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Have a father, the sweet.
Holy name from day-to-day.
Let my honor bring.
Her pray Lord, the greatest 13 of love.
But I understand your mind. Period.
Good morning, Christian, that Christmas.
Jehovah's maintenance.
His father, come on in, the Lord.
'S been in college.
Our remaining service falling down the road.
Three days, including the children. That's the problem from God.
No one is discount, so probably.
Here and still good.
As well.
For in heaven and.
And glory and love Sun.
We just read a couple of verses before we pray. Romans chapter 8.
Romans chapter 8IN connection with this little hymn.
Verse 14.
Romans 814 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
For you have not received the spirit of ******* gained fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry ABBA. Father, the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. And if children, then heirs, heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if so be we suffer that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together. Thanks.
Our loving God and our Father, we thank Thee for this little hymn that we've been singing together.
And the expression that we can have upon our lips, Abba's father, to express ourselves, to be our God and our loving Father. To know that thy heart is 100% to Thy people. My desire for us to walk in communion with thyself and in communing with Thy sons. And to know what it is to be associated with Him and all the blessings that are ours as a result of His finished work that has glorified Thee as to the question of sin and then brought us into relationship with myself.
And so, our God, our Father, we ask thee to bless the reading of thy word as we have it before us here this afternoon, that each one of us might be edified and that there might be that which would encourage and strengthen us in our most holy faith and give us to have a sense of the dignity that is ours as we walk through this scene as the sons of God, heirs of God, and joint heirs with with thy with thyself, Lord Jesus. So we thank Thee for thy mercies to us thus far, and we pray to Thee for a blessing now upon this meeting in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Would you think it's good to start perhaps at 1St 11?
I'm usually not much for going slow, but I'd like to see and hear some comments on check on verse 10. We could maybe back up a verse or two.
810, chapter one, starting at verse 10.
That in the dispensation of the fullness of time, He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in Him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the council of His own will. That we should be to the praise of His glory.
Who first trusted in Christ?
In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also after that ye believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of His glory.
Wherefore I also after I heard of your face in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the Saints.
Cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened.
That ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the same, And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to us? Word who believes according to the workings of His mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when He raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places?
Far above all principality.
And power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
And hath put all things under his feet, and given him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all.
It's a wonderful thing to think that God is going to bring all back into order and perfection, the fullness of time. That's the last dispensation. That's when the Lord Jesus finishes all the work and puts it all in order. I think it's not your connector with chapter 15 and.
First Corinthians.
Where you have the end of the Millennium.
The Kingdom reign of the Lord Jesus and when he'll deliver it up to the Father in perfect order. I want to emphasize this. I sorry for being forward here on this point, but I think it's so lovely to see that this world is going to be all brought back to it. The order that God intended, and he's going to do it through the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's what it's called the dispensation of the fullness of time in First Corinthians 15.
It speaks in verse 24.
Then come at the end, when he shall have delivered up the Kingdom to God, even the Father, when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power, for He must reign till he have put all enemies under his feet, and so on. This is the final end of the dispensation of the fullness of God of times when the Lord Jesus does that. And I just want to emphasize the wonder of God bringing all back through Jesus Christ.
That it's the key to the Bible, this verse.
Death of brother Harry Hail used to say I never met him but I've enjoyed the expressions that he's used as I listened listened to them on recorded ministry that Isaiah chapter 5. I think it's Isaiah chapter 5 and verse four he used to say was the.
Key to understanding the Old Testament, if you just could, we might turn to it and read it because it's perhaps a generation here has never heard these things but Isaiah chapter 5 and verse 4 you could read from verse one down to verse seven. It gives the whole.
Passage there but he said in verse four what could have been done more to my vineyard. My vineyard Israel was a fruitful was planted to be a fruitful vineyard, but really it just brought forth bitter fruit that I have not done in it Wherefore when I looked at it should bring forth great product worthwhile grapes. So he would remind the Saints that he felt that this was the center of the.
Key verse to understanding what God was doing in the Old Testament and he was testing man under all circumstances and then in different conditions. And he was also he chose one nation and blessed them and put a hedge all the way around them and made it. He just gave them every possible advantage that man, even religious man, might bear a fruit before him. The whole thing was bitter fruit. But then in this verse that we began with in verse 10, he would say it's the center.
Of understanding the whole of God's purposes in all of the word of God. And so he's going to have, as you said, drop the forest. He's going to bring all things into order and under the dominion of Christ, God's purpose as being a man would rule over this world. The first Adam failed miserably, but the last, the last atom, the 2nd man is going to be.
Successful, and we have.
The history you've written ahead of time in the books of the prophetic books and the Book of Revelation. So here it's in the future administration of the fullness of time. He might gather together at once all things. His purpose has been to glorify Christ in all things.
So this is really the mystery of His will in verse 9.
Is explained in verse 10.
