Feeding Ourselves

By: David So
Duration: 21min
Open—David So
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Thought I will share a little bit of a little different thoughts.
We exhausted defeat the lambs and the sheep, and rightly so.
But what I found sometimes is that.
We're not feeding ourselves. First, it is interesting. Some of you may have flown here, perhaps by an airplane.
Have you ever noticed on an airplane before it takes off, they say the same old, same old with the stewardess up there or now they have a videotape showing you how to handle an emergency. Says if something goes wrong, an air mask going to drop down. You know the you know that Joel, But they say you put it on 1St.
Don't try to help the little one because you're no good if you pass out.
Remember that. Notice that.
And I thought for us, you know, we do have to care. We we think of others. I believe we do often, but we often forget to think for ourselves.
To keep ourselves and the love of God.
I really don't know how to express it. I was thinking of Bob's comment earlier off how even our simple thing is to speak to ourselves in hymns. And so let's turn to that verse. I just have that verse before me after that, Ephesians chapter 5. Let's just read that now. There's a lot of thoughts together. It's not just that one verse, but that verse is what's before me. So I will use that. But rightly so, you should really read the verses before and after.
And connect that to your Christian walk. Verse 18. Ephesians 519. I'm sorry, Ephesians 519. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always.
For all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Not my thought here to expand on all these terms here.
But I was thinking years ago, I know for my in my own lives we seem to sing a lot more than what I have noticed in recent years.
We found I don't know what it is. We don't seem to sing.
And even perhaps even in the quietness of our own soul. I don't know what it is. Maybe it's just me and the circle I'm around that we don't seem to sing as much as we ought to.
Why is that?
Do you know singing is also a testimony to the world?
You sing, What do we sing?
When we're sad.
He Can Sing tells us that in Psalms there when you're sad, Kenya, we're seeing when we're happy, we're seeing when we rejoice.
I want to encourage you. We often say, what do we sing we have before us?
Lita Flock hymn book.
Sometimes I feel sad when I see people say, well, let's use different inputs. There are different hymn books that have nice melodies and songs, but we have one here. And in fact, I challenged young people. I'm sure some of the older ones have read through the so-called preface. You know, when we read a book, we often read to see what the book is about.
How many? Read the preference here of how?
Why they chose these hymns. Now, if you turn to it, I'm just going to read a little bit about the second paragraph. Perhaps that would help us understand songs. You know, we look at young people sometimes sing, don't sing those songs, the bad songs, because when you sing those things that get into your head and a lot of the lyric in some of the so we call even so-called Christian music scares me.
Now let's just look at that second paragraph. Is that the the the author tells us this three things are needed for hymn book.
But what is it? Three things. A basis of truth and sound doctrine. Wow. So it's not just words that sounds nice. It's not just melodies. It should have a basis of truth and sound doctrine.
Something, at least of the spirit of poetry, though not poetry itself.
Interesting, huh? Which is objectionable as merely the spirit and imagination of men. And thirdly, the most difficult to find of all, that experimental acquaintance with truth in the affections which enables a person to make his hymn.
The vehicle in sustained thought and language of practical grace and truth, which sets the soul in communion with Christ and rise even to the Father. And yet this is such sword that is not mere individual experience. And so on. Interesting, isn't it? These are the songs. These are the spiritual hymns. We we may reference earlier. You may.
Heard some the remark if you were to look under Mr. Darby's hymns.
His thoughts?
Is above this realm.
He always thanked that that that that bride and blessed seemed.
Just look towards him, it seems long. In fact, if you were to sing, at least I get to the appreciation that his hymns often get 1014 verses in there and because.
Of the descriptions of that heavenly scene were crisis by the time I got the verse 14. Sometimes I feel like, oh, isn't there more? It's interesting, isn't it? So you may say what what you dwell on Mr. Darby, what there are others. There are many others hymn writers in this book and and you can read there's different books describing or talking about the the hymn writers. I think they're very instructive now.
There's one and we only have a few minutes. There's one.
That I often use now remember we are not here to build on a man's knowledge is whose faith we follow because sometimes we follow a hymn writer and then find out later on in life there could be failures but we look at what was written at that time so.
Him 66 in the back. We're not going to sing. I'll just read some of that. Here's one of my favorite when it comes to gospel, we sing this. I'm sure when you look through this you'll recognize this. Him come now. I think in the other hymn book is his old blessed gospel sound. This one says come here the gospel sound. Yet there is room. We know this hymn, don't we?
This is the hymn Ryder, GWGW Fraser.
