Floods of Judgement

Gospel—Al Coleman
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Will your anger hold in the straight of dinner when I'm Breakers roar? And the reason?
Why on the 3rd gentleman's no wild begging to blow shall be a angry raven's anger farms.
Let's get all right. Let's go live. Not much of A better.
When the water flowed into your fingers around.
On the right city by eating and then at the 1St place.
Wanna be a Manger? Hold.
We didn't have an extraordinary 5 days.
God that is lingering over this world tonight and bidding lost souls to comfort to him tonight. And He saved. And we know that the door of the day of grace is closing, not closing. And so we do free for those that are still in their sins have never come as a guilty lost Sinner before a holy God.
Uh, we tried to be, uh, if there's anyone here tonight that is still not safe that they might decide for Christ tonight and have that anchor and that anchored that is the Lord Jesus Christ. We just turned upon you now for reflecting as we open that process worth giving me the Thanksgiving of our hearts. Lord Jesus, in thy persistent wording name, Amen.
I want you to turn with me to Genesis.
Chapter 7.
Genesis Chapter 7.
And the Lord said, You know, come thou and all thy house into the earth. Why did he say that? Because there was a flood coming upon this world.
Many years ago.
And there was an invitation there that they checked out, you know, the very first.
It says come, and I believe that that's one of the.
I'm thinking uh, as I pick up this first year, I'd like to preach the gospel on current events.
Now, what has happened in the last couple of weeks?
Hiring Irene.
And you know, as you heard of watch the storm progressing coming up the coast and the ravages that it produced along with coastline.
And many, many floods, many people were taken out of their homes and I was taken to that over the radio. They were warning people get out, get out because there is a flood heaven.
And sure enough, it came. And what a terrible destruction happens in many homes along the coastline.
I'm a reminder too, that there is another flight, another flood of God's judgment coming upon this world. I'm so happy to see that there was just a mass exodus out of on the freeways going out of the North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia.
Do you know? And many people were saved, but you know, there were some that stayed behind.
Left behind for the judgment of God and and so adheres. This invitation is in Noah's time and it says come thou and all my house and God. I like that because you know, in many of the conferences we go to, there's families, a lot of families, a lot of children didn't decide their parents.
Families and God is interested in.
Families, and he wants family today.
And I've seen this over and over again, whereby God has saved one person in the family and it's gone breakthrough the whole time.
Come down and all lie out into the garden. What about Noah's time there? It was no one was building this ark and 400 years building this ark. And there were those that probably came by and say no, what are you doing and.
And you would tell them about a flood that was coming, a flood and, and everything. There was a lot of them that would just stop them and paid off. That's not going to happen. It's never rained before.
But you know one day that flood came, and if we looked farther off down in verse 16 it says this. And they went in male and female of all flesh.
And God commanded him and the Lord shut him in. The door was shut. The door was shut. And you know, one day God is going to close the door of the day of grace. And so it's so important that this message tonight is.
For anyone here that is still not saved.
This is something that I've done in the last number of gospel meetings I've taken, and I'm going to do it again, and I trust that you'll pardon me.
That this advertisement came as.
Advertisement To come in and buy a car.
And I thought it was so perfect for the gospel meeting that I showed me about the last four or five years from being such a statement. And that is it, it says.
I is running out.
Time is running out.
Time is running out for this world, you know, if the Lord Jesus were to come tonight.
And you might say it did be eternally lost forever.
A lot of people will say, well, you'll get a second chance now and God will send you a strong delusion and that you'll be able to believe Hawaii and.
But still God.
In this long-suffering, Mercy is lingering over this world and longing for souls to come to him. Can I, can I tell the story again? I told.
But in Nigeria, we were preaching the gospel in a prison and we got into this prison and the last, the last that we went into was the Senate House. And in that house there were six prisoners behind iron bars.
The state of kerosene being born, being there, no, no, no light, no channels.
I had and I had approved these jobs telling them about the Lord Jesus and we have one special verse that I thought it was and this is a very important first for you tonight. What shall I do then with Jesus, which is called the Christ? You have to answer that question. What should I do with Jesus, which is called the Christ?
Have you answered him? You cannot take a neutral ground and the things have gone. It's impossible.
You'll have to do with the Lord Jesus Christ. He says Savior of sinners and and he can save you.
They were taken out later on and shot. They were executed.
And you know, to my mind, it was so beautiful to think of how God gave them one more chance to be saved. Look at that.
