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Shall we look to the Lord?
God and our Father, we thank you this morning that we have an opportunity at the Word open before us again. Thank you as we start this second day of camp.
We can look forward to Thy blessing and I help. We do ask for protection and safety too, and all the activities, all the goings on. Thank you for all the hands that are pitching in to help that this would be a workable time together. If you all enjoy ourselves and enjoy being with our brethren and speaking about the Lord Jesus. Thank you that we could look into Exodus 12 yesterday.
Thank you for the overview last night. We had my dealings with man. We thank thee for a little better outline of sound words.
Afraid that it might continue today to inform us and educate us as to Thy ways that speak so much of thyself or Jesus. Thank Thee for thought of taking up the Tabernacle beginning tonight too, and ask that Thou it's order and direct and things that are spoken there might be blessing by Thy Spirit as we take up these types of shadows in the Old Testament. So we pray, give thanks, seek thy help, my precious name, Lord Jesus, Amen. Amen. Amen.
Should we continue in Exodus 12?
We start at verse six and go on.
Exodus 12/6 through 20.
Exodus chapter 12.
Starting at verse six. And ye shall keep it up until the 14th day of the same month. And the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening. And they shall take of the blood and strike it on the two side posts, and on the upper door post of the houses wherein they shall eat it. And they shall eat the flesh. And that night roast with fire, and unleavened bread and with bitter herbs they shall eat it. Eat not of it raw nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire his head, with his legs, and with the pertinence.
Thereof, and ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning, and that which remaineth of it until the morning, ye shall burn with fire. And thus shall ye eat it with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand, And ye shall eat it in haste. It is the Lord's Passover. For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the first born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast. And against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment. I am the Lord.
And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are. And when I see the blood, I will Passover you, And the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.
And this day shall be unto you for a memorial, and you shall keep it a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever. Seven days shall ye unleavened bread. Even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses. For whosoever eateth leavened bread, from the first day until the 7th day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel. And in the first day there shall be in holy convocation, and in the 7th day there shall be in holy convocation to you.
No manner of work shall be done in them, save that which every man must eat, that only may be done, that only may be done of you. And you shall observe the feast of unleavened Bread. For in this self same day have I brought your armies out of the land of Egypt. Therefore shall ye observe this day in your generations by an ordinance forever in the first month, on the 14th day of the month at even ye shall eat unleavened bread until the one and 20th day of the month that even.
Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses.
For whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger or born in the land. Ye shall eat nothing leavened in all your habitations shall ye unleavened bread.
Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel, and said unto them, Draw out and take you a lamb, according to your families, and kill the Passover. And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop, and dip it in the blood that is in the basin, and strike the lentil and the two side posts with the blood that is in the basin. And none of you shall go out at the door of his house until the morning. For the Lord will pass through to smite the Egyptians, and when he seeth the blood upon the lentil, and on the two side posts, the Lord will pass over the.
And will not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses to smite you. And ye shall observe this thing for an ordinance to thee and to thy sons forever. And it shall come to pass, when ye become to the land which the Lord will give you, according as he hath promised, that ye shall keep this service. And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean you by this service, that ye shall say It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel and Egypt.
When he smote the Egyptians and delivered our houses, and the people bowed the head and worshipped.
I wonder if it would be worth weighing the thought.
There was no in this part of the narrative we don't find anything of love or anything of commiseration for them. It was strictly business, if I could put it that way. I give an illustration in the fact that when England and France were at war.
The English Navy overtook the French Navy.
And when the surrender, what came the uh.
Frenchman. He had gone to the same Naval Academy as the Englishman had, and he reached out his hand to shake hands with the British high officer, and he retorted. Your sword first. In other words, it was a real matter of.
Acknowledging sin and surrendering, if I could put it that way.
I think you you see it in this chapter. It's not although behind the the whole thing, it was love that had provided.
For Israel.
But as far as they were concerned, they were to acknowledge sin and bring the lamp.
Yesterday morning we spoke of the question that's in verse 26 that the children were to ask.
