Ephesians 1:6-9

Duration: 1hr
Ephesians 1:6‑9
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Say 112.
Terminal phrase. Our God shall rise from mansions. Barbara. Beyond the sky. My name.
Before 112.
Eternal friend.
Our all great work right now brought a beginner.
When thou shalt come forward.
We wait.
We hand, shall we, and go out of grave. Thor gave the grace, Lord.
Look at us, it's a scripture and 1St year third chapter.
The 18th verse.
I'd read this this scripture. I often think you know different. Just speak up brother, please. When I read this scripture, sometimes I think of myself, although I knew different.
Are you putting me on? Can this really be true?
15 thirds for Christ also have once suffered for standards of the dust, and for sin, the just for the unjust.
That he might bring us to God.
Bring us to the One who created the universe.
That's almost mind boggling.
And brought to God.
Our audacious God and the Father.
Exactly. Realize that we're not going to learn anything that we don't already know.
But we pray that the Spirit of God might minister these things to our soul, that we might realize who we are in Christ.
And I rejoice our heart.
That it might give us incentive.
To go on, we'll see and realize the hope that's before us. Again, we say that was called us to glory. It's the object before us and virtue, the ability, as they know, to send and say yes to myself, our God and our Father.
So we just have, you know, again for thy blessing, that we might fast in these things that seem almost.
But we thank you that they're true in the Lord Jesus.
And thank you for it on the 98 and then.
Where do you suggest that we didn't do an orderly verse by verse?
What do you suggest, Robert? Well, we might start at verse six, but be free to comment on anything someone might have an exercise to mention in the previous versions.
This is only one of two. I guess we only have two more reading meanings, right? One opposite. And this is a short one, an hour long, OK.
Vision Chapter one.
Verse six. To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein hath made us accepted in the Beloved.
In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace, wherein He hath abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He hath purposed in himself.
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one.
All things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in Him in Whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestined according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the council of His own will.
That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ, in whom ye also trusted.
After that he heard the words of truth, the Gospel of your salvation, in whom also after that ye believe, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of His glory.
Wherefore I also after I heard of your face in the Lord Jesus.
And love unto all the Saints, cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling.
And what the riches?
Of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of His power to Oxford, who believed according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places?
Far above all principality and power and might and dominion.
And every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
Full and half put all things under his feet, and given him to be the head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth All in all.
So the apostle, he does. The apostle prays that we might know what our blessing was in the third chapter. He's going to pray that we might.
That we might enjoy this but here it's we might know them and we might just say a word. The difference between chosen and predestined chosen is persons is tested a person but predestination is to the place that.
He's given to those who have chosen and it's before the foundation of the world. So we we said before that our responsibility are not even taken in here. This is what God is doing, His own purpose and councils. So it doesn't even figure in your responsibility.
That's different at the moment, taking that up and being alive and and needing.
To die in order to get outside of his sins with Christ. But here it's not even taking up the responsibility, it's what God has purpose to do.
Another distinction in those two words.
Election is God's sovereign choice of some out of many.
Predestination is not that thought.
Predestination is not the thought of God's sovereign choice of a few out of many.
It's the relationship to which those who have been chosen are destined to, or that He is purpose for them. Election is God's sovereign choice of a few out of many, but not predestination. And those words are mixed up. Predestination is very often used for the current election.
And that results in some confusion in the word.
Another distinction we might note is that the election is always individual. It's not an elect assembly. I will just point this out in first Peter chapter 5. It says in verse 13 it and it really in here it says in the King James that the church that is at Babylon elected together with you, salute you. It really should read the she that is elected with you in Babylon salutes you and so individuals are elected.
Not companies that believers and so there's as you stated before beginning of these meetings is that we have the individual aspect of Christianity here and our individual blessings.
And why is that important? Why is it important to understand that election is not a collective thing?
Because those who would like to deny the truth of the election.
Put a construction on these verses that he elected the church.
As an entity.