And so tonight we say this, that God is giving you one more chance to be saved.
Would you like to save tonight? I'd love to ask. You know, we have this little disk at home and it's and it's only about 10 minutes long and maybe you've heard it if you don't, if you haven't got to hear it. And it's about this little white haired man who lived in Sydney, Australia on North Street and.
He was popped out of the doorway and he came up to the to a person and he said, uh, he'd give him a gospel tract. And he said, Sir, are you saved? Have you died tonight when you go to heaven? And he did that and he did that for many years and through that man that was collected to hundreds of souls got saved through that your man, he didn't know about it. And he just came out and he said.
Sir, are you saved?
Did you die tonight? Would you go to heaven? And there is a question for you tonight. If you die tonight, would you go to hell? And it is appointed as a man once to die and after this adjustment.
You know the Lord Jesus has made full permission.
Full provision and he went to the cross of Calvary.
2000 years ago because he saw you and I and our Richard Condition as guilty, lost sinners, guilty, guilty, guilty.
I'm able to save ourselves without hope and without God in the world.
And yet you went to that cross to die for the life of me.
And there in those dark hours, and Calvary's cross see more in my sins, in his own body, in this on the on on the truth. Do you know that you sinned against God?
And those scenes that separated you from the holy God. God cannot have skin in his presence. He is a holy God. God is of pure eyes than to behold iniquity. He cannot look upon sin. And so how wonderful it is that he's provided a way we're behind. We can be in His presence whereby we could spend an eternity with him. We're fine. We can hear that shout that'll take us to be with Him.
You know it says and John 10 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish. Do you know the voice of the shepherd? Do you know his voice?
You know, if you don't know Christ as your Savior, you'll never hear the shout, though you won't. You won't hear the shout. Everybody will be gone, left behind.
For the judgment of God. And so how important it is.
That, and I say this again, time is running out for this world.
And I believe that we're just about home. I believe we are just about home. How wonderful the the prospect that is for you and I that belong to the Lord Jesus Christ and know him as Lord and Savior of our life. And so here in Noah's day, there was this flood that came and you know, it says only eight souls were saved.
Only eight souls were saved when the Titanic sank back in 1919.
There were thousands of souls that went to a Wadi region.
But the carpet came along a little after the boat went down.
And picked up the survivors, I forget how many there were, that the Carpathia picked up and brought them into the New York, into the New York harbor. And there were loved ones there. And they were looking to see if one of their loved ones was saved.
If one of their loved ones were saved and counting the people that came by and looking eagerly.
He didn't know. We're looking tonight to you children that are sitting in your seat beside you, your mother and father.
Are you saved? Do you know Jesus as your savior?
All those souls came off the Carpathia, and then a man shouted. That's all, that's all, that's all.
What a solemn thing to see the door of the Day of Grace closed.
And forever too late, too late.
As the song says, too late, too late will be the cry Jesus of Nazareth has passed by.
Matthew, Chapter 24.
Matthew, Chapter 24.
1St 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the thin man be for as the days that were before the flood.
They were eating and drinking and marrying and giving in marriage until the day that no entity art and knew not until God.
Until the flood took them all away.
So shall it coming under the Son of Man be.
I was downtown on.
I think it was Thursday.
Downtown Atlanta and as my custom is, is giving out tracks down there, I've given out thousands down there.
And I came across a man at Woodruff Park.
And this man was sitting there, and I've seen.
What a a recluse or a.
A donor oder a homeless person. Looks like because there's many of them in downtown Vancouver where I go.
This man taught the mall. I have never seen the likes of a man like this to describe it. It would be I, I, I just couldn't do it. He was an awful looking man. And he was just sitting there and I came by and I said, Sir, here's something for you.
What his reaction? He said to me, go away, go away. And he was yelling at me, go away.
Think of the heart of God.
And a person hearing the gospel or a person getting the gospel tract and they're saying go away, don't bother me, I don't want that. Are you saying that?
Maybe you're saying we'll all waste time a little little older.
You see, maybe at when I'm about 6-7 or eight, and that's the time to come. No, he says. Behold, now is the accepted time. Behold, now is the day of.
Behold, now is the day of salvation.
Sometimes you have a blank.
Wonderful. Have you come tonight?
Let's go to.
Chapter 8.
First six, set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm. For love is stronger, strong as death, jealousy is true as the grave. The coals there are, are coals of fire, which hath a most Bohemian thing.