And there's a lot of young brothers and sisters in here. Uh, and I want to make this suggestion to you that you make it a purpose when you're studying the scriptures and you should study them and not just read them, that you should make it a, a, a purpose to study Paul's doctrine with respect to what is called in the New Testament, the mystery. There are a lot of mysteries referred to in the New Testament. If you look at your comments, there's probably.
A couple dozen. But the term mystery as its impulse doctrine is not something like, well, we just can't understand it. So it's just a mystery to me. It's that's not the way the term is used. It's a technical term referring to a line of truth that the apostle Paul personally received by revelation from an ascended Christ and communicated it by the Holy Spirit, I believe to the other apostles and prophets.
As we have in the third chapter and to the rest of us and it is a lot of things that scripture tells us was hidden and not revealed throughout the ages of time and not even revealed in the in the earliest days after the church was formed in Acts chapter 2 until Stephen is stoned all partially converted when God unfolds the mystery of his will that in between those great bookmarks of the sufferings of Christ that is coming perfectly glory.
There would be a people called out of this world, Jew and Gentile people for his name.
Knighted to the risen Christ would be his bride, members of his body.
And would be used by him, if I could put it that way, throughout eternity with a display of the glory price. First Corinthians we read that the woman is the glory of the man at the end of this chap. I think it's at the end of this chapter we read not to jump ahead. His body is the fullness of him that filleth All in all.
So without the church and it's.
It's almost, it's really holy ground to even speak about this. Without the existence of the church, there would be that kind of glories of God and of Christ. I would not be able to be displayed.
Fullness of him should have all, and all woman is the glory of that. And so this line of things that Paul takes up in the third chapter and in other places in Colossians is an important thing to lay hold up and to understand the distinction between what is properly Christian and what the Old Testament prophets prophesied. They prophesied of Christ's coming earthly glory.
But it was not revealed to them, nor did they understand.
What Brother Doug just would be for us that he would be head over all things as a risen, victorious man.
All things in the universe, things in heaven and earth, head of the Church of Jesus Father, his heavenly glory was not revealed by Old Testament prophets. God has kept that good wine until now. He revealed it to you and me. It's it's I just encourage you guys to take it in and to embrace it because you're going to need it as as as.
Corrupting, uh.
Doctrine just sweeps through the Christian testimony, fundamental truth after fundamental truth that has been recovered not only in the Reformation, as Nick was telling us the other day.
Rather than gather to the Lord's name in the 19th century.
These things are being chipped away and eroded, and there's nothing like the truth.
Reserves for America.
Like to read it in the new translation of those tests that the administration of the fullness of times took the latest the Millennium to head up all things in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things upon the earth. The Christ, I believe, will also take his body. And as we get down in this chapter, it speaks of an inheritance. Who in who in Christ we also have attained inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him that work with all things about the castle of his own will.
Just skipping down to verse 14, which is the earnest of our inheritance and the redemption of the purchased possession and the praise of His glory. We mentioned His meeting yesterday and remember when about the pushes, He has purchased the entire field and we participate in that inheritance.
As in Christ.
In the sense that a bride who marries her husband.
Participate in the inheritance that is test. So we participate in that inheritance. I said yesterday, the inheritance we look forward to is not earthly. We're not looking for an earthly inheritance. While in a sense we're going to get an inheritance because those kids and it's out to share. He shares it as it were with us. But there's two spheres, heaven and an earth, which covenant theology and all the other theologies along those lines deny. But it's important to see that there is a heavenly spirit and earthly spirit. They're going to be brought into unity.
Under the headship of the Christ, which also brings in the Church, the body.
Just went on the common connection with the mystery.
And just repeating what Bruce said, it helped me to realize this must have been something mysterious, but simply something that could only be known by revelation from God. That's simply what it means to not be known by any other way that God has revealed.
This to us, his church, so that we might know umm not to embarrass a young girl in this room, but she has a wedding coming up and I dare say that her bride, her bridegroom brother, has shared with her plans for their future and so.
We God has maybe found in terms here, but in this chapter He shares with us His plans for His Son for the future.
Might be good to turn to chapter 3 verse four. We have that expression that Christ used their connection with the mystery whereby when he reads Ephesians chapter 3 verse 4, whereby when he reads, he may understand my knowledge and the mystery of it, should say the Christ which in other ages was not made known under the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit.
That the Gentile should be foul heirs, and of the same body partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.
So you say it was not desertable in the Old Testament Scriptures. It was not discernible by the natural intellect of man. It was a divine revelation of God. It was a revelation of God. And I think Doug perhaps touched on it in connection with the second Peter. But Peter was the truth was not delivered to Peter in connection with the rapture and connection with the mystery of Christ in the church.
And he found some of these things a little hard to understand, but he says in Second Peter chapter 3.
Verse 16 or verse 15, and accounts that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him have written unto you, has also in all his epistles speaking in them of these things in which some things hard to be understood. And so.
Peter learned something as the truth of God from Paul himself.
Just to take my analogy a little further, and if I'm not correct, I I'd like to hear a correction, but connection with bride in this room. Imagine if and and I want again going back to the practical nature of this chapter, if the her future husband, the bridegroom shared with her his dreams for their future together and she said, oh, I'm not going interested. Maybe later.