But that the members of their own free will receive Christ and time and became part of the church. But it was the church as an entity that he elected, not the individuals. No, they came in of their own free will. And so they clearly denied the truth of election by making election a collective thing. They say the church was elected, but not the individuals in it. And they try and put a construction on this verse to support that doctrine. And that's why it's important to understand.
And see in this context this is individual.
Run is a 29. It says for whom he did for no, he also did predestinate and it's important for two reasons. One, I think it confirms fitted out what you were just being saying, but the other doesn't say what he what he told you. In other words, again repeating what you said in the last meeting. He didn't look down upon us because so I see something good in you. Therefore I will choose you. It's not what he did for now. It's whom he did for you know.
Person not actions, persons not actions, and individuals not the collectively.
But they would say in the Foreign Office that he looked down through the corridor of time and he saw who would receive the gospel.
So that's what they think for knowledge. But poor knowledge is not something that God thought up in a certain part of eternity. We always.
He always knew that. He always.
How am I going to say it? Christ was born on. Yeah. From before the foundation of the world. Does that mean God looked down a long quarter of time and saw his Son? But hum, may come in to this world and and an incarnation become a man and go to the cross. Or is it that he knew from a past eternity and eternal counsels that his Son would come? That's it. The same word. Yeah. It's you that he knew. Yeah.
Chromopathy, kind of the tornado by God.
Well, I would ask you a question in regard to our verse we're Speaking of. More particularly, we didn't touch much on the fourth verse of our chapter that speaks of death as He had chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world. How does that compare parallelism?
Little long ribs, what we have in Matthew 25 where it speaks over, and I believe it's this, it speaks of Israel when it speaks of Israel.
Five. Then shall the king stand within on his right hand. Come, blessed are coming, blessed in my father, inherit the Kingdom prepared from the foundation of the world. I'd like to hear a distinction of that.
In contrast to hard groups.
Those things that have to do with the earth and that says the earth really can't come established by Christ are confined to those bounds, but the Church is going to have its existence.
Distinctly as the Church for all eternity, and ourselves as sons of God, and so that which really was furthest back in the thoughts of God, so to speak, and His eternal purpose and counsel in Christ.
Brought out last in time is going to continue for eternity long after the Kingdom is folded up, delivered back up to God, long after the nation ceased to exist. Israel ceased to exist in that earthly Kingdom, and there's a new heaven and new earth. And someone that speaks of that which has to do with the earth is from the foundation of the earth. But when it speaks of that which is going to really go on for eternity, it's from before the foundation of the earth.
Maybe somebody else has another.
I guess you mentioned, I mentioned last meeting that Mister Darby translates adoption, sonship, and thankfully John Brockmire came pointing out to me that no, he doesn't. He translates it an option. And you have to actually look at his note where he says it's the same as punctured. He does translate that word sunship in Galatians, which John also pointed out. But I thought maybe it'd be better if we can correct that. Yeah, I was thinking about that when you said that.
If somebody just asked me that question.
Last week or so, you find the same note enrollment date. Yeah, refine the same word.
Well, the next verse in six says that it's for the praise of His, of His grace, the glory of His grace, wherein yet made us accepted in the Beloved. And the new translation is a little clear, very nice thought where He has taken us into favor in the beloved.
You and I are brought into favor with God because of the work of Christ and because we have been given that place of sunshine. It's a place of favor before God. The children of Israel, the Jews, they knew a place of servitude, and they rightfully called themselves servants of God.
But you and I are sons, and we're brought into a place of favor and blessing, the poor God as sons.
Could so are you saying that say in the Old Testament they were accepted, they could be accepted in the beloved?
But taking them into favor is.
That privilege of sonship.
I'm just wondering if this would fit in here. I have just had the thought about.
The correlation between.
Deserve it.
And umm, the chronicle son. When the chronicle son came home, he was already unwilling his father. HD is one of the highest servants.
Did the father do that? No. He put it in that high spot.
So I, I can't lose my blood everywhere but uh.
Well, let's look at it in Luke's gospel. It illustrates this principle. It illustrates the proof of what God is bringing out here. It says in Luke 15, they could read from verse 20. He arose and came to his father, but when he was a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on him and kissed his neck some or kissed him or covered him with kisses. Someone had said this is just.
