John 20, 21

Duration: 1hr 1min
John 20:21
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Address—E. Wakefield
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Detroit, November 1967. Address by Amy Wakefield.
And string together #317.
317 How pleasant is the sound of praise? Well become some of the sense of God we refuse our songs to raise the stones might tell our shame abroad. For him who watched us in his blood. Let us our sweetest songs prepare. He saw us wandering far from God.
And now preserves us by his care 317.
In blood.
On our laundry.
Far from?
God and now.
Go and go to.
The landing virtual.
Of this flood.
On the throne.
Lord, we are the Lord.
They are here to play down.
To may we need.
And have enough.
Above to sing like praises.
And the sky.
The 20th chapter of the Gospel by John.
The 19th verse.
Then the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut, where the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews, came Jesus, and sit in the midst, and step onto them, Peace be unto you. When he had so said, he showed unto them his hands and his side. Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord.
Then said Jesus to them again, peace be unto you.
As my Father has sent me, Even so send I you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them. And seven of them, received ye the Holy Ghost, Whosoever sins, you remit their remittance unto them, and whosoever sins you retain, they are retained.
The promise one of the 12 Thousandths was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord, but he said to them, except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails. Put my finger into the print of the nails, and front of my hand into the side I will not believe. And after eight days again.
And after eight days again as disciples were within, and Thomas with them, then came Jesus, The door has been shut, and sit in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you, Then said he to Thomas, Reach, Hit her thy finger, And behold, my hands, and reach hit her thy hand, and thrust into the might side, and be not faceless but believing. And Thomas answered and said unto him.
My Lord and my God.
Jesus said unto him, Thomas, Because I have seen me, thou hast believed. Blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed. And many other signs truly did Jesus and the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that's believing. You might have life through his name.
So we read at the present time we like to bring before us and these and this chapter, and in the next chapter we believe that the present day and the future, as as we have found other scriptures in the word of God. Now it's nice to notice in this wonderful 19th verse, I'm sure that each one of us here who are gathered to the Lord's name can quote this verse up by heart. Read in the Lord's Day Morning many times and I believe.
First of all, we have at least seven things said in this verse. First of all, we have the first day of the week.
Then we have the doors were shut, and third were the disciples were assembled for fear of the Jews.
Then the 4th and the 5th came. Jesus the 6th stood in the midst, and the 7th and seven of them, peace be until at least seven things I believe we can find in that wonderful verse, the 19th verse. So let us grant the Lord will bless us as we meditate on these scriptures. First of all, he knows it was evening. It was the first day of the week says here the same day at evening being the first day of the week.
That is to say, with a resurrection day. It was the first day of the week, the resurrection day, the day that the Lord Jesus rose from the dead. Now this is one of the great fundamental truths of the Word of God, a truth of the devil hates and the devil is attacking. Today we know the modernist preachers say that Jesus Christ, they use that name and that without the Lord on us, they say that Jesus Christ.
Only Rose in his spirit.
Is in the brave. Well, thank God that in the 20th century that you and I, by the grace of God, believe that Jesus came out of the grave as a man, and his body, His body did not see corruption.
The death could not hold the Blessed Lord, and He came forth in resurrection power over the 1St. And then it says the first day of the week. Now we know something else about this. It says when the doors were shut.
Well, this is very important. This is today that the doors be shut. That tells us why. Here the doors were shut for fear of the Jews. Well, isn't it nice that tonight and today by the grace of God, and I say this again, when the truth is being attacked all around us, the doors can be kept shut for fear of the Jews. Well, might be a fear those who would bring in a different thing was in Christ.
Some people, we speak respectfully. There's some people that Christ doesn't satisfy. They must have something else if they can get something else, maybe an organ or a piano or a band or something to attract the flesh, something to bring the crowds in. All of this, I believe, would remind us of the Jews so that they they fear the the fear of the Jews. We know that the reason they feared them was because of the hatred against Christ.
But I believe there is a principle in this verse for fear of the Jews and well made we of fear the Jews and fear those he will bring in innovation to try to make the truth attractive to get in the crowd. It's very easy to get crowds and if you have something to attract the flesh, but when it's only the Lord Jesus that then you'll find that those who belong to Christ will gather around his blessed person.
