Flowers - Beware!

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 6
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THERE IS in the Himalaya Mountains certain flowers whose odors make travelers fall into a very relaxed sleep. To neutralize and guard themselves, the people of the country have another plant that they carry with them.
This flower is a magnificent plant with a seductive thorn. But you cannot pass nor be among these flowers without being attacked by a dangerous sleep. They are not poisonous, but those that fall into this sleep die at the end of about twelve days, not because they are poisoned, but only from the lack of food and water.
Such is the effect also of the pleasures of this world. It might be that there is nothing bad in these pleasures themselves, but they cause the soul to sink into a sleep towards the realities of spiritual things. Thus, the real needs of the soul are neglected and the end can be tragic.
The remedy for this is found in the Word of God. Here we find water to quench our thirst and Christ — the bread of life to satisfy our hunger. Here also we find warning as to the pleasures of this world and their seductive influences.
AWAKE — “thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.” Eph. 5:1414Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. (Ephesians 5:14).