God has given to us.
In Christ Jesus, that can be never taken away from us.
Insecure in Christ we have a standing before God in Christ yeast and stand is not taken away. God is a gift that God is given as God does not repent.
You have to take back up what she gives. And so we have a perfect standing before him in Christ labor dots.
And so we didn't get it on the Moses covenant of God named Moses through works. We received it through grace, the Abraham covenant, God of God, name of Abraham.
And it was great, said God bore Jesus down to the cross, which is gracious, and he stayed there and paid the rest of his head until we had to drive in.
God's favor and stand before Him.
To grace and and the fitting work of the sun on the cross. Now there is a comparison.
For the pathway between the Old Testament Saints and ourselves.
There is consequences for our actions down here. That is not in any kind of punishment that we would receive at a later time, but we are all going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ and there is going to be taken off of what we think that we did here in our body.
It must be taken up to uh.
Give punishment out in any way it's taken up so that the Lord can Every believer will find something that he can reward the believer for faithfulness in the pathway down here. Who? And so there is.
Really something that should help us to be energized to want to have a good report when we come before the judgment seat of price we don't wanna have.
One brother mentioned that Bonfire, like Kraft job would have had a lot. You don't want to have something there that would, uh, more tremendous for, but there is an accountability for us and we're all going to have to appear before right to give an account.
And so, uh, the size of it, we are Ethernet secure in price and that can't be taken away. But also in the practical side of things, our life here, we should, uh, should want to have something that, that the Board can say, uh, to us, uh, it's always done well and we take the servant or so on. So we shouldn't lose sight of that, that, that we do have.
A responsibility to serve you.
I have a question I think.
Even he speaks when he speaks to the seats which then hold the step part one. That's not a practical state. But then again, he speaks and to the faithful, and so he must do that for a reason. There's a difference there. And so we received these spiritual blessings, each one.
But is it not true that we must prevail ourselves with most spiritual blessings?
Well, you already possessed them, but you may not enjoy them. So we're a brother, uh, is bringing us their own. Is that Umm Joshua's little picture in the Old Testament illustration of having a possession, having an inheritance that's given to you by the Lord, but you have to go in to the land and in spiritual energy to, to enjoy it. It was already there.
He said to them, every place where the foot would tread if they would possess that. And so the truth give me like a it's ours, but we're not going to enjoy it unless we walk in it. It's not good enough to do it so that we have those illustrations given to us. It's helpful to read the book of Joshua and then those illustrations. And then we made this over the eczema. So you got the spiritual teaching.
There in Egypt so.
In the old house, the Saints had an earthly blessing. They had material blessings. They everything that they had was temporal. It was going to pass away. He takes that up in Hebrews chapter 12. We have a Kingdom that is never going to pass away, but the believer has blessings that are heavenly and it's in our 1St.
First three brings that out less with spiritual blessings in the heavenlies. So we have spiritual blessings that are in the heavenly.
Journal. But you and I will never enjoy the truth of what we have here if we're not faithful to the Lord and faith under the truth ourselves. It's still ours, but we didn't put our foot on it and enjoy it.
There is responsibility.
That's that's great though.
I was just going to offer Crack a a practical comment in connection with what has been said and that is that this is a lifetime experience. Did we not say?
In other words, we don't get saved from the Lord as our Savior and started in season one and then read it all and understand all and then get to practical part.
You learn here a little, there a little, and so perhaps some of what has already been said morning. Others enjoy. And I don't quite enjoy anything. And it's OK to be honest with you about the present. It's also just a joke awakened, and then you start to enjoy it. It's also true that what you do enjoy, even if you're not getting it yet, watching what you're doing.
And so there's like the analogy and Joshua, good, you walk all the soul of your foot. Well, that's only another. And so we all are at different stages. And I think it's also true that.
That's the only one and acknowledge that maybe something we didn't know. We don't quite enjoy it as much as you and we need to be awakened when we enjoy the dead and walk in the sort of it again. So it's a it's it's not an arrival thing where we won't get it. Then we start to walk in it and it's just your other life that be accurate or.
So I mean, I think I cut raw all right.
Is that what you said is just like to make a comment in connection with being in Christ?
It it takes energy.
Milwaukee Christian pathway. It's not just gonna happen.
The thing at him going to meet the Savior glorious faith to see what manner of behavior and stuff with this Oregon. If there's a behavior that is characterized and it's not just gonna happen.