And so here it says the doors were shut for fear that you is now. I'm sure that the older brother in here who gone on and the truth longer than I have to look back 35 years or 45 years ago, and I can see a a declension coming in among those who are gathered to the Lord's mind. Things are slipping behind. The doors are gradually being left open, and things are being brought in. Things are being brought in their juice into our assemblies. I remember our brother Harry Hale.
I said at a care meeting, my brother sit around the room and discuss things and sometimes some young person who is very enthusiastic will say, if only we could do this, if we can introduce this into the meeting, it would give us more life and more prep. Our singing would be happier. We have more life in our singing and I remember our brother, Hale said to me. If you watch every brother in the room, but when that statement is made, go get the state of soil of every brother present.
You'll find exactly how these brothers stand and their attitude toward this new thing.
Being under juice. Well, isn't it nice that we can keep the door shut where the doors were shut for fear of the Jews. Once there's these two wonderful words came Jesus. Isn't that wonderful? Jesus came there, there he was. And he didn't come into the doors into I speak reverently. He didn't have to have the door open. Doors were shut. But Jesus came in his resurrection body doors didn't stop that body emptying renting into that room came Jesus.
Where did he stand?
He said wherever, where, where Jesus always stands when his people are together, He sit in the midst. That's where he was in the midst He was in the midst of Calvary, there were the three crosses, and Jesus was in the midst. And here again He's in the midst. In a Revelation chapter 5, He's in the midst whatever the Lord people are and including with the cross. When Jesus hung on the cross, he had the middle place. And we know that these two thieves represent the whole world.
We know that on the one side representing those who are lost and the other side representing those that are saved. But Jesus was in the midst, and here he is came Jesus and stood in the midst. I think this must have been a wonderful moment. I would love to have been there and seeing the faith of Peter as his beloved Lord came and stood in the midst, and John, the one who wrote this gospel of who we know.
Presents to us through the Spirit of God. He presents the one whoever dwells in the bosom of his Father. This is wonderful because on the 13th chapter of John we find the writer of this gospel himself. Where is he dwelling? He's dwelling in the bosom of the sun. His head is laid on the bosom of Jesus. He was the only one of all the disciples and all the apostles. He was the only one we read of.
Who lay his head on Jesus Buddhism. It isn't remarkable that he's the only one who apparently referred to himself as the disciples whom Jesus loved. Now he rested in the Lords bosom and there in the Lords bosom he recognized and realized the love that Christ had formed and saw. The beloved old apostle says every time he writes about himself he says the disciple whom Jesus loved. Now I'm glad.
We've heard that, I'm sure many times before. Ever the birds repeating. I'm glad he doesn't say the apostle whom Jesus loves. Because I would leave you and me out. We've enjoyed the thought. If you want to see the disciple whom Jesus loves tonight, would you like to be able to see the recycling? Jesus Lord, while we can, We can look at the looking glass now as you look in the mirror tonight before we go to our beds, we can say there is a disciple whom Jesus loves. I'm one of the disciples whom Jesus loves, and you are too.
Isn't it wonderful to see the beloved old apostle later on in his life? His game brings before us who Jesus was, the true God, and everything else, he says at the end of the epistles. Everything else was an idol. Little children, keep yourself, he says from idols. Isn't that wonderful? This beloved disciple was here among this crowd. This little number were in this who were together in this room when Jesus came and sit in the midst.
And he said to them, Peace be unto you, what a wonderful thing it is, that as believers in the Lord Jesus and this poor, troubled, broken, sin, cursed earth.
We can have peace tonight, all we were to go through this great country and other countries.
And really ask people, have you got peace? They say to us, how could we have peace? How is it possible to have peace in this world? Everything is upside down. The whole thing is flaps in all around us. How could we have peace? I think the wonderful we can hear the blessed day of your say peace be unto you. Well on the next verse he gives them the ground of the peace affairs. In the 20th, 1St, when he had so sad he showed them his hands.
And his side, How can we have peace? All of those hands, those hands bear the marks.
As a males there were pierced into the cross that show he was first of all.
A rejected Christ. Now, beloved, there are young people here tonight. I wonder if you realize that you and I belong to tonight, not to a popular Christ. The Christ of the Bible is not popular. He's a rejected Christ. His hands with a male friend show he was rejected. Well, here's something else. Instead, He showed them his side.
All from there, from that side flow that precious blood a six of the of Atonement. The Lord Jesus not only showed his hands, he was rejected.
The shortest side that he had made-up an atonement for it by that precious blood that he shed on the cross.
