" God has not forgotten the Church which He gave to Christ; neither has the Lord forgotten it, nor yet the Holy Ghost.
If Satan decked the flesh in worldliness once, and made a counterfeit of this church, in Romanism,—God owned it not as His Church. And if by actings of God in providence, and of the Spirit by the word, many have been delivered, through grace, from the counterfeit-have they got into the enjoyment of the privileges and position God has reserved for them while still on the earth, as thus escaped? Protestantism, if it presents the proof that God is redeeming from Babylon, nowhere presents the redeemed in their proper scriptural position together as such.
If escaped from Babylon, let them look to it that they are not in Egypt, like Sarai in Pharaoh's house; and if consciously seeking the Lord's glory, let them not think they have escaped while on earth from the enmity and malice of the adversary. He hates them still, because he hates their Lord and all that is His. Hinder their coming into the glory he cannot; but he will do all he can to hinder their abundant entrance into it, and to mar the present testimony of the Lord for Himself, in and through them while on earth as an escaped few."