" He Shall Go No More Out."-3. Rev. 12.
To go no more out from the Lord,
No more from his presence depart,
What joy does the prospect afford,
To the grief-burden'd, sorrowing heart!
To be with the angels of light,
To share in their glories divine,
No more behold darkness or night!
This state, will it ever be mine?
To be changed from this body of death,
To be free from the power of sin,
Its load to escape from beneath,
And rise without blemish or stain,
To leave all corruption behind,
And faultless forever to be,
What joy to the sin-opprest mind!
And is it in prospect for me?
No more to feel sickness or pain,
No more to know hunger, or cold,
Nor ever of thirst to complain,
Nor Sun's scorching beams to behold;
To be where the Lamb is the light,
And the glory of God shall be known,
With luster transcendently bright,
Such bliss, will it e'er be my own?
The harp of my God in my hand,
His praises, forever to sing,
Amongst the redeem'd ones to stand,
Where Jesus, my Savior is King,
His face in the glory to see,
His name in my forehead to wear,
Is this mark of honor for me!
Shall I in these glories appear?
Yes, if I on Jesus rely;
The word has gone forth from my God,
Himself be can never deny,
But what he has said will make good;
That he who believeth shall live,
And share in these glories divine,
Then, if while I live, I believe,
How can they be other than mine?