Now in the gospel loop, the Lord also showed His disciples his feet. I like to think that the reason He showed his feet in the gospel of Roof was because there is a perfect man, the sinless man, the only seat that ever walked this world by, a man who was sinless. Everybody else whose feet are touched this earth were sinners. Every one of us, every one of them. Adam's day. But here was 1 exception.
And the Lord Jesus had so those feet, those feet that walk to the glory of God from the Manger exactly under the cross of Calvary.
He showed his disciples His blessed feet well again, he says in the 21St verse.
Peace be unto you. Here is a message of peace as my father has sent me. Even so, Sendai, you and I have got the knowledge of a living Christ. Peace behind you we can proclaim. Peace. Peace to men and women. Peace in the United States. Peace in Canada. We can stand this glorious message. Peace as my father has sent me.
All when his father sent him, he came willingly into this world to proclaim the wonderful message that God so loved the world.
But he gave his only the God and Son. So here he says to the strikeful, peace be unto you as my Father has sent me. Even so Sendai, you this refers every one of us. I believe each one of us can say the Lord has sent me. We're sent into the world. You and I are sent into this world to proclaim the wonderful message of peace. Peace be unto you.
Well, I like to skip down now to the 24th verse.
No, I like to think of the disciples. And they went home that day.
I wanted to tell that the promise wasn't there, and I know this is a picture of dispensational truth, but I'd like to apply it to ourselves. I'm like in connection with this verse when these disciples went home in verse 24 that they said 5 words. Isn't it wonderful? The apostle says I'd rather speak 5 words in a known tongue and 10,000 words in an unknown tongue. Just 5 words.
We have seen the Lord. This is this is instruction. God I speak reverently, didn't put it in his word this way just to fill the space. I speak reverently. He had a He had some reason why he says these 5 words. We have seen the Lord.
Oh, how many Saints of God would be restored? How many Saints of God would be brought back to us if we talk to them like that? We scroll people, we put them under law. We say you should be at the meeting. Well, they can say I didn't want to go, but these disciples didn't go home and say, Thomas, why did you stay home? Why did you miss this occasion? Why the Lord Jesus? Is this risen from the bed? You should have been there. I think that would have got Thomas angry.
But they said we have seen the Lord or the Lord is a morning. Can we go home and say to some brother or sister who maybe slept in and missed some meetings and we go home with our faces rating and say we have seen the Lord. Why the next week Thomas was there. There was nothing to keep him away. Why? Because he had a heart for Christ. I read recently where this man I believe like Peter of all he when he came to die he was crucified upside down. This is Peter asked to be crucified, This man Thomas.
I read someplace where he too has been crucified why he loved the Lord and this message we have seen the Lord brought him, brought him to the meeting. When we come on the Lords day morning, do we realize we're not coming to meet each other? We're not coming just to hold a service. We're not coming just because the Lords day. We're going to meet a person. We're going to meet the Lord. We have seen the Lord well.
Next, first Thomas says rather in the 25th verse, except I shall see in his hand I hear the picture, we believe of Israel at the present time, he said. Except I shall see in his hands a friend of the nail, to put my finger into the print of the nails and thrust my hand into his side. I will not believe, the Jew will never believe until he sees. He must see.
The Christianity is faith.
But here are these, this man says. I won't believe it unless I can actually see.
Well, the Lord doesn't disappoint them. A Lord never disappoints us people. When they come he reveals himself to them. So again it says in the 26th, 1St after 8 days.
Again the disciples who were then and Thomas with them then came Jesus. Notice now the doors were shut. Doesn't say for fear of the Jews. Well, I believe this is a picture visitor of the little picture, a little piles of Israel.
Leaves out the words of the 19th verse for a fear of the Jews and he says, Then came Jesus.
The same blessed person, the door has been shut and sit in the midst and said, peace be unto you that isn't this wonderful how the Lord treated this man. Here's a wonderful sight. And the Apostle Thomas singled out.
All these men in this little group there he singled him out and he says Thomas he knew all about. He had heard what Thomas said. And he takes Thomas up on that very ground. He says, Thomas reach, hit her. So I finger and behold my hands. I reach, hit her thy hand, thrust it into my side, and be not faithless of believing, believing. I know this is the next first. Thomas didn't do that, on the other hand, he said, My Lord.
And my God, well, it's very beautiful, the picture of Israel receiving the blessed Lord Jesus on a future day if it looks back in Zachary Ryan.
