Ephesians 1:6-12

Duration: 1hr 22min
Ephesians 1:6‑12
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All of my.
Pleasure. Please stay on the line and hear me. What do you think? I can't stand what you do. I don't. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Christian. I.
Can we go on with occasion? Motherberry. I'd be very happy too. Think about the six first.
Ephesians One verse 6.
To the praise of the glory of his grace.
Wherein he hath made us accepted in the Beloved, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of His grace, where any half abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of His will according to his good pleasure, But she had purposed in himself.
But in the dispensation, the fullness of times, he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth. Even in Him in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him, will work with all things after the council of his own will. That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ, and whom he also trusted after he heard the word of truth.
The gospel of your salvation, and whom also after that he believed he were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of his glory. Wherefore I also after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus.
And love unto all the Saints, cease not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers. That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation. And the knowledge of Him that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that he may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to usward who believe.
According to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the death, and sent him at his own right hand in heavenly places, far above all principality.
And power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.
And half put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that fill us All in all.
You notice when.
He's speaking about being predestinated. The adoption of children is.
Speaks there, that is, to the praise of the glory of his grace.
Because it's the glory of his grace.
The power in the seventh verse, in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, not according to the glory of His grace, but according to the riches of His grace.
Well, that takes up the subject of the infinite value of the blood of Christ.
We consider racist. There's nothing that can compare to the richest by which we have been redeemed, not with corruptible things, but with the precious blood of Christ, as Peter was. Remind us of his writings.
It has been said that when it's the glory of His grace, it's the place to which He has lifted us. But when it's where He lifted us from, it's the riches of His grace. We're going to be brought into such a wonderful place that we have been Speaking of in association with God's Beloved Son. And indeed we're already accepted in the Beloved One. But it was the riches of His grace that displayed itself towards such unworthy things as ourselves.
And as our brother Barry just remarked, A tremendous cost by which we're brought into this place a blessing. So how wonderful the riches of his grace. Well, we'll never be able to measure either. We'll never be able to measure the glory of His grace, because it says in Ephesians 2 That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us. Through Christ Jesus will not be able to measure.
The fullness of blessing.
Cost that has brought us into such blessing.
I've heard that Mister displays compared to that when it was presented to the Lord on the mountain at the time of the temptation, where all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them were shown to him in the moment of time, all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them.
And he saw it all in a moment of time, and the source turned from it. But for those of us who know him in the ages to come, he will show the exceeding riches of his grace and his kindness toward us, and that will never come to the neck.
Yes, we're traveling to Expo eternity. Expo 67 is passed. It just took a few months to show all that man in the world had been able to accumulate of their accomplishments, but all how wonderful. We're going on to a scene where man and his world will be the center, but not this man that talked about here. I mean in man's world in Montreal. But God's man, the man of God's counsels, That's who is right before us here.
So there is a man who is going to be the center of this scene, and we know that Blessed One is our Savior. And it's not going to last just for a few months and be superseded by something. If left here in a few years, which will be perhaps a little better of man's accomplishment, but here is something that can never be superseded and will be enjoyed as the object of our gaze for all eternity.
Where India made us accepted in the beloved.
That's our standing before God in Christ accepted not as to what we are in ourselves.
Or what poor feeling things we are. And it's it depended our on our being accepted in view of our faithfulness or our walk. But a dismal story it would be that we are accepted in all the perfection of God's dear Son, but their special emphasis put here upon being accepted.
In the beloved could have just said in Christ or in the sun. But when it says accepted in the beloved, it's not only tells us that our places in Christ before God, but in all this preciousness of Christ is to the heart of God's Father.
Accepted in the beloved well, all we can say when they reach a clinical like that.
It's just a worship fills the heart, doesn't it? Because we can't go beyond that. We can't understand it, we can't measure it. But we can worship and adore with wondrous grace that has brought us into such a place of nearness and nearness to the heart of God the Father. Indeed, he says in addressing his Father in the 17th of John. For thou hast loved them as thou hast loved me.
Can we understand that that one that always gives the Father's will, that you have the same love toward you and me? We can not no use to try. But if it was a heart with praise, that's what Doug wants. He wants our hearts filled with praise and adoration that blessed one.
It's this truth.
Known in the soul that causes us to worship acceptance, we read in the Old Testament that when the fire fell and consumed the burnt offering, then the people praised God.
Well, the work offering was the acceptance offering, and when they saw that God had received that offering, they knew that they were accepted, the ones who had brought it, and it caused them to thank and praise God.
