Come, weary soul! with guilt oppressed;
Come! shelter on the Saviour’s breast;
Come! Jesus gives the weary rest;
COME! Jesus died for Thee!
None other name can save the soul;
None other name can make thee whole;
On Him, by faith, thy burden roll,
And stand divinely free!
There’s saving power in Jesus’ name;
The Lamb the Substitute became;
The Saviour bore the sinner’s shame
Himself the glory-realms on high;
Came down, the Holy One, to die:
Far off, His blood hath made me nigh;
It speaketh peace to thee!
Well nigh two thousand years ago,
“A stranger,” Jesus walked below,
Endured suffering, pain, and woe,
The Father’s will His plea.
God’s judgment on the cross He bore;
That bitterness of death is o’er:
Raised from the tomb, He dies no more;
He pleads on high for me.
Oh! why a single doubt retain?
He groaned, He died, He rose again!
Oh! why despise the Saviour’s pain?
His blood was shed for me.
My crimson sins He bore away;
My load of debt He deigned to pay;
The feast is spread; oh why delay?
Arias! He calleth thee!
Ah! ponder well what Christ hath done!
Behold Him! the ascended One!
His well-beloved! His only Son!
The Father gave for thee!
To God thy glad thanksgivings raise;
And witness, walking in His ways,
“He gave Himself for me!”