Verse 26 What mean you by the service?
And we have here in verses 789 and 10:11, we have a family's responsibility, particularly probably the head of the household.
He was to take the blood and to strike. On the upper door posts. It was mentioned. I think Tim, you mentioned you're the eldest in the family.
As I am as well as my family.
And if you and I were living in that day, we'd be particularly interested that our fathers were out, was out there applying blood on the vehicle because it affects us as the oldest. And it was also mentioned yesterday too, that this is also an individual matter. And that is today as an application. Every individual soul has to take this for themselves. They have to eat of the lamb of themselves.
Your parents can't eat the lamb for themselves.
Yourself, you have to eat of the Lamb of yourself. But there's also a preparation that goes on. We mentioned it yesterday in verse.
Three, that there was to be a taking a lamb out of the fold and to watch it for four days. There is a preparation that must go on in anticipation of this, and there's a keeping it up until the 14th day, and then there's a preparation of the blood.
And the preparation of the meal, the Passover meal, there is a preparation, there's a purpose.
So it is for today, when I arrive on the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, oftentimes I'm smitten with the fact that I haven't prepared adequately.
For the day of the Lord, the Lord's Day, and I think we can all probably raise our hands and acknowledge the same thing. There is a preparation that must go on when I come into the presence of the Lord collectively, and this is a preparation period that his father is doing here for this family by taking the Lamb aside.
Slaying it, putting the blood in a basin and then taking a brush and and.
Wiping the lentil of the door on the outside. And as I said before, the oldest child would be very interested as to making sure that that blood is being applied. So there's a nice preparation principle here that applies for us today.
If I may, I'd like to spend a little bit connected, Mark, with what you just said in the end of verse six. It says the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening, and I don't want to.
Offend anybody?
This morning. But as some of you know.
A little over a week ago I I killed an elk and.
It's not something that most of us.
Are involved in in this day and age.
The slaughter of an animal. The killing of an animal. The shedding of the blood of an animal.
I'd like to turn over to Leviticus chapter 17.
There's a key verse in Leviticus chapter 17 and Tim mentioned that the Passover is deliverance from Egypt, deliverance from *******.
So it's not exactly the the redemption or the the covering of sin, but I want to read verse 11.
This is what the Lord told His people.
Verse 11 Says for the life of the flesh is in the blood.
And I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls. For it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
It was vitally important that the whole congregation of Israel.
Was involved in the killing of that lamb.
And and I want to encourage everyone here.
To not be afraid of of this concept.
Of recognizing what sin is done in this world and the requirement that God has that blood is shed.
It was, I was reminded very vividly and I, I'll try to put this in a, in a, in a gentle way, I was reminded very vividly when I, when I shot the elk a little over a week ago.
And I had to, I had to butcher the elk, I had to clean it out, and I had to prepare it so that the meat was usable.
And in doing so, I had to.
Have my hands and my arms covered in blood.
And I believe that the same thing was true of this lamb, and it was the whole congregation of Israel that was involved in it. It wasn't just someone else in the day in which we live. I think one of the.
Employees of Satan has been to divorce us to separate us from ever seeing the shedding of blood. All of us get our Most of us get our meat in a cellophane white tray with a little bit of plastic wrap over the top and and it looks all nice and and pretty.
And we don't see the shedding of blood.
But God says the shedding of blood he had given.
The blood.
For a specific purpose.
It's for the atonement of the soul.
And the children of Israel that were in Egypt, they could not experience the deliverance of God without the shedding of blood, and they had to be involved in it later on as we get into the offerings.
The person that brought the offering, especially the sin offering, they had to put their head, their hand on the head of the animal that was being offered.
And they had to take part in that process.
Here, as Mark was saying.
The the blood was brought in a basin and it was put it was applied to the the two side posts in the in the upper door.
What I want to mention that many of you younger folks might not understand is as God has designed blood in a very specific way and so this collect collection of blood.
Blood has been designed by God to coagulate. That turns into a almost like Jelly.
In a very short amount of time, so for the to take the blood.
And apply it to the door. It had to be fresh.