The story we know, when he was a young lad, he heard there's a revival meeting. He went across the other side of the tracks. When he got there he found out the room was full. He couldn't get in to hear the gospel and as a young lad he found a way. He climbed up the rain gutter to look in and he heard the gospel message and was saved afterwards and there he was able to pan him as such.
Over here the gospel. Come here the gospel sound. Yet there is room.
How wonderful and they can pay in words like though guilty, now draw near, though vile. You, you need not fear with joy you now may hear. Yet there is room wonderful gospel hymns that we can sing, And perhaps as you are singing it.
Others may be listening not Haven't you ever catch yourself that you're singing in the hallway and then somebody happened to be standing there smiling at you?
As a way to present the gospel of his grace. Isn't it that but?
What the thought of this hymn writer? We sang another hymn. Of course someone gave it out hymn #46 He knew the fact that we are saved doesn't exempt us from difficulties of this world. I like Brother Dawn's combat when he asked that question is I'm still alive, that means we're still have that old man within us that we're wrestling against. So he paying another hymn and hymn number.
Six there he says, Have I an object, Lord, below, which would divide my heart with thee?
Violet question, isn't it? Have we? Is there something that would detract our thoughts, our hearts away from our blessed Lord? Have IA hope, however dear and so on. You know the hymn well, you may say well, he know the gospel. He knows the difficult path that we have left, even though we're short while we're in the scene.
But he knows a lot more than we think. Let's turn to 188.
He painted that. You know, I think this is so precious Tomorrow.
If the Lord still leave us here till tomorrow morning, we have the privilege to remember our blessed Lord Jesus in His death for us, and we're often seeing a few of his hymns as a reminder. Do you remember singing this hymn twice on that night of deepest wall? When darkness rounded, thicken went through deep waters. Thou didst go, And for our sins was stricken.
Thou, Lord, deceit that we should be with grateful hearts remembering Thee. Do you think He understand the importance of remembering our blessed Savior? In fact, he didn't write just that hymn 240.
245 We sing that often too, don't we? What a precious hymn. On that same night, Lord Jesus, when all around the joined to cast his darkest shadow across thy holy mind.
We hear thy voice plus Savior, this do Remember Me with joyful hearts responding. We do remember thee if you understand that, doesn't he. So we often read on Lord's Day morning for us often as he eats this bread and drink this cup. You do show the Lord's death. We're here to show the Lord's death, aren't we, till he come so you look.
Last danza that sometimes I don't know about you, I get tired sometimes in my mind wander after the 2nd or the 3rd stanza, then come to 5th stanza. Read the words carefully. He knows and he realized and remember the Lord's coming. So he put it, Till thou shall come in glory.
Do we value that thought even when we're there remembering our blessed Lord?
Till thou shalt come in glory, and call us hands away to rest.
In the brightness of that unclouded day. Now the next dancer, I find it difficult because I find it hard sometimes and ask myself, do I really Could I sing that we show thy death, Lord Jesus, and here would seek to be. Can we honestly say that?
Or were we just here, as they say, we were at a meeting, or we were there to remember the Lord and here would seek to be more.
To thy death conformeth Wiles we remember thee.
Well, and he doesn't just stop there. The hymn before that reminds us of the Lord's coming to hymn 244. Same hymn writer.
He said that pride and blessed mourn is near. We talk about earlier as another brother take us to the highest sphere as if it were why we're still here. Do we remember and recognize that there is that bright and blessed mourn is near when he, our blessed Lord the Bridegroom, show up here and call us hands away?
Her blessings, then, shall be complete.
That's our blessing, isn't it, when the Lord take us as his bride, when with her Lord, she takes her seat in everlasting day. And of course there's more to the hymns that I'm looking at time and as gravity to to sing that. And that is just one more. He wrote many of them. I just forget a number of the other one. I think it's in deep eternal council.
Before the world was made.
Him 141 Oh, how precious to think that. Then He takes us back as if it were. Do we recognize God's hand in all things? Him 141 There he could pan in deep eternal counsel. Before the world was made, before its deep foundation on nothingness was laid God.
Purpose us you and I, for blessing.
And we spoke on that election, didn't we, and chose us in His Son to Him to be conformeth when here our cores must run, and then He can end and say that for he who left His glory to die upon the tree, And we call to the remembrance of that.
When soon complete the story and come again.
And we conform to His image as known, be brought to know, and with increasing fervor our ceaseless praise shall flow.
Indeed, eternal Counselor.
Before risky foundation.
I embrace, which is unchanging.
We sign from day-to-day.
We're screwed by Pilgrim way.
I shall see.
Our right glory.
And breathe. Our breath can be.