God's Pledge of Love

Duration: 19min
YP Talk—Robert Boulard
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Quietly as you could, but we heard him gone up and looked through the window and the sky was ablaze.
So I called 911 Dent Ramp Hill.
You went into that building recurring.
Out of that building, all the time his mother was screaming at him.
You know it wasn't worth his life, you know?
We watched that building burn.
From half hour for the fire department to get there and he lost perhaps seven years worth of work. Plus he's the 4th generation running that little business. So he lost everything that was in the workshop and the machine shop.
The sufferings of Christ.
The glory is called.
You know, we note down in the living room.
Afterwards, after fire, to the left, just the three of us, we thank God for what he allowed to suffer. And then there would be come out of it that there would be some blessing, and we're still seeing some of the blessings come out. You know what he said? I wouldn't wish it would be back the same way that was before.
And he submitted to it.
No passport a little bit.
Maybe about a month ago we were traveling our reps and got phone calls.
And, uh, online, he said, well, I just wanted to tell you that I have an interest in the young lady because his mother said, well, why don't you tell us earlier? Well, I knew you would agree. I knew you would approve. And so, uh.
Now he's engaged to be married.
But before he was engaged, he went shopping through a ring, went shopping for.
An engagement ring.
A pledge of his love.
Are you ready to look on the Internet? And you showed us some pictures and didn't look on the Internet. And we went to Perrystown and he took some photographs of some of the rings that he thought might be good.
They bought probably the nicest ring in Paris.
3 guidance and a setting. Beautiful rig engagement ring so with a plant in this log.
But what has God-given you?
And I, as a friend of his, love.
Why have you given me?
It's interesting that that the Spirit of God doesn't give us a a total song. We might say we have to hunt it out, look for it ourselves. But in Ephesians chapter one, it says in verse three, blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings.
In the heavenlies in Christ.
Bless us with all spiritual blessings. So what has He given us The place of His love?
Her God so loved the world that he gave his only God.
God loved this world, and he gave a pledge to this world to prove himself.
He gave his son, and so that you and I.
We'll know that the Father loved us.
The father said to the **** to be the savior of the world. He gave a lead his own son. But then you know the Lord Jesus he left us too. And it says in Ephesians chapter 5 it says.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church and gave himself for it.
The Lord Jesus loved you and he gave himself for you and only Apostle Paul says in Galatians chapter, uh, five I think it is, he says the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
And so the Lord Jesus has given the pledge of his love for you. He gave himself.
But you know, if we read in Ephesians.
There's something else, many, many other things that he gave us as pledges. You could make a list of them, those things that we have that are in Christ.
It says in the chapter one, that according to He has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world, that He should be holy and without blame before Him is lost, having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will.
Well, we don't have much time, but I just want to say this.
It says he would often have children of the King James that should say sonship. So he loved you before the foundation of the world, before you existed.
And he wanted to prove his love to you, and he gave you this place.
He made you a son.
And I love you so much.
I gave myself 40 but now I'm going to tell you this.
I have now paid you a son. It's a pleasure my love. You are now a son in the sun, place of blessing and favor before God.
What up? Let it.
You have an inheritance.
Not inheritance you're going to share with Christ. It says in Romans chapter 8 that we're heirs of God. Join heirs with Christ. Heirs of God join heirs with Christ.
Why is Christ going to inherit?
All created things and being everything in creation.
That you're going to scare.
I did give you a plan.
That you're going to enjoy it and you're going to reign with him over it. He's giving you a place. You know what it is.
Ephesians, chapter one.
Verse 13. In whom ye also trusted. After that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also after that he believed, He were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of His glory.
Now that's a.
A big multiple, you might say There's a lot there, but you know you're being sealed with the Spirit. You know when you were sealed with the Spirit.
You know when you were in well with the Spirit of God, when you saw that the work of Christ was for yourself, that Christ sent his Son into God, sent his Son into the world to save you, and that Christ died on the cross for you, and that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son claims his knee from all sins. He was sealed with the Spirit.
You're given.
In earnest of the Spirit.
He will never leave you.
That the pledge of his love.
Pleasure is lost during wealth of the Spirit of God. You have been earnest of the Spirit.
Just loud kneel to myself, the security.
Let's look in the First Corinthians.
I think the first thing is maybe.
No. Second Corinthians, chapter one.
First one one.
This is all doctrine. We're reading what the apostle Paul taught the Saints, as in the heavenly character of what God had done for the faith, a present possession now. And that's what you have in Ephesians chapter one. All through the Epistle of the Ephesians is what we have now, not later. You got it now. You're a son now. You're not going to be a son. You're a son now.
You might say two Second Corinthians, chapter six, he uses the same term, he said sons and daughters.
So it's all right to say you're a daughter if you're a sister you can run into the family of God. But here he says in second Corinthians chapter one verse 21. Now he would establish about 50 years in crisis and hath anointed us in law who all that also sealed us.
And given the furnace of the Spirit in our hearts.