It couldn't. There couldn't be a long period of time between when that lamb was killed and when the blood was applied to the door. And I think that going back to what Mark said, there needs to be a freshness in our hearts, in a, in our appreciation.
Of that of the blood that was shed and I I've so enjoyed and we won't take the time to turn there, but.
In Revelation when we read about the Lamb of God in a coming day, in the day of glory, it says that he was slain. The Lamb was slain and I understand it it if you look into the Greek, it means that it was freshly slain. It wasn't something that had you might say in the mind of God.
That something that happened 2000 years ago, it's something that is fresh in the sight of God and will forever be fresh in the sight of God.
And it should be something that is fresh in our site as well. It should be something that is real and something that that affects us. You know, as I, as I went to to take care of that elk. It's a solemn thing. It's not a when you look at your hands and your hands are covered in blood.
You recognize that the the life of that animal was surrendered so that we could eat. And in this case, the life of that lamb was surrendered so that the children of Israel could have deliverance. And I think that that's a vital point that we need to get a hold of in our souls.
God wants it to be fresh in our, in our appreciation, and in our view.
Want to go back and revisit that?
Word redemption. We talked a little bit about it, some of us.
Had a pretty in-depth conversation after meeting yesterday about that, and I think it probably would be well to add a little bit of clarification. I think it was appropriate to make the distinction between deliverance and redemption.
But there was a process. Israel wasn't completely delivered from Egypt until the Red Sea.
They were completely redeemed until the Red Sea. But there is redemption by blood and redemption by power. And in this chapter, we do have redemption by blood. And I think that's an important distinction to make. And I don't want to, I don't want people to come away necessarily based on the comments from that last meeting, that this chapter doesn't take up redemption at all. It's just not the fullness of the process.
We really have the subject of substitution brought out here because, as Steve said, the people would place their hands on the head of this lamb. Well, what did that do? It took and.
Associated myself with that Lamb. The Lamb was was slain.
And that Lamb was slain in the in the place of the first point.
What if the?
What if the head of that house had heard all of these things and known all this, and thought, you know, I.
It's laying a lamb. It's pretty significant. I'm just going to hang hiss up on the outside of the door and we'll call that good.
What would happen?
First born in the house would have been slain. The same thing that happened with pain, and Abel right at that. Pain brought the best.
Fruit and food that he had, but it did not include blood and therefore was not sufficient. And so thankfully we don't read of any in Israel that didn't obey this direction, because had they disobeyed it, there would have been.
The death of the first one within the house, the obedience was critical.
There wasn't room for.
And emotions of those that were in the house, there was a need for obedience.
But today, don't we deal with a finished work?
A work that was to.
2000 years ago, but its effect, its effectuality.
Extends to us today. We used to sing a hymn that says no blood, no altar, now the sacrifices or no flame. No smoke ascends on high. The lamb is lay no more, but richer blood has flowed from nobler veins to purge the Violet soul and cleanse the deepest stains.
So we look back, don't we? The thing that has been.
Effectual for us today, that's 2000 years ago.
It shows the eternal efficacy of that precious blood.
I'm I'm happy if somebody criticizes what I say, but I, I just.
I see that.
We've been speaking about this in connection with how it affects us personally.
Believers. And as the first born in that household, as we've been talking.
I want to look at a verse at the end of verse 6. This is the last few words in the evening.
We shall kill it in the evening. I'm thinking of the Lord Jesus at the end of his pathway here.
When he was taken in the garden.
Spent the night there and pilots Hall.
These different things that he went through.
It was the evening.
Of his time here in this world.
Go on in Exodus 12 and verse 42.
It says, It is a night to be much observed unto the Lord.
We're bringing them out from the land of Egypt.
So here was the Lord Jesus who had set his faces at Flint, and he would not stop.
Until that sacrifice was accomplished.
Work was done. Deliverance, redemption, substitution, all those things were accomplished.
So as we're considering our side of these things, let's not forget the Lord's side.
What he went through to make this all possible to us.
Is the night to be much remembered?
On that as well, you know we read lots yesterday.