To, to the other with those, uh, those clean fish and we find in Deuteronomy that had fins and tails. So why did they have finance tails? Well.
The thing was to go against the current and the scale was to keep out the corruption, keep out the the things that were not good. Umm, I I.
You know, I have to admit, uh, my younger days, I struggled with this portion, uh, of being impressed, umm.
I the way it was and uh, you know, if you look at Colossians, the concept in Colossians is priced in US.
We have that, but, but in Ephesians, uh, we're in Christ and the Ephesians had a struggle with it. They did. And I say that because there's three ethnicity Ephesians.
Is this one, and if they had a can't be for them the content of being in Christ, there wouldn't have been the other two epistles. One is Acts 20 where there's a warning.
And of course the other is in Revelation, where it was very evident that they had lost sight of the concept of them being in Christ, and it says they left their first love.
So the reminder of that is in this chapter many, many times. Let's just look at them in the end of the first verse we have in Christ Jesus.
The third was the end of the verse in Christ.
The fourth verse, the boarding had to have chosen us in Him.
At the end of the sixth burning adjusted end of the level.
The 9th burst yet purpose in himself.
The 10 first gathered together in one all things in Christ, the end of the verse, even in him the 11Th verse in whom I'm just pointing these out to show how important it is for us to get a hold of this concept that we're in Christ because we have a tendency to look inside and think, wow, I see some things there that don't correspond to being in Christ and we could go on. There's many other times. Well, let's just look at them.
December 31St in whom?
Part way through the 13 first in whom and it goes on through it. We only watch over the 14th person throughout the rest of the chapter two of the 15th verse in the Lord and so on. I'd just like to look at a a scripture in in the book of numbers for a moment.
Just to show numbers 23 that.
If the Ephesians think kind of kept before them this conducted phenomena crisis, they would have saved them from a lot of difficulty. And it's the same with us too.
No, it's, it's, it's pretty easy to lose sight of it. So here in Numbers 23 we have umm, we have Valium's parable, and he makes a comment here which we might wonder at. And then umm, in the 1St 20 of Numbers 23.
Well, here, just to get the picture here, Balik has asked Valent to prophecy against the people of God. And what he does actually he shows what's happening amongst the people of God is not good. It wasn't good. No, he takes him around one side. He said look what's going on here? And umm, they're prophesied and it's not really against the people of God. And it kind of bothers Balak. And so he takes around another place and he shows, he says, look what's going on here, This terrible thing is going on. The people have gotten and they get blushed again. And he doesn't affirm time.
And umm, the, the, the word here in the 23rd umm chapter first one is behold, I received commandments of blessed and yet blessed I cannot reverse it. Now we might wonder if as his next verse, if you were to look at the next couple of chapters, because there's a plane that goes up from the Lord and flares a whole pile of people because of their wickedness. But it says here in verse 22, he hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seemed reversed in Israel. It doesn't say that there wasn't wickedness there, but he said that he didn't see it.
And so that was a help to me in going through the 1St chapter of Ephesians to recognize.
Yeah, it's good for me to be able to see how God sees me.
But that's a real help and to have that constantly before me is a real help because if I start looking inside, it's not gonna be very pretty. I'm probably not alone and, uh, in, in making that statement, unless I'm very different than everyone here. Uh, it's just not too good when I, I see some things that characterize me, but they're constantly happy for me. The content that I'm, I'm in Christ and that's how God sees things is a great help to my Christian pathways. But we can't just drift.
It's not gonna happen. It takes energy to walk the Christian pathway. And the Ephesians say, umm, they didn't grasp that. And so in Ephesians in Acts chapter 20, the apostle reminds them and shows them he saw them things on the horizon there that were not good. He said, you know, you've got to take heed to yourself.
And then when we get to, uh, the Book of Revelation, we realize they've thrown these things over, these wonderful things that characterize them, and they left their first club. Well, it's not going to be different with us too, if we don't constantly have the force, this concept of being in Christ and all that he is.
I think we get an illustration of that.
Yes, yes.
Yes, it's free.
23 and verse 21.
And Adam also, until his wife is the Lord God, made coats of skins and gloves. And now of course.
Adam fled with the person who asked because it was nice and everything and he knew that I didn't himself. There was no harm to that sick. It wasn't harm to God as to that state so.
