Following Hard after Christ

Duration: 44min
Psalm 63
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Address—G.H. Hayhoe
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I'd like you to turn with me this afternoon to the 63rd Psalm, Psalm 63 messing up the first verse.
Oh God, thou art my God early when I seek Thee, my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longest for Thee, in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is to see Thy power and Thy glory. So as I have seen thee in the sanctuary, because thy loving kindness is better than life, my lips shall praise Thee.
Will I bless Thee while I live, I will lift up my hands in Thy name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, and my mouth shall praise Thee with joyful lips. When I remember Thee upon my bed and meditate on Thee in the night watches because Thou hast been my help. Therefore in the shadow of Thy wings will I rejoice.
My soul followeth hard after thee.
Thy right hand upholdeth me, but those that seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword, they shall be apportioned for foxes. But the King shall rejoice in God. Everyone that sweareth by him shall glory, but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped.
Well, I thought in reading this Psalm today is that it brings before us the Lord is the one who is able to satisfy our thirst. He's the one who, as it says in the fifth verse, shall be satisfied with marrow and with fatness. And in the eighth verse, my soul followeth hard after thee. You know, it's not just no doctrine. It's not just to know a great deal about the truth of the Bible.
But is to have a person before us and when God would bring this before our hearts. It's lovely to see that he picks up a person who is in very difficult and trying circumstances. There's a little heading on this Psalm tells us a Psalm of David when he was in the wilderness of Judah. We know that David was anointed to be God's king.
But he was haunted and persecuted by Saul.
And he had to flee for his life, hiding in caves, being haunted here and there. And what was it that filled his heart with joy and rejoicing in those adverse conditions? It was the Lord. And so it is today. No matter how adverse our conditions, no matter how difficult the time in which we live, no matter how trying.
The Lord is sufficient.
No, it's lovely to see how that.
In inspiration, God takes up different people and puts them in different positions and conditions and then uses them to write His word. Some have thought that the Bible was just written as if they will say a man might dictate a letter to his stenographer and she writes it down. Well, maybe her heart is in what?
The employer is saying, and maybe it is not, but you know, the Bible has not been written that way.
God has put people in certain positions and then has filled their hearts with joy and rejoicing and has used them to write His word. If He wanted to show us the emptiness of things in this world, He didn't pick up a man who had nothing. He didn't pick up a man who was at the bottom of the ladder, who hadn't learned what success is.
No, if he was going to show us the emptiness of the world, he picks up a man who had everything.
And that's the book of Ecclesiastes. Here was a man, King Solomon, I suppose we could say he rose to the highest pinnacles of success. He was a great king. He was the wisest in his generation. He had, shall I say, money without limit. He had influence without limit. And it tells us I withheld not my heart from any joy. He tried everything.
And as I say, he was in a position to try it to the full. And what was the result of it? Well, God used him to write the book of Ecclesiastes. And after trying everything and enjoying it as much as it was possible for him to enjoy as a natural man, he said all is vanity and vexation of spirit.
And so if God wanted to show us how He was sufficient to fill the heart of a person.
He takes a person who is in the most trying and difficult position. He takes the Apostle Paul, and here he was in a Roman prison, denied all the natural things of life, with hardly enough food to eat, so that he could say, I know both how to be abased and I know how to abound. He know how to be knew how to be full. He knew how to be hungry.
And there in the prison did he say all his vanity and vexation of spiritual spirit.
Oh no, his heart was overflowing. And from that prison he wrote the beautiful Epistle to the Ephesians and the Epistle to the Philippians and many others, to show that his heart was abundantly satisfied with the Lord Jesus. And so, dear young person, perhaps you think I'm going to study hard. I'm going to get a good job. And when I have plenty, and when I have.
Then I'll be satisfied. But perhaps she'll be just like the King Solomon. And when you get it all, you'll find out then, to your dismay and to your sorrow, that it doesn't satisfy. But if you set the Lord before your soul and seek to live for him, you may be deprived of health, you may be deprived of friends, You may be.
In need in one way or another.
And yet within your heart you will have a satisfaction and a joy that God only can give, because you know God has made the human heart so that He alone can fill it. He never intended that our hearts should be filled and satisfied with material things. He never intended that there should be enough.