Maybe after you're married.
He would be so disappointed. And yet that's what Christendom has done, exactly what Christendom has done. Oh, I'm not really interested. Just tell me how, you know, I deal with this daily problem, with that daily problem. I just, I'm just trying to get through life and I realize that those things are important and I struggle.
And and as I said, the matter that God provides prayer. What is this journey isn't what it's necessary, but there is also.
The other truth that God has given us that Christendom has shown no interest in whatsoever and and he called the apostle prayed at the end of his chapter when he hopefully will get to and his prayer is that they might the eyes of you understand me in life that he might know what is the hope of of his pulling and so on. He prays he's concerned. So he actually has this prayer written down for our benefit. He was praying for them that they might enter into these things and they couldn't enter into them in a natural way or by human effort either.
It was only by the power of God.
When you refer to the verse in the nutrients of translation saying in the Christ, that means Christ and the church right, And that's your reason for emphasizing that whatever often in Scripture, when it says the Christ, it means Christ with his church. It's one body true, and that that goes along with what you're saying about a new couple enjoying things together. You go off on a trip and all by yourself and you go into a nice restaurant and everything enjoy a wonderful circumstances.
It's not the same if you don't have your loved one with you. You're right.
Christ wanted somebody to share it with.
So he goes on and speaks with the inheritance, and that's not his bride. We don't inherit bride.
He's going to have his inheritance and it's all created things, all created things, and all created beings.
Are his and he went to the cross and he purchased the field. He bought the field. He's got a right in his title to the creation and all of the created beings because he is the creator. That's Revelation chapter 4 verse 11. And then he also has a right in a title because of his work at Calvary. And so now it's not yet set free.
He doesn't he's not reigning over that inheritance currently he's gone into we haven't loose gospel that he was a nobleman that went into a far country to receive her himself a Kingdom and to return. And so there is a time when he will assert his rights in this scene and he will his the fact that he is the owner and the master of all is going to be abundantly made clear.
And he'll come at his glorious appearing.
Wonderful to think that uh, all things will be brought into order as has already been expressed.
Kings will be in subjection to it. The earth, the land, is going to be wonderfully fruitful.
We'll press it. We'll see.
Name shall no longer be despised. The 72nd Psalm is a beautiful picture of that is a interesting finish to that song, says the prayers of David the son of Jesse rendered and the Lord Jesus gets his way in this world.
There's no need for any more prayer connection to it all. Take care. Although David did say pray after this without, but when everything is brought into direction, the Lord Jesus.
Bend this twisting or lessening away from the enemy and the thought and the organizations of men. All that's going to be might say it might be a violent act taken away and given to the Lord Jesus.
Those of us that know the Lord Jesus, that should be.
A thrilling thing to think about the Lord Jesus getting his way in this poor broken world. Poor broken world.
Peter it's a wilderness book so the inheritance is over experience waiting, but here it's under his feet and so it actually 14th verse. It takes him much more than the Millennium takes on all things the Lord Jesus is going to reign over all creation, stars and everything and I just heard as a son of man.
So I suppose you should say then that you we have the inheritance now.
But in the coming day we'll enter into an wholeness. Meanwhile we have the earnest of it, the down payment of it for our present enjoyment. If you if you look in your in the in the verses we've already covered for the most part, all the verbs used are past tense in things that God has already made good to us presently to see the word half over and over again. He has he passed, he has having done having made having this.
Is past tense.
In other words, we enjoy it now, but there is that which is of course going to be displayed in the future, starting when the Lord comes for us, changes us. You know the last they say commonly in the English language, the other shoe is going to drop.
We've been chosen predestinated to a certain.
Portion and purpose.
Called Justify last steps.
It's going to be displayed. That hasn't happened yet, but we have as Christians this unique ability because of the Holy Spirit indwelling and the revelation given to us in this book, this strange ability we have to presently enjoy future things as if we already have them. Can't remember who was somebody at breakfast or somebody one of these meetings, Sorry, I called blending together right now, but somebody was expressing that very well, maybe in the hallway.
We can enjoy present future things present, the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy and said.
My very last chapter of Second Timothy. Gratitude. Great.
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge shall give me at that day, and not to me only, but unto all them also that love is here.
Certain there's a crown.
That will be awarded to a believer who walks down the street in Denver or or wherever you live going walking from class to class to school or alcoholic. Your business and your thoughts go forward to heavenly things or to the future glory of the Lord Jesus Christ after his appearing, and you're meditating upon that and thinking about what a joy will be to see that man.
Who was hated without a cause sit upon here in this world, acknowledged and sold and given the honor to through the that will happen in superior and to love his appearance, to believe in spirit now, to live good for that coming, and also these other heavenly things, heavenly spiritual blessings read about already in this chapter.
Sonship goes with Airship, right?
Friendship goes with airship. It's just red thousand. The age of Romans. Cares of God, joint heirs, right son of God.