But we find here that here, unfortunately, talking to the second chapter on the 3rd chapter of churches way before the Lord came in the law was a parenthesis and it demonstrated that man according to the flesh could not could not abide those come on, he was he was just like.
No strength at all. No way of, of of of of being obedient.
And, uh, but this of course is way to fall in and remember that we're in our chapter, what we're doing with this, the internal purposes of God to glorify Christ. So.
According to what God has said, Abraham died after an animal was died after.
What's good too?
And one more so before the road on my coast of stairs.
No it doesn't just.
Kill the animals like the Cubs. Put it on two months in.
Put it on the screen for progestin. So from then onwards, when God looked at that and what did he say? Did he see Adam? In all his life he didn't know all his things. Now he saw that it reminded him of what the Lord did.
On that basis so that he could go in parameters and that's exactly the position of real the law would save him. It's translator and and there's lots of practical instruction for us in it.
It's really a parenthesis.
Way back then.
You want to deal with Adam embraced and preserved his life.
He didn't die that day, and there's one with nervous at night.
Hospital pressure is not at home.
Our our life is preserved by grace because of that sense of that global price. We are in front.
What's that number here for I didn't crazy. That's what we left here for we left here to be replaced with glory. But what we have in this chapter here is nothing concerning our oppressive performance. So it's important that what we have as we get in the the the 10th and the 11Th versus that's all getting the dispensation of the form. If you can't. This is God asking for yourself to the glorious structure. That's why he brings thought of that brings forward that is very encouraged.
Well let's invisible purpose that is in Christ. God looks on me, he doesn't see David Perry and all his sins with his trust.
No, I love the previous verse. He didn't say. Let's look at that. The one you read, it makes it so vivid. You read us. The Genesis 3 and 21 is what you read to us.
But if you look at the creepiest birds.
We read an atom called his wife's name He because she was the mother of all living. And I think, are you kidding me? She was the mother of all dying. But that's not what it says.
And so the Lord always has before us that life in Christ even back here when you when you read a verse like that and think how is that possible to achieve the the mother of all living because everybody after her died. We say she she certainly the mother-in-law dying. No, that's not how the Lord looks at this that that line of faith all the way through the word That's beautiful to see that I mean actually with that 21St person.
There are three expressions that Paul uses in connection with Christ that are good for us to know and to enjoy, and one of them is that we are in Christ. The other one is mentioned in verse 10 it says.
That the you might gather together in one of all things in that Christ, the new translation. So when he seats on that Christ, it speaks of Christ and the bride together. And so God has a plan.
To glorify Christ in the world to come during the Millennium to display Christ in all his glory with his bride at his side. So he speaks of that Christ in that way. And then in Colossians, as you mentioned a little earlier in verse 27, chapter one verse 27, he speaks of Christ in you the hope of glory. And that is referring to not being in dwells with Christ. We're only as well with the Spirit of God.
We'll never be indwelled with Christ. We're indwelled with the Spirit of God, but we have the characteristics of Christ being formed in us so that we reflect the character of Christ in our lives now. And so in the future days we will only reflect the moral features and character of Christ. We won't have the old nature. It will be eradicated at the time of the rapture, those of us that are alive.
And uh, that that's fine, but uh, it's good to get the distinction between those 3 expressions that are a part of false doctrine that we are in Christ now to see in that position of favor and blessing before God. We also are a part of the Christ in chapter one, verse 10. He uses that in the other epistles to Romans as well. And then we have in Colossians.
Christ in you the hope of glory. And so the moral features of Christ being formed in his people now.
Where is Christ now? He's in the Father's house, in the presence of the Father, in the heavenlies.
Where does he want us to be in the heavenly? He's given us those blessings now. And I think the Lord has done everything possible to bring us near to himself in the in the heavenlies and into relationship with the Father. And so he wants us to enjoy our relationship with the Father. And so we have all these spiritual blessings. What are some of the spiritual blessings?
Maybe peace with God, umm, or heirs with Christ. We have the artist of the Spirit. Well, there's the adoption, officiation, atonement.
To have we have justification and we have we're, we've been glorified. There's so many blessings. It's just a few of them. Some of them we can enjoy now. Some of them will enjoy when we get to heaven. But.
What's an example of a blessing we have that we enjoy full peace. We can enjoy peace. That's one of the blessings. But do we take that blessing for ourselves? Maybe you're saved, but maybe you don't have peace and you worry about things.