It's interesting too that the word translated accepted here is only found twice in the scripture. The other occasion is when the Angel is addressing Mary and he says to her Hail vowed apart, highly favored, exactly the same word. I believe the thought is very, very lovely because it's more than what we might think of as involved in the word accepted. It's really highly favored or brought into high favors.
I heard an illustration of it, which to me was quite helpful. Suppose I'm one of the workmen, we'll say a gardener, at Buckingham Palace in England. I suppose it would be necessary for me to carry some kind of fast, so that when I approach the grounds, the guards there would examine my task and accept me and allow me to enter the gate. But we'll see the next person to approach his His Royal Highness Prince Charles, the son of Her Majesty's Queen.
He too would be accepted, but a very, very different manner. I think we have a past that accepts me, but he injured in all the dignity and welcome of the son of Her Majesty the Queen, so acts services in the beloved is a moral fun. When we see that it is brought into a place of favor in the beloved, in our position now before him is in all that favor.
In connection with what you have said.
Interacting to see that, another translation reads, wherein he has taken us into favor in the beloved.
That's where the thought of God being glorified in the work of his Son is much greater than the fact that God has been satisfied. If I ought a certain amount to a creditor, and I some, I'm unable to pay and someone kindly pays it.
And gives me the receipt. Why my creditor is satisfied, There's no question about him charging me again. He's satisfied, but I'm not in favor before him, nor am I brought to know anything about his heart. But if he himself provided his own son to pay the debt for me, and then when he gives me the receipt, he marks on it, paid in full through the kindness of my own son, oh, this means much more to me now.
I I'm not only know that he's satisfied, but his heart is told out. I know the feelings that he has toward me and that I stand now in favor before him. Well, if we only think of the debt being paid, we'll never really lay hold of the heart of God. It'll remove fear and knowing that we'll not be charged with our sins. But God wants us to enjoy more than that. He wants us to enjoy this wonderful fact that it was He himself who provided for the payment of our debts, and he himself did it at such cost because he wanted to have us before him in perfect favor and acceptance.
Defend that Beloved that we have redemption. The subject is connected there to beloved and the one that's so dear to the heart of God. The Father is the one who accomplished redemption through His love. Even the forgiveness of sins that comes in here because there might be some fear that if at last there would be something that would mark our happiness and glory.
But no, it's all forgiven. Forgiven forever. Not only the thoughts of having everything forgiven in view of its coming glory when we're with him, but even down here we have a sweet sense in our souls that though we're poor failing things, we have made so many mistakes and we look back over our lives how much there is to the grievous. But it's all forgiven. Of course, this was judicial forgiveness. I would take it. There is a need of restoring forgiveness too, as you go on in our Christian life and testimony.
When the prodigal son came home, he was going to make a confession to his father that he'd sinned against heaven and against him in his sight.
I don't believe there's any record of the father saying I forgive you, but he put on the best robe with the best robe on him and brought him into the house. Well, that speaks of acceptance right there and the very fact that he was standing there in the best robe and in the father's house.
That just presumed that everything was forgiven. So we see how acceptance goes beyond forgiveness. And of course this is according to the heart of the Father, and it's just a picture of the heart of God our Father, who not only forgives us but goes on to accept us in the Beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ. And I like to think of how many times in the Scripture we're spoken of as beloved and ye Beloved.
Especially what we have in huge epistles, beloved. Well, even in a day like this, in the day of apostasy, great failure and ruin, God our Father still thinks of us as His beloved.
Taking us on to the eighth verse, it says wherein he hath abounded.
Toward us in our wisdom and prudence.
Wisdom and prudence are brought in, and God abounds, doesn't he?
In the heart of how he has accomplished it, because he's perfect in every way and in all things, and so he did it in perfect wisdom as well.
This will be to his glory.
Doesn't say wisdom and mercy here.
Now this is the subject. It's wisdom and prudence is really intelligence. That is, God not only wants us in all the favor and blessing of the beloved, but He wants you and me and the intelligence of his mind and purposes and counsels that are further developed as we go on in the chapter. God doesn't want a lot of children that are ignorant of his mind and.
His thoughts?
What? He has purpose back in eternity. He wants us to do these things. And as the Lord says, if he knows these things, it brings happiness into our souls.
I believe the reason it says here wherein he has abounded toward us was because.
All that was in the heart of God could not be revealed until the work of redemption had been accomplished. The Lord said, when he was talking to the disciples, that he had many things to tell them.
But they they couldn't bear them. Then he also said, I have a baptism to be baptized with. And how am I straightened until it be accomplished So none of the Old Testament Saints were in the intelligence of all the ways and counsels of God that awaited the work of redemption, being complete, a glorified man of God's right hand. And we accepted in him. And now the Spirit has come down to bring our souls.