It illustrates the kiss of reconciliation. We're reconciled to God. And then a little further on it says in verse 22, the father said to his servants, bring forth the best rule and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And so it brings before the place of a believer sonship. It's illustrated in this story. Sonship we don't have, we're not a servant. He thought he was good enough to be a servant.
But in actual fact, he wasn't good enough to be anything. He was nothing. And so in grace He's given the sun place. You were worth nothing and I was worth nothing. God gives us the place that we're accepted in favor before God in the beloved.
And we're given that place of sonship. So these truths are illustrated. Reconciliation is illustrated in this passage, as well as the relationship of sonship. One of our hands puts it this way. We stand accepted in the place that none but Christ could claim.
And so to be in Christ, as often been put, is to be in Christ's place before God.
Think of the delight and tone of satisfaction that God has found in the man Christ Jesus risen, ascended now.
And we are looked upon as those who share that place before God.
Almost beyond what we can begin, the law of wherewithal the Father loves the Son is his love to us.
Favor that he has sun smelled in draped upon us, we had his life.
Uh, joint errors, joint bodies and so on. I remember as a young brother.
Holding a hem I I can't remember off the top of me.
Which him it was, but it's a hymn that expresses those thoughts that a person would.
Just feel it would be blasphemy almost to say it if it wasn't the truth of the word of God that we were assigned such a place. And I must have quoted to him in a prayer.
And, uh, an older brother went to another older brother and said that young man blasphemous. And, uh, unfortunately there was a laborer there and, uh, they grabbed him and he, he, I found this out afterwards and he showed him the hymn that was quoted and showed him some verses in Scripture. But I can sympathize with the older brother because if we didn't look upon those Scriptures like in John 17 that were quoted in other verses like in this chapter.
We would never dare to even dream of such a place, let alone to express with the happiness that we've been given such a place as this. And #18 in the back of the book. And is it so? It shall be like thy son.
I'll research.
They get him #27.
Thank you. That's it. Him #27 in the back. But that's another nice 1218.
So nice, so very nice to God. I cannot hear or be for in the person of His Son I am his near be so dear, so very dear to God or dear. I cannot be the love or what He loves the Son, such as His love to be beautiful.
Oh my God could take a ruined condition that the world got into and and foreknow it all ahead of time and make provision for it. Nothing ever took him by surprise and all the wickedness and that man has invented and fallen into. And now after coming back like that, I think that the story of the prodigal senses beautifully with this because it shows us how the highest thoughts of a of a wayward center could never rise up to what the father really wanted to do for him.
And so there's two ways to read the story of the prodigal son. One is about the sun and what happened to them. But it's a better thing to look at the story as the story about the father and what his thoughts were. And that's what our chapter is about. It's about the purpose of God to to bless and all that God has allowed to come into the world. He did it purposefully, knowing how it was going to turn out. And that man was going to come short and never be able to recover himself.
And then he says, now I'm going to introduce my way, I'm going to send my son and he's going to do it all. He's going to glorify me. And he then he's going to take the wicked, the the chief of sinners, and he's going to make him the example of the glory of my grace to take such a person and elevate him and make him fit for God's presence. And so when this gets a hold of your soul, brethren, it, it moves you. It really.
We ought to respond in kind to him when we when this gets a hold of us.
In the, uh, third chapter and the 20th verse and the verse that really goes with what's being brought out by the verse. Often misunderstood.
320 valid to him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in US under any glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. We often apply this verse to trials and to present circumstances that He's able to do abundantly far above all that we might come to Him in our trials.
And ask him poor in those trials and so on. But it really refers to the fullness of blessing that we have been brought into. It exceeds anything that we could have ever come to him and thought of and asked for.
Only his mind, I'm saying, and that him the beginning of the meetings. You know who what raised the wondrous Father? Who did suggest thine? Only it could be thine only no one has so great a heart.
In mind if we can even use that word to come up with these things and purpose them other than God. So it's exceedingly abundantly above all that we could ask or think. And I've really enjoyed the little picture in Marks gospel of where the parents bring their children to the Lord Jesus and they have in their thoughts that he would touch them.