There's justification.
Maybe just efficient justification is the fact that God has taken away all our guilt.
That's one of the blessings that you have, but you need to enjoy that blessing. You need to enjoy the justification. Maybe you have some sin in your life that you struggle with that you've confessed it and you try to go on, but you still live with the guilt of that. And that guilt kind of drags you down. So you don't enjoy the rest of your spiritual blessings. Well, the Lord Jesus, he said if you confess your sins, he's faithful and just to forgive you, your sin.
And now he's giving you that freedom, and you can trust the Lord that your sin is gone and you can enjoy the justification. So that's just one example of enjoying the blessings that we have. And so that the guilt is gone. Now we can proceed with our relationship with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.
That's why I've enjoyed this chapter. It's.
That's going back to the plan again as the Father wanting children in heaven 7 full of children and how was he to do it. That's his purpose and so he he purposed that would be through his son, the Lord Jesus. So he sent him here to die at the cross so that all these things are reading about would be ours. There's no other chapter. I believe in all of the Scripture that would point to eternal security than this one.
This was it because it's got nothing to do with me. Nothing, absolutely nothing. It's all of God and matter of fact, it's not even the person of the Lord Jesus Christ is in central here because it's what God has done by him, through him and in him. You'll notice for example, to jump down to verse twenty of our chapter, it says even the we know that we're born again by the Lord Jesus Christ.
And we know that he lay down his light. He could take it again. But it's not here. Here it's with you. Rotting Price. When he raised him from the dead, when it was all finished and done, it was God who raised him from the dead and brought him back to glory. And he's back there again with all the blessings and more he had before. Now we're in him. And so Father wanted children here. Yeah, we're children by rebirth. We're born again. Not here in this chapter.
Here we're children of God the Father by adoption, because this is what we have first five having predestined us on to the adoption of children.
How else do you want to get it? By Jesus Christ, That's the method.
So it's we are children of God by adoption, we're children of Christ Jesus by rebirth be born again. This is the whole thing says got nothing to do with me. It's all what God has done and it was from effective past eternity. Your chosen him then and he affected it. So this is the whole thing my God has done bringing us now in Christ Jesus and whatever the Lord Jesus Christ has, we have as well because we are in hand. So I understand this chapter.
And like.
That's just great because I don't want to lose that.
Yes, there's two lines of fruit that go run throughout the Scriptures. As we know, Mr. Arby makes this comment in the synopsis in the Genesis and it I'll just make this comment. He says that there are two lines of truth, the sovereignty of God and the responsibility of man. Those two lines of truth go throughout the Scriptures. No reading of the sovereignty of God here. And I just say this if you're a young person.
And you haven't got it and sent it to synopsis. It's a wonderful set of books and it's not some of it is difficult to understand. I I read that but a lot of it is very understandable, very readable and gives us the principles of how God has written his word a nice outcome. And so it's not sometimes you've been discouraged from reading some of the old writers because that you know they speaking paragraph long sentences and that sort of thing. But.
Read those sentences, maybe break them up a little bit yourself in your mind, but enjoy them.
Maybe we could sing #265.
265 Oh God of grace, our Father, we bless thy holy name, we who enjoy thy favor made holy without. 265.
Oh God, the phrase are all and we can last night all day.
Because I have to tell her.
Just in connection with that him. Umm, just put that one scripture.
Look at the eye.
Chapter 7.
Interesting. It is, uh, this is uh, Steven speaking and he, he speaks about Abraham and he gives a long dissertation in Abraham and he goes to Jacob and he gives a long dissertation on Jacob. You get to Joseph and he gives a long dissertation of Joseph. He gets the most of the Moses and he goes on and on and on and on about Moses. When we get to David, of all the things he could have said about David, good or bad, he says this.
Act Chapter 7.
And the end of verse 45, David, who found the paper before God, Saul says that. David, I just love that.
The same a lot.
Vendor shelf.
My daughter and her father.
This is a humbling thing.
Let's sit here to realize that we've been chosen.
Hoping to enjoy it.
Thank you for that.
My beloved son.
So our God, we just would ask now to like help.
We would, uh, have some time fellowshipping together, present our culture, could be sweet and clean again.
That's the beneath of all that carrier would be for real profit for each one of them.
We thank you for our time and we don't feel like blessing the worthy and the precious things of our Savior for more future.