Into all that was in his heart, there is nothing that God cannot make known to us now of his counsels and purposes.
Because every barrier has been removed, there will not be anything new.
Of the councils and purposes of God, any new part of his character to be made known. It has all come out now, and as we have in Colossians, it was given to the Apostle Paul to complete the word of God, the Canon of Divine Revelation. All that was in God's heart has been made known.
And he would have us to enjoy this, but it awaited the work of redemption. And that blessed man glorified at God's right hand how the Lord Jesus waited for that time. And now he is telling us all this through his servant that we might enjoy it.
In Christendom, generally, if there is any reading of the scripture in the home or anywhere else, perhaps, it's usually in the sun or in the gospel. Well, just think of what they're missing. They're missing what this eighth verse is Speaking of the wisdom and in prudence or intelligence that God has made known in connection with his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. All these counsels and purposes.
They're missing them.
And justice. Think of what they're missing. Well, let us not be guilty of the same thing, confining ourselves to reading just certain parts of the Scripture. But I believe in a day like this, we should especially read the epistles of the Apostle Paul, because how are we going to know and understand these truths if we don't read and meditate upon them? And we need to give these scriptures a place.
Not disregarding other scriptures because all scripture is profitable and we need to read it all.
In fact, that all scripture is for us.
That all Scripture is not written about us, nor is all Scripture written to us or directed definitely to us. But as you say, when we read the epistles, we're reading instruction for the assembly.
The Church of God, well, we're members of the Body of Christ, which is the Church. And so the instruction is such as we are considering is instruction that's given definitely to a people living and the time that we're living.
It's directed to us, and then it's written about us, so we get how we ought to behave ourselves in the House of God.
As Paul says to Timothy, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth, now we get principles in the Old Testament that are very important to even take the law. Well, we're not under the law yet. They're principles that always will abide. And then how much comfort?
Your child of God has from the Psalms. But if we get definitely and clearly.
The special portion that God has given to His people at this present dispensation in which we're living. Why then we can turn with intelligence and see that there is much blessing, although not addressed directly to us.
Yes, the comfort that Israel had and the comforts. That is how comfort for our souls at the present time.
Yes, it tells us in Hebrews chapter 12, if they escape not who refused him that spake on earth. Much more shall not we escape if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven. It appears from the 6th chapter of Hebrews now that the Hebrew believers accepted what the Lord said on earth.
For he said all and that the Pharisees bid you observe that observe and do. They were content to go that far but that truth which led them to the enjoyment of heavenly blessing, that which is truly the Christians portion. Now they didn't enter into and christened them as largely doing the same thing. They have the teachings of Christ, but that which is given from a glorified Christ in heaven.
Is not known and is not enjoyed, and that's the whole burden of the apostles heart. I believe, especially in Ephesians and in Colossians, that the Saints might go on and lay hold of the portion, the towers now, and the full revelation that has been made.
And so in the verses that follow here he goes into this and shows how that God has now made gone this secret that was in his heart from all eternity, that Christ should have a bride. And how this fits in perfectly with the revelation of the Old Testament. Because this one who will occupy this place of headship will be the center of the heavenly scene. And the earthly the 10th verse bringing this out when the children of Israel crossed the Jordan into the land.
The Lord made himself known as the God of all the earth, but now He's leading us to see that this blessed one is the center not only of an earthly scene, and not only of a heavenly, but of both a heavenly people in association with Christ up there and unearthly people in association with Christ here. And unless we understand this, we'll never be able to have that what is called here, wisdom and intelligence in connection with the councils and purposes of God.
Having made known unto us the mystery, how we understand that word better if we read it the the secret of His will?
You were saying God had ever before him that his son was to have a bride. But that was a secret to the Old Testament prophets. They knew nothing about that. But now God can come out and tell us about a secret that he has.
You see the apostles.
Made them up to the time the Lord was risen. They said, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel? That's as far as they could see the setting up of the earthly Kingdom. But after the nation of Israel have rejected the offer for Christ to come back as their king, well then God threw the apostle Paul, and in a very special way in this epistle.
Brings out the secret purpose that he had now that Israel is set aside because of their unbelief that before the Kingdom can be set up here on earth, and Christ reigned and fill the throne of David, that he must have a bride associated with him in thy Kingdom glory. And now marvel of marvels, is this that the Spirit of God is here gathering out.
