CAN foundation deeper be,
Than the Lamb has laid for me:
When His “precious blood” was spilled,
When accurs’d and charged with guilt,
When He bare the wrathful load,
That condemned my soul from God?
All was laid on Him alone―
Tried and precious Corner-Stone!
Can foundation richer be
Than Jehovah’s treasury
Precious thoughts, and priceless grace,
Fill that chosen resting place.
Laid in love’s eternal lines —
There the victim’s glory shines;
Laid and founded in the Lamb,
Holy, just, and true I AM!
Can foundation dearer be
Than a brother’s sympathy?
Gone within the holy-place,
Tender there in priestly grace.
Touched with pity, next of kin,
On His breast He bears me in;
Shows His hands and side to me,
Oh! what matchless ministry.
Can foundation surer be,
Steadfast as eternity?
Not the whirlwind’s ceaseless roar―
Beating on that boundless shore;
Nor the raging water-flood,
Mars the plea of Jesu’s blood;
Sooner oath and promise fail,
Than the gates of hell prevail.
Can foundation greater be
Heights and depths of victory?
Great in Jean’s dateless love,
Laid in depths that cannot move.
Great on Salem when He fell,
When He rose and conquered hell.
Great in heaven, there alone
God beholds His Corner-Stone.
C. F. C.