Disciples, of course, you know, drive them back and the Lord brings them back in, but it doesn't say He touched them. It says He laid His hands on them. He took them up in His arms and He blessed them unto Him. They brought Him to the right person that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. I just enjoyed that He far exceeded any expectations that they had had.
When they brought their children.
Harry Hagel used to say it uses illustration.
Listen to it on tape of this, taping him into favor. Back in the days when they used to ride trains, you'd buy a ticket to get on that train. Well, like the Old Testament Saints, they had a place on that train. So the man, he bought this ticket and he was sitting there, and then when the Ticketmaster came through, he looked at his ticket.
And he said, Sir, why are you sitting here in this, this, this, this.
Coach, thank you. So this, this entitles you to go up there. There's a, there's a coach up there that's made just for the owner of this railroad, son, he said. You belong up there. You don't belong back here.
HAIR inside that gives us a lovely example of accepted in the beloved.
He was on a farm and there was a sheep farm. And he was watching out in the pasture. He saw this strange creature run across, maybe through the story, run across the field at like 6 legs. And his skin was all kind of raggedy and torn. And he said the farm and what is that? And the man ran and grabbed this creature and brought it back. And it was a lamb, but it had the skin of another lamb hide around it. And he said, well, what happened? He said, well.
Birthing time, there was a you that died in inverts and this is, is her land. And we had another, uh, you, that it's Lambda. And so we thought we'd, we'd, uh, get them together and she could, uh, nurse this, uh, orphan lamb, but she refused it. She kept pushing it away. It wasn't hers. So we skinned out the dead lamb and we tied the skin around it. And when she sniffed that lamb over, then she accepted it as hers. And he just thought of that lamb and that skin accepted in.
The Beloved.
But in all of these things, as you read down through these verses, there's one thing that keeps coming back up just looking at it.
And, uh, who have blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places, in Christ our position, and then as he have chosen us in him, and having predestinated vessels in the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, to the praise of the glory of His grace, where He has made us accepted in the beloved, all the blessings are commensurate.
With his estimation and his value for Christ. And they're all worthy of Christ. He's the one who is the center of all God's thoughts and all the blessings and the privilege and the place we've been brought into is worthy of Christ and commensurate with God's God of Christ.
And all those blessings are in Christ.
It's a common, anyway I can explain my thought is to sort of get the negative. It's a common thought of Christmas. The merits of Christ is essentially, and especially his righteousness has been transferred to us. It's not a scriptural tour. They have not His righteousness has not been imputed to us. We have seen as righteous in Christ. All these blessings are in Christ inseparable from Christ. There's a vast difference between in fact, it's, it's really just the old Roman Catholic thought of the mayor's Saints being transferred to us. I mean, the merits of Christ are infinitely more than the merits of the Saints, but they're still not transferred to us.
15 is righteous in Christ we are accepted in Christ we have redemption in whom this is, and in whom we have redemption. So the business of sins, these are all inseparable from Christ we have seen in Him.
Yes, the right choice cannot be.
God cannot take his righteousness and give it to somebody else. It's his righteousness. Righteousness, it's not a commodity. I listened one time to Catholic radio and then he phoned in. It was a question and answer period. And he said, I don't know that I'm I'm righteous enough. He said we'll just ask Mary, she's got too much. She'll give you some hurt. But righteousness is not fast. God does because of the work of Christ, reckon us righteous.
But it's not Christ right, is it? Christ righteousness is Christ is righteousness. Christ is right. God's righteousness is how he can be righteous and still forgive sinners. It's his righteousness. So it's not something that is community. We say he's clothed in the righteousness of Christ. You know, that's not the right thought, is it? But because of Christ death, we've been.
Uh, uh, what? What do I want to say?
Declared righteous.
That justification, but it's not. It's not something that is transferred from Christ to us. Righteousness is not that. That's a wrong thought of righteousness altogether.
It's interesting that as the Spirit of God inspired Paul to write this, these truths are given to us in a very distinct order, not haphazardly, and so goes through things in a very orderly way. And so he brings in the fact that we are elect predestinated and that were accepted in the beloved and then in verse seven that we have redemption.