The members of that body, which is the Church, which is to be his bride in the coming glory that's before us. For he will reign in his glory. Above his throne will be there, but on that throne will be seated the bride that he has won during this time when he has been rejected and cast out by this world.
In 1St 10 reading from the corrected version.
We have to head up all things.
In the the Christ.
We began our meetings this morning with.
One Spirit with the Lord, and that Christ esteems the Church for which we bled, His body and his pride.
Do we not have here in the Christ, Christ and his?
It is in that full character that.
In the dispensation of the Polish times he will gather together all things in one is enough. What is your half brother, dear? The same thought in the 5th chapter of Genesis.
The first class of Genesis 5. This is the book of the generations of Adam in the day that God created him and the likeness of God made him male and female, created he them and blessed them and call their name Adam and Eve. Did I read that right?
And call their name Adam. That's the thought of this. See, Christ really includes the church as well, Garrett. He has seen an Adam, isn't she?
I want a testimony to the grace of God. It will be to the wondering worlds that were gone, and they see the likes of us glorified with Christ in that position.
Is this dispensation of the fullness of times typified in what we have also mentioned concerning Adam and Eve in Genesis one verse 26? And God said, let us make man in our image after our likeness, and let them not just Adam, but let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and so on.
Well, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Having his bride associated with him will have dominion over the whole sea, heaven and earth. And what a scene of glory that will be. And aren't you thankful that you have the prospect of being there?
A better rendering of the 10th verse. Is that in the administration?
Of the fullness of times you might gather together in one all things in Christ.
We see a little picture of this in the Old Testament. I think all of us are aware Joseph presented himself to his brethren, but they rejected him and sold him for 20 pieces of silver. And then he was set at not and carried down into Egypt. And there, during the time of his rejection, why he took a gentile to be his bride. But then afterward his brethren came down, and he delivered them.
And brought them into blessing. But when they saw this one whom they had sold here, he was in a place of exaltation in Egypt, with a Gentile bride. Well, this will be the experience of Israel, because when the Lord Jesus comes out of heaven, he'll come to be glorified in His Saints, and to be admired in all unlead believed. But he also come for the deliverance of his earthly people Israel, and when they see this one, this marvelous deliverer.
Why they find that he has with him this bride the Church whom he has taken during the period of their rejection?
Now this wonderful secret is not revealed in the Old Testament. There are intimations of it, as I say, in type and shadow. But for instance in Zechariah, when it speaks of Israel seeing him, they it merely says they ask what are these wounds in my hands? We have to come to the New Testament to find this secret unfolded. And if you just turn over the page to the third chapter, we'll see that this is mentioned here.
Ephesians 3 and verse 3. How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery or secret as I wrote a four in few words. That's what we're reading in the first chapter, whereby when you read you may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ, which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of man, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit that the Gentiles should be fellow heirs.
And of the same body and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel. And so he goes on and speaks more of this in the third chapter, but distinctly tells us this was something not revealed before, but now made known. And seeing we are to occupy this wonderful place as being His bride, he unfolds it to us, just as a man would bring his wife into his secret councils and plans.
So here Christ as the exalted one now leads us into the enjoyment of these things and our brethren. I do feel that it's the only thing that truly separates us from the world. Why should we give off the things of this world unless we have something better? God always acts upon that principle of setting before us something better, something far better. And then what we part way of, as Paul spoke of it, is dumb and dross. What is it in comparison to the place?
That we are having, we are to have. But man's work today is to try by his own efforts, and get the blessing on earth which can only be had when the second man, the last Adam, has his rightful place.
If we suffer, we shall reign with him.
These two things are connected together.
And there may be a lot of reasons why they're connected together, but this is one thing that I see in that.
That if we take that.
Outside place, place of rejection with the Lord Jesus Christ here and really enter into that here. I believe we will enter into a fuller enjoyment of being associated with the Lord Jesus Christ in his glory. Well, certainly as our brother can say, having this before us should separate us, should separate us more to himself and from the things here.
And gladly suffer for his sake to think that we are going to be associated with him in that glory.
What way do you think we'll suffer, Brother Anderson?
In the present time, well, we'll be misunderstood, I'm sure, if we want to be satisfied just with the Lord Jesus Christ not going along with those things that appeal to man, to the flesh of mind, to the to the eyes of man, to the pride of man, if we say no to those things and we just want to honor the Lord Jesus Christ and we don't want to be known.
Organizational names are names of men, but simply be known as belonging to the Lord Jesus Christ, and only just the one name. And being outside the camp, we're going to bear his reproach, his reproach. Just think of the reproach that the Lord Jesus Christ suffered when he was here in this world. He was misunderstood. He was accused of some awful things.