Chapter 13.
Zechariah, chapter 13. Let's read the last verse of the chapter.
And I will bring the third part through the fire and refine them, the servers refined, And we'll try them as gold as tried. They shall call on my name, and I will hear them. I will say it is my people, and they shall say the Lord is my God. A future day. Here, Thomas and Titus, there's a very sad thing, he says. My Lord and my God.
And this is a wonderful verse again for today because.
We meet people who say the Lord Jesus was not God. They say he was only the Son of God. It's a creature that that God created. The first, the creation, They tell. They come to the ground, the doors, you know, if they're awake, papers.
Well, in notice the Lord didn't rebuke Thomas for saying that my Lord and my God, he accepted that he was God. There he was my Lord and my God. He didn't say, Thomas, I'm not sure God true on your Lord, but don't call me God.
No, if you took that position, he was the one on human form. The man, the risen man. He was a great Jehovah of the Old Testament, my Lord and my God. Now the Lord says it when the 29th 1St Thomas. It caused our esteem, made our house believe. That's Israel.
Now here's the rest of the verse which I believe refers to you and to me tonight, Black that are they that have not seen and yet a boy is not wonderful. Happier those happy are they will not see you and I have never seen the Lord. If we believe in them, we we trust them. We know he's our Savior. We know he's our Lord. We know he's our God. And so we're blessed that we're happy we should be happy. Blessed are they that have not seen.
And yet I believe now in the next verse, I believe in the first part. We have Israel again. Many other signs truly that Jesus and the presence of his disciples are not written in this book. Israel must have signs. There's no sign for the Christian. So the last verse of our chapter says these are written.
That she might believe that Jesus is the Christ, you and I.
Gentiles and this day of grace are saved by faith. We believe in a person we've never seen.
What do we believe? We believe that which is written. We believe the word of God, but these are written that he might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that's believing you might have life to his name. I'm on the 21St chapter. If you didn't take time to read, let's go by the verses to save time. We have a Millennium scene of future glory, and the chapter goes on.
And pauses After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples of the sea of Tiberias. And this wise he showed he himself. They were together. Simon Peter and Thomas called Didamus and Nathaniel of Cana and Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples, Simon Peter said, With them I go efficient, they say, and we also go with thee. Now Thomas was a leader.
All those young men here tonight, I suppose some of these young men are leaders.
But there will be in a future day, if the Lord doesn't come, there will be leaders among the assembly of dry water. Responsible position. Thomas was, I mean, Peter was a leader, no doubt of these disciples. None of what happens, he says I grow a fish in the Lord had told him to tarry at Jerusalem. But he says I go official knows what happened. When he said that, the others said we also were whiskey.
Over there, a young brother at night in this room, that's a leader.
Among the Saints of God, well, how are you going to influence the younger people, the younger?
Man, you know, young brothers, these younger people look up with us, look up to us. We do that. I'm I'm sure we do a certain man that we we love and respect and we see them. We even see the way they dress, the way they talk and some maybe it's not wise. All of the sometimes we do imitate these men. I've heard of an older brother and admit they have found those imitating.
And God's outstanding servants, well, these younger brothers look at you and they they they say, where is this brother in the firm making night. He doesn't go. Why should I go? He doesn't go to the Bible reading. Why should I go? He doesn't. He's an older man. He's a leader among us. He doesn't go. So I'm not going to go either. Oh, we have to set an example. And so Peter said I go a fishing and the other said we also go with the.
Well, notice what happened.
They went forth and entered into a ship. Immediately there was number. Prayer was there. He didn't say. Now look, look, brethren, we're going to go fishing. Let's get down on our knees and we'll pray. We'll ask the Lord to go with us. We're not going to take care of us through the night. Maybe there'll be a storm come up and we'll be. We'll be erected sea.
No, they went immediately, immediately. You know, it says there to believe shall not make haste. I'm sure that each one of us must confess we made mistakes because we've acted immediately without singing A-frame, maybe some little small thing in our life and we stay in. At least if we don't say it openly, we say it in our hearts. I don't need the Lord in this. This is only a small detail in my life. I can do it. Look after this myself.
But they went forth immediately and God says, and that's might they cost nothing all night long, they have fish and they caught nothing. And anybody that's been a fisherman in his life will know how disappointing that is, the growth and spend hours trying to fish and come home with nothing.