On Luke 22. Then came the day of 11 bread, when the Passover must be killed.
And it says here at the end of verse six that the congregation of Israel shall fill it in the evening or between.
The two evenings or the afternoon? When did the Lord die on the cross in the afternoon? The Lord died on the exact day.
Of the Passover lamb, He, he was, as we read in First Corinthians five, He is our Passover. And as a Jew, if you were to look back at this, there's absolutely no way you could deny that the Lord Jesus completely fulfilled this entire type and his death. There's no way he could deny. They do deny it.
But you can't deny it, the timing is exact.
It's exactly.
So you probably would be remiss if we didn't read the verses in first Peter one regarding Christ and the blood it it is really the anti type of the Passover.
First Peter one verse 18.
For as much as you know that you were not redeemed with corruptible things, there's redemption.
Silver and gold from your main conversation, received by tradition from your Father's, but with the precious blood of Christ.
As of a lamb without blemish, without spot, verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you.
That's the 4th day.
And the lamb was to be killed.
And the bloodshed, and it was that blood that was applied in verse 7 on the side post in the upper doorpost of the house and inside the people ate that lamp. They partook a bit, they made it their own. I think about what the Lord Jesus said, that except you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.
And so it's what that verse is telling us is that.
We need to appropriate the work of Christ to our own soul individually.
That's what that means, that's what he's teaching. And in picture form here we have something of that people being sheltered by the blood and again to.
Restate a comment yesterday about.
About this, this scene, it was on the outside. It kept the judge out of the house.
But it was the IT was God. It was God's perspective, his side of the work that he was viewing. There he was.
He saw the blood, the people applied it, he saw it and and it is, it is important for us to again get God's perspective of the work of Christ. And can I say how he feels about that work?
And and when we have that.
When we have his perspective on the work of Christ, that brings settled peace to us. Because it's not it's not my evaluation or estimation, which can fall far short of that work. And then I'm I'm going to be in trouble.
In my mind, because I may not have settled peace, but when God sees the blood, it says, when I see the blood I will pass over you. I can rest with confidence, knowing that I am judgment free.
God is satisfied with the work of Christ, and I can rest in that.
So we ought to take up with the sufferings of Christ.
Let me restate that we we should, when we consider the sufferings of Christ, it should bring.
Some solemnity to our thoughts, to our thinking. We we should, we should really approach the subject with unshod feet.
Because we are on holy ground and we shouldn't be casual about it. It's a very serious thing is you were bringing out Ernie. I appreciated that, that this was serious, serious business. And I think something of that might be seen in verse 8 where it says and they shall eat the flesh in that night roast with fire.
And unleavened bread and with bitter herbs.
They shall eat it. I suppose that maybe the bitter herbs might bring forward that thinking, that thought of of really it should be. We should we should consider the work of our Lord and when we do it should produce a spirit of self evaluation and judgment. I believe that it should have its own proper effect on our souls when we consider what the Lord Jesus.
Had to undergo for our sins and and it should be something that really affects me deeply if I'm taking up with it in the right spirit and according to God's mind and and the Lord would have us to.
He he would want it that way. He wants us again, not to be casual about about this subject, but to really grasp in our own finite way the seriousness of of what sin is.
And what it cost?
And you know, when we, when we come to that moment in our hearts that that that will change us, it really will.
I think it it will produce a spirit of devotion like none of none other.
Have we really repented it, or have we really repented him? Writer could say in his thoughtless souls distress. I have.
How vile. My lowest state since my ransom.
So great.
Who can weigh? Can we really weigh what our sins deserve?
In ourselves, I mean, right, there's pride in our souls. But but he had to go through.
To make us clean in his sight more than Kung Fu town.
As you say, there's no way for us to Plumb.
The depths of those things.
Excuse me, but as Josh said, God would have us to consider those things with solemnity. There's a reason that Psalms 22 and Psalm 69 and Psalms 88 are there so that we can enter into the sufferings of what the Lord went through.
When he at home percent and so.
