Note.—The sense of hunger is a necessity—thirst is a desire after some positive drink; there is also anxiety which is met only by the wisdom of Creation which gives repose and confidence.
Christ as suffering—the Bread of life—meets the hunger, meets the necessities of the Church.
Christ exalted—the Giver of the Spirit—believed on, is the Object of the Church's thirst; it thirsts for God there exhibited—the revealing Spirit is the generator. It is an active feeling, a desire of an object, with an Object thirstingly desired.
Moreover He meets also the anxiety of the Church—He guides in it, leads forth, gives us the consciousness of His caring for the Church when we are anxious about it. He is the Shepherd of the sheep, as well as the Food, and Giver and Object of the Spirit.
I feel I have given these thoughts very imperfectly—the subject is wonderful and most blessed.