THE people crucified Jesus, and kept their own religion. There are no persons who so live below their income as the children of God.
A writer says. ―
“Since the Saviour I have known,
My rules are all comprised in one;
To keep my risen Lord in view;
This strength imparts and motive too.”
There is no middle place between being in the flesh and in our sins, and being in Christ and as He is.
The flesh and spirit are always antagonistically opposed to each other, and are never altered.
There are two things which should never be separated, the work of Christ for us, and the work of the Spirit in us.
There are a plenty of miserable Christians, who look at self instead of Christ. Dwelling on God’s love to us in Christ will enable us to rejoice all the day long.
The man who lives after the flesh has all his objects bounded by time and sense.
The Holy Ghost dwells in the Church, therefore the resurrection of the Church is entirely different to the resurrection of the wicked.
The Church is the dearest thing to Christ, hence the Heir of all things will take that first.
God gave the best thing in heaven―His beloved Son―for the worst thing on earth―sinners.
I know no yesterday but the Cross, no today but the full enjoyment of the love of God, no tomorrow but a home in glory.
Never let even the service of God hinder our communion.