For What Reason Did Our Lord Embrace Manhood?

 •  1 min. read  •  grade level: 10
It was in Divine pity and love; in His atoning death on the cross to take the guilty sinner's place, satisfying thereby the righteous claims of a thrice-holy God, as to the whole question of sin, enabling Him to offer righteously to mankind the forgiveness of sins through faith in His name.
We know how prophecies were fulfilled to the letter in the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, His life, death, resurrection and ascension to God's right hand, an indubitable proof of the Divine inspiration of Holy Scripture. This leads us to our diagram. On the left you will notice two columns, one indicating the ascension of our Lord; the other indicating the descent of the Holy Spirit of God, which took place, as we know, on the historic day of Pentecost.