Preaching in the Hayfield

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 5
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AN EARNEST gospel preacher was one day driving down a country road and passed a hayfield where a farmer was working. The farmer never attended any of the gospel services but the preacher stopped for a chat anyway.
Suddenly there was the far off rumble of thunder and black storm clouds began to blow up from the horizon. The farmer was greatly distressed lest his hay should get a soaking and was for rushing to the barn for a team when the preacher offered his horse for the work. The farmer declined, but the Christian man persisted, and pulling off his coat went to work, helping the farmer load the hay on his wagon. Just as they got to the barn the rain came pouring down.
The farmer took out his check book and said, “How much do I owe you, sir?”
“O nothing,” replied the preacher; “nothing at all.”
But the farmer insisted on paying him for his work.
“Well, my friend,” said the gospeler, “did you ever hear an Irishman preach?”
“No,” said the farmer.
“Well, you come to the gospel next Sunday and you’ll hear one. Come, and we’ll call it even.”
The farmer agreed, and for the first time in many years he sat under the preaching of the Word of God. He found out that the man who could pitch hay could preach the gospel too. He saw himself a sinner before God and was convicted.
But he bowed before the message of the love of the Saviour and of the grace that puts all our sins away. He believed it, to the eternal salvation and blessing of his soul.