Is through his blood the forgiveness of sin, according to the riches of his grace? Well, when he speaks of redemption, it really always has the thought of liberty in his presence.
You could be a son but really not have perfect liberty in your Father's house because of some failure or some weakness or whatever it is, but when it comes to redemption, we have not only been purchased with the precious blood of Christ.
But we've been set free at liberty in his presence and to enjoy his fellowship.
It's far more to be said at liberty and then he says forgive them. Forgiveness always brings out the thought of our guilt before God being forgiven, but on a righteous basis. God doesn't just pass over sin and we can be forgiven on the principle that God has dealt with Christ about our sins on the cross and someone made the price.
And now you and I can be forgiven, and we are no longer guilty before God.
God doesn't look at you and say you're guilty. He's never going to mention a sin to you. Even if the judgment seat of Christ, he'll review my life, He'll review your life, and He'll delight to tell us about those things that pleased Him. Any reproach that we bore for His name's sake, any faithfulness, any devotedness at all. He'll delight to tell us about those things, but He'll never mention a sin because they're gone.
They're gone forever gone and but he wanted us to know that we have redemption. We not only are purchased, we now have purchased as the thought of new ownership. We have a new master. We don't belong to the old master Satan anymore. We belong to Christ who serve him and live for his glory. But we do it in perfect liberty as the sons of God.
He bought the whole field.
So in a certain sense, you know, I know we often say so and so the Lord.
And we know what we mean by that. We mean, are they believers?
But then another, in a truly scriptural sense, I believe it is safe to say that everyone belongs to the Lord because He bought the whole field, the treasure that was in it. But a believer is not just purchased, He's also, as you put it so nicely redeemed. He set free to purchase and set free. And because God has given us a nature that is patterned after His own, we have eternal life as a present possession, a nature that that enjoys and desires and goes towards the light, not from it.
That it is the light set free not to take it out from 1 typo restraint or ******* and put it onto another. And so that is the liberty of that when you're brought into.
2 verses for like to read and search Tribune chapter one.
1St 30 it says but of him.
Are we in Christ Jesus who has been made made to us, wisdom from God and righteousness and wholeness and Egyptian according to his written heated, both written most in the Lord's and then Ephesians.
9 is not on the principal works that no one might lose or just enjoy that it's nothing enough that we can boast from, but I enjoyed that thought that it's in Christ. We can't like you said, it's not been transferred to us within Him.
Might just mention too that redemption is spoken of in different ways in Scripture. So we have the redemption of our souls. Our souls are set at liberty and but our bodies are not yet set at liberty from the power of sin. We're still under the ******* of sin. And let's look at it in Romans chapter 8.
It's necessary when we read this term that we make that distinction of what the Lord is really speaking about South Romans chapter 8 and the three for verse 22. For we know that the whole creation grown us and travail us in pain together until now. And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit. Even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption with the redemption of our body.
And so He speaks of the reduction of our body. Our bodies are going to finally be set free at the rapture. Our body is the very bodies that we have will bear no mark of sin, not one, and will be set free forever from the power of flesh. The flesh will be eradicated in the believer. If the Lord was to come this afternoon, we no longer have the flesh they set free. And then He also speaks in Ephesians chapter 5.
In verse 16 of redeeming the time because the days are evil, so you and I need to set free, set at liberty time for the glory of Christ. He speaks of it too in Galatians in a different sense. But I just made this comment, this suggestion that in my Bible I make a little bit of a note as to which one of these.
What the distinction is in connection with redemption in this particular passage so that.
Make sure it's clear because we might get mixed up in our terminology and how we use these terms if we mix it up.
So you're just saying we're just half reading?
Well, brother, Chapter Brown used to say we're just partly redeemed. Our spirits and our souls are redeemed, but we're waiting for our bodies to be redeemed.
Notice we have the glory of his grace in verse six talked about redemption and then after that we have the riches of his grace. Going to suggest that what was commented earlier about the prodigal son, the glory of his grace is this reading the story the prodigal son from the father's perspective and the riches of his grace is reading the story from the the prodigies perspective.