Going to be brought, the whole of the inheritance will be brought into a condition which is suitable for him to reign over. And he brings this out in verse 14 as well. And he says he were sealed with the holy, that Holy Spirit of promise. So our salvation is sure, which is the earnest or who is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory.
And so.
He brings in redemption here and you and I were our bodies are going to be redeemed, they're going to be changed and we'll be with him in a glorified state. But the creation itself needs to be set free from the power of sin and the domination of sin. And so we have a little glimpse of it hold to us in the prophetic, prophetic scriptures. And I just like to read in Isaiah chapter 65 in verse 25, just a little snapshot of it. We could read other passages.
But Isaiah 65 and verse 25, the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the Bullock, and the dust shall be the serpents meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountains, saith the Lord. And so the whole earth is going to be changed. There's going to be a change in the lower creation, and they'll no longer kill. There will no longer be war, and sin will be judged every morning, early in the morning, if there's open sin.
And so the whole of the creation is going to be brought into subjection and it's going to be set free. It has been purchased, but it's going to be redeemed. It's going to be a set of liberty from the power of sin and the effects of sin. And this world is going to know. It's like God is going to have his own way and what he intended to take place at the time that the Garden of Eden was planted and the rest permanent and the the blessedness of that whole of that whole scene.
Going to take place in this world. He's going to have his way. They'll be set free and set at liberty.
It's imperative for God to do that.
It was Ralph Reed senior used to teach us years ago.
This Earth, this, Peter teaches us, is going to reserve until that day.
It would not be enough vindication for the Lord Jesus Christ to have him only have heaven and the redeemed there around himself.
It's imperative for God in computer, and that he acknowledged here.
Think of that if the man never repented that through a cloth over the Lord's face and smote it, she said prophecy to me who smoked you?
That never man never repented. Guess when the next time he's going to see the war.
A great way to come.
I don't know, I I suspect the Lord won't have to say anything.
Just looking.
Horrible, but it's imperative with God, and I believe that's why in the verses read in first previews, 15 says He must reign. It is essential.
To the majesty and glory of God.
That in this very world, not some other, for he was cast out of righteousness. God will have him declare and display.
There's nothing wrong, as Robert, as you indicated, for a believer, and it's good for us, important for us to understand we have the heavenly calling. Our blessings are spiritual, Our citizenship is in heaven. We have a heavenly destiny.
But as brothers just put it, we're joint heirs with Christ and he has everything.
He's going to the overall patient had him in her and there's nothing wrong and it's even encouraged for us to hold even as Christians as believers and understanding and appreciation and a happy anticipation of the coming earthly glory of his earthly people, Israel and then the blessing of the nations. If you read in Matthew 13. I think it is the Lord Jesus asked his disciples after an exposition of of very similar to the Kingdom.
He said. Do you understand all these things? Oh yeah, we understand.
First, they do at all.
You wouldn't be here. But then, he says graciously. Every man that is an helpholder is like a man who who brings out of his treasure things new and old.
And so as believers, we are. It's our privilege and responsibility to be stewards and to properly hold and maintain things, new and old, separately really I believe, not all jumbled together.
My wife knows it drives me crazy when stuff gets all jumbled together. I have this preference for order. So garage you don't want kitchen stuff. Not that she does it, but you don't want kitchen things in the garage.
No one silverware in there. They eat when you have company and you don't want the chainsaw and the dining room table things belong in their place and it's it's unsuitable to have everything all mixed up in your mind, which mean Isaiah 65 and Ephesians chapter one or wherever, but we want to hold them hold the new things and the opens.
The new things were the parables of the Kingdom at the beginning of upholding that. And Robert, you were mentioned in Luke 19 that the Kingdom there, a certain man went into our country to receive the Kingdom and return. You get the order in that verse that was not understood in at that time. We can look back now and see that that verse means the Lord Jesus was going to go back to heaven.
And first of all, he was going to receive the heavenly part of the Kingdom that's going to take place at the rapture, and he's going to receive his bride's air. And that we're going to have the, the marriage of the Lamb in heaven. The earth is going to be taken up from that point onward. That's the transition time that we, we're, we're real. We're so close to when things are going to change from heaven to earth. And then the Lord is going to come back.
And occupied with the redemption of the purchase possession, he's going to start setting in order here on Earth.
Would it be, uh, uh, clarity for some that the verses that were read in first, uh, in 2nd Corinthians 15, verse 24, that takes us beyond the Millennium, isn't it to the eternal state, OK.
And then the next person says that he shall reign. So they're both there, is that right?
You're right on. Yeah, he goes back and describes how that's going to take place, and that's where I started reading.
There's something else here that's very important to see is that He's given us the earnest of the inheritance of our inheritance, and that is that He wanted us to enjoy the thought that we're going to have a part in that inheritance. We're going to be able to enjoy it with the Lord. Jesus will be at his side. But the reason we know and we can have assurance of it is that we're in well with the Spirit of God. He's given a down payment, the thought of the earnest of the Spirit.
Is in connection with a down payment and that he is going to finish the work.
