Experience in View of the End

Philippians 1:21  •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 7
I have leen very low—so low that I did not know whether I should get up again. I had no sense of death, for God—and, if we have not judged ourselves, Satan—is especially engaged at such a moment. But, quite uncertain whether I should get up again, I found myself within sight of my end, and I was surprised at the little difference which it made to me: Christ, the precious Savior, with me for the journey; then, I through grace, with Him forever—there was no change as to this.... Christ is all, beloved: everything else will pass out of sight; but He, blessed be His name, never. He who is not ashamed to call us brethren is, nevertheless, seated upon the Father's throne. It is a wonderful redemption, and He who accomplished it is infinitely precious.
Let us keep close to the Lord, for He would have us there, and let us recognize our own nothingness. The true christian condition is this, that there should not be a thought nor a feeling in the heart of which He is not the source. This is the realization of the word: "To live is Christ." But what grace, what watchfulness, is needed, for us to come near itl London, September 2nd.