Humiliating. It is, and it makes you hang your head when people say to catch any fish, No.
I got up at 4:00 this morning. I'm back here at 10:00. I thought nothing. All these men caught nothing. And this little lesson for each one of us and this. And if we don't go before the Lord and pray about these details in our lives, why we'll have we'll be barren. We'll catch nothing.
Well, the Lord is faithful and fitting the force that when the morning was now come, Jesus stood.
On the shore, Oh, I think that's a wonderful word. Jesus stood on the shore. He was separate from all the water.
He stood on the shore. He was on the place and on a solid foundation. He was set on the ground. There he was. While these men were in this tough water and have been tossed to and fro by the waters, Jesus stood on the shore in perfect peace. Jesus sit on the shore and he calls out. And the fifth verse, children.
Have you any meat? They answered him. No, no, no, the second chapter of this gospel.
There's no wine. There's no wine. They have no wine. Here in the end of the end of the book of John Gospel, they have no meat, no meat, no wine. Christ was able to supply the wine, and now Christ is able to fly the meat and all sufficient Savior the beginning, He was able to supply the wine. At the end of the gospel of the risen Christ, he was able to supply the meat. But notice they didn't even have the courtesy to say no Sir.
They just set up a cold. No. Isn't that true of us? When we get away from the Lord, we get cold, cold towards each other. Cold awards the Lord hold towards our brethren. And maybe we we don't speak respectfully. We don't even speak politely. We just have a cold. No people ask us. Won't you come to supper? We don't want to go, so we just say no. Maybe we don't even say thank you, These men.
That said, a coal, No, but the Lord is gracious, isn't he? And the sixth verse he says cast the met on the right side of the ship and ye shall find all. Now they have a Commission from the Christ of God. Now the Lord get into their fishing, cast the net on the right side of the ship. Why didn't they pray before they left and got the message from the Lord passing that on the right side of the ship? Are you and I catching souls? Maybe we're friction on the wrong side of the ship. Maybe we haven't prayed.
Maybe we've missed the Lord's mind. Maybe we've been talking more than praying more. You know, I like to think there's an old book I I read on the life of Billy Sunday, the old evangelist now with the Lord. And this is what he said among one of his good statements that I like. He said what? I'm going to preach a sermon for 30 minutes. I always make sure I pray for 30 minutes before I speak for 30 minutes.
Well, talk with his wife and I believe it's a very important thing if we just talk.
And they'll pray why our words will have no power and no weight.
And four of these men now they obey this person who sit on the shore, that says in the end of the sixth verse they cast there for him. Now they were not able to draw for the motor chute of fishes. What a remarkable humorate, an experience for men who are professional fishermen. Why they had fixed all night and caught nothing. And now they put their nuts on the other side of the ship, and they can't even they get they got a great catch of fish.
What a remarkable thing. Oh, the Lord of the sea was on the shore. The maker of the fish sit on the the maker of these fish and sell stood on the shore. And he commanded these fish. This is Peter went down and went into the water that day with the hook, and pulled up a fish and took a piece of money out of its mouth. Now the Lord of the sea speaks, and the fish come together.
They all come together into the net. Well, what happens?
At first they were not able to draw for the multitude of fishes. Therefore that defightful whom Jesus loved hit on the theater. It is the Lord. I don't know if it was John who said this. Why did John say that? Because I believe that John was the one who was living the closest of the Lord. The one who would lay was laying in the Lord's Buddhism near his great heart. He was the one who said it is the Lord.
I just imagine I'm saying the Peter Peters Lord it is the Lord now on fire. Peter heard that is the Lord. He gird his fissures coat under him. He was nagging to cast himself into the street. Well you know we read it. I think it's a marked off for Luke. I I think it's Mark. We'll find the Jesus that met Peter. The Lord has met Peter and I love to think I would have loved to have been there.
Seeing the blessed Savior as he met Peter, Peter denied him was Olson curses three times. There he meets his risen Lord. All about the transpired in those few moments as the Blessed Lord Jesus mess is beloved Peter. All what touch and seems it must have been as as a Lord stood face to face with Simon Peter. All Peter loved the Lord, people say sometimes. Poor Peter.
But all I would to God, I had Peter's heart.
Peter loves the Lord Jesus with a real deep true love. He doesn't realize his own heart. He didn't realize his own weakness. But all he can never can take anything away from Peter when it comes to love and devotion for Christ, well, isn't a nice hair. Peter cast himself into the sea. He said this bull can't go fast enough. I'll get to shore myself. I thought it was a powerful swimmer. And there he went.
