Fire! Fire!

 •  2 min. read  •  grade level: 6
Some few months ago, early in the morning as men were hurrying to their daily toil, one was alarmed to hear the cry of, Fire!
Two firemen came running along drawing a truck, and going to the scene whence the call had come. It was near the market, where people were driving to get their supplies for the day. Quickly we reached the place where the alarm had been given, and we saw the firemen with the hose playing over a burning building. In answer to inquiries we were told there was not any cause for alarm, that all who had been in the burning building were safely out. As the eager crowd stood watching at that early hour in the morning, little did they think what they were soon to behold.
Yonder could be seen the horses and an engine coming at full speed, amid the shouts of "Stand clear!" The engine is drawn up, the firemen dismount. The chief of the brigade is the first to enter the, burning building, which the fire had almost destroyed. Who can describe the sight that met his eyes? Alas! there were people in the house, and the bodies of six lifeless persons met his gaze, who a few moments before were alive in this world, but were now launched into eternity —an eternity which you and I have to spend somewhere.
There is a solemn question that should come to each one of us—Where will you spend eternity? —a question that you may answer now if you will, for it is God's day of grace. "Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." But if you put off this all-important question it may be too late. O, do not do so, but accept God's offer of salvation today. Soon the voice of Jesus will no longer plead with you as a Savior, but He will punish you as a Judge. Two ways are put before you. God's Word says: