Extracts From the East

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“All things are now quite clear for my journey north (Mesopotamia, &e), and I have appointed the 4th of November, the Lord willing, to start. I have to wait for some rain to cool the air and moisten the parched face of the earth. All is quite clear and happy before the Lord. He has also provided me a suitable companion—the one I had in mind from the first; I mean the young brother now laboring in and around Damascus. He wrote to me this week that he is free and happy to go, in fact has been for some time exercised about going north to labor.
Yesterday I had good letters from Mesopotamia, showing that a very great many are awakened and anxious to hear the word. The brother from there who was here and returned, wrote me that since his return home his house has scarcely been free from visitors from this place and elsewhere, who are all deeply interested to hear. As I have said to you before, it is the primary need of souls that presses upon me, although I am sure that there will be gathering power also.”
B. F. Pinkerton.