I'd just like to go back to 2nd Corinthians chapter one and just read just.
A couple of verses there, verse 21.
2nd Corinthians chapter one and verse 21. Now he which establisheth us with you in Christ hath anointed us and hath anointed us is God, who hath also sealed us and given the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts. So there's three things, the anointing and the ceiling and the earnest. And when it comes to the thought of the earnest of the inheritance, here is really we're indwelled by the Spirit of God.
And God wanted us to know that He was going to come and complete the work and we are going to have our bodies redeemed. How do we know that our bodies are going to be redeemed? We're in wealth of the Spirit of God. The down payment has been made, so to speak, and He's going to complete work. When it comes to the anointing, it's really having discernment in connection to true doctrine, false doctrine. We don't have time to go into that in first. John, I think it's chapter 2.
And then we have the ceiling, we're sealed with the Spirit when we believe the gospel. And that's what he brings out here, the truth of it. And so these Gentiles had not only had the being quickened by the Spirit, but they had been brought into the knowledge of the truth. They trusted Christ, they were sealed with the Spirit, and they also had an earnest of the Spirit. God has made a down payment, as it were. And you're in well with the Spirit of God. You're going to, you're going to have an inheritance.
Guaranteed he's going to finish the work and you're going to enjoy it with the Savior.
That wood seal, just think of a a tree that was or a letter that was sent 100 or 200 years ago. There was a wax pulled and the steel was put on it locked out the.
The source of that letter, and so we have been mocked out, is marked as a part. That's what that means.
The spirit of the field is like what we have in Romans 8, uh, as a seal where marked as his well for his we need to enjoy our hits. And so the spirit is really the power for the conscious enjoyment of our relationship with the one who were marked out as belonging to. So as sons and heirs, the spirit of God is the evil is the power for that. So the spirit witnesses with our spirit that we are the sons of God.
Conscious relationship with him and as a seal it's something we have earnest we don't have yet the present enjoyment of what's coming. So it's not the feel of the inheritance of the earnings don't have it yet, but the seal of the spirit is a relationship and.
As you say, his mark on us is blowing him. That's hard enough and he wants us to be in present enjoyment and our relationship earnest.
And we might have the enjoyment of what's yet to come to the inheritance. The illustration. Everybody's probably heard it, but it's good that an old man repeat themselves so.
But the man gave the illustration of he went and he bought the sheep, picked the sheep out, and he put a brand on it that was a seal that they belonged to him. And so he took him home, and it was getting night. And so he went in and he told his servant. He said that.
The sheep are out there in that pen, he said. I want you to go out in the field and get some of that sweet Clover.
And throw it into them. Tomorrow we're going to turn them out in that yeah patch so they have the earnest of it tomorrow. They got the reality now.
I I was thinking too that salvation is by blood and it's by power. Remember the children of Israel, they were under the blood in the 12Th chapter, but it was the 15th that God in power delivered them. And so the eighth verse of this chapter is the redemption by blood of the 14th is by power. When He brings everything into conformity, He goes much further than the Millennium. It's all things.
All created things are under his feet.
And that day, another thing, the reason that I've heard this is what I've been taught, because the Lord, the Father gives the Lord.
The place of judge because he was the one that become a man. He was the one who was persecuted. He was the one who took all the Columbia while he was down here. He'll be the one that judges.
The righteous judge, and in the Millennium, you know.
The 101St talent tells us it's a righteous rain, a public lie.
Cost you your life because it's not righteous. Satan is the father of lies, so it'll be a righteous ring. A wonderful time on earth. Look at what's happening. Man's day.
But then the man will reign for the glory of God for 1000 years. A wonderful country, so the fullness of time.
And Galatians we get in the fullness of time, singular God sent forth his son, the time came to send his son. But here's the fullness of times, all the times and the ways of God as to this earth have all run their course and.
Now you're finished and the administration of the fullness of times, plural, they've all run their course has come. But it says in verse 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ. The fullness of times hasn't come. The millennial the unfolding of the the millennial glory, the establishment of the Kingdom hasn't come and Israel's being brought back into national.
Blessing and prominence in this world hasn't come, but there are those who have put their trust in Christ from that nation.
Before that day, and that's what he means, those who first trusted in Christ or pre trusted before that, they unfold. There are those who have really for his glory, pre trusted in Christ, in whom he also trusted. That brings us Gentiles and as well Jew and Gentiles.
And it says there after that you believe you were sealed and that's, that's good to get ahold of.
To be born again is to have divine light, but when we're sealed, we have that technical term of eternal life. It's it's not a different life, but it's abundant life. It's relationships that you will pestimate Saints who were born again knew nothing of.
I bring up one other point of that, just to turn back to First Corinthians 12 to lose a question that was asked earlier and the hope it's not.
I don't want to offend anybody, but just to go back to it, the question was asked, how do you become part of the church, the body of Christ? And the answer was given, salvation. Let's look at First Corinthians 12.