He headed for the shore. Why? Why is it head for the shore? Because on the shore stood the dearest objects of his heart, the dearest object of his heart's affection sit on the shore. And Peter couldn't get to him fast enough. Oh, beloved brother and I speak for myself, for each one of us tonight. Is it true that as Jesus stands on the shore, the shore on the other side of life, the other side of eternity, as it were?
Do you and I look with gays, and eyes, with adoration, with hearts full of joy and praise the better shore, and see Jesus waiting there? Well, this is wonderful and blessed to see this well. The 8th, 1St and the other disciples came a little ship, so they were not far from the land, dragging the net with fishes. As soon as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there.
And fish laid their own and bred.
Well, I like to think of Peter as he got near the shore and his eyes saw the fire of coals. Oh, surely his mind went back to the pirate judgment hall, where he stood by the fire foals and warm themselves. There was Peter again, face to face with a fire of cold, But here there was fish laid there on and bread.
Why? They had their own fish, but the Lord had everything ready for them. He had reserved everything. Everything was ready.
And beloved brethren, when we get to glory, everything is going to be ready. The Lord can have everything ready when we get there. Everything was ready. The fish was there. The coal of fire was there. I suppose they were cold, these men from the water and from the winds. But there was a Lord. He had this fire of coals there. Oh, how Christ warms our hearts. How the Lord Jesus would warm your heart. And warm my heart.
And there he has this fish and this bread ready for these men.
And it's nice in the pen for us, Jesus said to them, bringing the fish which ye have now caught.
I think this is beautiful because in all these men should have said. But we didn't catch these fish. We had fished all night and caught nothing. You were the one who led the fish to the next. We didn't catch them. You were the one who caught these fish again. All when we get home to glory.
And these precious souls of God has allowed you and me, maybe with a gospel tractor, maybe preaching the gospel in private conversations.
Some Ford center is some of the Lord Jesus. Through our weak ministry, our weak testimony, the Lord has touched their hearts. The Lord has called that poor Sinner out of darkness into his marvelous light. The Lord has saved that song. But he's going to say to you and I bring out the fish with ye have now caught. It gives credit. He's going to give a reward for everything we've done for him. Bring out the fish which he have now caught. Doesn't this show us what kind of a gracious Lord you and I belong to? How gracious.
Help crying how loving even though he was slated, even though they just said. When he said any meat, they just said a cold no and seeded them with courtesy and kindness and love and affection. Everything was ready when they got to the shore well.
It says that 11. The first Simon Peter went up and he will let the land full of great fishes and 153.
My God had all the fishes, counters 153 and I understand at this time.
There were 153 languages or dialects on the Earth 153.
Well, it reminds us of a lot of adverse in Revelation Chapter 7.
Connection with the Gentiles and brought him to bless him in the future day.
Revelation Chapter 7, verse 9. After this I beheld and loyal Great Mother. She was no mansive number of all nations and kindred and people and tongues stood before the throne and before the Lamb throws a white robes and palms in their hands. Well, isn't this a triumph for the grace of God under the heavens, every land the grace of God reaches down and takes out.
Poor sinners.
Every single nation on earth, God is going to have those not only in a future day when the Gentiles who have never heard the gospel of the grace of God, who will receive the gospel of the Kingdom, but today. And this grace of the day of the day of grace, I believe under heaven will be somebody in glory who will sing in Revelation 5. The song of the redeemed God is going to have His people.
All over this world, even though the devil is a God and Prince of this world.
Even though he rages and ramps and brings into this honor on the Lord's name, why the grace of God is going to bring in poor souls worldwide.
Soul of God, graceful triumph. Isn't it wonderful to see this beloved?
Well, the net didn't break. It did break in Luke chapter 5, and that's full. But here it didn't break. Why? The Lord Jesus had finished the work of redemption on the cross. After the cross, the net didn't break.
Isn't it wonderful all these fish that were caught and were brought safely in and all? Isn't it nice to think that the grace of God, you know on the and the feeding of the 12,000, the 5000 rather after the everybody had an upbeat, they had so much to eat that there were 12 ******** leftover.
Well, it seems to me it's a little picture of the grace of God. God's grace is never exhausted.
Everybody had enough to eat.