That's his reproach and we will bear that, I believe, if we take that place with him.
So we couldn't try to improve the world, make the world a better place to live and suffer reproach quickly. That would be quite acceptable, quite gratifying to the men of the world if the gods talking about cleaning up things, making things a better place, getting into politics, helping on with the government.
Some people say, you know, well the Christians should be the ones that should vote to take part in the government because they can have more to do with helping things than others. Why not? Why come along and help out and and clean up the affairs in this world? You'll find no reproach if you join in with that kind of a thing. But if you take a stand outside of that and say no, I'm a heavenly citizen.
But then immediately you feel the sting of the reproach. As you were sitting outside the camp, they asked you what church you belong to. If you have some well known name in christening, there's no reproach in that. But if you say it, I belong to Christ.
I'm just gathered to the Lord's name alone. Well, that brings reproach. They look at you, the very odd and peculiar person.
Believe that reproach is proportionate to the measure in which the truth of God is given forth. I believe everyone who confesses Christ, even if he's mixed with the world. There's some reproach, but the more we bring out the truth of God, the more we will barely approach. That's why the Lord Jesus when he was here, because he was so perfect in everything, because they couldn't see in him anything last but a full manifestation of the heart of God.
Therefore he bore the full brunt and hatred of the world. Because the world cannot stand a full revelation of God, the world turns its back upon him. Well, I believe with us it's in the measure rather than which we take the place of standing for the whole truth of God. In that measure we suffer reproach. Every Christian stands some You can't confess the Lord as your Savior without bearing some, but as we tell, out more.
Not only Christ for salvation, but Christ as the gathering center. Christ is our life. Christ is our object. In the measure in which this is solved, the reproach increases, because the world has no heart for Him. But they'll accept us if we'll accept us up to the point in which we're willing to hide our light. Well may the Lord give us never to be satisfied with anything less than standing for the whole truth of God.
The beloved Apostle Paul could say, I have not shunned to declare unto you the whole council of God. And nothing less than the whole truth of God was the burden of his heart. And it ought to be precious to us, brethren, because the measure in which we lay hold of these things, why it fills our hearts. And there is the enjoyment of himself that enables us to esteem the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt.
The world is seeking some solution to come together.
To have a subtle amount of peace on the earth and some way to unite people so we wouldn't have live under the dreads and fear of the atomic war. So they want to make one world and one church.
And land is working without in view, but it always has been a failure and it always will be a failure. So here we get.
Why God has purpose?
That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ.
Both that are in heaven and which are on earth even in him.
All the time that will be and it's hastening on isn't very far ahead and we're caught up to meet the Lord in the early events that will take place.
Immediately is to find ourselves with the Lamb in the midst of the throne. All mind in heaven is 1 praising that blessed One who has taken affair. Then there'll be a work following on the earth. There'll be the cleansing of the earth through judgments, but the outcome of those judgments will be to give Christ His rightful place where He has been dishonored.
Then you will see all earth united under the authority of Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And God has left us this. That's the purpose. That's on his heart.
That is what is known as the Millennial reign of Christ, 1000 years raised. I say this because there might be some that are wondering what period of time is being referred to here, but her brother Barry pointed out that the better rendering of that word dispensation should be administration. It will be the time when the Lord Jesus Christ.
Is administrating ruling over this world. He will reign for 1000 years, having us associated with him as the heavenly people, the heavenly Jerusalem.
And quite a time of of glory that will be especially for the Lord Jesus Christ as her brother was bringing out. He'll have his rightful place in this scene where he was rejected. Certainly he's looking forward to that.
We should be looking forward to it too. A wonderful thing Till and you'll talk. We're speaking the condition in the world and the purpose of God is future that even a little company can gather.
Have with Christ as their center, two or three gathered together under my name, Where am I in the midst of them, To think of the very privilege that will be the.
Gloria, all heaven and earth is now a privilege of the few that will act on what the Lord keeps us gathered to His name all alone, and we have him in the midst of our center before that day of glory burst on this scene.
Now we're gathered around a rejected Christ. Then we'll be gathered around the glorified Christ. I was thinking of the 10th chapter of Revelation. Here you were speaking about the time following the moment when the Lord takes His church away. Revelation chapter 10 and verse 7.
But in the days of the voice of the 7th Angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God shall be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. Now the 11Th chapter and the 15th verse, and the 7th Angel sounded.