In all the wonders and in all the wealth of this world, to satisfy one single soul.
Because it says, what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? So if you could accumulate all the wealth of the world, if you could find out all the learning of this world, it would not satisfy. And dear young people, it's a grand thing to find this out while you're young.
It's a sad thing when you have to find it out later in life when you've spent the best of your life and you have to look upon it and say.
Like Israeli, the Prime Minister of England said, He said youth is a mistake, manhood is a struggle and old age is regret. That was his retrospect on life. But all how different for one who knows the Lord is his savior and sets out in youth to follow him. Just think of such a man as John Nelson Darby, a man who was born into a very.
And wealthy family. And yet he gave up his life to serve and follow the Lord. And as he came to the end of his life, did he look back and say youth is a mistake, manhood is a struggle, old ages, regrets all know. As he approached the end of his life, his heart was filled with joy and happiness, and he looked back and was glad.
That he had spent at least part of his life.
For the one who loved him so much and dear young people, this is the burden of my heart this afternoon.
I'd like you to discover while you're still young, what is really worthwhile. What strikes me and going to school in these days is that young people have to decide quite in quite low grades what they plan to do. And so by the time you come to entrance, you come to Grade 8, they're already trying to get you.
Interested in different callings in life?
So that you can make your decisions and study the right subjects so that you will be able to go forward and make progress. Now, if it's possible for a young person in grade 8, perhaps 12/13/14 years of age, to be making decisions about what he's going to do when he's grown up, isn't it also possible for you at the age of 12/13/14?
To be setting your sights a little higher than the things of this life.
Then just thinking about what you're going to follow as a material way of providing your income, isn't it better to set your sights, shall I say, at that age or those things that really count, that you might first of all receive the Lord as your Savior and plan your life?
Saw that you would be able to live for him. How often a young person finds out.
When he has gone so far that he has become involved in something, that's going to make it very, very hard for him or her to follow the Lord Jesus. And so I want to encourage you to realize that the Lord Jesus is the one who is worth living for. He is the one who can truly satisfy your heart.
The one who made your heart. The one who made this world.
Has something better than material things to fill the heart? He himself must do it. Adam made his great mistake when he thought that departing from God was going to bring him happiness. He took of that forbidden fruit, and misery and sorrow came into this world. But you and I can realize that.
This same Blessed One who planted that garden and placed out a minute has loved us so much.
Now that he sent his Son to die for us, as someone has said, when Adam sinned and was driven out of the first paradise, God said, well I know you've failed and you've lost the first paradise, but I'm going to open a better one to you. And so the Lord Jesus went to the cross of Calvary and died, and he's gone up on high and he has opened the door of a paradise that is infinitely better.
Than the Garden of Eden He has opened the door of heaven so that we might enjoy in his presence all that is in his heart and all that he wants us to enjoy forever and forever. And it's down here in this world that we can begin to learn about these eternal things. We can live for the Lord even here. So let us notice here in our Psalm and remember that David was.
Very difficult spot. He was being haunted by Saul. His life was in constant danger, but he said, oh God, thou art my God. Now I want to ask if there's anyone here that's not saved. You can't say that God is your God. You can't say that Christ is your savior.
Until you have received Him into your heart by faith.
And if there's anyone here that has not done this, what a wonderful thing it would be if you received them as your Savior today. There's no better time than right now to bow your head and bow your heart in His presence and acknowledge that you're a lost Sinner. Acknowledge that you deserve his judgment, and thank the Lord Jesus for dying in that cross of Calvary for you. He wants you to be saved. And then you'll be able to look up and say.
God is my God.
Christ is my Savior, the Lord is my shepherd, God is my Father. When Paul was in need in prison, he could say, my God shall supply all your need. And to think that the God who made this whole universe is the one you can say he's my God and he's my Father.
What an immense privilege, what a grand thing. And it's all by a simple decision.
In receiving Christ as your Savior. And then it says early, will I seek thee? Well, this is just what I was Speaking of. I don't say, well, when I get to be about 25 or 30 or perhaps later, I think then after I've tried out what this world has to offer, I think then I'd like to start and follow the Lord.
It says early will I seek thee?
Early. How soon can you start by little? Little Hymn says a little child of seven or even three or four may enter into heaven through Christ, the open door. Yes, you can do it very young. And more than this, while you're still young, you can set out to follow him.
