SHALL I not walk the path Thou trodst,
Of sorrow and scorn?
Shall I not take the daily cross
By Thee so meekly borne?
Oh, yes! Lord, let it ever be
The same as ‘twas to Thee:
A frowning world―a darksome pass―
A wild and stormy sea!
Oft now I faint; but then I say,
My Saviour went before;
‘Tis not an unknown, untrod way,
And soon it will be o’er.
Oh, yes! and, were it fair and soft,
I might beguiled be,
To rest my heart and hopes in it,
Away from heaven and Thee!
But while it is so dark and cold,
It drives me nearer Thee;
Thou art the rock to which I cling
Amid life’s stormy sea!
The world may frown; it frowned on Thee!
Thy smile makes sorrow bright;
Thou’lt guide me o’er life’s stormy sea,
And make my darkness light!