And there were great voices in heaven saying, the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever. And the four and 20 elders which sat before God in their faces on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshiped, God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art and lost, and art to come, because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
Well, and the Lord Jesus gives the shout that there will be the heavenly company gathered that is in the church. All those who have died in faith will all be caught up, and they are represented in the four and 20 elders around the Lord in the heavenly scene. But at this point nothing has yet been set right in the earth. But as soon as the church is taken there and the redeemed are there, now the Lord, as the Lamb was slain, takes that book sealed with 7 seals.
That is, God's purposes in connection with this world are like a sealed book. Today men act as though the world belonged to themselves. But when we're taking up them, the Lord will open those seals and He will declare his rights to the earth. And in the sounding of this last trumpet, the 7th 1:00, then it says the mystery of God shall be finished. We've just been reading of this. What is God's secret? Well.
Is it that some Newman is going to arise and be the wonderful man who will set things right in this earth? All such hopes are doomed to disappointment, no matter what man. We may look to the finest and best that have ever taken a place in the political field. They've all broken down and failed. But God has a man, and the secret that he has made known to his servants was that that man was the Lord Jesus Christ, the man of God's counsels, the male in a sure place.
And soul and the 7th Angel sound, the triumphant voice in heaven says.
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ. Now the heavenly scene, the heavenly company fall on their faces and rejoice. Well, we're just reading in this verse here that before this time comes, God has made known this secret to us. He's told us how this blessed one is going to be the center. Yes, yet it's a mystery. It's a secret. It's a sealed book. But here we find the time when it's openly.
And how the Redeemer in heaven, Christ, takes his rightful place here as the center of the earthly Kingdom and reigns. Well, it's for 1000 years. But in another sense, there's no end to the fact that what is set right under Christ remains then for all eternity. If we want the subject of the present gathering center of God's people, if we turn to the 12Th chapter, John's Gospel.
Before this time that they've been referring to, currently the 12Th chapter of John's Dirty.
In the 31St verse, John 12.
Either fails now with the judgment of this world, and now shall the Prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me, this fake heat signifying what step he should die.
A better translation reads, I, if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all men unto me.
You see, the Blessed Lord was lifted up from the earth as though he wasn't worthy either of earth or heaven. Now the coming day that we've been speaking about, Christ will be the center of the heavenly company, and by and by He'll be the center of a nursery company. But at the present time, neither has been the center down here or the center up there. That is in the dispensation.
Administrative thought of God's time, but now it's lifted up Christ out of the earth. And he says, if you lift me up, I'll roll man unto me that is as lifted up rejected one, lifted up on the cross. Now that's the Center for God's people during this time of his rejection.
You see, before the Lord speaks in this way.
You know the 20th verse, and there were certain Greeks among them that came up to worship at the feast. The same came therefore to Philip, which was of the seed of gallivant desired him, saying, Sir, we would see Jesus.
Philip cometh and telleth Andrew, and again Andrew and Philip tell Jesus Jesus answered them, saying, The hour has come, that the Son of Man should be glorified to see all the material, so to speak, that will compose the coming Kingdom. With their the Gentiles coming up and inquiring, we would see Jesus.
And the Pharisees saying, See how ye prevail nothing. Behold, the world is gone after him, just as though everything was ready. All that was necessary was for him to step in and take his Kingdom. But what does he say? For solemnize with our hearts to read it. Verily, verily, I fell to you, Except the corn of wheat fall into the ground, and die, and abide us alone. But if it dies, bringeth forth much fruit.
There was no fruit at all Art from his death on the cross. He would be alone in that glory. He could enter that glory rightfully would be alone in it. So rather than to be alone, he goes into death. And then he tells his disciples that he that loveth his life to lose it, He that at his life in this world shall keep it unto life each time. It's as much as telling his disciples that this is not the time that you're at the reign.
You've got to lose your life. What the world calls life a good time down here, that's to be lost because the one that you're following and trusting has been rejected. Then he shows that he must be lifted up and he becomes a gathering center. Now as the rejected lifted up one for his people over an object beloved, to draw our hearts together, the person that one, who was lifted up on the cross.
That will not only draw us together, it will hold us together if there is the enjoyment of the entering into what it cost him to bring us into such a place of blessing.
Speaking of being held together.
We think of a wheel with a hub, the rim, and the folks going out from the hub to the rim. We have a picture before us that might help us. We might imagine a big wheel like this laid down in this room, covering the whole floor and all of us sitting on the spokes of that weed.
The closer we draw toward the hub of the wheel.
Closer we'll be together.
Let's not forget the attractive center, the center of attraction, the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to have Him before us more and be drawn to Him. And if we're drawn to Him, we'll simply, automatically be closer together. The closer we get to Him, the closer we are together. Because if you move down on those folks of the wheel guard, the hub, we'd all be closer together.