King Josiah was eight years old when he came to the throne and Judah. And by the time he was 16 years old, it was in his heart to establish the Kingdom in such a way as it would be honoring to the Lord. And he began to break down the graven images and to establish the Kingdom in a way that was pleasing to God. Imagine at 16 years of age you say when I'm 16.
I can get my car license and I can do this and that. I can do a lot of things.
When I'm 16, but what was he thinking about when he came sixteen at 16 years of age, he was breaking down those idols, those idols that perhaps you and I are setting up in our hearts. Those things that we think are going to make life really worthwhile. While he was breaking them down and he was establishing the worship of the Lord God's land at 16 years of age.
Early realize safety. Oh dear young people.
Begin early to follow Christ. He's worthy of everything and He doesn't want to take away your happiness. We'll notice how the happiness increases in this chapter as he learns that the Lord can satisfy and sets out to follow him. There is an increase in the note of praise, which we shall notice through the song. That is very beautiful because the Lord doesn't want to rob you of happiness. He's open heaven so you can be happy forever.
Those who reject Christ will be in a state of unhappiness, misery, sorrow, under the judgment of God forever. He wants you to be happy.
My soul thirsteth, for they now notice it doesn't say My soul thirst is for knowledge.
He didn't want to have a great deal of knowledge. Perhaps you say, well, I just like to understand. The whole Bible seems so difficult to me.
Somebody came to a servant of the Lord one time and he said, he said, I'd like to get hold of the truth of the Bible.
And this brother replied, he said, I'd like the truth of the Bible to get hold of me. Well, you may get a great deal of knowledge.
But here it says My soul thirsteth after thee. Would you like to be able to understand the Bible? Do you find many verses as you read and you say they're so difficult? I don't understand them. I just can't seem to get hold of it. Well, my soul thirsteth after thee, and I can assure you of this, the more that your soul is thirsting after him.
The more your heart is really longing after Christ.
The more you understand the Bible, the more you'll understand it. When those two were walking on the road to a Mass and the Lord came and caught up with them, they got a tremendous knowledge of the Scripture. In a very short period of time, probably a question of a couple of hours, they got an outline of the most marvelous truths in the Bible and why.
Because the Lord Jesus was with them, they were walking in his company.
They were walking in His company and their young person. If you want to get a knowledge of the truth of God, walk in the company of the Savior. Walk in the company of the Savior and I'm sure if you walk in His company you will get to know more of Him.
My soul thirsteth after thee. That is, are there really longings in your heart after Christ? I'm sure if you came to these meetings.
And there was a friend who perhaps lived in another city. Do you know that friend was going to be here? You were looking forward to meeting that friend and now you're enjoying that friends company. And you say I was looking forward to it for a week and now I can enjoy that friends company. Well, here it tells us, my soul thirsteth after thee, are we?
Longing after the enjoyment of the presence of the Lord Jesus.
Is it possible to walk through life with the Lord Jesus as our companion, as our friend? Yes, it is.
Enoch walked with God. I don't believe he knocks eyes his whole lifetime ever saw God physically.
But he walked with God. How could that be? Well, he walked by faith, and everything in his life referred to God. It was an evil day.
Things were getting worse and worse. The flood was looming when God was going to wipe this earth out with a flood except for eight souls. And yet here was a man in the midst of that, and he walked with God. And you, dear young person, can consciously walk in the company of the Lord Jesus. You can walk just as if he was beside you.
Do you really desire this? Can you say, like David said here, my soul thirsteth after thee? And he said My flesh longeth. Were they not only my soul, but my flesh? He said. When he said that, I believe he means that very often we find this world a worrisome place.
I'm sure there isn't a young person here that doesn't get discouraged sometimes.
And you say, well, I know I'm trying to follow the Lord, but I get discouraged. Well, he says, my soul thirsteth after thee, my flesh longest for thee. That is. Perhaps we could put it like this. He longed to be at home. He longed to be with the Lord, where he can enjoy his company to the bulls. Why? Because he found this world.
A dry and thirsty land where no water is.
And as one person remarked, every person in this world has found out that the world doesn't satisfy or he's going to find it out. He's either found it out, he's going to find it out. This world is a dry and thirsty land where no water is. There may be something you think, if I get that.