The riches of his grace are according to our need, but the glory of his grace is that He's taken us into sonship. Is that right? It's the height of the blessing of the glory but the riches, you know for the poor needs good as a man with.
Unnumbered funds were to see somebody over in India laying in the gutter and almost ready to die. And he told him, pick this man out, but take him to the hospital and nursing the Phillies until he's well. And so I'll I'll pay whatever it's whatever it costs. Well, that would be the richest of his graves, wouldn't it? That'd be better be after the man got well. And he said, I want you to come and live with me in my castle.
And be like my Son. That's glory. That'll be the glorious Christ.
Sounds like to me that God doesn't do anything halfway.
So you're going to be completely redeemed.
Your body and your and your soul. You already got your soul, having received it, having received the the salvation of your soul doesn't say it here. And that's the ninth verse of the first chapter.
And, and but then he said he speaks of redemption being reserved in heaven for you. So you looked at him both ways. One is the soul is already redeemed, but the body is not yet redeemed and will be. And if you don't believe that.
Just go look in the mirror.
It's going to show you you're not yet.
It's not even. Go ahead, this will be great.
Why I remember, and someone else might remember it better and more, but mercy is great. The greatness of the need. It's really what characterized God's feelings with the Israelites. Grace is great in the greatness of the giver. That's what characterizes New Testament truth. It's all about Him alluded to before. But once the particle common citizens feel, you never hear a single word from the particle Son again. It's all about the Father. And so when we talk about grace.
It's not to have our focus on us, it's to have our focus on on him.
It's all about him, the great, His greatest. Grace is great and the greatest.
I think it's good to to remember that in our worship or in our remembrance of the Lord and his death to it's appropriate for us to speak about the greatness of our sin. But we shouldn't stop there. We should get onto what God's thoughts are and the greatness of His grace and what He has done for us and our acceptance before Him and worship Him in that way. I don't really think we can worship God.
In the fullness of the sense until unless we do realize our position that way, in fact, if we try to measure the greatness of God's grace by our sins, we will come way short. It helps a little bit, though. It helps a little bit.
It goes far beyond that. I think it's a different uses many spoken before, but the difference between the count of David and his sin.
The second Samuel versus what we have in Chronicles in one where it speaks to redemption, it gives the price in silver in Chronicles. It gives really what David gave not purchased because he gave and speaks an amount in gold which far exceeds, far, far exceeds the values that were connected with his responsibility and what he did in silver in second thing. So again, we tried to measure what God has done from ourselves, yes.
It's important to to to see what God has done in connection with ourselves. But if we try to measure God's love we got trying to measure his grace by what he by by myself, we're going to come up short, way short.
As your remembrance of the Lord one time and Dorothy, we've kind of been a little preoccupied with a place of blessing we've been brought into and remembrance. Old brother Ralph Reed pulled me aside. He said feet. He said think if there was an artist who made his his masterpiece of his life and he wants to show it to everybody to see you and I come on over here and hold it up so the crowd can see it and we hold it up and we look at each other.
What a place of blessing we've been brought into. Isn't this wonderful truth?
And the artist said no, look, look at what you're holding up.
So there's a place for each one, isn't there?
Do you have that illustrated perhaps in Ephesians chapter 5, verse 2?
Christ also have loved us and have given himself for us. But the second part is more important.
An offering and a sacrifice to God.
For a sweet smelling savor.
It's not burnt offering, isn't it? Yeah. Off her laid his head on the hands of the sacrifice. All the acceptance of that one.
So we get the righteous foundation.
And verse in verse seven, for the place we've been brought into as well, blood had to be shed. We were sinners and that had to be met.
But now this position of blessing, we've been brought into the righteous foundation is there. There's no more anxiety in the soul. We're perfectly at rest. And now from that vantage point, he says, now I want to unfold my counsel and purpose and my beloved son. And we're in a place now that we can take it in and enjoy it. And that's what he now goes on. And the next verse is he's abounded towards us and all this.
