IT is with unfeigned joy that we received from America a printed appeal for earnest and united prayer sent forth by some gatherings of the Lord’s people. We give a few extracts from our correspondent’s letter which accompanied this printed notice: — “We are holding two special prayer meetings each week besides our regular meeting — one on Lord’s Day evenings before the reading meeting, and one on Monday evening at the homes of the saints — for special prayer to God. We realize that God is our only resource, and surely an effectual resource. We have no gift here in C —, but, thank God, it needs no gift to pray. The earnest yearning of our hearts is that God in His mighty power would visit this dark land, completely given up as it is to money-making and pleasure, and do a work worthy of Himself. We crave your prayers... for us in our need.”
The reading of the printed notice at several prayer meetings on this side has awakened a great spirit of intercession and fellowship. May the Lord increase it a thousandfold! ED.