If I get such and such a thing.
Then how happy I'm going to be. But when we get that thing, you'll find it doesn't satisfy. It doesn't satisfy. And that's true of every single thing that you can seek after in this world.
But if you're, if you're seeking after Christ, if you're seeking to follow him to walk in his company, you'll not be disappointed. But I tell you again, this world is a dry and thirsty land where no water is.
It cannot satisfy the possession of those things, cannot satisfy your inner longings, for the soul is the seed of the appetites and desires of the man, and there's nothing in this world that can satisfy them. And he says to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary.
Might mention in connection with this verse that at this time David was not able to go into the House of the Lord because he was haunted and persecuted.
But he remembered those happy times, and in his possession of being deprived of it, why, he remembered all about it. He said, to see thy power and thy glory. Notice those two things. Thy power does the Lord have power to undertake for us in every situation.
There's never a circumstance, there's never a situation that's too difficult for the Lord.
Perhaps you'll find yourself in a difficult spot. You say, I don't know how I can get help in this particular position. Well, the one to whom we turn has all power. He may deliver you out of the circumstance, or He may leave you in it, but there's no question that He has power, and we rely upon His power. That power is soon going to be openly displayed by taking us out of this world altogether.
Because when the Lord Jesus gives the shout, we're going to be taken out of this world. That voice that will speak will have such power that every saved person in this room, if he were to come now, just go right up and the ceiling would be no obstacle. We go right into his presence. He has power. The power that he displayed here as man, the power that was displayed when Christ was raised from the dead, that power is toward us.
And it says thy power and thy glory.
Someone has defined glorious manifest of excellence, manifested excellence. Now you know there's a lot of human glory.
You can buy magazines that tell you about all the wonderful things that men are inventing in these days. It's amazing what God has allowed man to discover the things that he has found.
In the material universe and how he has been able to use the laws of nature and how he has been able to make use of the materials that God has put in this world and put them to such uses that it truly is amazing. And many people are just stunned at all the progress. They talk about living in a period when man is breaking through, when he is just coming to the point where he is learning more of the wonders of this.
Just imagine being able to make a shot at the moon and they go even farther yet if God doesn't intervene. Think of all that he's done with young people. There is a scene of glory waiting you.
That far exceeds all these things. Who put all these marvelous things in this creation in which we live? This God who put them here, who gave man the ability to discover them? God gave them that ability.
You think God doesn't have something better from all that for you all? I tell you that when I get home to glory and put our foot inside that glorious home above, we're going to think, why did we ever think men's inventions were so wonderful? It's going to be so grand and so glorious that I'm just waiting for that. I'm just waiting for that time.
When we step inside that home above and see what God.
Has prepared for those that love him. All the best of this world will look exceedingly dim. And here was a man out of the woods in the forest, his life being haunted, and what was he desiring? What was he saying? I wish I could get back and enjoy the comforts of the court and all the fine things that I could have as a king.
Now he said, to see thy power and thy glory.
Dear young person, do you ever get homesick for having you ever have longings for that scene that awaits you with Christ in glory? I hope you do, I hope you do. You never have had lungs for what awaits you there. You've missed a great deal. Because what the Lord has for His own is infinitely better than the best that this world has to offer. So he tells us in the next verse.
Because thy loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall praise thee. The magazine called Life. This magazine devotes itself to all the things that can be seen under the sun, takes up new subjects and shows what man has, is doing and two men of the world. That's life.
But I can tell you there's something better than life. Better than life.
That is, to enjoy the loving kindness of God. How many people have material things and don't have love? Don't have love? It has been said that what every heart desires is satisfied affections, satisfied affections, and you can have all these material things and not have satisfied affections.
But to enjoy the love of God in your soul is the best thing that you can have in life. It's better than what the world calls life.
You say I'm going to see life and you'll see death, you'll see misery, you'll see sorrow, you'll see disappointment. But if you say I want to enjoy the love of God more than I do, they want to walk in the sunshine of His love more than I do, well then you have something that is really worthwhile. Thy loving kindness is better than life.
Oh, don't allow anything, dear young person in your life.
