Extracts From Letters From the Front.

 •  4 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Was indeed surprised to receive your letter, but was very glad to hear from you. Thank you for the leaflets. I left the others where anyone wishing any could take one.
You asked me when I was saved. I can’t exactly give you a definite answer. About eight years ago I was working in one of the offices of the city of W., and one of the, men with whom I used to work, used to come to the office after business hours to study his Bible. He and I got to talking on religious topics, and I became very much interested and vowed to myself that I would inquire deeper into these things. Well, I often used to have long talks with him, and I used to read the Bible on my own account. Gradually the conviction grew upon me that Christ had died for our sins, and the thought came to me, Why not take God at His word and accept His salvation.
Well, I did so, and to cut a long story short, I know that I am saved through the blood of Christ, and that all my sins are forgiven.
The temptations in the army are many. Yet He keeps me from sin, and in the time of great danger I find comfort in the knowledge, that He is near, and able to save to the uttermost.
Continue to pray for me, for I know how weak we are of ourselves. Our strength is in Him. One can hardly keep from getting so careless in the army.
Could you send me a Testament in, a leather case, pocket size? I have one, but the edges of the leaves have all got torn, as I have no case to keep it in.
The war shows no signs of finishing for a while yet. One hardly knows what to think about it. One thing I do know is that God is still in heaven and over all.
Received your gift of the Testament a couple of days ago. It is a beauty and I value it very, very much. It was very kind of you to send it, and I want you to accept my sincere thanks. As God’s Word, it is my most precious possession.
When I first opened it, the verse Jude 2424Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, (Jude 24) was the first that caught my eye. You had marked it, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness, because as I told you, I think one of the greatest difficulties of the Christian life is to live in the way that we know He would have us live.
“Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling,” had a special significance for me.
The copies of “The Sower” have been reaching me safely, and I am glad to get them.
They refresh one and I pass them on to others, so that they, too, may be helped. It has been a great comfort to me out here to be able to feel Him near in the hour of danger.
One realizes in this land of sudden death, the futility of earthly riches. Only spiritual wealth counts. You will pray for me, won’t you? that I may grow in grace, and serve Him better day by day.
I was thinking of all the ruined towns I have seen here, and the thought came to me of how little value are worldly goods. A few short years ago I suppose the inhabitants of these different towns never dreamed that soon their homes would be laid low, and all their worldly possessions lost to them. But spiritual riches are ours forever.
I thank you for your prayers on my behalf. To know that one is being prayed for is of great spiritual aid. I often think it is the prayers of our friends, even more than our own, which help to keep us on the true pathway. I know that God does hear when we call upon Him.
I would say to anyone coming out here that they need Someone to turn to in the hour of danger. When death is all around you, the things you used to count upon for support, seem trivial indeed. Personally I do not know how I would have “carried on” on one or two occasions unless I had felt His presence near. It is a comfort to breathe up a prayer and to know that you are heard. I also believe that no harm can come to one unless He wills.
I value the Testament you sent me very much. It is my most precious possession.
I am sincerely grateful that C. and I are being prayed or at your prayer meetings. It always seems to me that one can never drift far if one’s friends are praying for them. I do need your prayers: There are many temptations here, but I know that there is victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. I often wish the war was over, and one had more time to devote to Bible study. One cannot seem to get alone with God in France or here, that is so essential to spiritual growth: You cannot get by yourself, still one knows that God is everywhere and always hears our cry.