And verse 13 for by 1 Spirit we are all baptized into one's body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free, and have all been made to drink into one spirit. We're in heaven. And we meet David, the Old Testament, we say, how are you here? He's going to say because of the blood of Christ, and so will every other.
Think of God.
And so God's righteousness has been manifested, Romans 3 tells us.
Now it's been declared in connection with the sins that were passed Old Testament Saints, God is justified in in through the work of the cross, and that He waited until then. And now it's clear how he dealt with those sins through the blood of the cross. There won't be anyone in heaven that's not there through the blood.
What made us part of the Church of God is the indwelling Spirit, that seal of the Spirit when we believe the gospel of our salvation, then when we seal that Holy Spirit of promise. That is what made you a member of the body of Christ. Now he doesn't feel anyone who hasn't believed that gospel. And that's what that verse tells us in our chapter when we trust it, when we heard the gospel of our salvation.
Then we were sealed by that Holy Spirit of promise and that is what made us a member of the body of Christ. He doesn't feel any who haven't received Christ and aren't saved. But it's the indwelling Spirit that united us to our head in heaven and to one another. That's what made us part of the church. Why is that important? Well, I had a man at work saying the church started with Adam. Why is that? He said.
Well, is that Adam gonna be in heaven because of the blood of Christ? I said yes. Well, then we'll look at him and say he was saved. Isn't everyone who's saved in the church? That's how you get in the church. You're saved. Wait a minute.
Church didn't start with Adam. Something's not right here.
It's by the indwelling Spirit of God who are made part of the body of Christ. I think it's easy to understand if you.
Realized in the first In the third chapter of John, he told Nicodemus that he needed to be born again.
Of water in the spirit, so that the Spirit takes the word of God and forms life in my soul. That's divine life. That's something that happens within me sovereignly. But then he says, if you don't understand earthly things, how are you going to understand heavenly things? And then he goes on to say, for God shall love the world.
That he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish but have a eternal life. This is something that happened outside of you that you believe. And when you believe that, that you see so were you born again something that happens in you believing something you believe that happened outside of you. Does that make it simple? Yes, it does. I mean, it's I, I suppose it's a helpful for people to understand that Old Testament.
Who had faith had it because they were born again, Yes. New birth has always been necessary, yes.
Be brought into connection with God and reality. As you say. It's a different thing now when the Spirit of God begins to work in the soul and not only brings life, and life has faith. And what does faith do? It believes God's present testimony and when we believe the gospel of our salvation.
Received that whole spirit across David was not sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise nor was happened. Another verse that proves that is in Galatians 3 where Paul was reproaching the Galatians and and about their desire to go back on the law and he says in verse two of that chapter. This only will I learn of you receive ye the Spirit by the works of the law.
About a hearing of faith, it was a rhetorical question. They knew they received it by the hearing of faith. And so the Spirit of God occasionally in the Word of God makes these distinctions that that burden has made. And for example, in the book of Acts with Cornelius, we see a man that clearly passed life from God. He was a righteous and upright man in that faith, but he hadn't heard the gospel, and he certainly hadn't believed the gospel of his salvation because he hadn't heard it.
And as soon as Peter came and delivered to him all the words of this life, it was evidence that he had received the Holy Spirit, that he sealed that Holy Spirit cross.
So at times the scriptures kind of pull things apart and lets us look at the unique chords that make up a whole a whole Rd. there.
So this chapter is really perhaps divided into three parts. You have the 1St 3 verses is maybe an introduction or the first couple of verses. And then from verse three down to verse 14, you have the apostle Paul teaching us these different aspects of the blessings that we have as a result of having received the Lord Jesus. And and then we have the prayer of the apostle then in verse 15 and to the end and he prays that we might enter into the knowledge and understanding of these things.
And it's because we are brought in through relationship. We do have eternal life. We are sealed with the Spirit. So we trusted Christ.
Eternal life has those four components. You might say we trusted Christ and the finished work of Christ for ourselves. We applied the blood of Christ to ourselves. We believe that Christ died for ourselves. Then we were indwelled with the Spirit of God. We were sealed. Then we were brought into the knowledge of our relationship with the Father and with the Son and souls.
Abundant life I think that's gone from chapter 10 abundant life. There's something here I'd like to just point out that's in the 15 first says wherefore I also after I heard that the faith in the Lord Jesus and your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love to all the Saints.
You know, we have a tendency to be sectarian.
And so that narrows my heart down to just the gathered things.
But that's not what's on the heart of the Father. And if we're enjoying him?
What's on his heart will be on our heart. All of God's people are on his heart. And so we need to look to the Lord if He would give us a love for all the people of God.
But also that he keep our feet narrow as the word of God.
Makes it that we might walk in the truth, but we need this. Don't we just say that? You know, it's, it's so easy. I'm speaking to myself. It's so easy to think we're the only people and and to make U.S. special. Well, it's not God. God loves all of his people and what's on his heart will be on your heart if you're in communion. Otherwise you become sectarian.
Am I? Am I out of line for saying this? I think it's something that needs to be said.