Many waters could not quench love, nor floods drown it. I'm talking about my Savior, the Lord Jesus. When He was up there in that cross, in those three hours of darkness, many waters could not.
Quench love to think that the Lord Jesus Christ in those dark hours was thinking of you.
His love for you, it could not be quenched because he didn't want to send you a lost eternity.
He wanted to save you and take you to His wonderful home in heaven.
Oh God, what a savior. Do you really know this person?
Think of Him there on that cross, forsaken of a holy righteous sin, handing God darkness.
What He went through there, you know what he did? You know what he did? He bore my sin and his own body in the tree. Can you say that tonight that he bore my sins in his own body and tree? Oh, He's a wonderful Savior if you really want to know him.
You come to him tonight. Tomorrow may be too late. Psalm 69.
Psalm 69 again here the sufferings of the Lord on Calvary's cross. Save me, oh God, for the waters are coming into my soul. I think indeed, Myers, where there is no standing, I am coming to deep waters where there are floods overflow me. You think in looking in the book of Jeremiah, there was Jeremiah, and you know what they did to him.
Because he was preaching, because he was warning Israel upcoming judgment that was going to come upon them and he was warning them. And what did they do? They put Jeremiah in a in a dungeon. And it says that they let Jeremiah down. And Jeremiah, it says he sank in the mind, He sank in the mire. But oh, think of it. The tights fall so very, very short.
Our blessed Lord there on calories crossed, I sink in deep mire where there is no stand. What a God we have, What a Savior we have. He did this for you and I because we sinned against Him. He wants to save us. He wants to take us to His wonderful home in heaven. Do you know what it says in John 14 in my father's house or many mansions? If it were not so, I would have told you I'd go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you?
I will come again and receive you unto myself, that where I am, there ye may be also. You can be there. Yes, you can, because the invitation is there. And you know what is he saying to you tonight? He's saying, come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. I want to save you. He wants to take you to his wonderful home in heaven. I think indeed, Meyer, where there is no standing.
There was Jeremiah. They put him in that, in that pit, and Jeremiah sank in the Meyer. Why? Why did they do that? You know, I got to say this. I hope this is all right to say it. Jeremiah is my Cheryl. Yes, he is. You know why? Because he kept on preaching.
He did. He kept on preaching that judgment is coming. And so tonight I'm telling you that judgment is coming.
And then we're gonna keep on saying it.
Time is running out.
It's running out. I feel that the Lord's coming is very soon. If I was to look and ask every quite a numbers of people in the audience say do you think the Lord is coming soon, it would be a resounding yes.
He's coming. His coming is as sure as it dawn. You think of that man quite a little while ago. He says the Lord's coming is going to be on May 21St, 6:00 PM Saturday. You know what happened? The Lord didn't come.
You know what happened. I believe that as many said, see, I told you so.
I told you so, but you know he is going to come.
What a terrible thing would be to be lost, to be left behind for the judgment of God.
Jeremiah Oh, I love that man. He just kept on preaching. And you know, beloved ones, it's a wonderful thing to just keep on preaching and keep telling out the love of Christ to a lost world.
How wonderful. What a wonderful privilege to hold forth the word of life to a lost world.
This last.
Three months or so, I've given out thousands of trucks in downtown Atlanta. I've had a lot of people come to me, and I've had a lot of comments come to me. I just pray that those tracks will fall into good hands and bear fruit.
And souls will be saved.
Chapter 2.
Verse 3 For thou hast cast me into the deep.
In the midst of the Seas and the floods compass me about all lie billows, and I waves passed over me. Verse FIVE. The waters compass me about even to the soul. The depth closed me round about. The weeds were wrapped about my head. I went down to the bottoms of the mountains. The earth where the bars was about me forever.
Yet that was brought up my life from corruption. Oh Lord my God again, again thinking of the sufferings of the Lord Jesus on Calvary's cross. We'll never know the depth to what he he went through for you and I. I'd like to quote this and him 245 in verse two says this and I believe it's very nice that this hymn very fitting the depth.
Of all thy sufferings no heart could ere conceive the cup of wrath or flowing for us Thou didst receive, and oh, of God forsaken on the accursed tree, with grateful hearts. Lord Jesus, we do remember thee to think of what He went through there on that cross for you and I Why? Why? Because He loved you.
Because he loved you and wanted to save you. That's it. He did that all for me on Calvary's cross.
You can't even enter into it what the Lord suffered there on that cross.
But all I think of the love that held him there on that cross, not the nails, it's often been said, but love for you and I love, love, love.
