Extract From a Letter

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
It is quite right to humble ourselves to the very dust, if called to it. But I must not magnify my grace and humility to the shame of my precious Lord and Savior. He has a claim in this matter, which I feel I can never give up. All my hard thoughts, and narrow feelings, and ungracious speeches, I will freely confess, but we must be faithful to Christ. We must have a true Christ, the center of all our affections, the true basis of union and fellowship. In these times of much blessing there is great need of watchfulness and close walk with God. Pray for me that I may be kept. Thank the Lord He is enlarging my heart, but still telling me to walk in the narrow path. The work is going on here very blessedly in a quiet way. Conversions each night this week, except Wednesday and Thursday, at the room: on these two nights there was not gospel testimony. I think only one unconverted person in the room on one of the nights, and none on the other, but the Lord's presence was with us, and the new converts were blest.