Everything is known to us what He is going to do in connection with Christ.
So when Joseph was exalted by Pharaoh.
He was given a name, I think, which means that my Bible margin is right revealer of secrets. So he had delivered them and he is savior of the world and reveal our secrets. But I I appreciate what you say, Steven, that the order is to satisfy man with everything that he might be preoccupied about, get him settled in, so to speak. And now God steps further because it's his desire to share.
The things that he enjoys himself.
Him writer has put a deep eternal councils. He was really a deep eternal counsel as we were sharing breakfast this morning. It's one council and concerns everything about his beloved son.
He could have just saved us from our from the guilt of our sins and not given us a new nature.
He could have delivered us from our sins and not even told us and let us live in anxiety and fear. He could have forgiven our sins and told us and just said, OK, everything's good now. We have, we, we, we are, we are forgiven and we're just going to go home. But it just keeps adding and adding and adding to the point where now he's fitted us with the capacity that we might enter into the things.
There are the things that he enjoys himself. It's really staggering. John takes this up, I suppose, as much as Paul, in his sublime way. Truly, our fellowship is with your father and with his son.
How to write this chapter is the longest sentence in the Bible.
Right. Isn't that chapter 211?
So you say that the seventh verse comes in between the past councils and the coming glory.
This is the way the same pattern and John right is brother Bruce quoted the verse our fellowship is with the Father and with his son. But then in that chapter he says and the blood of Jesus Christ comes with us from all sin. There has to be a righteous foundation for that fellowship and communion. That's how we could bring us into it. Really. This is the foundation of the blood has to be shed. There were things there were things that had to be.
Dealt with.
In the Old Testament, they knew little about God, didn't they? They really didn't know a whole lot because God was in darkness. Didn't but.
In the New Testament and we find out that God is just opened up.
Whole panorama of unseen things, hasn't he?
Your brother used to say there's not a glimmer of darkness.
In the inky blackness of eternity.
That, uh, accepted this book. There's not a glimmer of light in the inky darkness of eternity except in this book. Just think of what you would know if you didn't have this book. But in the Old Testament, he wasn't really revealed. But in the New Testament, he just opened that up. What a privilege to know this about the unseen world, about God.
This is the world we're headed for. We better, you know, and take it in and enjoy it.
Epistle to the Romans tells us what God has done for man's blessing. And Paul preach the gospel, taught the gospel, I suppose, in the epistles of the Romans. So he says, he tells us what God has done for the blessing of man. But here he tells us what God has done for his own pleasure, for his own glory, until he uses that term in verse five at the end, according to the good pleasure of his will.
And then a little later on in verse 9, umm, having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure, which He had purposed in Himself. So we not only know what He has done in connection with redemption or the purchase that was made at the cross to purchase the whole field and everything in it, but we know His purpose is in connection with His own joy.
The person is a son.
And that all would be brought unto under his dominion, and that he would glorify God in connection with it all. So it goes way beyond anything that we can enjoy just in connection with our own sin, forgiven, so to speak. We're brought into the enjoyment of what God has done for His own pleasure.
It's actually in the chapter I have No, I didn't just count them six times according to or according as so versus 545791119 according to according as his will pleasure purpose, pal.
We could never know this unless we had a new life, new nature, the very life of Christ where they dwell with the Spirit of God and the Lord. Jesus told the disciples, I can't, I there's some things I just can't tell you right now. You couldn't take them in. But now he tells us because we are interested. We are a part of that new creation race of men and we have the capacity to enjoy it with him.
Not just to know about it, but to enjoy it with him. And that's really the purpose that he gives us this knowledge.
Not your.
It is a long ranging with you and.
Don't worry.
About gravity.
And Father Nation.
Come on.
Pray without our souls.
I'm blowing nowhere.
It's so big and we're crying, flying. Never again.
When the night starts at the time.
No salary is being.
Hairy Glory is crying.
Our loving God, our Father, he thank Thee that it is indeed above all that we can ask or think. We thank Thee for the glory of Thy grace. Thank Thee for the riches, Thy grace, our God our Father, and the precious name for our Lord Jesus Christ.