Fellowship being only in the light, we are never to go out of the light for any fellowship-never to leave God's presence in order to have fellowship with others. If they have fellowship with darkness-if any defilement has come over their spirit, God will purge and restore; but it is to His presence He restores. He will not admit darkness in any measure. I am to keep in His presence. There only is fellowship. There may be associations outside, but there is no fellowship. Fellowship is with the Father, our alone blessing, and with His Son Jesus Christ. And then in other words, God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. And the first essential of all holiness is to abide in Christ, in the communion of the! Father and the Son-in the light: and if another admits darkness into his soul, I am to seek that he be restored to where I am; but on no account am I to. go to where he is, which will be the effort of Satan, who will try to make me appear as unloving, if I do. not. "But we know that we are of God; and he that is born of God keepeth HIMSELF, and that wicked one toucheth him not." To grace be all the praise, through Him that hath loved us.