There's three things here that the Spirit is on God.
And so he's anointed us and that is that he gives us power to walk the Christian life where well the Spirit thought and we have the ability to discern between good and evil, between good doctrine and false doctrine. That's in first John chapter 2. Might want to read it in the anointing or the accomplishment of the Spirit. You have the unction of the Spirit.
But he says, too, that you're sealed with the Spirit.
The work was finished.
When you accepted, try to Savior when you believe by the grace of God, when you believe that Christ died for you.
The Spirit came well within you, and you were sealed. Work with, finished. He picked you so that you could hear the voice of the Lord. He gave you light so that you could hear.
You know, Brother Gordon Hale used to tell us that in connection with Quickening. He used to say, you know, suppose we had a dead dog on the floor here.
And you put 100 lbs of bricks on the dog. You could call this dog, he wouldn't hear me.
But if you have the power to give that dog, like you said, live, he'd immediately feel 100 lbs of bricks on the back and he wants to get free. You call him and he would come.
As Paul takes up the eternal life, he takes up divine life, the giving of divine life to you in that state, he said you were dead in trespasses and sin.
One of the assurances of love.
One of the pleasures of this love is that he wanted you to know.
That you were filled with the fear of the work of faith. You can never lose your salvation. It's done.
Absolutely sure.
But then he says he's given us the earnest of the spirit in our hearts, and so the earnest is like it's an old English word, down payment.
I bought a house one time in Michigan years ago, 20 years ago, over 20 years ago. And I went to the real estate office and I said, this is the house that we'd like to buy. And you said, well, do you have any earnest money? I said, what's that? He said, give me a check for $5000 that proves that you're going to be really interested in how you're going to buy this house. And the offer is accepted. So I wrote out a check for $5000 and I said.
That's the house I want.
There's my earnest money and he stapled it could be offered and it went over to the owner and the owner accepted the offer and then I had to come back and pay for the rest of the house.
But God gave you a pledge.
Of the log.
Gave you a flight to send his Son into this wicked world, the most wicked place in all of God's creation. An essential sun. You gotta be lost.
And he told you before the president of the world.
And he wanted you to know that the story isn't over right yet, but it's going to be finished.
You're still here, but he's going to set you free. He's going to redeem your body. Your body isn't redeemed yet.
Your spirit and soul are that they're going to be set at liberty from the power of sin.
Your body is going to change. Can you just like Christ?
And so he wanted you to know that that work was going to be finished. And he gave me the spirit. He gave me as well in the spirit. Now in payment, you must say.
The reason? We know that you're going to share an inheritance with Christ.
Is that you have the Spirit of God indwelling. You know that he's going to change the work. You know that He's going to come and receive you unto himself.
Very short, but he's going to come. So I just want to encourage everyone here to make a list of those little pledges, grand pledges that he's made to us, pledges of love. Jonathan, my son, gave a ring.
Beautiful, beautiful night. Beautiful.
Probably the most expensive drinks in Parry Sound. I didn't ask them.
But he wanted to make sure.
The baby thought.
Knew what he thought of her.
And God wants you to know.
What he thinks about you. And Christ wants you to know what he thinks about you, and he has gone to great extent and great difficulties, you might say.
To have the inspired word written so that we would be able to search out and find those pledges that he has given to us. Let's meet in closing in the Song of Solomon.
Chapter One.
As long as Solomon chapter one.
Verse two. Now this is a prophetic book. It's written for the Jews as they go through the Tribulation period, and they're going to get the assurance of the Lord's love for them as they go through the tribulation.
But you know the Lord wants you to have the occurrence of His love right now. And so this is what it says in verse two. Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, 'cause I loved him better than wine.
You know what this is?
Is the assurance of the affection of someone or another.
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.
What I love is better than wine. And so, dear brethren, as we go through the trials of life in this scene, life is not going to turn out the way you thought it was going to turn out.
It will not.
Because of the wisdom of God and because of the love of God.
He will look to assure you of his love personally.
And he will in small ways, perhaps larger ways.
Prove His love to you. He will assure you that He loves you personally. Individuals, He doesn't save certain assemblies and certain crowds. He says individuals and He works with us as individuals. And so the Lord is working even this weekend to give us the assurance of His love and that He is 100% for us and that He has given us the earnest of the spirit He will complete.
It all won't open the day of Grace, and so maybe this weekend, as we spend time together over the Word and in conversation with one another, encourage one another.
It says, not forsaking the assembly of himself together as men of some ends, but encouraging one another so much the more as you see the day approaching. And that day, Mr. Clarisse, Wendy used to tell us, was the day of apostrophe, the day of the giving up of the knowledge of God in the Western Christian world.
The Spirit of God knew that it would have a deadening effect upon us and he says.
Not forsaking the assembly of yourself together as a manner of some exhorting or encouraging one another. So much the more that you.
So if the one-on-one work and none of this is except let's encourage one another, let's encourage one another that the Lord has given us the pledge of his love. He soothes the Katie's bride.