Because we kind of.
Constrict our heart just down to those were around us. Very very appropriate brother, very. I'm just going to quote again first Ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 he says.
Well, let's read verse 10. He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things. And he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers. They're the perfect thing of the Saints, all the Saints.
Not just the gathered Saints, all the Saints.
And so I'm not a very good example, but when I was in business, I would just enjoy the fellowship of those that were believers in the place that I work. And I thought it was normal to, when the question came up on a doctrinal point, perhaps to give a booklet that I knew that existed that would help that brother in Christ to understand some aspect of Christianity more perfectly. And you might just be a help like the ministry that we have is rich and it is for the whole church.
And so we ought to love our brethren deeply enough to be able to share it with them.
The level of breath is really one of the evidences of the work of Christ in our hearts, isn't it, as we haven't postponed 3 which we had in this conference a year ago.
It's proof of LifeProof, of life.
I'm thinking actually that first John 12 and I know it's not really out of chapter. It's nice to get through some of this prayer. But you know, we had one member self as one member suffer with it. That's not something about you haven't seen. And so I recently read a book similar to what Doug mentioned about the Christians in northern Iraq and it was painful to read. And many of these Christians come out of church systems that have been established for century and.
Uh, Catholic Church being one of them that may not know a whole lot. That's not to belittle them or put them down. They've been in the system where they've been kept from those truths. It isn't changed the fact that most of the real amongst them and think in many cases, the persecution they've suffered has shown a reality with some of faith. And so I think it owes us to, to feel their pain to, to brave with.
Them even though.
I can't go and, and, uh, uh, have communion in their church. That would be dishonouring to the Lord because it's a system that I believe has error and I can't identify with that. And as long as they're identified with that, that may restrict their ability to come and remember the Lord with me. But as other fellows believe it, I can fully embrace them unless it's in there or something like that that might hinder that fellowship, but otherwise.
They're members of the body of Christ.
I have a thinker. This is the thing about.
Something a little different, but this is a little thing that's being gathered to the Lord's name and it's Mr. Darby said this, so it's worth reading. And I think there's good for the young people and for all of us, he said. I am deeply convinced that it is a testimony which God himself has raised up for the last days. I have been walking in this way for 50 years. I've seen weakness in myself and mistakes I do not now in the way of walking, but never doubted for a moment.
That it is the work of God, but it is needful that each one should be convinced of this himself by the Word of God. It's a path of faith, and faith only can sustain the soul in this path. But I know that the peace, the approval of God are there, and those who walk in it by faith are made happy by them. I hope that my love for the brother with whom I cannot walk will always be increasing. We cannot realize the blessing which belongs to us if we do not.
Comprehend all the Saints in our Christian affection. Ephesians 318 But this is good night not to walk with them in a path that is not according to the word is not saying that one does not allow them, but just the conjurer isn't that nice.
I used to get kind of baffled by that as a young believer and I was greatly helped by a brother on the on the 1St 12 months. I was saving that up in an open meeting and he spoke about having a broad heart and narrow feet. Well, I found that skull helpful and so timely for me because.
By by remaining outside of these denominational systems that were just overflowing.
With error and confusion.
Pentecostal systems and in other places my own friends were trying to take me.
You know, I was accused of being, you know.
All kinds of things, but and I used to come to the older brother in the meeting and he had a habit after his chores were done. He was a farmer and he was sitting out on his porch covered porch. And I, I swing in there at times and I'd be kind of dejected and he gave me this verse once and I remembered it ever since. First John 5:00 and 2:00.
I suppose a good degree first one whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and everyone that loveth him that begotten loveth him also to his begotten of him and proof of life. But verse 2 by this we know that we love the children of God and we love God and keep his commandments and so he said, brother, the best thing you can do for all those brethren that you love the brother. Let me do the organs was one of them. Let's just make straight past from your feet.
That's the way to one way to show love to your brethren. You're not going to go from pillar to post in all these places.
Keep your affections for them, love them, walk in the right path. I thought it was good advice.
What can someone sum up this prayer in 5 minutes?
Do it first.
And then three things to begin with, neither you understanding being live, that you may know what is the hope of His calling #1 and your Son that's calling. He has spread the glory of His inheritance in the Saints. He takes up that inheritance in the Saints. And then the third one is one of the exceeding greatness of His power to ask what you believe according to the working of His mighty power, which He brought in Christ, and He raised him up from the dead.
Let it rezone right hand the heavily twice of. There are three things there and someone else can expand on it. Very good.
He wants us to keep growing.
The eyes of our understanding are our hearts being light, the hearts involved, but it's only in the knowledge of Him. It's in the knowledge of Christ, who is the full revelation of God's Father.
And it's really in a growing personal knowledge of Christ and all that concerns him. We're going to grow in the truth of God and wisdom and knowledge. And so there's the means of growth is, is really knowing more and more about Christ. And then there's Our Calling. It's a high calling. It's a holy calling. It's a heavenly calling. And we're exhorted to walk worthy later in the book of the vocation where we've been called.