But what happened? Well, we get out toward the end of the spokes. We get out on the rim and sad to see some of us dropping off and getting away, so far away from the blessed Lord. And it means when we're far away from the Lord, we're far away from one another.
Don't let us seek grace from him to be near himself, that we might be near to one another.
Other than the 11Th words that says in whom also we have obtained an inheritance, you'll notice they're powerful. Makes a distinction between we and ye. You read the history of the work of ethos to find the oil, went into the synagogue and preach until they use blasphemes, And then he went out into the school of 1 Tyrannos and.
Ministered there, so a great company.
Both from the Jews and the Gentiles were saved and brought into the Assembly of God. Now he is addressing both the Jews and the Gentiles. There are certain things he has to say to the Jews and certain things he has to say to the Gentiles. So he identifies himself with his own people, the Jews, and in this 11Th verse he says, in whom also we have obtained an appearance.
Being predestinated according to the.
Purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, that we should be to the praise of his glory.
Now read that who pre trusted in Christ? That is, the Jews were trusting in the coming Messiah before the Lord came into this world. The Gentiles to whom he is writing had never heard of such a promise as a coming king in the Messiah. For Israel it was all new to them. So Speaking of the people in a general way, they had pre trusted.
In the coming Messiah. And he can encourage these Jewish believers by reminding them that they have a special inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of Him who worketh all things after the council of his own will. Again his own will, his own purpose.
Is again brought before us.
This in connection with free trusting in Christ. Could we also connect that with First Corinthians 15 and verse 8 where he says first Corinthians 15 and verse eight? And last of all he was seen of me also as of one born out of due time for the margin says an abortive. Well, we know that when God brings the nation of Israel into blessing in a coming day, it tells us there will be a nation born in a day.
But here it was one who was born before that time into a different circle of blessing. And so I I believe here we can see something of that thought too. And that is those who put their trust in Christ, now from the nation of Israel, will not be in the earthly scene. Instead, they'll be in the heavenly they are. They put their trust in Christ before the time of Israel's national blessing. And in that sense, their abortives, they're born out of due time.
And so how wonderful. When a Jew gets saved today he has something better than if he was brought into the hope of Israel, something that they said to the Lord, as it was remarked, Wilt thou at this time restore the Kingdom to Israel? Oh, the Lord had something better for them than that. Indeed, this was the whole force of what he was saying to them in John 14. They were looking for the Lord to establish the earthly Kingdom.
And he said, in my father's house there are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you. I believe the Lord was saying like this when you were following me with the hope of entering into the temple that was to be built upon the earth described in the book of Ezekiel, and having a wonderful time of blessing in the earthly scene. Well, he said, I if if I didn't have something better for you.
I wouldn't have kept this from you, but he said. Now I'm going to go away and you would hope for the earthly thing.
But I have something better for you. I'm going to prepare something for you in the father's house. Isn't that better than Ezekiel's temple? And he said, I'm going to come again and take you there to be with myself. And so this thought is brought out quite often in connection with the Jews who believe now.
Paul rejoiced in this because his nation accused him of robbing the nation of its hope. Oh, he says something better than your hope. It's a heavenly portion instead of an earthly. God has not forgotten those promises to Israel and what he's making known all his secret councils. He shows us how they're all going to be fulfilled, but that, whether it's the Gentile or even the Jew today who believes both, are made one and form part of that one body.
I enjoy what you say and it's nice to notice too that what you've been saying is according to the praise of his glory, it's going to fill heaven with trees when all those who had looked for just the earthly side of things and they see the wonders of God, glorious plan, purpose. Think of the Abraham and all those to see how much greater dogs purpose really was.
Than anything they anticipated.
And there the pathway down here all the trees will rise in that day when there is that display of the of his glory.
And you notice the same word is used in the 14th verse of this chapter until the redemption of the purchased possession under the praise of His glory. We'll get to that as we go along.
But we might just mention that it's the thought of.
Redemption of the body.
Redemption of the purchased position of the bodies of the faith and glory. And that'll be another occasion, an opportunity for heaven to be filled with praise when they see after all the ravages, that death is brought into this sad world.
To see the victory of the one who has triumphed over death, and all that company is glorified on high, Oh, what trees will rise there in that sea?
You think the verse carries us even beyond that to the fact that the Lord has bought the field, the world is His, and he is not only going to have us there with glorified bodies like himself, but His victory was so complete that he is going to remove every trace of sin and its results. And so not only is he going to have a redeem people, but he tasted death for everything.