And robs you of the enjoyment of the love of Christ. If you do, you have allowed the first thing to come in to make you an unhappy person, to get you away from the Lord, to perhaps ruin your life. Thank God a true Christian can never be lost. But there are things that can come into a Christian's life that can make him the most unhappy person. Indeed, I have said.
A Christian can be the happiest person on earth.
Or he can be the most miserable. Say, what do you mean the most miserable? Well, when you're saved, you're spoiled for this world. You can never enjoy the world in the same way as you did in your unconverted days after you're saved, you're spoiled for it. And if you don't enjoy the Lord, you're going to be a miserable person, a miserable person.
Of thy loving kindness is better than life. And now he says.
My lips shall praise thee. Yes. Here's the beginning of rejoicing. It causes praise. And I'll tell you this, that if you're enjoying the love of Christ in your soul, I don't need to ask you if you're happy. I don't need to ask. I know you are. I know there's praise in your heart. But if you're not, you're not happy. As a Christian, you're not happy. Maybe you look at some other Christian. You say, I wish I was happy.
Lord like he is. And why is it? Is the Lord not sufficient to fill your heart? Yes, He's able to restore your soul. So it tells us here. Because thy loving kindness is better than life. My lips shall praise thee. Thus will I bless thee. While I live, I will lift up my hand in my name. I believe the thought in lifting up the hand is owning his lordship.
You know how during World War 2A, man raised their hand like this to Hitler, and this was the person that they honored. But you and I, to whom do we lift up our hands? We lift up our hands. We give honor to that one. We acknowledge Him as Lord. Who has authority, Who has the right to tell us what to do? Now the next one, the fifth verse.
Notice in the first verse it says, My soul thirsteth for thee. Now notice the fifth verse, my soul.
Shall be satisfied, my soul shall be satisfied. In the first verse there is a longing after the Lord, there is a desire created and there's a longing and now he comes to the point, he said my soul shall be satisfied. Or the other translation is my soul is satisfied, is satisfied. Yes, when we have.
Found in him the one who is able to fill the heart. Are we unsatisfied?
Do we say I need something more? My soul is satisfied. Yes, he does satisfy. He can satisfy. He will satisfy. Is he able to satisfy? In the year 1969? People say, well, of course, those things were all right for an age when people didn't know as much as they know today.
But with all we know today, that's all outdated.
Not as a dear young person, not isn't. The trouble with this world is that they're trying to find satisfaction apart from the source. Apart from the source, it's just as possible to be filled with joy, to be thoroughly satisfied in 1969 as it was 100 or 200 years ago.
My soul is satisfied and you show me a Christian young role.
Who is truly following the Lord? And I'll show you one who has found satisfaction. Satisfaction. Well, I don't say a person that's religious is found satisfaction. There are many religious people that are miserable. But we're talking now about a person. And that person is the Lord of life and glory. He is the man that died on Calvary's cross. He's the one that lives up on high.
My soul is satisfied as with marrow and fatness. I notice how the note of praise increases here. And my mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips.
As time goes on, as the joy getting less, is it becoming dimmed? Often when you set out for something, you work hard for it. There's the pleasure of anticipation, but when you get it, it's a disappointment.
But here is one, and he has set out to make the Lord his object. He set out to make the Lord the one to whom he lifted up his hand, for whom he lived. And when he gets hold of this, he can say, My soul is satisfied, My soul shall praise thee with joyful lips. Oh, he's not a disappointment, dear young people. And if you set out to follow him, if you live for him.
He'll not be a disappointment.
In all worldly possessions, the pleasure is in going after them. When when you get it, it doesn't satisfy. It's like a bubble, it bursts.
All heard of that great man. I believe it was Alexander the Great. And when he had conquered the known world at that time, he sat down and wept. Didn't he get his ambition? Yes, he got his ambition. He conquered the world. What did he weep for? Well, he wished there was another world to conquer. And my brother said to me.
He said he attended the graduating class in a school out in the West. And he said the man that spoke said, he said, never, never set your plans at something that you hope to attain to because you'll be disappointed when you attain it. Always set it higher than what you can attain to. Well, that's the world, dear friends. Isn't it a proof that it just doesn't have what satisfies? But my soul is satisfied.
Mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips, when I remember thee upon my bed and meditate on thee in the night watches because thou hast been my help. Therefore in the shadow of thy wings will I rejoice, when I remember thee upon my bed that is.
