IF you are to be happy it must be with God. In Christ, I get all my sins brought out in the day of grace, in the presence of divine perfect love that came about them. The perfectness of the love that is in Christ makes me glad to be in the light that shows me all that I am; it gives truth in the inward parts. God says, You are the vilest sinner, you are laboring and heavy laden, now you may come to Me and trust Me, it will be all right. Ah! it is a blessed thing to see truth in the inward parts, and to have confidence in a divine love that is above all the evil.
I’ve had all my sins entirely out before God and better known than I know them. I’ve had Christ confessing my sins as His own in the presence of a God of judgment. There is divine competency to bear our sins. We are in the dust as to ourselves, but we look up to God in the consciousness and certainty that He loves us as He loves Jesus Himself. That is the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free. Have you that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to know that God looks at you as white as snow? Does the light of God’s holiness make you happy or uncomfortable?