And the marvelous fact is that heaven and earth will be a scene where through the work of Christ, there will be none of the results of sin in either sphere, either heaven or earth. Now we're redeemed people, We still have bodies that associate us with this world, but we also see all about us the results of it. But all how wonderful. He's bought the field, The victory is complete, Satan has been overcome, and it's just waiting God's time.
Until that victory is fully displayed in the blessing of a heavenly and earthly company. And the spirit of God, as we have here in the intervening verse, is the witness of this blessed fact.
I was also thinking too, that how wonderful it is that God gives us this new revelation of the secret that was in his heart, but it doesn't in any way clash with that which had been given before.
It fits in perfectly with it. It's something that's added, but it's it's nothing that clashes. We know that sometimes men have attempted to add to God's Word. In doing so, they have always clashed with what was already written. It's impossible for man to try and make an addition to God's Word without bringing in something that crashes with it. But when?
The Apostle Paul was given this wonderful truth.
Christ in glory. He sees why it fits in perfectly with all that has gone before and completes the whole circle of God's councils, and he just rejoices about it because he sees that this was the fulfillment of it all. Peter also speaks of this when he says no scripture is of any private interpretation. That is, in order to understand even the Old Testament Scriptures, we have to take it in regard and in association with the whole picture, the whole Canon of Divine Revelation.
For it all fits together perfectly. I didn't intend to jump over it. So we'll go back to the 13th 1St, in whom ye also trusted. Now notice in whom ye now he is addressing the Gentile believers there at Ephesus, in whom ye also trusted. After that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. In whom also after that he believed you were sealed.
With that Holy Spirit of promise, so on.
That is, the gospel was carried as something entirely new to the Gentiles. They've never heard anything like it before.
They had a certain amount of gospel in the Old Testament of the coming Messiah. Indeed it was knowing that God had the woman seed, and the one who has promised to Moses the prophet. Tell the Lord your God, raise up unto you of your brethren. Like unto me him shall you hear. They had those promises, and they trusted in those promises. But the Gentiles had nothing like that. And so.
It's entirely a new thing.
After that he heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. And having heard the gospel, and we know the gospel, that all priests was how that Christ died for our sins, that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day.
Believing that the gospel of God's wondrous grace for sinners, well then the Holy Spirit comes in.
And feel the work by indwelling the believers, just as in the case of Peter preaching in the House of Cornelius. When Peter says to him, Give all prophets witness that whosoever believeth in His Word shall receive remission of sins. Immediately the Holy Ghost fell on all through the Word that was the gospel. He was bringing Christ and His work and His resurrection before them, And then He felt.
Something they had never heard before.
Or thought of before that this gospel was for the poor Gentiles. I can just picture that company in Cornelius house, because it says that when and Peter went in that Cornelia said, Now, therefore are we all here before God to hear all things that God has commanded thee how we must have sat there and most?
Supreme attention.
And there was one thing that would raise a question in their minds was this wonderful story of Christ and his death and resurrection for Gentiles. But when Peter says to him, give all prophets witness that whole soul ever, all that takes in the Gentiles.
And they instantly accept it. And the whole company gets saved that very moment. And then the Holy Ghost comes down and seals that company and unites them to the body of Christ, that it already be done on the day of Pentecost.
And the third chapter of John's Gospel.
We read.
In verse 33, he that not received his testimony has set to his seal that God is true. Now this is what Cornelius did. He received the testimony. He said to his seal that God is true. He put his seal upon this that was preached to him. He said it's the truth. He believed it. Well then what happened?
He is sealed by the Spirit of God, as we have here. After that he believed you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise. If anyone sends to his seal that God is true, believes in the Lord Jesus Christ, that one is sealed by God, sealed by the Spirit of God and.
There's perhaps a lot of confusion on this matter of believing and being sealed.
Her husband in the past.
But I think it's put very simply here in the word of God having believed you were sealed. And what is it they believed? Well, they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins according to the scriptures, was buried and rose again the 3rd day according to the scriptures. And the soul that leaves in the Lord Jesus Christ, he gets the sense of forgiveness, of sin, the cleansing from sin, salvation.
From sin, from judgment.
And as soon as he rests upon the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, well the Holy Spirit comes to dwell. When the blood has cleansed the soul, there's a clean place for the Spirit of God to come. It's like in the Old Testament, where you have first of all the blood applied, and then on top of the blood you have the oil well. The blood speaks of Redemption's work, and the oil speaks of the Holy Spirit.
And when redemption work is completed, the Holy Spirit comes to take up His abode in the heart.