Even a little boy who gave his lunch, he was he was stuffed. He had so much speech, but still there were twelve boxes leftover, God's grace going out to the 12 tribes of Israel, and all were abounds into the gentile nations. The grace of God never is exhausted when the last Sinner is brought in the blessing. It doesn't mean the grace of God's exhaust of null It means there's no more left. There's none left. But they'll still be God's great grace.
His grace can never be exhausted. The oil stay when there are no vessels.
And second, Kings chapter four were no more vessels. That says the oil stayed. There was still oil, but there were no more vessels.
Well, and if they could go on for a few moments, and the 12 words Jesus, seven of them, come and dine this wonderful gospel verse, this word come all. How often the Lord used that come now, he says, Come and dine. And none of the disciples are asking who art thou?
But it was the Lord Jesus then cometh and taketh bread, and giveth them, and fish likewise. Just imagine the Lord of glory. Who is this person? Oh, what a what majesty, what a wonderful person. The Lord of Glory. What do we find him doing while he served in these old rough fishermen? Just imagine what the Queen do that. No.
For the President of the United States, do that. No.
It will be far below their dignity. But here's the Son of God, the Lord Jesus himself, and here he is with the bread and the fish going around the little circle. Give them these old rough fishermen. Something to eat, you know?
You know, isn't it nice in connection with the following horses, if you won't go into the night? But the Lord asked Peter three times. Loveth from me. Have you got affection for me?
Well, isn't it nice that before he did that he fed them, He made them warm and made them comfortable. This is the Lord that you and I belong to the same. Yesterday and forever. He would make them comfortable, make them warm. He'd make sure that Peter was warm. I think, I think that Joseph you know, as he looked after Benjamin, why he was so careful of Benjamin. And I believe the Lord Jesus looked upon fear.
You know the special affection I believe the Lord looks to Moses. Get away from them.
Those who get hold, those who get away from the Lord, those amidst the meetings that really belong, I think now to those who really belong to Him. I believe the Lord looks to them with a special affection. Why they're away from them, they've lost their joy, they lost their happiness. And I believe that Jesus looked upon his beloved Peter and all he was going to get right to the bottom of this thing. And when he finally, the third time, said Simon, Peter loveth thumb me more than these.
Peter, as much as said, Lord, I don't blame you.
I don't blame your eye. Then I get three times. I don't blame you. Question me and ask them over my love. But now I just fall back into your wondrous grace. I don't know. It's all things thou knowest that I love it, he said to the Lord. Look at my heart, as it were. Look at me. Look at my heart. I don't blame you. Don't trust me. I don't blame you. I don't blame you for not trusting me. I denied you at all some purses. But look at my heart. Lord, you know I love you.
You you're God. You can see everything. You know everything about me. You know I love you. Oh dear St. of God, are you cold tonight in your soul? Are you getting away from the Lord? Why don't you come into his presence tonight and say, Lord, you know all things You know I love you.
You know I love, you know, in spite of my failures and my coldness. Lord, I don't blame you for wondering if it were if I love you or not. I don't blame my brethren for saying I wonder if after all he saved the tomb. But you know, Lord, you know, look at my heart. You know I love you. Lord don't know us all things down N but I love thee and the Lord Jesus restore this dear man.
To a wonderful extent that on the day of Pentecost they could stand up boldly and say to those people even nigh the Holy One on the just why they could have said Peter, You're all hypocrites, you did the same thing yourself. But Peter was bold. He had been in the Lords presence. And you know in the Lords presence doesn't give us boldness. Why, when we come into his presence as 1000 Hebrews and the ball is drawn near to the throne of grace, the common knew his immediate presence. The Lord will give us the strength and the courage and the bonus, young boys.
And girls in school that confessed Christ the Lord will give us this boldness.
To speak wall of him while Peter was restored, and to go on now to the end of the chapter.
My time is passing well.
The 18 First Verily, verily, I stand to the one, though with young Now Bertus, thyself, and walketh whether thy would have but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, another shall gird being carry, they wither about what it's not.
While Peter had this word from the Lord, he knew he was going to live to be an old man. He knew he was going to live on. He knew what was going to happen to him, the Lord told him, and he was going to be carried where he would not and.
The 19 First this bakey Cigna flying by what death he should glorify God, when he had spoken, as he said under him, Follow me, follow me. Then Peter turned above theatre to the stifle, whom Jesus loved following, which also leaned on his breast to supper, and said, Lord, which is he that betrayeth thee? I like this. Nice to know this here that God tells us this is the man that leaned on his breast that suffered.
