Before entering the military, a young man had been a fierce competitor in every aspect of his life. Being “number one,” winning, being first and on top was his chief goal in life. In the early weeks of basic training, he learned a life-changing lesson.
The first time his squadron was ordered to run an obstacle course, he competed with his accustomed intensity, striving to be first. And he was. He came in far ahead of the rest of his company.
At the finish he was met by his drill sergeant who seemed quite unimpressed with the soldier’s feat.
“Where’s the rest of your buddies?” the sergeant barked, frowning at him.
Pleased with his success, the self-assured soldier replied, “They’re all back there, sir. I won. I’m first!”
Leaning very close to the young soldier’s face, the drill sergeant yelled, “The obstacle course isn’t about coming in first! It’s about finishing! Everybody in your squad finishes or nobody wins! Now go back and run it again, and this time help the guys who are struggling along the way!”