And there's a glory that's suited to that column that we're going to be brought into that we can be in the present. And John, and I'm not, he wants the Saints to just continue on and keep growing and all of these things. And also this power, the greatness of his power that raised Christ from the dead, that raised us up with him and seated us in heavenly places with him.
The tremendous power of God that accomplished that is available every single day of our lives to help us walk through here below. That is the power that is available to the believer every day. It's the exceeding greatness of His power to usward, who believe according to the working of His mighty power which He wrought in Christ when He raised Him.
From the dead and set him at his own right hand in heavenly places was mentioned that Joshua is a book that corresponds with this. And another said the mighty power that rolled the Jordan back and let them cross over dry shod is the same power that was there for them when the captain of the Lord's house stood with that drawn sword in his hand and go before them. And it's the same with us. What's the power that's available to you and I every day?
The same power that raised Christ from the dead.
And put us there, associated with glory, with Him. So the power is not in US.
We have the power really in connection with raising Christ from the dead in the first chapter. We see that power and believer in the second chapter because we were also dead. So and then it's awful to see that the word power actually goes three times in the 1St and each time it's a different words, which is confusing. But the first power is his miraculous power, the greatness of his miraculous power, his ability to us, would you believe according to the working of his mighty power, there is his strength, his might.
Then the other power is in verse 21 Firebar, all principalities and power in there, it's authority. So those 3 words power is not distinguished in English translation often, but so it's miraculous power, strength for light and authority, all of them are hits.
And those are available to us.
I think that.
It's the exceeding greatness of his power to us words who believe I do think that brings in a practical daily is there for.
Like working in our salvation is in end.
Sometimes we think of great things, but really it's a miracle that everyone in this room is still going on to the Lord. It takes a tremendous amount of power in this world to be going against the earth. We're looking maybe for some great thing, but it is a great thing what we're seeing right now.
I believe that's why in Colossians, I think it's in Colossians chapter one. That's quite a good point you made. Paul was speaking about his.
Verse 11 strengthened with all might according to his glorious power. It's a pretty, pretty, pretty well as high as you can get there with respect to power. But what's it for? Unto all patients and long-suffering with joyfulness.
Perhaps the word patients therapy translated to endurance, so I can't recall but.
She has the thought of endurance, long-suffering, thoughtfulness. So there are always an array of things that crash upon us like waves on the on the rocky coast and.
Young people, I hate to scare you, but it doesn't go away as you get older.
Might even increase, but you're going to increase too. And that that's well put the way Stevens put it, that that same power that raised him up and gave him glory. It's available to us every day to be able to to endure, to press on long-suffering. Not like the British used to say, you know, my mom was from the UK. He could stiff upper lip and all that, you know, and.
Just endure it in a grumpy way, No, but long-suffering with joyfulness. Only a believer I think is fitted and capable to be able to.
Be joyful.
In the same time that we're in the mode of long-suffering, and only a Christian can understand that.
Sorrowful. He had always rejoiced. I'm sorry. All right. I like the way you put it. Yeah. We're going on. We, we tend to think that power is some demonstration of vivid, that of of strong evidence. That's not necessarily power. Power is just to go on with, with, with what God has given us. And and and to to keep going on is a demonstration. A steady Christian life is a demonstration of our God.
And even in the last chapter of Ephesians.
Season 6, verse 14.
Or list the different elements of our of our Christian armor. Verse 14 says stand therefore having your or sorry verse 13. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day. And to sum up what you were just saying, Doug indeed, and having done all the stamps so thing #170.
Who he comes from?
And descending.
One for many.
1000 and father's name are standing.
So I love crying.
Oh great, shall now I won't give me an old name.
And sleep.
Lord may be the Lord, thou blast the soul of him.
You're well, I'm still till the journey of the water on the train.
No, no, no, no, no, really.
I don't want anything and it's a little more agreed. Try a lot of the heavens and grains, my love and stuff. I'm telling you about the Lord, sweetie.
In the sun and make it as absolutely right on fire landscape. Never Dustin.
So I wanna go somewhere.
Come on.
Oh my God.
Every day Aww crazy initiative.
Hello, pretty good show. So I'm going to go to the go down to now.
We stand on the lab first.
Can we remain standing and seeing #40 in the appendix that was referred to earlier in the meeting?
Two 100 and 7003.
100 and takes away from thrown.
And grilled and had bread. See.
We have a good job. We're going to be able to.
Found something that's why.
The glory shall bring.
Our rejoice in mind the unity and criminal settlement.
When from there you go.
Straight from my grandfather.
There is a light sink. You remember the beginning of the beginning, so.
He shall come down like a child.
I'm fine, thank you. I love to cry.
And enjoy your clothes like love birds. Shrimp outrightly drop out. Give me more.
Shall fall down.
Before him and Lord and gentle spring.
Hello make your child.
And Grace, not feeling it, falls on stage.
Umm stretched his wide stone and young.
Lord, everything I saw.
Her had seen him go to sleep and he never roars the light rain and so.