All this suffer we we finally recorded.
You know in the Gospel this supper. I suppose it was a Passover supper. Nevertheless, it's I believe we could refer to it in connection with the remembrance of the Lord, or only come to remember the Lord at this at His supper. Are we the disciple whom Jesus loved? Are we the ones that rest our head on His blessed breast? Are we close to the Lord? Well, it says, Which is He that betrayeth a Peter has seen him said to Jesus, Lord.
What shall this man do while here period? The same fear, he said. What does this man do? He wanted to know what John was going to do, knows what the Lord says. And the 22nd verse. Jesus said on the hand if I will, that he carried till I come. What is that to thee? Follow thou me. Well, I believe that John did carry to the Lord came he he carried on the Isle of Patmos. He had the whole complete revelation given to him.
And he saw the Lord and his glory. He saw the whole picture right back to the 22nd of Revelation. But also something else. He also gave us, I believe, the last ministry, as it were. We know the Apostle Paul completed the word of God, but this dear old servant of God.
He gave us his wonderful ministry, I believe was written among the last of the New Testament scriptures and was given to us by John. He tarried, he tarried, and I believe, beloved brother in the Jones ministry is so precious for us to bang and his ministry and he might carry with us. The John's ministry may go on to the very end, but we see the Lord's faith that John may carry with us how wonderful it is and how his epistles he brings before us.
The very true.
So the devil is attacking with all his power today the person of Christ, the deity of Christ.
How wonderful it is to read that a first epistle, especially when the beloved apostle. I remember reading a little story about John. Tradition tells us when he was an old, old man, he was carried into the assembly on a bed, and as he was being carried in by his brother and down through among the fence of God.
He kept on repeating these words. Brethren loved one another. Brethren love one another. Wasn't that good? Make John carry with us. May we hear his voice again and again saying, brethren love one another. Boy, Rachel, all men know that he are my disciples. Indeed, if he have love one for another, this is the thing. And the Lord Jesus said to his disciple, these things I command you.
That we love one another, so to blow it all Apostle he carries with us, and May God grant He may carry with us until the Lord comes.
The 23rd was then went this saying abroad among the brethren. But that disciple should not die. But Jesus said on not on the hand he shall not die. But if I will that he tired and light come, what is that for thee? This is the recycle was testified of these things, and wrote these things. And we know that his testimony is true. And there are also many other things which Jesus did that which they should be written everyone.
I suppose even the world itself cannot contain the books that should be written.
No record of here of his ascension, beloved, and no record of his Transfiguration.
In the Gospel of John. Why is that? Because Jesus is transfigured before us, and the very first chapter of the very end is the Son of God the Christ and all His glory. The Deity of our Lord Jesus, the one who made the world. The Christ transfigured before us for 21 Chapters and somebody is beautifully said. The Lord walks off the scene in the end of the Gospel of John walks into the presence of God.
Isn't it wonderful to see this blessed, glorious person?
I said, Dan, He walks, as it were, into the very glory of God. Well, may the Lord bless his word, may warm our hearts. Let me in this room when I speak for myself. Our hearts get cold, brethren, we have to confess it, every one of us. I've asked sometimes, old brethren, some of God's dear old servants who have real hearts for the Lord, if you would be so happy. And I said, brother, do you ever get unhappy?
Or they say, yes, I sure do. But when I do, I know exactly where to go Down on my knees. May the Lord warm our hearts tonight, and may the Lord Jesus be real and precious to us until we see His lovely face #318.
All Lamb of God, still keep us close to Thy fears of side.
Is only there in safety and peace. We cannot buy 318.
Oh, I'm a God still keeper.
Blessed by Pearson.
Is only.
There in safety.
And this weekend.
We can abide.
Falls and snares.
Around us and laughs and fears with him.
Raise the thought and from the.
Keep us clean.
There's only.
In the hiding we feel ourselves secure and only.
In the abiding the complex.
The arm loving.
Regain us for every 844.
I love our hearts sustain us.
In all their cares and woe.
Good job, our eyes.
Behold me with rapture.
Face to face.
And rest in there and glory.
Well, thanks by power and grace.
Life. Beauty, Lord.
And glory.
The wonders of our love.
Shall be the Endless.
Of all by saying the bomb.