Often a person can be very happy and very vivacious and company what do they like when they get along?
And they get in their own room and they go to bed at night all maybe as they look back, they say, I made a fool of myself. I did a lot of crazy things. I wish I hadn't done them. But if you're following the Lord and you're living for him, isn't it nice? You can put your head on your pillow at night and you can look back and say, well, I'm glad I tried to live this day for Christ.
I'm glad that today I spent it attending that meeting at Hesperor. Yes, dear young person, at the end of the day.
Instead of looking back with regret and say, well, I made a fool of myself. I wish I hadn't done some of those things. Isn't it nice to seek to live the day so that when you put your head on your pillow at night, you can find the same blessed person that you were trying to live for right there beside you in the quiet of your own room, still able to fill your heart? And so that's what leads to the next verse and I'd like to call attention to.
It reads in the new translation. It says, Because thou has been my health, therefore in the shadow of thy wings I will sing for joy. So first of all, he says in the.
In the third verse my lips shall praise Thee, and the fifth verse he says, My mouth shall praise thee with joyful lips, and the seventh verse it says.
I will sing for joy.
How nice this is. Instead of the joy becoming less, the joy increases until he is found singing for joy. And it isn't in our own strength, it tells us here.
Thou hast been my help because I think I hear a young person saying, well, I've tried to follow the Lord, I've tried to live for him, but it's a difficult path, you know, brother, hey ho, it's it's not easy. It's it's hard.
Well, he'll give you help. We may pass through testings and trials. There may be difficulties, but the Lord will be your help. He'll not fail, Little Song says. Earthly friends may prove untrue. Doubts and fears assail 1 still loves and cares for you, and he will not fail.
Now this brings us to the last one.
My soul, follow us hard after thee. Thy right hand upholdeth me. First he's thirsting after the Lord, next he's satisfied with the Lord. And now there is a decision and a purpose. My soul followeth harder, we might say in modern English.
Close by, my soul followeth close to thee.
Close to thee all. May the Lord grant that this will be the decision of our hearts to say, stay close to His side, close enough, as the rest of the verse says, that He can uphold us. You remember when Peter got his eye off the Lord, he began to sink. But it's a good thing that he was close enough that the Lord was able to reach out and catch hold of him.
And all sometimes we follow afar off, we don't keep close to Him all let us make the habit of keeping close to Him. And if we have got away from him, if things have come in, he can restore. But I believe this could be and should be the decision of our hearts that we really want to.
Walk close to him.
We know that little hymn that we often sing. close to Thee, close to Thee, close to thee, close to thee. All along my children journey, keep me walking. Lord with thee He is enough. He can satisfy your heart, He can keep you close to Himself. He can restore you when you have wandered away.
Well then, there's just a little warning here. The ninth verse. Those that seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword. They shall be a portion for foxes.
There are always those who are trying to hinder us from following Christ. I remember a boy said to me when I was going to school and I told him I knew the Lord and I didn't want to do some of the things that he did. He said, well, I'm sorry for you, I'm sorry for you.
Yes, he pitied me because he thought he had a better time. The last I heard of him, he had anything but a good time. He'd had plenty of sorrow in his life. I wouldn't trade places with him for anything. Oh, dear friend, there may be young people at school. There may be friends that you meet and say, well, I'm sorry for you, you can't do this and that. No, you can feel sorry for them.
Indeed, I'll tell you that I said this to this boy I was going to high school.
And we were walking home from school, and that was when he said it. And I told him I was sorry for him, but he didn't know Christ. And when your friends tell you that they're sorry for you because you have to walk the straight and narrow path, you tell them what you have in Christ. You can well be sorry for them, because how short are their pleasures and then to be lost forever.
Oh, how awful. And another word I would say to there might be even a real Christian.
There would be a hindrance to you. It's a serious thing to hinder another Christian from following Christ. Dear young people, never do it. There's somebody else that you know that's trying to follow Christ. Be careful not to hinder another person from following the Lord. Not only for ourselves. The Bible says none of us liveth to himself and no man dies to himself.
So we may, may we not only live our own lives to please the Lord.
May we try to be a help to others too, so that we wouldn't hinder them in following this blessed, this wonderful Savior who can and does, fully and eternally satisfied.