Second Peter chapter.
Second Peter, chapter 3, verse 3.
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts, and saying, Where is the promise of His coming? For since the Father's fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation. For this they willingly are ignorant of that the world word of God, the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in water, whereby the world.
That then was being overflowed with water perished. But the heavens and the earth, which are now by the same word, are kept in store, reserved unto fire, against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
Again, I'm going to say that judgment is coming. Judgment is coming upon this world. Can't you see the course of this world tonight?
What an awful, wicked, wicked world in which we are living.
Man wants to do anything that comes into his mind and he does it.
The pleasures of sin for a season. That's it. The pleasures of sin for a season. And that's all it is. It's only gonna last for a season.
But you know something, the Lord Jesus shed his precious blood and Calvary's cross. Yes, he did. Oh, I think of it that there on that cross when the Lord Jesus was there.
He gave up his life.
Do you know the Roman soldier came by and they break the legs of the two thieves?
And when they came to Jesus, they said they saw that he was dead already, it says. But one of the soldiers took a spear and pierced his side. And forthwith there came out blood and water, that blood to save you and I, The blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanseth us from all sin. You cannot get to heaven.
The blood of Christ, you can't get to heaven without the work of Christ. It's all been done for you. Think of it there. The Lord was on that cross and he cried out those words. It is finished. Everything has been done and to accomplish your salvation now. Wonderful. What a wonderful message we have to to to tell to a lost world.
Finished work, nothing to do and so many are occupied with I'll do this and I'll do that.
That'll help towards my salvation. No, it won't. For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. You know, I believe this is an insult to God to say I can get to heaven by my own works. Yes, it is. It's all been done. Done.
Done. Everything has been done. He did it all for you and I, and there's nothing left for you to come and say. And I'll say it again. Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest all you want to rest. And this world cannot give you any rest. This world has got nothing to give.
Let me tell you something.
Most of you probably don't know me.
I was I I was born and raised in Vancouver, BC.
And, uh, I grew up.
I, I came to Sunday school, yes I did. And I heard the gospel, I heard the news of salvation and I heard it many, many times over and over and over again. And you know, I would go out of the out of the room in Large St.
Uh, still.
A loss center.
I did that for 24 years.
Think of the 24 years. And yet God in his sovereign grace, Satan.
When's the time to come?
It's when you're young.
Remember now thy creator in the days of thy youth. I'm I'm looking at all you children that are sitting beside your mother and father here tonight.
The time to come to Christ is when you're young.
Just a simple confession of the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, will you save me from all my sin?
Just a little prayer like that, you know, like the.
Uh, publicans said God, be merciful unto me, a Sinner. That's simple, isn't it? He, He? It only says a simple thing. Believe.
It only says a simple thing, believe and live. God didn't give you some something complicated to get saved. No, it's just a simple belief and what the Lord Jesus has done for you.
On Calvary's cross and shedding his precious blood for you. What a savior.
Where is the promise of his coming?
And you know that is true today of many souls. Where is the promise of His coming? For 2000 years the gospel has gone forth. Where is the promise of his coming? But you know, one day will be the last. I'll say this again, time is running out. You know what this this says to come in, come in. That's the invitation tonight.
Time is running out for this world. Come in. What a solemn thing it would be. Do you think of those?
Souls along the Atlantic Coast there, some of them stayed behind and lost their souls and lost their lives. Some of them challenged God, challenged Irene.
For their own destruction.
A solemn thing. I say this tonight.
Will your anchor hold in the floods of death? Will your anchor hold? You need an anchor.
Fastened to the rock net rock is Christ. Fastened to the rock which cannot move, He is the rock.
Long time ago.
Umm, in Newfoundland, Uh, Don Don Belasoli and I.
Uh, we were gonna have a open air meeting in this little village and, uh, I had to do some, some umm, uh, running around in town and he said to me, he said, well, I'll meet you on the rock.
And I said, well, Don, where is the rock? Oh, you'll know. You'll know. And so I came back to this village. It's called Fox's Roost. That's the name of the village, Fox's Roost. And there in the middle of the town was this huge rock.
And it was a perfect amphitheater for talking to the children just there. There must have been fifty children there.
And I never forget that scene when I saw all those children. Uh, I wonder where they are today. I wonder if they're fastened to the rock, which cannot move. He is the rock.
He is the rock.
Firm and steadfast, do you know?