We don't enter into the fullness of the depths of it, but it should have a significant impact on our thoughts and as we consider those things.
As Josh said, it really correlates with First Corinthians Chapter 11 That him had examined himself and so that it may. And so we should be found in a spirit of self judgment.
Consider those things as bitter herbs that we're reading about here, and as we consider the depth of it, it should cause our hearts to well up with Thanksgiving.
Response of praise and worship.
In verse eight it says.
You shall eat the flesh in that night. Roast with fire, verse 9 says eat not of it raw nor sodden at all with water, but roast with fire. So we get that, that phrase roast with fire twice and I think in connection with what we've been saying.
It brings before us the judgment of God upon sin. It was.
That fire that that fell and there was number mitigation of that fire.
So if it was sodden with water, water boils at 212° and and that would have mitigated, you might say, the heat of the fire. It says not raw at all as well. The fire had to pass on that lamb.
And our Savior.
More the full weight.
Of God's wrath against sin.
There was number mitigation.
There was nothing that.
That tempered that fire.
And later on, we're going to talk about the brazen altar.
And we see there.
The fire of God's wrath that falls upon the sacrifice.
The sacrifice is consumed.
And our Lord, as we speak reverently.
He bore the unmitigated wrath of God against sin.
There was number tempering of that fire.
I think that's why it says it twice.
Roast with fire.
The result of which was a cry from the cross.
My God, my God, why I still forsaken me?
Coming from the Son of God.
Possible to enter into the depth of that?
Do have the capacity in some sense understand this one maybe of it?
And again, it was the Lamb that was without blemish, Lord Jesus being, as we read in first Peter one, He was that land.
Perfect. Absolutely spotless, the holy Lamb of God.
Where it says at the end of verse 9.
Roasted fire his head.
With his legs, with the pertinence of that word, perdonance can be translated in words, and with the inwards thereof. So he knew no sin, He did no sin, and in Him was no sin.
New Testament speaks to those three things very clearly.
And directly.
Again, this is one of the seven major types of the death of Christ in the Old Testament.
And you just see the beauty.
Of scripture how it just aligns and the Lord Jesus fulfilling these types of perfection.
I would like to connect with.
Read there about his head with his legs and the pertinence thereof.
The Song of Solomon, chapter 5 and.
This starting with the first night instead.
The future redeemed.
Remnant of Israel speaking.
And with verse 10.
Or sorry, verse 11, it starts with his head.
His most fine advance speaks of his belly and it ends down in verse 15, his legs. So from his head to his legs, it gives a beautiful description of the Lord Jesus. And we know in the coming day when that remnant of Israel is being restored, they're going to see this one that spend their Passover.
Or I was instituted thousands of years earlier. They're going to see the beauty of the Lord Jesus and had the bitter herbs, you know from Zachariah. They're going to weep when they see this one that has delivered them. I would also like to make the application with God the Father.
This is how he saw his son being the Passover and AS.
Abraham lifted up his his knife to slaughter his son.
God lifted up his night and his son had to be slaughtered, but he saw pure beauty in his son, all pure without, all pure within and and I think the order is is correct. That starts with the head to the legs. He was a heavenly man, which is similar to have there with John beginning of revelation. It goes from the head down.
I I saw him, enjoyed that.
Application there.
Perhaps in the few minutes that we have left, perhaps verse 11, where the responsibility is that they were to eat it with their loins girded.
Your shoes on your feet.
And your staff in your hand, You shall eat it in haste. It is Lord's Passover. Perhaps some thoughts as to why.
The Lord God was giving these instructions to these Israelites, or they're rather known as Hebrews in the land here, while they're in their houses. They were to be eating it in this manner with their loins girded, shoes on their feet and the staff in the hand and eat it in haste.
Mark there to eat it, ready to travel.
Recognizing that God was going to do this work and it was going to cause fair to let His people go and they were to depart immediately. I'm sure there's more that can be applied to this, but it was a demonstration of their confidence that the work was going to take place and that they were.
The next day going to be traveling.
Probably three things here that should characterize us as believers now. That is, we ought to be outfitted for service or ready to serve of the loins girded, the Lord has given us something to do. Each one of us has, has, ought to be, ought to occupy till he comes. So that means that we we should be busy in the Lord's work.
We all have the service.
All have something to do for the Lord, but then we ought to have shoes on our feet. And what is critical in this service is that we should have a walk of separation from the world, shouldn't we?
Shoe sits between the soul, sits between the bottom of your foot and the ground. And it doesn't. I mean, we are in the world, but we're not of the world. We hear this often and we can't, can't we? We have to recognize that we have to live and and breathe and move here and rub shoulders with the world, but that doesn't mean that we become like them.
Or one of them. Because we are different. The Lord has separated us from this world, called us out, given us life, saved our souls and and made us His own. So we are here to represent the interests of Christ. That's only properly done when there's proper separation in our life from the world. So we need separation from the world in our life.
And then the staff in our hand would speak to our Pilgrim character.
You know, we ought not to forget that we are pilgrims here. We are, we do not belong to this world. We we are pilgrims in a wilderness. I.
That has nothing for us and so we need to have that Pilgrim character and not I think that we should take up with with.
You know, pounding our tent pegs too deep into this, into this earth. Realize that we're just passing through.
And and then you shall eat it in haste. The Lord is coming and he's coming soon. And our time for service and testimony is, is really at a premium now. It's it's coming to a close. We should realize that that that there is an urgency behind.
What we should be doing?
And whether it be in the Gospel or just getting busy with the Lords things, we don't have time to waste. You know, our time to serve the Lord is now and and we need to get at it. And because when we get home to glory, the time for service is done. Our Pilgrim.
Our pilgrimage, excuse me, is is is no more.
Were safe at home rest and So what an opportunity we all have right now as Christians is to get busy to get out to really take take take up with this with with these things seriously and and not waste our time because our time is short.
And Mark mentioned that verse last night, redeeming the time.
This was really a pivotal moment in their history here, right?
For all these people, all they had known their whole life was Egypt was their friend.
The moment they came under the shelter of that blood, everything changed. From that moment on, Egypt was not their home anymore. From now on, they're there.
Their gaze, their view would be that promised land that they would journey to. And so there's a complete change their attitude of their everything they did. And so tomorrow they wouldn't wake up and go make bricks to make Egypt the more beautiful place. That was all done. And so we can say for us too, you know, we're born into this world, but the moment we apply that blood.
To ourselves, it's a complete change. It's a pivotal moment. We're not here anymore. It's Josh just explaining.
To be part of the current of this world? No, it's different now. We have our home in heaven in view and everything we do should be in function of that.
So it's really a complete change of character for these people.
And I think that's why, just to jump back quickly to verse 2, the Lord says this month shall be unto you, the beginning of months. It's as though the Lord is saying you did not live in my sight before you got saved. And we know the scripture tells us we were dead and trespasses in sin. So the moment we get saved, it's like the the slate is wiped clean and now we have a new life, a new beginning.
God, and we should move forward in that, not backwards.
I know we're out of time, but I didn't want to skip over verse 10.
We have some unique language in verse 10, and I think that there's a.
A lesson there.
It says.
You shall let nothing of it remain until the morning.
And that which would remain until the morning, ye shall burn with fire.
I'll just suggest this as a thought and I'd like to hear others.
But they were to they were to eat the entire land.
And and my thought here is is you and I.
As we feed on Christ, we need, we need all of Christ.
We can't just have part of it.
We can't just have part of him.
We need all of him.
On that, why were they to eat the lamb? It was to prepare them for their journey.
We're in the wilderness. We're sustained by feeding on Christ while we're in this wilderness.
It was a it was a provision for them, for their journey and so it is with us.
Our gracious God loving Father, thank you for the word before us this morning.
And we have.
Being detected from the coming judgment, yet it is a night season and.
Judgment is certainly certain to fall on the scene. We pray that we would be separate from this world being shot, staff in hand, ready to be called out of this scene. And so we just prayed help practically enter into these things. My name is Graham. Lord Jesus, Amen. Amen.