You will notice in our diagram, that the line of prophecy is suspended during the Church period, and that the Old Testament prophecies were largely connected with God's dealings with His chosen people, the Jewish nation. After the Church is raptured to glory, thus closing its earthly journey, the line of prophecy and its fulfillment will again be largely seen in connection with the Jewish nation, leading up to the appearing, when our Lord shall come to reign.
It has been often likened to a Jewish train, proceeding to station after station en route, being placed in a siding, until the express Church train shall have passed on its way to its terminus, the Father's house on high; and then the Jewish train will be brought out of the siding, to pursue its way to its terminus, the millennium, when Christ shall bring peace and joy to this poor stricken and troubled world, arid reign over His favored people for a thousand years, and as Son of Man over the whole world.
Alas! presumptuous and foolish men have indulged in date-setting, professing to be wiser than Scripture, turning the truth of the Lord's coming into ridicule, only to find in every case without exception their date-setting of the rapture has been proved to be false.