In Psalm 40 it says this. Uh, let's turn to that before I forget Psalm 40.
Psalm 40I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined into me, and heard my cry.
He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, and out of the miry clan, Set my feet upon a rock and established my going, And he hath put a new song in my mouth. Even Praise unto our God, and many shall see it in fear and trust in the Lord.
I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Have ye? Has the Lord Jesus heard your cry?
Call upon me in the day of trouble, and I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.
Don't wait for a day of trouble to come to him. Come now. And so it says here he brought me up also out of a horrible pit. That's what he's done for me, brought me out of a horrible pit. You know what it says? The margin says a pit of noise. A pit of noise. And isn't that what characterizes the day in which we're living?
Noise, noise, noise, the stereo, the television, yelling, screaming and everything else. Epitome. Thank God I've been saved from all that by His grace. He brought me up and set my feet upon a rock and established my door. How wonderful. He's given me direction in my life, and not only that, He's put a song in my nose. A song, dear, one that'll go on.
For all eternity unto Him that loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood.
To Him be glory and dominion, forever and ever, for all eternity will praise that blessed One who so loved us and gave himself for us. Oh, what a God to praise him, to thank Him. Put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God. Turn with me now to revelation.
Chapter 22.
Revelation chapter 22.
Verse 17.
And the Spirit and the Bride say come.
Huawei, you remember in Genesis 7 and one it says, Come all thou and all thy house into the ark. Here it is that same word, the very last words of this precious book of the Word of God, come.
Come, and let the Spirit and the Bride say, Come, let him let hearest they come, and let him that is athirst come, and whosoever will let him take the water of life.
Freely it's free it's free think of it the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord It's free nothing to do but come to the Lord Jesus and this wonderful are you thirsty? That's what this verse is that is saying him that is a thirst come oh there are so many in this world that are.
Of the pleasures of this world.
They don't last. I proved it myself as a young man.
Now none but Christ can satisfy.
He satisfy at the long and soul, and filleth the hungry soul with practice.
Yeah, if you come to Jesus, you'll find a wonderful Savior, one that will look after you and care for you and bless you and keep you every day of your life.
Every day of your life. So I guess I I don't know whether.
To say something like this in the gospel meeting. But in two weeks I'm gonna hit the big gate. Oh.
Yeah, when I looked back in my life.
Oh, friend.
What a wonderful God that I've had.
How he's looked after me all my life. I failed him so many times.
So many times that he's never failed me. I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. Do you know this wonderful person, the Lord Jesus Christ?
And whosoever will see that word, whosoever that means everybody in this room, whosoever will let him taste the water of life freely, It's free.
Take the water of life freely.
One last verse, Luke chapter 16.
MMM, OK, I'll read from.
Verse 19. There was a certain rich man which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and paired sumptuously every day. And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which laid at his gate full of sores, and desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table. Moreover, the dogs came and licked his sores, and it came to pass that the beggar died and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom.
The rich man also died and was buried, and in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. And Abraham said, Son, remember.
That thou in thy lifetime receiveth thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things. But now he is comforted, and now are tormented. And besides all lists between US and you there's a great gulf fix. So that they which would pass from hence to you cannot, neither can they pass to us that would come from dance.
Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou would send him to my father's house, for I have 5 brethren, that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham said unto unto him, They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophet.
Neither will they be persuaded, though. 1 rose from the dead, you know.
The word of God.
Shows us the way of salvation.
You don't have to go into lost eternity.
It's all written here for you.
The way of salvation.
Here was this man, this rich man, He had everything. He had everything, but he didn't have Christ.
He didn't have Chris.
And he asked, he said, where you get Lazarus to come and just a little dip his finger and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. You know what I want to bring out is this. There's going to be no water in hell.
Nowhere. What a solemn thing to go into a lost eternity.
Tier One tonight. Are you saved? Do you know Christ as your Savior? If you were to die tonight, would you go to? Would you go to heaven? Would you? Can you answer that question? How about it, dear young boy, Dear young girl, sitting beside your mother and father, are you saved? If you were to die tonight, would you go to heaven? If I was to die tonight? Yes. Resoundedly, yes.
I would go to heaven and that's my future, my future.
Is all in crisis? What about your future? What about your future? Are you saved, dear one, tonight? Christ is the Savior of sinners. Christ is the Savior for me. Can you say that? Let's thank the Lord?
Loving Father, we just want to thank Thee for Thy precious word. Surely Thy precious word, word show us the way of salvation.